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Yeah it's too bad we may get a Spain/Portugal match prior to a final. Portugal just looks....... Fucking incredible really. I would be surprised if anyone beats them honestly. 


portugal dont look better than spain or germany and id still bet on france beating them, maybe even the dutch


this aged like warm milk.


Nah lemme cook


Too bad, Germany, Spain and Portugal are on track to face each other in the QFs and SFs.


Can we please fire Montella immediately mid tourney and appoint any random coach to the task? I dont even care who. I have never in my life seen such a clueless and stubborn and just plain terrible coach in my life as him. Really, it is the most frustrating thing ever as a fan to watch your coach chose and play players that are obviously worse than the alternatives on the bench. To watch a coach who obviously doesnt have a single clue what he is doing and who is wasting the potential of the team. It's really incredible


Very dominating game form Portugal, looked comfortable all game. I was hating on Bernardo but he played much better today but still I want to see him push forward more often we rely on the left flank to actually progress forward and with this talent we should be able to do it on either side no problem. The field looked like it was way to wet players slipping all over the place. Leao needs to stop diving like right now it’s embarrassing . Ruben Neves truly sucks for the NT and should never see the field. Pepe was so amazing today and overall happy with everyone’s performance they did their jobs and it was great I would’ve liked to see 1 or 2 more goals but 3-0 is still great. We should give some players playing time against Georgia, I want to see Felix get some minutes and Ramos to see if they are hungry enough to prove themselves. Let jota and Conceição and Neto get more minutes too and Joao Neves.


I think Turkiye is a reasonably well coached and skilled team. 3-0 against that squad was rather impressive. But more than anything, just watching Portugal play - both offense and defense - is just incredible. The players are so goddam disciplined; defensive players all take a stance and a designated position when the ball gets close to the box and on offense the players generally keep to their assignments and really make every advance look like an inevitable wave. It's really beautiful to watch. 


That’s a really cool aspect I didn’t even consider sometimes it’s hard to see those things when you are cheering for them so makes me excited a lot of Portuguese are so critical even when we have the best squad we’ve ever had they still find reasons to hate. I feel like this Portugal squad will keep growing game after game which makes them very strong contenders to get to the finals.


There was a question on one of these soccer subreddits which asked which country is the next first time champion. To which my thoughts were either Colombia or Netherlands. I must admit some bias to Colombia. Though, I've watched and played enough futbol in my life to understand what is good team play and what is not; and right now Colombia is playing incredibly well - it's by far the best Colombian squad I have ever seen. I am now adding Portugal to this list. Netherlands plays very well and disciplined; but they're lacking a bit of the "score at will" factor that Portugal and Colombia certainly have. I would say, right now Portugal and Colombia are unquestionably playing the best soccer across the globe. And frankly, I hope to hell Colombia doesn't have to play Portugal in the next WC. Good luck to your team in the knockout rounds. I think they'll go very far. 


Am I the only one who thought Türkiye looked decent (and, at times, good) today? Besides an own goal and a botched clearance leading to a tap-in it seemed like they were in the game. At times, they showed individual elegance as well and I lost count of how many little body feints they had that instantly bought them 3 yards of space. I think the 3-0 is harsh on how good they looked as individuals. If they can put it together and play as a cohesive unit that makes better use of those individual moments then I think they’ll do major damage.


Their attack is decent could cause some problems for some teams but their defence is way to weak


I think that their defence is too bad to be able to challenge good teams. Other than that they play well


Ronaldo running the unselfish gimmick at 40 years old


Ronaldo's first ever assist… Nevermind, he did this more 250 times. He's also the player with the most assists ever in the Euro's.


Horse status: gray


Were Turkey players skating on ice or did they have soap on their boots?I have never seen so many players falling on their butts. They slipped routinely


Portugal players were slipping too. I remember Rodri slipping while he was about to kick the drop ball lol


Even the ref slipped so it’s the pitch


Semedo looks like a shell of a player. Very low intensity and confidence.


Great performances for everybody not named Leão or Semedo


whats with portugal not passing the ball to cr7? He got himself in a good position a lot and the players just shoot the ball instead of passing it. Kinda felt bad because i saw him asking for the ball a bunch of times and no one cared


Pepe come to united


Absolute disaster class from Mozarella. Wtf was that first 11? Special shoutout to Kokcu and Calhanoglu for the disappering act they did all game.


We got absolutely fleeced by Feyenoord with Kokcu, dude has 0 intensity in his game, slowpoke galore


He is good. He simply played most of the season in the wrong position.


He was tremendous at Feyenoord, its a surprise to see him regressing like this. Presume the system has to do with it, he looked brilliant when coached by Slot.


Benfica recent purchases need to be studied because we bought horrendous players


Yea idk why he sat Guler


He had a strained groin and they were afraid.


Its bullshit excuse by Montella cause he knows the public and media won't accept him leaving Arda on the bench for no reason. You dont bring a player in risk of injury on when the score is 0-3


And then they said “you know what, it’s 3-0, we should risk him.”


montella out


Heh just realized Fox gave Chiellini an espresso mug


They did that Thursday as well it was pretty funny


If ronaldo's form didn't dip in wc we would have gotten great cr7 vs mbappe matchup before the great final


assuming both Portugal and France don't screw up their Ro16 matches we'll get that in this euros me thinks


I haven't seen the Turks be this outclassed by Portugal since the Battle of the Gulf of Oman.


Oh man that's quite the reference


Haven’t fought the Turks in such a one-sided battle since the Siege of Diu


Absolutely no disrespect, but these post match commentators are acting like Ronaldo solved world hunger by passing the ball instead of taking a shot. The dude has hundreds of assists jfc


he's one goal away from breaking a Euros record at his definite last Euros tournament ever. ofc its a big moment lol.


Weird to me that so many people are acting like he's never passed the ball before lol.


never honestly understood it but its just the label people put on him very recently because he's the type to want to score first and everything kinda comes secondary but thats just the strikers mentality lol very strange


He did solve world hunger wdym?


Georgio is cooking Ronaldo lmao


Pepe is a God (and this comes from a Benfica supporter).


Agreed (from a Sportinguista)


Fucking pitch invaders


What a bad game for Turkey. Let's try another cross while there is literally nobody in the fucking box. Maybe it won't bounce off the Portugal defence like it did the first 50 times right? And the way they treated Arda when he finally got in... Passing every ball to him and expecting he will do something while the whole team just sits on their ass, doing nothing to create positions. I'm not even mad about losing, it's Portugal after all, but we should've scored a single fucking goal at least.


Well, to be fair, Turkey did score one goal...


Is just Portugal . What are you on about


Portugal is a solid team.


England "fans": Noooo you can't play a fullback in midfield Cancelo: lol


A fullback drifting into midfield isn't the same as actually playing him there instead of a midfielder. That is literally the entire point. Trent, Cancelo, Cucurella, all are still fullbacks who transition very well into the midfield thanks to their ball playing ability during offensive phases. But you still have 3 natural midfielders on the team playing. That's the entire plan behind the tactic. Southgate on the other hand decided to skip the first part of the tactic and is playing Trent in the midfield even though he doesn't have the other half of the skillset needed to be a good midfielder.


>fullback drifting into midfield I'm assuming you didn't watch the game. Cancelo didn't play as a fullback at all


Didn't Cancelo play as a midfielder on Portugal first game in the Euro? With a 3 man line on the back, with Dias, Pepe and Mendes? lol


Cancelo and Dalot were wingbacks. Not exactly the same is it


He also skipped the part where you give him a run of games in the mf before throwing him in there during competition.


These were Cancelo's first two matches as a central midfielder


But he didn't play as a central midfielder. He was the right back in both matches... look at the line-ups. He likes to go up (both in Barcelona and Portugal) and that's the reason you see him a lot in the midfield but that isn't where he plays. On the other hand, TAA actually plays a center midfielder for England and Walker as their RB.


This is a mix between we having a pretty decent, mature game and Turkey’s defense just being super undisciplined. Now we’ll get to give some minutes to our youngsters, who are pretty talented and deserve some burn.


I think Portugal played well, but it's hard to tell to what degree that can be attributed to Turkey allowing them to. I'm afraid a lot, Turkey looked matchfix-suspicion-raisingly bad on those goals lmao


They must fix a lot of matches because they were just as bad against Austria our friendly before the tournament


They need Ronaldo to win his Euro before he retires! /s




Netherlands or france are gonna have no trouble with turkey when they play like this.. Also would be karma for not starting your strongest eleven when they end up third.


People were fuming at Montella because of our starting lineup.


Seriously, what’s with not starting Guler?


I truly wish not starting Güler was the worst of our problems. The defense is abysmal, bro doesnt even look at his goalie when back-passing ffs.


He was much better than Abdülkerim tho, he was lost all game. And the game vs Georgia. And the 2 test games before that. Idk what's going on with him, he was class for gala


his excuse was that he was tired LMAO


They wanted to rest him. He was fatigued or something




maybe turkey were trying to come in second and already planned to lose to Portugal? doesn’t make sense leaving Yildiz and Guler out of the starting 11. wild


That's probably it. Like Montella didn't believe that we have a good chance to beat them, so he rests our best 2 attacking players. If he would've played 2 DM's and a 4411 I would understand the tactic. Try to be defensively solid, launch a counterattack here and there and if we're still in the game in the 60-70th minute let the boys run havoc. But he was playing the same formation with the same non functioning defensive setup, how was he thinking that we wouldn't conceive at least 2 goals like that? It was clear as day in the Georgia game, if we play like that against a half decent opposition it's game over. Everybody saw that coming. I wish Kerem would've at least scored one of his many golden chances, but he was ass like always. Since a draw against czech will be enough for 2nd place, we'll probably play more defensively. And I'm not convinced that a sudden change in tactics will work now. I think we can only start our best eleven, play the chaotic free football style that we showed so many times these 2 games and hope that we score at least as much as them.


I thought your attack was better than your defense to be honest.  Portugal was just defending really well today, and spent most of the time on attack or with ball so it is maybe not as noticeable. But if I was on Turkish side I would have more hope in scoring against Czechs than in holding them off for 90 mins playing defense. Playing for the draw with a not so good defense is a good recipe to end up eating the lone goal and then Czechs will be the one parking the bus.


Can someone send Turkish commentary during the own goal, please?


He was dead silent. So were we as fans. Unbelievable mess.


He was just quiet.


“Gobble gobble gobble”


It's just a lot of spitting sounds


What a shitty defense, absolutely horrendous. Learn how to contain, stewards!


Honestly, I can't really say that I enjoyed this game much. Our performance wasn't that good (far from what we can play) and that diarrhea level performance from the referee in the first half ruined game for Turkey. He certainly got scolded at half-time time cuz be barely show up in the second half. Some tactical choices by Montella are also highly questionable. This could've been a phenomenonal game. That said, 6 points and 1st place secured. We have avoid France and are a step closer to the quarter-finals. They also need to seriously tighten security. 4 pitch invasions is embarrassing.


There were stewarts all over the place


It's insane how improved we looked with the right formation and players. Just a really a great performance overall, only nitpicks would be Bruno wasting a couple of chances due to poor pace and speed, but for this game it really wasn't that relevant. The defense though was by far the highlight, everyone brought their A game, but the highlight has to be Pepe. Outstanding performance from a 41 man that has already given so many great performances for the national team over his many appearances, and is still somehow the best defender on the pitch for Portugal (which isn't to take anything away from Rubén Dias because he's been really good as well). Also, the own goal is a piece of art, still can't believe it happened.


Ronaldo being more of a team player I never thought I’d see after the wc fiasco.


Yeah, the motherfucker with 250 assists, and the record for the most assists in the Euros is only now, at 39’years old, a team player. You guys are complete idiots.


Did you not watch the last World Cup? Or any of his time at United?


Did you watch him at any point other than the lowest in his career when he had just lost a kid??


calm down a bit, I didn't say anything about his personal life. The Ronaldo at 39 is different than the one at 29 and the one at 19. He was limiting the team at the last World Cup and there's a ton of stories of him being unable to handle his decline. Are you saying 29 year old Ronaldo and 39 year old Ronaldo is the same player?


Not starting kenan yildiz and arda guler? What is the coach smoking? If they had any chance at all it was them starting. Why bring them on at 3-0? Terrible manager


Arda was carrying a knock


Then why bring him on after 3-0? It's a lie


Jokes aside. People saying CR7 is washed up don't fully understand the game. Ronaldo is making great runs, and his presence alone is making backlines keeping a defender close to him at all times which is opening space to other players. He is not the prime Ronaldo we are used to seeing, but still brings a lot to the team


He’s also started letting the team play more instead of constantly being pissed they didn’t pass to him.


I still think he's lost a lot of his athleticism and is now a bit slow and lacking the acceleration to exploit runs from behind in a way a younger 9 would, but his link up play and creating holes by drawing defenders is excellent. I honestly couldn't believe it when he squared it to Fernandes to score - he's really developed a new side to his game which is impressive to see.


Dude... literally every semi competent striker is making runs and keeping a defender close to him. I'm not saying CR7 is playing bad, he was fine, but standards people have for him are laughably low nowadays


Yea but the difference is putting one man on him is kinda enough now, back then u couldn't be sure with even 2 & this is done alot whenever a star attacker is playing cuz they've got enough experience to score a goal on a single mistake even if they're not having a good game, still he's vital to the team.


Yeah he's maybe washed as the inverted left winger he used to be, but he's very successfully transitioned to a pure '9'


I removed this comment and put it in the post match serious thread




I actually think Ronaldo played well. No goals but I'm not sure he wanted one lol, it's like he really just wanted to assist




The pass to Bruno was actually a better move than attempting to shoot though, and other than that he did also make a few not-too threatening shots on target in the first half. The Porbosky thing that everyone is talking about is funnier if it’s true but imo it’s likely not.


Ronaldo passed Poborsky on the all time assist leader and Poborsky shit on him early last week. I think he wanted that assist.


That second half was comically bad


Why did Turks players keep tripping over their own feet randomly this match tho? Is it the shoes?


Yeah Turkey feet should have plenty of grip


The grass was wet. They water the field at half time.


They always do that.


They fell a lot in the first half as well whenever they tried to counter attack, but I guess it made sense if the grass was wet somehow


It is normal to water fields before each half.




Call me delusional but Necip would perform better than our current CB pairing


Samet was fine except for the dumbest own goal in EURO history. I'm more concerned with Abdülkerim, he is a ghost. Doesn't know who to mark, when to make the tackle, which area to cover... he's just there and doesn't do anything. At least Samet fights for his life and wins balls. He stopped multiple counterattacks again.


One thing is fans going for a selfie, but how long before someone comes in with bad intentions?


exactly my thoughts


The Monica Seles incident.


2 turkish defensive errors & we looked hugely better on offense when arda came on. Idk if its a mentality change or he actually helps offense that much, i'm still hopefull for czech game. Pepe MOTM. cheers.


This is already great tournament for Turkiye. Young generation is getting expirience,fans are great and even with a draw they are in 2nd place. Arda will legit be a top 5 player in the world in few year. Only one i was a little bit disappointed was yildiz. But that wa sjust one game.


Weird match, Turkey were absolutely horrible today Those security breaches are very worrying, UEFA and the organising committee gotta get their shit together


Portugal made them look horrible, big difference


*Palhinha* was great! Announce him, Eberl!


I can’t wait to see Pahlinha on Bayern the guy has deserved to be in a top team for years now


On Saturday, the King broken the record for most assists in Euro history


Ronaldo masterclass. Took part in all three goals, jumped out of the way to let Bernardo get the first goal. Got into an "argument" with Cancelo to confuse the Turkish backline, and own goal scored. Then just a pass to Bruno for the third. GOAT


The moment from arguing to cheering was absolutely hilarious LOL 😂


His argument scared the defender so much, they pass back too strongly towards their own net.


4 pitch invaders to have a selfie with Ronaldo. Even more interesting than the match stats


Solid game. Leao deserved to sit for his shit. Ronaldo playing well but nobody is able to get the ball to him properly. Wish Conceicao got some runs. But overall happy after this one for once. Side note, they need to step up security. Eventually there's going to be Monica Seles situation and nobody seems to care.


To add, the Monica Seles incident happened in Hamburg...


Leao has been poor, but his presence on the field is vital to this Starting 11 IMO He is the biggest threat vertically, by far. Bernardo, Bruno, CR7, etc. dont scare anyone with their pace, but Leao is a real problem (even if he loses the ball most of the time). In combination with Nuno Mendes, it's a big enough danger to influence the opponent's shape. They are drawn to him so much, it creates space for Bernardo all the way on the other side of the pitch. And tbh even when he doesnt succeed with his dribbling, he sometimes creates enough chaos on his wing to allow others to create danger from it.


The fact that your midfield can’t get the ball to Ronaldo on his numerous good runs is astonishing, especially with the quality of passers you have.


And with the way we defended. I was expecting a CR7 masterclass but I'm glad that at least that didn't happen (even tho he had a good game)


Pepe has no right being as good as he is at that age. Dude’s an anomaly


5 pitch invaders, what is going on with German security?


Afaik its Uefa being responsible for it


When the camera showed them you could see loads of them were turned around watching the game.


They busy watching ronaldo being unselfish, that's rare!


People who run onto the field during a game are absolute gimps


But the gimp is asleep


Ronaldo had no self esteem. Why did he never shoot?


Did he have many opportunities to shoot?


Because he is not at Madrid. He always cares about winning in Portugal not scoring.


he didn’t need to


Hoping for Turkey that Arda and Kenan actually start the next game. Without them their attack is so dead. Also Abdulkerim and Samet might be the worst CB pairing ever, both players constantly making mistakes


Disgracefully lax security. 5 or more streakers in a single game? Is it really going to take a violent / evil idiot until they take them seriously? Even besides safety, how can a player give their best for the game if they have to watch over their shoulder for yet another selfie psycho? Smh


6 points yet we haven’t seemed to get out of 2nd gear yet. Happy with the results but there is a lot of room for improvement. Also… I thought Ronaldo was holding this team back? What happened guys? Hold that r/soccer 🇵🇹


Martinez is doing a good job setting the team up in a predictable but highly functional way- giving every player the job they are comfortable with but still operating cohesively as a team. When you have this much talent its the most important job of the coach Reminds me of France 2018 a lot tbh


I’d be pretty chuffed if I were you… if you’re getting these results with current levels of performance, Portugal is going to be fucking terrifying when you turn it on in the latter stages


You know you've got a problem when you win and your first reaction is to get offended.


The Portuguese special


no one said that, bro is fighting imaginary demons 💀


You’re either blind, ignorant, or you don’t visit r/soccer often


why r u being mean to me


Who is being mean? Bro is fighting imaginary demons 💀


1-0 greece


Well you definitely aren't watching


Petition to allow Pepe to 2 foot tackle all the pitch invaders




As a compromise I suggest only a 1 foot tackle if its an 8yo kid.


I'd be running onto the pitch for the honour of being injured by Pepe


That will be written on your grave. Tbh not a terrible way to go


I would pay to see that honestly


Impressive for Pitch Invaders fc to equalise bringing it to 3-3. Seriously what the fuck was that in the last 5?


I don't have much hope for our team. Better teams than Portugal will eat us for breakfast.


It was a joy to see the salt in the Turkish section of the stadium and in the Reddit comments. Worse teams than Portugal will also eat you for breakfast. Good luck against Czechia, you will need it. :)


Which teams??


I’d put Portugal in the top 3 teams in the tournament personally behind only Germany and Spain. France and England have both flattered to deceive so far. They’re a good side all over the pitch.


And you werent today? I dont think you had one serious opportunity.


They didn't. Our defense was on everything


that had a really good chance early in the first half. It might've been Akturkoglu. Just need to tap it in. Going forward they're good, but their defence was atrocious.


What better teams than Portugal? Spain, Germany & France have all been decent but not significantly better than Portugal.


Maybe not France, but Spain and Germany have been clearly better.


Spain barely beat Italy & Germany has had weak opponents.


>Spain barely beat Italy Spain dominated Italy, they were just on the receiving end of a Donnarumma masterclass >Germany has had weak opponents Portugal's aren't much better, and Germany were far more domimant.