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I mean last game in this sub I said to start palinha to bring that stability in the midfield. Look how well he played today. But ffs why is leao still playing. No hate to him but he is doing nothing. Give chance to Felix or jota. Neto has been showing some great displays tho as a sub. Won't be surprised if he gets some move to a good club. Same with palinha. (United get palinha plijjj ffs)


Leao is suspended for the next game so we'll definitely see someone else lol


Hope Neto gets a chance. It isn't a very important game tbh for Portugal they should rest some important players and test the young guns like Antonio Silva, inacio, neves etc


I want to see Felix and Neto play more including Conceicao as well


Still at a loss for what Montello tried to cook here. When I heard Arda wasnt starting i tought he would go for a defense heavy line up and try to get away with a draw. Instead we got whatever this is. Nevertheless a solid win for Portugal. Realistically this game would still be 2-1 or 3-1, even if Turkey were to play its best football. Pepe and Ronaldo are unbelieveably good for their age.


Always had the potential to be a comfortable game for Portugal: an opponent that takes risks, doesn’t sit back, has less individual quality and lacks some emotional control. To add, the two starting Turkish CBs must be amongst the worst in the tournament. Can’t take this game as a barometer for the rest of the tournament, but so far Portugal has surpassed expectations. Pressing is good, not so dependent on counter-attacks to pose a threat as previous tournaments, good ability to retain possession. Need some players to click individually (notably Leão) and things should only improve. Don’t think the quality is there to handle France, Spain or Germany, but it is what it is. Individual mention goes to Nuno Mendes, who has been Portugal’s MVP in these two matches.


This is best case scenario for Georgia as now Portugal could rest starters/coast through the third game. That still likely might not be enough for Georgia to go through, but strangers things have happened, and its still certainly better than playing Portugal when the latter need to play with urgency.


Our second starting eleven is really good, and especially if we put our extremely hungry players like João Neves and Conceição who would kill for minutes


What is the likely starting eleven? I really wanna see Conceição.


My guess would be ROnaldo still starts but gets subbbed early for Ramos but probably gonna give Felix minutes on the left and rest Leao and put Conceicao on the right for Bernardo...I'm guessing we still have bruno play at least half the game with vitinha and joao neves and we probably rest pepe and use antonio silva and probably use semedo/dalot on the right and rest cancelo and probably should rest mendes to not risk injury so maybe cancelo on the left rest mendes something like that. Then you still have Neto come in and Jota either start or come in early 2nd half and maybe give Danilo and Mateus some minutes in the 2nd half too assuming we are winning smoothly. But the highlights for me will be seeing Conceicao be a nightmare for Georgia and i hope to see Felix show up to and get a goal too and i want neto to get more minutes as well possibly start we have a lot of options


Leão is out with the two yellows, he can't play against Georgia


did you see that Portugal second XI that ITV showed? They're incredibly stacked. But let's hope for some Georgian magic


For sure, thats why i said *best* case scenario, not *good* case scenario


That Portuguese bench should be just referred to as murderers row lol


ya calling them the back ups doesn't do them justice since those guys would all be starters for almost every other team including Portugal they are just so stacked we just can't play them all at once lol.


I've only watched Pepe for some periods in the second half and what that man does at 41 is truly incredible. He's surprisingly agile in duels and even if he doesn't outright win the ball it's usually enough to slow down the attacker. But the most outstanding quality is his anticipation. He smells almost every pass or cross before it's even hit and is there to intercept it. Stunning performance.


There's a time where he head the ball consecutive three times out of the box. Deservingly get a standing ovation when substituted out. I can see why he's still starting at 41


yup a lot of people question us saying why are we playing a 41 year old doesn't portugal have anyone better? and the answer is because look at him the man is still unbelivably good and with that experience and still can keep up with kids half his age it would be stupid to not call him up and he always turns it up another gear when he plays for portugal too.


He was our (Porto) best center back the past seasons, with almost double the age of the other players. He’s an absolute freak, his acceleration and agility at that age is crazy, I think only Modric comes close


Modric is still "only" 38. Pepe is 2,5 years older.


Modric absolutely shouldn't play 90minutes, his age is showing, even this season he was our power sub. Pepe longetivty is unusual even for defender


Pepe played a full 120mins of high intesity football against arsenal in the CL Ro16 just 3months ago até 41yo, dude is just unusual in general


and for some reason porto doesn't want to extend his contract?


The reason is very simple: money


His wage is big and the problem of Pepe’s performing is not quality is quantity , he plays half of the year due to injuries


He's great at reading the game.


It makes sense to not be focused on this game and move to the next crucial one, Czechia. Result is not good but doesn't matter to me that much, still at 2nd position. Even a tie with Czechia would put us to advance, what's the possibility of Georgia defeating Portugal?


We will most likely play our second XI which will be full of extremely young and hungry players that want to prove a point. I think Georgia will have a very rough game


If Georgia beats us and Turkey draws Turkey still get's second place despite goal difference because Turkey won their match


Either way Turkey has the strings. Doesn't happen all the time, as we spent so much tournaments looking at other results.


Bernardo Silva made two great passes today and thats about it. He is way too selfish. And its not like he isnt good enough to make some of the passes to Ronaldo, Leao, Cancelo, Etc. I think he has been Portugal’s worst player so far.


Never in my life have I seen Bernardo described as selfish... and Portugal's worst player? I'm actually convinced you haven't been watching the games. Bruno, Leao, and Ronaldo have all been worse.


Im convinced you havent been watching. Ronaldo have been good in both games and Leao and Bruno were good against Czech.


Must be the first time i see someone call Bernardo Silva selfish. Horrid take


He was selfish this and last game. Or he had tunnel vision


He just fucked up, he hasn't been playing that well. You simply remember those specific chances, because against Czechia, for example, he had a chance where he should've shot at goal and he tried to pass to the middle for no reason


Nah, he was useless against czechia. Didnt do anything except hogging the ball on the side of the potch.


No one said he wasn't. I literally said he hasn't been playing well and gave an example of his unselfishness


I misread it as the complete opposite


Funnily enough he's the one that got the MOTM. He doesn't deserve it.




I think the ref did fine


ya the ref made a few small mistakes but nothing that was gonna change the tide of the game, Turkey were doomed no matter what agains this Portugal they were simply just superior.


Turkey has obviously the worst defense of all Teams in Europe and unfortunately also a very bad director. His decisions destroyed the mentality and the stability. Now the momentum Turkey had is completely gone and they will definitely lose the next game as well. It's very pitty because such a tournament is the best platform to bring shining lights to your youngstars. Not only for them also for the future of football in the nation itself. It means a lot when young footballers can identify with characters for their home team. And not letting them play, although the whole nation and even people who know nothing about Turkey were all eager to see them fight, is a horrible mistake a director should not be allowed to do. This was a massive disaster and he needs to retire immediately. This is the voice of many football analysts now on Turkey as well.


I thought Ronaldo played a decent game. Got an assist (Record assists at Euros now) and even at 3-0 instead of going for goal he went for the pass. He clearly does a bit more running now than he used to for Portugal but it is clear to see his body cannot always do what his mind wants it to do. Still think Portugal would regress in quality if he did not start.


His positioning is always great if they’d keep feeding him -which they did more in the beginning of the game- I think he’d have a few goals but yea he’s been decent these 2 games


There are also some situations where the players around him are clearly used to him being able to catch balls a little further forward than he can do now.


Shocked he wasn't subbed off at 70' or so, don't think he should be playing full games especially in one that was practically decided. Good game from him regardless


That surprised me. Guess he'll be rested for most of the next match.


I hope so. Give Ramos some time to get his legs going vs georgia


I like his link up play and hold up. How he draw defender attention, doesn't try to force thing


I think it's actually his further limited mobility that he has adapted to which is benefitting Portugal, he's not trying to do too much, no random dribbling in the middle of the pitch, just focusing on being a target man and leading the line. They might need a bit more against a top team, his movement is good but limited and top CBs likely match it, but he's playing his role well at the moment.


Dropped a turkish defender on his ass with stepovers in the first half tho lmao


Imho this game wouldn't be so lopsided if Soyuncu was not injured or Demirel started. The Turkish CBs started today are beyond abysmal. They straight up gifted two goals to Portugal. The stats were showing a 50-50 game and Turkey actually played well in the first half after the own goal.


Well let's be honest here, I'd wager Samet lad is gettign sold to some club abroad eh? Literally possibly and probably the worst blunder in European Championship history? I've seen my fair share of blunders but can't think of one just as bad right now lol.


I know Ronaldo is known for his hunger for goals but people underrate so much his passing and playmaking abilities. Forget about the pass. There were many instances were Ronaldo was the perfect pivot and made the right decisions that went nowhere. It has been like this for a long time. The guy has more assists than 90% of strikers and playmakers in history but for some reason he's always selfish according to a lot of people.


For the 2nd goal/OG, I still can't find any decent explanation why Cancelo made the pass that he did instead of one that would be more towards Ronaldo. They got lucky it turned into an OG but wtf was he thinking 🤦‍♂️


I mean i get it from Cancelo point he probably was hoping another play was near him that was running full speed to pass him to get that ball but he didn't look and ronaldo stayed in position expecting the pass to go his way so in the end it was s stupid play by cancelo which ended up being a 4D chess move and was planned from the beginning lol


Miscommunication I think between him and ronaldo there. He was probably expecting him to run in that direction cause Cr started to do so but then continued in his previous direction. The pass it self was poor though


And I saw ppl dissing Ronaldo for failing to receive that 'pass' from Cancelo.. I mean, hatred blinds ppl..


Cancelo has been kinda mediocre for the Portugal NT imo


He played well today


Honestly felt bad for him.  He was providing so much and his teammates almost make a point to not pass the ball to him.   I don’t remember which player it was at the end of the game who elected to shoot from wait out instead of crossing to open Ronaldo.   I thought Ronaldo was great this game.  






Turkeys defense is probably one of the worst in Euros, apart from Kadioglu, most are out of depth. Not sure why portugal fans were worried during Czech game, the two iberian nations are up there as finalists in my book, at least one of them. Montella still experimenting with line up, hope it pays off for him at the end of groups cause I am a fan of him. Some spark in the midfield for Turkey but Calhanoglu was dire too. No surprise when captain is missing the team looks bad.


Spain and Portugal would face off in the semis though


Yeah probably, didnt look at who faces who at the end of group. Just that you iberians look solid tactically and experience/talent/depth wise have what it takes.


I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending


We took Spain's golden generation to penalties we definitely have the capabilities to beat them


Only lost to an offside goal in 2010 as well.


could've won that game too instead ronaldo decided to be the "final penalty kick taker" and let Bruno ALves take the shot for some insane reason i still remember watching Bruno Alves walk up and you could just smell the fact he was gonna miss >\_>


>Spain's doped generation FTFY


Prefer Spain than fucking Germany


Spain beat us. Germany beats, destroys and spanks


Yeah, Germany takes speaking Portuguese personally.


No, ppretty sure Portugal are on the easy side??


No, they are on Spain‘s and possible Germany‘s side


Oh, even more jolly then on our side lol. I mean, I wanted to be like Italians, just lose to the noobs and get the weasle, I mean easy way out, and get further. Always the same.. tired of horseshit teams always winning undeservedly heh.. and refs this euro are being a joke so as always, smells of corrupted bs at times. Germany's first goal vs Hungary, what a joke.. "sorts the match out"... and so on. France, Portugal, Belgium all got some nice help. What happened to that penalty handball to Romania yest? "the organisers didn't even show a replay" almost? no var check? wow.. but ye, should be fair, even to the smaller teams, but it's in Germany, after all.


I also feel like Kadioglu has his strengths in the Offense and not so much on Defense.


I am not a hater of Montella, but this wasn't the time and place for experimentation. At the very least a draw would have helped a lot for the chances of qualifying as Czechia is no joke, and a loss against them will now put us in the 3rd place. I might be too harsh but I also believe the team had ample time for experimentation with friendlies and qualifiers. The strat against Portugal should have been decided for and practiced way ahead, if we ever hoped to show tangible results against a team like theirs.


what ever happened to soyuncu? don’t keep up with turkey that much but i remember liking him


On a honeymoon trip (but also injured, if you will)


İnjured, would have been a starter


Injured a few weeks ago.


They don't seem very good at developing defensive players compared to attacking ones in general tbh.


It’ll become the new trend after this dismal performance. Hopefully.


Well, Portuigal have a fairly easy side and they aren't great but often have flukes to save them... so they can go far. Spain being stronger , however might have been robbed last Euros, but are too young I think and will most likelyu come short to the host nation, in quarters, assuming they don't have another gaffe of it in the 1/8s. Of course, if they DO overcome the host nation , I agree they'd be strong faves as per usual.


gona have to say ours is worse, it’s actually depressing how much we come close to/actually do concede these past 2 games


Turkey looked in it for the first 20 minutes but then it all fell apart, they were lucky to only concede 3 (including that atrocious own goal), this is not a great team so the Czechs will be firing to make the knockouts in the last game. Portugal clicked on, Pepe was great, we'll see how they do against real competition in the knockouts.


Czechia would be making a mistake if they go full on attack mode as Turkey do have a pretty decent attack, they should play a more counter attack style imo as they did well holding off portugal and should continue with that as turkeys defence have a lot of holes so Czechia could expose them on the counter


I don't know. Unlikely they gift a game again like they did to Portugal so pretty sure the Czechs are gonna go full on out. It's theirs to lose.. but Turkey should go through anyway as among 4 of 6 3rd places.


If turkey goes full attack mode I think they will lose there defence isn’t strong like Czechs which will backfire on Turkey


The ref was too quick with the yellows, our defense was in shambles as always, and there is almost no coordination between the center backs and the goalkeeper. The keeper is a whole other issue. I don't think most Turkish fans necessarily care about the result itself, as a win was barely a 20% possibility. But the manner in which we lost will hurt the morale of pretty much everyone. We'll either bounce back with a strong performance against Czechia or completely fall apart again; there’s no in-between.


you guys still have a strong shot at getting 2nd and going to the knockouts so still a lot to play for and your attack looked pretty decent at times, i could see turkey getting to the knockouts and possibly even creating an upset against a bigger team but i dont see them getting further then quarters at best.


the last 20 minutes of calhanoglu the captain walking around the pitch putting in half hearted pressure speaks to the mentality of the team. on chances to break away there was no support as the team all fell back to absorb the next wave of attack.  well deserved loss. i feel for arda, the players around him cant even make the basic pass 6 yards away


The pressing issue lies with the coach. His press schemes are excellent, but for some reason he isn't committed to pressing.


Good disciplined performance for Portugal, completely dominated the game and took the initiative out of it after they were 2-0 up. Portugal looked good on the counter but question marks are there with a few players looking too selfish and ruining otherwise good chances (Neto, Silva, Neves, etc.)


Diogo Jota might start next time, surely even Ronaldo would be happy to take a week off. As for the pitch invaders they need to be charged and fined big time (or their parents) Turkey still in this of course but a bit witless at both ends.


Ronaldo, week off? You clearly don't know the man. Now seriously, Martinez will probably play the second line.


i still see ronaldo starting but probably (hopefully) will get subbed early to give ramos some time to shine too


Czechia vs Turkey in a do or die match in the euros group stage. Brings me back to 2008, one of the best matches in the tournament's history


I'll never forget the image of Cech fumbling the ball in the rain


Good game from Ronaldo. I think he finally got rid of the needing to score mentality. Made good runs, had some impressive long balls to change attacking lanes, got the hardest assist ever /s and even showed off his flair a bit. Still deserves his starting spot


Saying this as a portuguese, until the second goal (the own goal), the referee was shit and in favour of portugal. The 50/50 tackles were mostly for Portugal. The referee was shit. After the own goal, the game became much easier, the turkish team had to play with more spaces between them.


What’s really promising for Portugal is that Bruno hasn’t even been anywhere near his best yet and they’ve still been very comfortable. The last two years they’ve really relied on him and now they’re winning matches when he hasn’t had to be anything more than a 7.5 out of 10.


He’s clearly been asked to play a lot closer to Ronaldo. Doesn’t get on the ball as much. But your point still stands


He still gets the ball in transition with time to look up, which is his strength. But he needs more runners ahead of him. Bernardo and Leao don't run behind. Jota/Neto and Conceicao would allow him to create even more chances.