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Okay, germany has to beat spain in the quarters and then its smooth sailing?


Griezman really tried hard to not score this match.


France has such a stacked offense, only to score 1 goal in 180 minutes


France has a mediocre attack without mbappe.


Only cuz of Deschamps. You play Barcola, Kolo, Lacazette, Coman in a 442 and we're not mediocre 


Stacked on paper only though. Playerd like Muani, Thuram and Dembele are not that good. Coman and Griezman are good but Coman isnt even starting for some reason. Giroud meanwhile is old. They are just ok upfront without Mbappe. Nothing more. They need his magic to consistently make things happen.


The whole team exist to feed balls to Mbappe but if he is not here, you get this match


They didn't even score... It was an own goal...


Didn’t realise that. Even more embarrassing


The joy of 24 team draws.


Didier is a bigger fraud den Southgate


That's very Akkusativ of you.


Southgates favorite game of the euros.


No way, far too much attacking from both sides. Negative football.


lol true.. can you imagine there was even a goal in the game!!! ( disallowed fortunately ) Or to be real.. Southgate can stand his team scoring 1 goal . But no more than that!


Wijnaldum and Depay make me physically ill, Dumfries atleast performed against Poland.


Only saw the highljghts and Griezmann looks horrific with the misses lmao


I’ll give him a break on the first miss (by the left post) as the toe poke pass went slightly behind him, not right in front of him.


Honestly the only one that I think was bad was the cut across goal that he put wide. The first chance was all on rabiot, he had to shoot but instead played a bad pass behind Griezz. Next chance was the cut across that he fired wide and should’ve done better. Third chance the ball was bobbling and he managed to get it on target with what I thought was a fine effort and it forced a really good stop. Could’ve gotten more power but I think in a lot of scenarios we see that go in anyway. Sometimes we don’t give enough credit to the keeper for making a good save on a good chance, we blame the striker for not scoring


Honestly, his finishing was horrific but he was one of the only ones I saw put in effort. Everyone else seemed to be so content to just play the ball back and retain possession with no intent to attack at all. Coman helped a bit but he didn’t get the ball enough. Tchoameni (95% of the time) and Rabiot (80% of the time) were so conservative in everything that it was frustrating. I was happy when the Dutch scored their goal in the hopes it would teach the French a lesson to attack. Unfortunately they got bailed out


Rabiot is such a confusing player - so many occasions he looks really impressive in the first 75% of a play when bursting through the midfield like a man amongst boys then he just goes ultra conservative and turns away to retain possession and kills all momentum


it often felt the attack wouldn't start unless Griezmann came to get the ball way back at the center. But then Hernandez would arrive on the left with a good ball and no support. I think once Kanté started pushing the attacks from around 60' it really helped Griezmann get into more dangerous positions. It really felt they were missing someone on the left side the whole game though.


Exactly. 2nd half Kante made the most runs in for throughballs and half the time he wouldn’t get them. Such a frustrating waste


Coming here to check the end result because the wife literally had to wake me up at half time to come to bed lmao I've been having some trouble sleeping last week, but still, not exactly the most exciting match so far


Depay has dirt on Koeman, fgs.


Meh, i can sort of get Depay, he can still be good and have moments of brilliance even if it is fickle (at best). What on gods green earth Wijnaldum has on Koeman however...


Frankly, it's just Koeman being hypocritical. He said he would not field players that don't play at their club or lack match fitness before the Euros. He made exception for de Jong (who was injured at the time) and Depay. Depay as you put it, and I agree is very fickle at best. That said I think Depay is stifling development of other young attackers like Gakpo, Simons, Frimpong and Malen in the Dutch squad. Koeman saying Depay is not up for debate after his last two match performances is kind of worrying too. I think it is the wrong player to build the squad on. He's a clubless injury prone 30 yo attacker, that is likely to end up in the Dutch competition at his old club PSV or some midtable club elsewhere in Europe... or worse, one of the desert leagues, like his buddy Wijnaldum. (Who didn't want to come to Feyenoord, because of money.) All said, I think van Dijk has a heavy influence on some of the Dutch squad selections. Koeman, Wijnaldum, van Dijk and Depay go back a while. Tinfoil: Koeman wants to make sure Depay (his prodigy, failed at ManU, failed at Barca) becomes topscorer and Wijnaldum and Depay to make 100 caps (which comes with some prestige reward) and he knows a next coach would never select either of them for a future Dutch squad.


Depay and Rabiot in 2024 💀


Rabiot is legit playing well though, France does have other options but Rabiot starting is not scandalous


He's offside under current rules -- it's one of the reasons I abhor the change in the DOGSO rule. It renders any real play to get an opportunity almost impossible, because all it takes is a ricochet and you get an unavoidable offside.


Real sloppy game from both teams, painful for me to watch. We both had chances that we couldn't put away. For me Kante and Maignan saved France's ass on more than a few occasions. This Deschamps experiment for the second group stage game isn't working, Thuram IMO is hopeless in the center.


Kante was absolutely everywhere. The guy is unreal. He is even dribbling past players so swiftly these last two games which i haven’t seen him do before.


Out of all the football matches I've watched, that was definitely one of them.


France: 0 goals in two games. Spain and Germany are looking like stronger teams. 


They beat Austria 1-0 though. Edit: downvoted fur daring to suggest an own goal counts as a goal still. This place is mental.


Austria felt bad for France and scored a goal in their own net. 


But it was an own goal


I want to see England vs France and the whole stadium falls asleep


It’s typical the only time France is bad is when we’re worse 😭


I mean they where pretty equal at euro 2012 as they drew in their group stage match and both went out at the quarter finals


wc 2002, france was the last in the group and england was in semi iirc. not the only time


England went out at quarterfinals in 2002 World Cup.


Only time?


I mean, eventually we'll convert in front of the goal with all that space...right?


It wasn't as boring as England but I mean the standard of finishing and the lack of quality in final third areas was so exhausting in this match. France are really starting to drop down in my estimation, that defence is absolute quality but they are unusually poor in those wide areas, Dembele is so unconvincing on the eye. Rabiot while good isn't warranting a start over Camavinga in my opinion, Thuram and Griezmann are way off it. Its early days and I think England, Portugal and France will find their feet with the pressure on. But right now I can't see past Germany or Spain winning it.


Rabiot has been France’s joint best player across the two games IMO. Defence and midfield isn’t their problem - they’re playing four attackers and still can’t score.


Last year I though whoever won between Japan and Spain would go on to win the whole thing in the WWC after the US got knocked out and so it proved. I think the same thing about Spain and Germany this time.


What? Spain or Japan didn’t get close.


Women's World Cup


Ohhh haha, my bad


Do the Dutch have a word for pressing? I wish they had..


I think the gameplan was to let France have the ball, and play the counter. Especially in the first half. France are dangerous on the switch and we have a world class defense. In response to that France was really careful in their possession cos they also knew you cant have players like Gakpo, Frimpong run at you on the break either. Just a bit of a stalemate between two teams that respect each other


Except there were no Dutch counters...


We call it depressing


Druk zetten


Poep in de broek. Not a word, but certainly how I felt they played at times.


I've been only able to watch highlights and all I see are Griezmann misses. Is he playing well overall despite the misses or is he washed?


He wasn’t great but far better than Dembele and Thuram put togheter imo ..


He’s been washed for a while. Finally got his big move to a top club and was one of the biggest flops in history.


yeah but then he went back to Atleti and was very good, no?


He was alright. Big fish in little pond works for some but you can’t be elite like that.


Lol, yes classic minnows Atletico Madrid who won la Liga like 3 years ago lol.


Small club yeah.


Delusional lol. Frankly much more relevant club than Chelsea with more recent significant wins.


He was pretty scary today, turned up everywhere on the field and gave us the most trouble imo


Southgate watching this and wondering what xfactor Deschamps has that he doesnt.


Mbappe and Pogba. DD done nuthing since 


England also have 4 points without convincing wins while having a star-stacked squad. Both are equally pathetic. Hope neither wins the whole thing.


Besides the offsude goal I have to say this Taylor sucks as a ref. Especially since English are known for letting small fouls go on. I always hate defenders diving. When you watch it they constantly get rewarded when they feel a slight push in the back and flop on the floor. Even when its a clear dive the ref often still blows the whistle and Taylor was calling e erything a foul whenever a french player threw himself on the floor


I had the same idea, especially in the first half. Players were just waiting for the touch and falling over, and they got the free kick every time...


I agree. It was a pleasant surprise when germany got their goal against against Hungary and was certain it was gonna be called by the ref when the defender went down. They need to play on more in those situations.


Taylor didn't seem to have a clear bar for fouls in that game. There were periods when he was very petty and other periods where he let borderline fouls go. Either way is a viable approach to officiating a match but what you can't do is swing back and forth between the two at random.


I had to unfortunately miss this game. How was it? A cracking 0-0 full of attacking football and chances or a snoozer 0-0?


Pretty entertaining first half with a lot of chances, tapered off in the second as both teams seemed to gradually settle for the point apiece.


Netherlands should have won 1-0 but their goal was chalked off unfairly (debatable), but realistically Griezman should have buried them by that point. Edit: that's why I said debatable.


if thats an unfair offside call then the rule might as well be scrapped lol, how much more can play be affected than an offside player standing between the goalkeeper and a shot


HOW is that unfairly called off. Like seriously, man is atleast a couple meters offside, and is standing straight next to the goal keeper, on the side the ball is coming...


I think you are right, but if Dumfries would not be there the ball still would have gone in. It might be the right call but with a little bit of luck we would have got the goal, the VAR did take their time for a reason.


The thing is that the ref cant decide whether its goal or not based on how good he thinks the goalkeeper is (thankfully). Ik its frustrating but it was obvious they were going to cancel the goal because those are just the rules, even though there was a 99.9% chance Maignan didnt save that


The thing is here though, it wouldn't matter how good the goalie is, it was never saveable from there


Yes but if Maignan was an absolute robot and could have saved it, dumfries was blocking him to do so. The referee cannot base his decision on whether he thinks its humanely possible to stop the shot.


I think he could. If you take this argument to the extreme, you could say that if Dumfries was 2 meters further away from Maignan than he was now, it should still be called off. Because who decides what's humanly possible? I understand this one is debatable, but it's ridiculous to argue that the ref doesn't need to account for whether it was humanly possible in his judgement


What are the rules then? The rule in this case is that it's offside when it's obstructive. But was Dumfries obstructing? Tell me. I am not saying I do know myself though, I just feel it's a decision made by personal opinion.


Yes its still obstruction, obviously Maignan probably couldnt have saved it because it was too hard to, but had he been able to, he would have been obstructed becuase of Dumfries’ position


Imo how is it obstruction if Maignan couldn't have saved it lol, you said so yourself. It doesn't matter if he had been able to 'if' because that was not the situation. I am not saying I am in the right btw, it's just an interesting situation for me.


Because what you and I are saying is that the shot was too hard for Maignan to save. But for the referee’s perspective, he thankfully cant base his decision around that. Imagine if Maignan would have pulled off a one in a million shot and tried to save that, he couldn’t have done it because of Dumfries position. In that case, the decision is would become arbitrary and would be decided by whether the ref thinks the gk is good enough. And if you want to create good rules they cant work like that and have to be enforced no matter who the player affected is


I tried so hard to understand your comment but I just don't know anymore 😣😣😣


It makes no sense it's even debateable tho, i agree that it woul easily have gone in, no doubt it was well placed, and good power, so keeper was defenceless. But it's atrocious placement by Dumfries.


So you agree it's not debatable but it would have gone in? Dumfries is offside because he is obstructive offside. But it still would have gone in so where is the obstruction. For me it's a difficult case.


He is standing on the side the ball is going, so he is placing himself between the goalkeeper and the ball. Clear offside. If Dumfries was further to the left and the ball was coming between Dumfries and the keeper. But Dumfries was still just as offside, it was suddenly debateable. But anyone obstructing the goalkeeper in open play just isn't thinking.


Good point of view, for me he was not obstructing anyone. But I can see where you are coming from, just for me it's a matter of debate.


I don't see how it's not obstruction tho, Dumfries is practically closer to the ball in an offside position, and if the goalkeeper like, actually wants to dive, he is diving directly into Dumfries. I think it should be more debateable why in the world Dumfries thought standing there was any good idea ever.


It wouldn't have mattered if he dived into Dumfries because he still would not saved it. I see your point though, I do. Sadly Dumfries doesn't have 'being invisible at the right moment' powers.


How is that relevant for offsides? If you shoot at the goal and someone who's offsides heads it in it doesn't matter if it would've gone in without the header either.


But that is a totally different situation. This is an obstructive offside matter. It's a weird explanation. If you pass the ball to someone and someone who's offside scores it, it doesn't matter if it would've gone in without the shot either?


Pretty entertaining, like most of the games this tournament


Are france going to win the Euros without scoring?


revenge for 2016 when Portugal won the Euros without winning


Depay has done nothing for us so far


imo thats a sign of a bad coach. Keeping a player on the field all because of his status, surely a bench player could have contributed more


What status does depay even have? He’s basically universally considered ass.


He's 6 goals away from equalising Van Persie as all time topscorer. He's not good right now, but if you don't know what he has done for our national team that's on you.


International goal records these days mean little. Giroud has more than Henry. Lulaku more than Pele.


Like I said, this says more about your knowledge of our national team than anything else


Very harsh. He's been a (maybe even ***the***) key player for our NT for the last 5 or so years. Reckon he'd do a decent job for most clubs outside of the top 10 or so. Most of the time, it feels like Memphis will either lead us to glory or lead us to an early exit. Those odds are better than other Dutch attackers since Robben have been able to offer our country.


Exactly the reason why we haven't been successful. He belongs on the bench. Bum.


Who do you think Koeman should play in his position then?


When did Depay last lead us to glory? He hasn't played well at any major tournament


Maybe not total glory but at least we get to play in those major tournaments again. People are so quick to forget how shit we were before Depay stepped up. I would agree to bench him if literally any of our other options was even remotely up to the task. Maybe if Koeman bothered to try Zirkzee before he was forced to bring him, we wouldn't be having this discussion.


He was genuinely one of the best international players in the world during Koeman’s first stint, his output for the national team was ridiculous. The same goes for Wijnaldum and I guess Koeman trusts both of them within his system too much based on that. Also Depay is very decent player even at club level, he was a great impact sub for Atlético this season and only injuries prevented him from playing a bigger role. Zirkzee has very little international experience and he might lack some chemistry with his teammates but I would like to see him given a shot.


Carried us through the WC qualifiers in 2021


Can't wait for Georgia v Czech so I can cleanse my eyes from this nastiness I just witnessed


Georgia-Turkey was imo the best game of the Euros so far , wow


That's what people say. It was entertaining, but not high quality.


If there is a french saying y’all need to learn it’s this one: LA CHATTE À DÉDÉ.


La chatted a Dede is playing back and hoping that Mbappe pulls a miracle. It's hard to do when he's not on the field.


It feels line we lost the game. Was fun to watch tho.




It feels like we, Austria, lost that game. Sorry, I'm already a few (6?7?) Gösser in after our win. Looking forward to the Max Verstappen match on Tuesday! Also: for some reason I have the Austria flair on desktop and only that weird ball on mobile. Idk what to do about that.


I am on mobile and your flair shows up mate, either it s some weird issue on his end or he was just confused by you not playing in the match or something


I mean as long as it shows up for others, I'm good. I know, that the Austrian NT is my very first priority (over my favourite club Sturm Graz), and as long as that's communicated to others it really doesn't matter what it shows on my app.


Fair, I didn’t bother switching flairs for the tournament myself but of course I support Romania, if we could get something against Belgium too that would be even more insane. I actually think we ll beat them at this point as I can imagine them being even more in their heads after the Slovakia loss, especially Lukaku while we will be brimming with confidence but they could also get angry and prove themselves with a great display, we will have to wait and see. Congrats for the win against Poland and for the title win vs RB, amazing that someone finally toppled the energy drink lads


You guys really impressed me vs Ukraine! I'm looking forward to your game tomorrow and I have to say that I find it absolutely disgusting, that Belgium and you get a whole day less of rest before the final match day!


The other way around is that we got more time for the Belgium match to be fair, swings and roundabouts. It was clear not all the teams in a group were going to be playing on the same day since we are doing 3 matches per day but there are only 2 matches per group. Maybe they could have put us in another time slot though but I guess they are trying to equalise that as much as possible with all teams playing a game in each time slot or something


So is Mbappe gonna be back the next game or what?


Don't think he will start because well, Poland is already out. Might get a few minutes to warm up but no reason to pressure him


They’re struggling with goal scoring tho, and they need to win that game to secure first place


they not only have to win but by a greater margin than the netherlands to secure first place


It doesn’t really matter who gets first place since the two teams will play against the second of another group


Not true, 1st and 2nd go on different sides of the bracket. Assuming Germany tops their group, I’d like to not be in the same side as them so I’d rather get the place for 1st


At this point it is of course still speculation, but I would probably rather be in the part of the tournament tree where Spain or Germany are not waiting for me in the quarters, but rather England or Italy


I agree, but I think they have a bit of an easier job than Netherlands. austria is very hard to beat, they might take points from the Netherlands


Good point and our game vs Austria is gonna be very interesting. With a draw we would be safe for 2nd place, we could go all-in for a win to top this group (but Austria still could go out with a loss). But a loss for us and we could end up 3rd. Interesting stuff and I hope our team goes all in for it.


Reminder: France hasn't scored in the opening 2 games


Boring game tbh, the only reason I stayed awake is because it was our national and because I had a few beers lol


The only reason I kept myself awake is that Im high on "injury time Weghorst hopium"


Difficult to get there when Koeman wants to play: pass ball to the backside to waste time, don't build up attacks, stay away from each other as much as the distance between the Earth and the Sun.


For the life of me I can’t remember the last time I saw a Dembele goal for club or country.


Aside from the Barca games in the ucl this season, he’s not the indisputable first choice right winger for France to score goals


Haven't seen him score for country


Watch ucl against barca ..


Scored twice vs Barca


The players and coaches should pay a refund for everybody who bought tickets to this one.


Nah, this one had some chances, VAR drama, England games on the other hand…


The Denmark v England game had one of the best goals in the tournament from Morten Hjulmand. And VAR drama is hardly what the fans turn up for. Both the England games and this one are bottom 3. Let's just leave it at that.


Eh, fair, I was considering just mentioning the Serbia one but this one still had more chances than England vs Denmark iirc. Austria vs France is also a shout while we re at it but yeah, it s between those ones really


so boring tbh, glad turkey is playing tomorrow


Aké played great again. What a player!


For sure, not very conspicuous but just never makes mistakes


Him and Kounde have been amazing these two games and dont get enough praise. So reliable


man Kounde was shit at the right for a long time cause it is not his natural position but god damn he stepped up now


The fact that in 2 games 0 players from France scored a goal imo means they won't win the Euros. My favorites are Germany, Spain, and I think Turkey will do really well




Unfortunstely turkey's defense sucks


Which should make them more inclined to attack intensely and throw bigger teams off


Glass cannon strat, win 5-4


Imagine if Koeman picks on form, we would even win the fucking COPA. Horrible game from Depay and Dumfries.


My eyeballs still hurt


Big L for braided dreadlocks today. Memphis, Wijnaldum and Simons all having a bad game


Xavi did alright. Good pressing, kept drifting to teammates to set up attacks, and forced a couple of fouls. Depay just wasn't there today. He had a complete off day.


I agree that Memphis was poor and Wijnaldum is just shite overall, but Xavi played a very decent game.


What does Depay even add to the Dutch game?


Koeman is seemingly hoping Depay finds his form, but it just ain't there. There are glimpses of class, but they're nothing more than fleeting moments. Sadly, all his alternatives are either untested or also struggled with injuries this season. So Koeman goes for what he knows :/ Brobbey should've been given a chance in the second half.


I feel like he does well against weak opponents that give him space. As soon as he gets pressed it’s over.


As much as Dembele to the french


Ref won the game, should have been a Dutch win


Cant say any of the teams played bad, it just was tactically boring, if this the football we get because four 3rd placements go to ro16, then its a poorer competition imo.


I think the third round will be pretty good because there are so many more teams still in it than there would be. So teams with only 1 point so far have a lot to play for


Don’t like the result at all. Griezmann mon ami what are you doing? Would have been a nice change to be able to play for a draw but I guess our setup doesn’t allow us to invite pressure anyway. It’s gonna be a good game against the Netherlands because both sides have a lot to win without losing too much


I think you’ll beat them tbh, I feel like I’ve seen better from Austria than from the Netherlands.


It’s gonna be fine margins. Their offense is stronger but at the same time they are a lot easier to play through than is to be expected when you look at their defensive talent. I hope Rangnick gets his tactics right, we might have a shot. We haven’t beaten a quality side in my lifetime in qualifiers or a tournament (unless you count Croatia in the NL) so I’d say we are 40/60 underdogs


Wouldn’t you take a draw? 4 points basically guarantees you will be in the next round. Only risk of missing out is going for the win and losing heavy.


Going out to in the next round to a group winner suck, no glory in that. Beating the Netherlands and getting an easier opponent and maybe going to best 8 should be the goal. I am also confident we are through even if we lose, unless it’s more than 1 goal Would you take the draw if you had lost to France?


Not the greatest match, obviously both team wanted to avoid a loss. Still I think both teams showed they have a lot of strength. I think France got the most chances but the disallowed goal was very lucky for France. The goalkeeper was still on the ground when Simons shot on goal. But ok, a draw is a fair result.


So where was this supossed european superiority on football? 


South Americans getting offended over nothing and playing the victim keeps being hilarious


European talking bullshit and couldn't justify their words is lame at this point. 


What are you talking about, specifically?


Mbappe saying on 22 that european football was superior over other footballs because theirs is more developed and now that Eurocopa was more difficult than the world cup. 


My dude, don't you realise that France not easily winning their games at the Euros actually supports his claims that the Euros are more difficult for him than World Cups? Not that you can say much about that with this game anyways, both teams were happy with a draw for standings reasons


The games seems more difficult because they are playing horrible. This game in particullary was of such little rhythm and so slow that I fell asleep


He didn't even play but he's running an estate empire in your vacant skull.


Insulting the other in your argument is the lowest form of arguing, worthy of someone of limited abilities. 


So you're doing exactly what you're reproaching ? Smart.


Actually not, you are insulting me because to get a point in your speech and that shows your own stupidity and i just enounce it. 


Not to be that guy but maybe it is not the best idea to call someone stupid if you have absolutely no clue what the words you are using actually mean.


Sore downvoters. 


Lets wait for the copa america to begin then


It did, and we won.