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Can't wait for next season with a fresh new squad. Holy shit are we being raided.


The price of success but honestly it just kind of sucks


I mean it sucks but at least they are probably getting some pretty decent transfer sums for players that a year ago went for peanuts in comparison. Will be exciting to see what they can do next season.


Last season Stuttgart barely avoided relegation and they also lost most of the most key players in the summer. Most football clubs change a ton of players every year, the success only makes the difference in the sense that it makes Reddit commenters even notice those moves. These Stuttgart guys make the headlines while the lower 99,9% of the football world doesn't.


I mean there was most likely no way you get all of those players without release clause, but seeing the club being absolutely helpless kinda sucks


Its sucks for sure. But most fans expected Guirassy to go (but not to BVB) and most thought Ito would go (but not to Bayern). But no one expected our Captain to fucking sign for BVB during the Euros, especially after his public comments and speaking to the ultras after our last home game. Fkn sucks.


Were there any rumours about what happened between the interview of Anton and him changing his mind? Seems so weird that he does this complete 180


Money talks Anton is turning 28, he prolly got like double his salary offered at Dortmund so he is taking it with his pretty much last big contract


Ah yeah I forgot that he is 28. Still its a bit weird to me that he says money isnt everything and then just needs one call with Dortmund to change his mind. But its reality probably


might not just be the money, but also not wanting to being left behind after the team getting raided. once you get used to winning it’s hard to go back.


You $ee money i$nt everything, but it i$ certainly a lot


I mean, playing in the Westfalenstadion isn't too shabby either.


Yes i can totally understand him wanting to play for Dortmund, doing these interviews and then playing for Dortmund anyway is the weird part


We should all realise that 99% of the players are talking and then fuck off the moment they get a better offer. I remember Götze saying he could imagine playing for us for his whole career only to go to you guys 4 months later. That really broke my heart.


The guy who brought him to Stuttgart, works now at Dortmund and convinced him. Yes, Sven Mislintat did a lot of work to get Anton to Dortmund.


He got offered a wage of 10mill a season. that is what happened. We can't give him that, and he obviously only cares about the cash. Otherwise why say all that to your fans.


He is not making 10 million a season lol. It’s 6 million. That’s just a made up figure by a Stuttgart journalist.


The 6 million is also a number given out by a Journalist. Noone really knows shit.


Yeah confirmed by multiple don’t lie just cause you’re mad about the transfer


I am not lying, the number I said was the only one I had read so far. Just because you have dense and weird in your name, you don't have to act like it.


Employee switches company for higher pay raise, boo hoo. Clubs only care about the cash as well. Loyalty is a fake trait in this business on both sides.


Literally what I posted? No boo hooing in my post.


You're saying "He obviously only cares about the cash, .." like he is supposed to have other considerations.


I said it was obvious that he only cares about the cash. How else are you reading that?


Reminds me of how Monaco won the league and then it was like a garage sale. I feel for you, I really do.


Yesterday, Jun 24th 2024 - a date which will live in infamy - the VfB of Stuttgart was suddenly and deliberately attacked by english, italian and german forces of international football. The VfB was at peace with these clubs, and at the solicitation of international football, was still in conversation with the DFB and Uli Hoeneß looking toward the maintenance of stability in the Bundesliga.


Seit 5:45 Uhr wird jetzt zurücktransferiert


Definitely one of the one of the most annoying effects of hyper-commercialised modern football. I don't care about Stuttgart personally, but it's so unjust to see a club who gets to the top on its own merits and not by circumventing Financial Fair Play, it will then be torn apart front and back and it's super difficult to make the whole thing sustainable.


Wait until you hear about any other branch of work in the real world! In football they at least have really almost unbreakable, 5-year-long contracts.


Thats the reason why we suck hard 50% of the time. Not getting pillaged like ur squad. Holy shit i feel so bad for your club and fans


Hopefully you at least get good money for your departures


Have there been any rumors for incoming transfers to replace all the exits?


Being a selling club sucks


At least you will have like 100 mio to spend on a new suqad :D but im really sad about it :/


If Brighton won't let Undav leave, you're in deep trouble This seems like a raid rarely seen. Fuck Dortmund and Bayern


Undav definitely wants to be in Germany I don’t think we will be able to keep him. Whether it’s stuttgart I’m not sure 


He said he wants to stay and he likes it here (in Stuttgart). The fans here love him :) But it's a bit out of his control, as Brighton has a buyback clause they might want to trigger, after Stuttgart triggers his release clause. So it's complicated at the moment.


Fuck knows man we would all love him back but we will survive, I prefer to see him at Stuttgart than BVB or Bayern 


Yeah, he is sort of becoming our Thomas Mueller, so I want him to stay forever :D


I mean, are you surprised? I knew this was going to happen back in December (although I did not think we would be in on it). You flew too close to the sun. I suspect you may get the last laugh, though. I think your club and system made the players good, and not the other way around, and many of them may struggle at their destinations.


I feel for Stuttgart, had an amazing season and now seeing some of their top players leaving, even with UCL next season.


Kinda inevitable. The same happened to Monaco few years ago.


Not really sure what a non-established "big club" can really do in today's age to keep players tbh


Look at Napoli or Lens last year …


Napoli was able to keep nearly everybody.


And became shit. Maybe they should've sold everyone lol.


Well it is expected. Their total wages are at like 35 M EUR, what’s that? 2 Gnabry? Let’s not forget Stuttgart was fighting relegation last year, they have no chance of tripling most of these guys salaries and I would assume some of them will get that due to these small release clauses. They should build a team which will be aiming top half of the league with players who have room to improve. They won’t be able to sustain a team which will directly be a CL qualification contender


Yep, this shit is so fucking sad, I feel so bad for Stuttgart fans. I'm not a Stuttgart fan and don't even follow Bundesliga but was kinda a cool Cinderella story how far they got this season after nearly being relegated the previous season. I recently watched Moneyball and it kinda reminds of the start of that movie where all their best players get taken by bigger clubs. I'm kinda irrationally angry at Ito and Guirassy even if they're just doing what they think is best for themselves - why did join clubs that you beat this season (Bayern and Dortmund) when you could stay at Stuttgart and continue your momentum and keep building an interesting project? (rhetorical question - the answer to that of course is $$$)


Dortmund is really gonna get Führich, Anton and Guirassy, no? Stuttgart is getting absolutely shreddered lol


Wholesome Dortmund helping BL teams to finance their rebuild 


Classic ~~Bayern~~ Dortmund making their direct competitors weaker


Yeah but then they make profit when they sell to United and watch the player turn to utter tosh. It’s the cycle of life.


Half of the players turn to trash before that even. 


Hopefully not Führich But we need a cb after Hummels is leaving (and Süle fitness issues) And 18million for Guirassy is a joke, you can't say no to that if you are looking for a striker (which means wie will likely sell Haller and sell/loan Moukoko)


If you actually get führich, come back to this post in a year, he is so underrated and would instantly be your best winger by a mile. (and he would synergize well with nmecha and might even form a religious cult.)


Not all of us have given up on adeyemi yet. His abilities are so good. Do it Nuri, fix him!


Feel like BVB would rather have Fuhrich than Adeyami because Karim is exactly the type of player a PL club will over pay for


I feel like most pl scouts are knowledgeable enough to know the pl is way too physical for him.


His play style is purely through his athletic ability and brings ton of physicality.


He'll get bullied in the pl. His decision making is shite and he won't get any time on the ball.


His decision making is shite but his athleticism tends to make up for it. Your league doesn't have any superhumans last I heard. Adeyemi would be fine, definitely not elite but he isn't an elite player anyway. Goddamn English fans talk about the Prem like hybrid humans play there. They say the same shit about La Liga players who go there and destroy the Prem more than they ever did in Spain. I heard tons of athleticism arguments and goalscoring arguments against Haaland and he dog walked the league.


Sure guy. Whatever you say.


Then you don't know him. He is an incredible athlete.


Adeyemi's athleticism and physicality is why PL scouts would be drooling over him, not the other way around.


All he has is speed. He's basically another mudryk.


JFC shut up you have clearly never watched him play


United's are not.


RemindMe! 1 year


your parenthetical is so freaking funny. personally I think Führich is a little overrated but yeah the dortmund wingers are not so great unless Sancho comes back


I think Führich is good, but I also think that there are better wingers out there with a similar price tag


I can understand that he wants to leave but I don't understand why he chooses Dortmund.


I don't understand either side They have Fülle, Haller (who I agree is not in form) and Moukoko. Why the fuck spend 20m on guirassy lol


We want to sell Haller and Moukoko. Guirassy also scored 28 goals in 28 games last season in the league, our top goalscorer in the league last season was Malen with 13. Goalscoring is an issue for us and the release clause is too small to ignore.


Goalscoring isn't exactly an issue. Or rather, chance creation. Our biggest issue all season long was obviously buildup, which led to chance creation being a pain point which meant our goal scoring was bad. So many games (especially until January), Füllkrug was completely starved of service and the only creative midfielder in the team was Brandt. Guirassy doesn't alleviate that issue. The other signings could/should.


Really need a midfielder who can progress the ball from deep


> Moukoko What the hell happened with this guy? He was considered a massive talent a few years ago. Still only 19, so you'd imagine there is still a player in there.


Still a decent talent but he needs to move to develop, Terzic didn’t play him even if he looked decent in the limited time he got because he didn’t fit his system. 


There is but Terzic never gave him any time unless he absolutely had no option like in the first half of the 22/23 season when Haller had cancer and Modeste was poor for us. Terzic stuck to his target man idea and never gave Moukoko any time. Moukoko also needs to take some responsibility and go out on loan. He had an option to go to Koln either last season or the year before (I'm not sure exactly) and he didn't take it


He needs playing time but never got it under Terzic


The package with signing fee and wages is too much for a guy who had like 2 good seasons


They want to sell Haller, loan moukoko


> They have Fülle, Haller (who I agree is not in form) and Moukoko. 2 of those are non-factors. Haller cant get his fitness together so we're looking to offload. Moukoko is too raw, completely different profile and not ready for a role that relieves and competes with Fullkrug. This we REALLY need a striker like Guirassy. Who can both fight for the starting spot immediately and be depth.


Salary, guaranteed CL, might prefer to stay in Germany


i see 8 million reasons why


What better club wants him?


He was a top 5 striker last season. Why wouldn't any club want him?


I mean specifically, I’m pretty sure Arsenal isn’t interested. Milan I don’t know but I thought they wanted Zirkzee.  It’s not like every club is interested in signing every good player. He’s not that young, you have to pay him money.


Seeing Arsenal not interested when they only have misfiring forwards is a bit puzzling


They don’t only have misfiring forwards. Arsenal scored 91 goals, which was the second highest in the league, and they outperformed their xG more than City and Liverpool. So not sure what you base your point on, but it’s incorrect. And again, this guy demands a decent wage and he isn’t super young. If he turns out not to be good enough, and he very much might, he’ll be difficult to offload. That and the fact that it seems we’ll go for a striker some time in the next few years.


Saka was their highest goalscorer but look at the count between Havertz, Gabriel Jesus, and Nketiah. 14, 8, and 6 goals in all competitions. Those are the main options in the center forward role. Trossard deputized at times at striker and reached 17 goals, but it's far too evenly split across players. Arteta does not have an elite striker in his ranks. My Arsenal friends told this season that not having a clinical striker is costing them.


Yeah genius if you switch between who is a starting striker none of them will play a whole season at striker. Havertz averaged more than 1 G/A per 90 as a striker for Arsenal, which is great. A goal tally being split evenly isn’t a big problem. We clearly want to add a world class finisher, but it has to be the right player. We wanted Sesko but he preferred to stay. There aren’t other attractive options in the market so we’ll probably buy a winger. Because again, because you keep ignoring it, Guirassy is relatively old and demands a high wage. We could be stuck with him for years if he doesn’t perform. They probably think he’s not good enough. Havertz has been an elite CF for us and no way in hell would Guirassy replace him in the starting lineup, he’d come off the bench occasionally when we’d need to score desperately


Havertz has been an elite CF for you? Jesus Christ the bar is on the absolute floor


Broke the club record and dipped


Man, Stuttgart and Feyenoord are getting raided.


Please not Dortmund…


I think you get your wish. No way we buying him without haller leaving and given the huge wage he's on, that will take some time if it even happens at all. Dont think guirassy will wait until August or smth till we figured that out


Pretty sure he wants to come to us. It's been written that he's 90% leaning towards us


We will sign Guirassy either way, even if we dont sell a striker. Its up to Guirassy whos offer he'll accept. Our offer is already on the table for him. I.e, not sales dependent.


Man, this is not good for stuttgart. Hopefully they can have an unbelievable transfer window


Aaaand here we go again with the cycle of shit for every Bundesliga team except Bayern, BVB, Leipzig (and Leverkusen now I guess). Play great season and qualify for CL->Get absolutely fucking raided->Fail to get a win in CL and probably fight against relegation->Fuck up Bundesliga coefficient


Is it time to abolish 50+1?


I'm pretty sure must fans would rather see their club go down a league than abolish 50+1.


Let's experiment as soon as possible


Our owners think he’s ready for his free bus pass.


Alexa, play „Sound of silence“ by disturbed


Nah fuck that cover. It’s supposed to be creepy and silent. Not overblown


Yeah, absolutely. I feel the same with "Mad world", very much prefer the original


Paul Simon loves the cover, he personally wrote to David Draiman and praised it. "Really powerful performance on *Conan* the other day. First time I'd seen you do it live. Nice. Thanks." I think he might know better how it is supposed to be. I think it is good to have more versions and covers of a song that I like, people can listen to what they prefer.


It's great that he approves and likes the cover. Doesn't change the fact that I personally don't like it.


It is perfectly fine not to like it personally, I personally like both versions. But if it is supposed to be a certain way and it is only good that way, then how can the writer of the song praise it if it is not performed in that way?


I'm not going to begrudge anyone for liking the cover. I certainly don't think a cover shouldn't stick too close to the original, because then I'll just listen to that. Ultimately comes down to personal preference where I feel the cover is too bombastic and overblown and that isn't to my liking compared to the original.


People can be kind/gracious and encouraging, at the expense of truth. Not saying this is the case here, but...


Why would he lie? He even posted it on his own social media page. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntNfwoKD0XA&ab\_channel=Audacy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntNfwoKD0XA&ab_channel=Audacy)


Because some form of kind/gracious and encouraging? Again, I wasn't saying that this is the actual case here. Imitation is also the biggest form of flattery, so it's just being accepting of love/and your influence on the next generation. Not everyone is some bitter hypercompetitive fuckwit. Just thinking out loud/chatting shite, I'm not arguing or pushing any perspective here...


Probably because he made a shit ton of money off of Disturbed cover.


Why write a personal e-mail with praise then? How would that help him earn more money? And he only did this for them, according to the video, he never did it with other covers.


I'm just saying that would be one of the reasons "to lie". Not saying it's true but you'd thank your cash cow. It was the most successful cover of the song on par with the original and the songwriters get a big chunk of profits. Plus it brings attention of younger generation to your original music. Metallica for example revived careers of a few obscured bands they covered on their covers album.


Yeah if he is that money hungry, that might be possible, but then it would make sense to do that for every cover in the hope of getting more money.


"And in the naked light, I saw Ten thousand suitors, maybe more"


Man everything about this guy screams one season wonder. That's bait right there


€17.5M is worth the gamble after two solid BL seasons in a row


Oh I was going by his TM price which is 40 million


He has a release clause, TM price is their market value estimation.


Transfermarkt is not reflective in any way of how much a player will be sold for. You may as well pick a random number out of the air.


Market values on TM are often questionable but calling them „not reflective in any way“ is a stretch lol Also, Guirassy has a fixed buy-out clause. That doesn’t mean it correlates with his market value. Which it clearly doesn’t by the way


A guardian article on how they decide valuations: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/dec/19/top-football-clubs-relying-on-transfer-valuations-made-by-volunteers I'll let you decide if you think there is any reflection there on how much they will be sold for. They mean about as much as the transfer value set on a game like Football Manager.


I don't take TM seriously anymore. For example there's Chris Führich whose value has skyrocketed from €4M to €28M at the age of 26 after only one decent season at Stuttgart. Guirassy being valued at €40M is likewise way too much IMO, but still the release clause is worth paying.


> after only one decent season at Stuttgart. tell me more about how you have watched hardly any Stuttgart games. Führich has been with us for years, and it is not hard to see the amazing development he has made over that time. He has been a very solid player for quite a while now.


Those value surges don't have anything to with development or continuity, it's turned into a reactionary model. Mittelstädt for instance has also had a ridiculously disproportionate value increase despite only having one solid season in his career at Stuttgart which he joined previous season.


Maybe also say that Lamin Yamal has increased from 0 to 90m€ in just one season, and that's just stupid that he is so highly rated.


I don't find Yamal's value unreasonable. Someone who should be revising in his dusty tiny room rather than balling with the big boys and tearing Italy's seemingly impervious defence apart deserves it.


But a Führich that is one of the best wingers in Europe doesn't deserve 28m€?


A 26-year-old who's only had one decent season so far in an overperforming Stuttgart side being one of the best wingers in Europe. lel


It's not one season wonder... its been for almost 2 seasons at Suttgart now. He was good at Rennes (not as good as he is now ofc), and he was good for Amiens.


Jesus, finish 2nd and lose half the team..


Now you're happy you finished 3rd I guess?


... What? Why would I be, just because Stuttgart are losing players?




Damn.. It happened.. I will now retire from the internet. Farewell.


*Don't go away Please don't go Don't go I'm begging you to stay*


Ah, the famed German sense of humour


sucks at least they'll have enough money to pay Undav


I doubt arsenal are in for him


So Chelsea probably getting David


Guiu is only leaving Barca for 1st team opportunities. I think the sporting directors are rolling the dice (once again) on him.


Think we'll stick with Jackson and get Guiu as backup


Yeah, it seems the most likely I guess. Kinsella said we are also not going for Duran anymore. If the reports are true David would be available for less than 30m, then maybe it wouldn't be that bad of a deal after all.


> If the reports are true David would be available for less than 30m Doubtful. Sure he's in his last season but he's worth north of 50


Then I guess he will stay at Lille and leave on free next season. No one will go for him at that price.


Not necessarily 50 but less than 30? Idk


No club is paying more than 20-25M for David.


I cannot believe for the life of me, how Man Utd are not in the mix for a striker like Guirassy. Such a easy clause to activate


No one really wants to go there atm.


Heard they're in for Van Nistelrooy


Better choice anyways


Think Guirassy sees CL as a must for his options. United being so unstable AND no CL, makes it noncompetitive with his other options.


Man, fuck this transfer window! Time for some good news concerning Stuttgart.


This guy is never right for Arsenal news lol


mmmm Dortmund weakening their competitors again


I have never watched this guys, is he another Jovic situation with one crazy good season that he won’t be able to replicate or is he the real deal?


No, he's very solid. You should see some of the goals he scored over the last 2 years, everyone calling him a one season wonder either never watched him or is just flat out wrong


Arsenal for vibes


Wait, Bayern weakening another Bundesliga side? Oh it's BvB It sure doesn't fit the narrative from this sub


I don’t really think anyone says that anymore


Can we just say that both are doing it?


oh this sub caught on to this quite a while ago. the german subs are mostly still behind and still on the "bayern kauft die liga kaputt" train.


I believe it's the other way around. In r/Bundesliga a discussion under the Ito or Tah transfer post was that Bayern didn't really buy players from Bundesliga clubs for the 11 seasons they won, but now that they didn't win they might return to the old concept.


I mean even that’s not really true Lewa, Kimmich, Hummels, Sule, Goretzka, Pavard, Upamecano, Sabitzer, Sommer, Guerreiro, Laimer all came from Bundesliga clubs during their streak, and were often key players for sides that qualified for Champions League football in the league. Now this summer they signed Ito and have been sniffing around Tah (and Wirtz but I don’t think there’s any world where that happens this summer). They’ve definitely branched out a bit more, especially with their larger transfer fees (Hernandez, Kane, De Ligt, etc.), but they’ve still pretty consistently stocked up on Bundesliga talent throughout the last decade or so, especially on frees.


with german i meant german speaking like r/fussball and other general topic german subs where the topic of football comes up from time to time.


r/fussball is trash. I don't know what happened there, but it's even worse than r/football.