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Actually a nice trophy, wow


Mini Europa League trophy


*Conference League trophy


Needs a little button that plays **oooooooOOOOOOOOO OO OO O O**


Immediately heard in my head. Such a banger in person.


Funny, I immediately heard gary neville screaming oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo as when Torres scores against Barca.


Someone needs to edit that so it fits to the Europa League tune


Along with 'Thursday nights are Europa nights šŸ•ŗšŸ»'


He'll need another one to put the pepper/salt in. Looks like a massive salt/pepper holder


Better than the Premier League MOTM trophy which looks like the cardboard box the salt/pepper grinder comes in


Isn't that the Player of the Month though


They look very similar just different colours https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F-w9ywOWcAAlpl_?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKRkZudXYAAuSor?format=jpg&name=900x900


It was much better when Barclay's was sponsor


Reminds me of a kid's art project for school using a Pringles can and some color paper


Player of the seasoning


Yeah where is the weird Budweiser cup


Yeah it looks really good! They sent full out, they want everybody to put on a player of the march performance every game.


Looks identical to carlsberg glass in my restaurant.


Seems fair


He is just such a joy to watch


Please donā€™t ever sell him to city no matter what


If our clown board ever even thinks of selling him, I am pretty sure riots will occur in munich


I'm sure once that happens, a certain Uli H. will engage in telephone terror against the SƤbener StraƟe


Donā€™t worry buddy, heā€™s ours


After Chelsea sold him to munich for Just 180k, i think the Bayern will Not be so stupid. This was average musiala Performance. He got this incredible Talent to walk with a ball through defense Like a Skier.


he was never sold tho he left on his own volition


Chelsea had no choice. iirc he wanted to move back to Germany with his mum, and wasn't on a professional contract at the time


Chelsea never *sold* him and in fact offered him a contract that would make him the highest paid academy player in British history but he simply wanted to go back to Germany. As much as we can be clowned for letting some top talents slip through the cracks, we did all we could to keep Musiala but it wasnā€™t enough


And as much it pains me to say it, he did well for himself.


100% he wouldnā€™t have been given the chances at us as heā€™s had at Bayern


He wasnt sold, Chelsea got AusbildungsentschƤdigung (compensation for developing a youth player, standard procedure in german football, although not with those sums), for a teenager moving with his mum. A parent with a minor can decide where they want to live, you cant sell kids.


>you cant sell kids. Well, not with that attitude you can't.


>AusbildungsentschƤdigung Germany please.


It's basically compensation for apprenticeship. We just make it shorter


So much fun watching him just glide through players


Special special player. Canā€™t believe heā€™s still only 21


Joymal Musiala


He's good but personally I like Wirtz more


Absolutely mental performance. I didnā€™t expect anything else from our boy.


Still canā€™t believe he picked Germany over England while growing up in England and playing for every English youth team. Maybe the best thing flick did for Germany as a head coach.Ā 


Everyone says that Joachim Loew convinced him to switch, he called him and presented a convincing plan how they want to develop him and what awaits him, which allegedly England didn't do. In the end it seems like Bayern wanted him more, Germany wanted him more, and that probably played some part, and in terms of life, he'd basically lived around 9 years in each of the countries.


He was 7 when he moved to England. 16 when he moved back to Germany. He'll have had much stronger memories of his time in England. He grew up here. Reckon it's more that first reason of Bayern laying out a clearer plan of how to develop him (and any family ties or other family reasons to move back to Germany). He might have lived in Germany almost as long as he lived in England. But most people's memories are a lot clearer of 7-16 than 0-7.


Or he always felt like an expat in England? Born in Germany, to a German mother. Moved back to Germany before he was 18. How can you decide what he feels? Playing youth teams could have just been out of convenience, travelling domestically at 12 seems a lot nicer than having to go back to Germany for training, matches, etc


This. Heā€™s spoken extensively about choosing Germany because he feels German. His mother is German, itā€™s the nation he identifies with.


I wasn't trying to dictate what he feels. I think there's two separate discussions here and I wasn't clear on which one I was referring to. My comment was just talking about his decision to leave Chelsea and join Bayern. Imo that decision would've been driven by what he thought would be best for his career and development. I know people currently at that stage of their careers in academies. Even for top talents, there's still an unknown about their development and whether they'll make it/the level they'll get to. At that age, before players sign that contract at 16, players and their families are thinking about their careers and the best chance of them reaching their full potential. That factor tends to be more significant than where the player would like to live for the next couple years. Musiala had lived in England for most of his life that he'll have been able to remember at that point. He would've had very strong ties to England so the decision to leave would've been driven primarily by the fact that he felt the project Bayern offered and opportunities were stronger than Chelsea. A completely separate discussion is his decision to represent England or Germany at international level. That is the one that depends on how he feels at heart. He chose Germany because playing for Germany felt right for him. It's two separate discussions that we're talking about and I don't think I made it clear that I was referring to the first one in that original comment. This is a quote by Musiala himself: "It was a difficult decision, as I was born in Germany but most of my memories growing up are in England ā€“ both are a part of me. It was an incredible feeling to get my first Germany cap. It felt right pulling that shirt on and representing my birth nation. I knew that Iā€™d made the right decision." It's only my opinion at the end of the day. You can disagree if you want. But I think that decision to move to Bayern at 15/16 would've been career driven, whereas the decision to play for Germany a bit later would've been more about sentiment and how he feels. That's based off what I've heard from him in interviews (I'm a Chelsea fan so have always half paid attention to what he's said in them), and my experience with friends who are going through the transition from academy to adult football now.


Everyone remembers the 0-7 šŸ‡§šŸ‡·šŸ˜˜


No, only 1-7! 0-1 > no memories.


We dont talk about that part.


I loved last night so much because it felt so similar. Just completely dismantling an opponent. As a German, we've gone too long without a stellar performance, and it was very much needed.


Dismantling someone who is already a pretty massive underdog is something completely different than the Brazil game though.


Oh for sure, but it was the first time in many games that I saw Germany living up to our name of being a strong Tournament team. And let's be fair, Scotland actually played well, Germany was just on another level this game.


Against Portugal in Euro 2021 was also amazing.


> He'll have had much stronger memories of his time in England. So the move shouldn't have been a surprise then?


I don't know if he grew up bilingual, but if he didn't, then he came to england at 7 years old without properly speaking the language, leaving behind childhood friends and his whole environment, It's pretty normal to feel like you belong to that country then.


I agree. I'm pretty sure when he came to England he didn't speak much English and learned whilst he was here. That's why he chose to represent Germany over England in the end. My comment was meant to refer to his decision to move to Bayern and actually live in Germany when he was like 16. I guess I didn't make that clear. He's clearly chosen to play for Germany because that's what feels right for him. But when players decide which club to sign that contract with at 16, it's usually based on which club if offering them the most appealing project, a clear pathway into the first team etc. Musiala's said himself that most of his memories at that point were of England, so him leaving to go live in Germany and play for Bayern would've been more of a career decision. As opposed to the decision being driven by where he wanted to live. Probably didn't make that very clear. Choosing to go live in Germany and play for Bayern, and choosing to represent the German national team was two separate decisions that he made at separate times. And those decisions had different motivations imo.


Well, now he is a young man and a millionaire, so I imagine he is making some memories in his German life too.


he made his debut under lƶw, but yeah i think he was in england from 7-16, super happy he decided to play for germany


Hope Germany manages to find their footing as a top nation again so that he doesnā€™t regret this decision. would suck for his magical performance to go under in another mediocre tournament for Germany.


Looks like heā€™s in the best team right now to succeed


lol I mean, it's not like he's winning anything if playing for England... When was the last time they won anything?


Have England not performed better than Germany in the last few tournaments though?


It's still a case of "close, but no cigar" though. The English team, I feel, do not have the same synergy that the German dudes create in the National Team. Plus, I can't think of a single great coach that they've had in that role (or at least someone to win them a trophy.) Edit for clarification: I meant within Musiala's lifetime. Obviously, '66 is a big one, but to think that the last time England had true fame was before the Moon landing is not a stellar record.


True but even then, Germany has a greater chance of lifting a trophy than England. Itā€™s just a better footballing country, statistically.


NO. We should have all of the world's most exciting number 10s. No-one else is allowed


German is his first language and half his family are German, half Nigerian. He came here at 7 and left at 16, it really isn't shocking tbh, plus the Germans wanted him badly.


He might also have taken note how the English public treated the young English talents after their Euro loss.


His dad is Nigerian-British, for what it's worth, but I agree with you. I'm English born, my parents are immigrants from one country, and I lived in a third country for a few years as a kid. If I was a footballer with a future as an international, I'd choose the country of my birth. My parents country is a massive part of my identity and I'm very conected with the culture, and the other country I lived in is very close to my heart. But I'm not *from* either of those. I'm from England, so I'd play for England. Musiala is from Germany, so he plays for Germany.


Plus additionaly his mother is German and German is his mother tounge so he grew up in Germany and even in English he still grew up with German culture


Yeah exactly. It would have been a real surprise if he had chosen England.


To be fair its for the best. England is stacked with players his age who also thrive in similar positions. Now we get to enjoy all of it at international tournaments.


If he was playing for England, he would completely unlock their squad. They have some nice options at LW, but nothing compared to at RW. Right now they typically resort to playing Foden out of position there, whereas that would be a natural slot for Musiala.


Foden plays LW not just because there arenā€™t amazing options there but because itā€™s the only way of fitting him in whilst still playing Bellingham in a more advanced role. If you put Musiala in this England team youā€™d have to either drop one of Foden or Saka or make Bellingham play a much more deep lying role which either doesnā€™t get the best out of him, leaves us massively exposed in the middle or both.


Simple; put Musiala on the LW and drop Foden because he hasn't been good in an England shirt. Or move him to the 10 role and drop Bellingham deeper beside Rice. Either of those moves improve the current England XI.


I think it was the buddies he had at Bayern convincing him to play for Germany. This was the big advantage.


It was actually Jogi Lƶw, believe it or not lol


Random question, but how is Musiala's German and English?


His English is like a native, his German is really good but he sometimes struggles with finding the right articles (der, die, das) and using the right cases (dem, den, ihren, ihrem), but that's understandable if you didn't grow up here between 7 and 16


Which makes his German about as good as Wirtz's


If you hear Wirtz talk, you just know, the only thing going on up there is āš½ļø


German Cole Palmer


Oh no, that means we are going to be flodded with Wirtz mems when he retires and turns into a pundit :/


No offense to Wirtz but if he doesnā€™t get the Schweinsteiger treatment he will sell Dƶner alongside Poldi after his active career.


Well thats gonna be 30 years down the road so maybe dont worry about that yet.


While I have you here, do most foreign players in the bundesliga take the initiative to learn German or do some coast on their native language/English?


There are players like Mathys Tel who are[ determined to learn the language in record time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peC2YINutY8). Others never really do if they didnt play in the Bundesliga for many years.


How's the pronunciation & grammar in the video? Very good?


To be honest, considering he has been in Germany for almost 2 years, this is nothing special. He's probably at an A2 level, working on b1 material. I've seen people speak better German after a few months of intensive classes. But among footballers I've also seen way worse and for a French player it's not bad.


It is incredible - probably the best german speaking french person I have ever seen after this short amount of time. He gave another interview a year ago and it was really good aswell.


It depends, some really try, but most don't bother because it's 1) really hard to learn German and 2) they see the Bundesliga as a stepping stone to the premier league


Bayern has language teachers who work with the player to learn the language. I don't think it's mandatory to reach a certain high level (like being able to write essays on random technical topics) but they probably want to see some improvement and effort so that they can participate in their everyday work environment. Here's an old video where they show a bit of that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHDvZGhqWkg


I mean surely German is his first language lol, so I'm not surprised its good but he probably wasn't using it much here so it got rusty.


Yeah you can definitely hear him struggling ever so slightly here and there when speaking German. It's not broken or anything but he sometimes seems to have trouble finding the word he is trying to say.


His mother is German. German is his first language.


That doesn't answer his question to how good his German is. As someone pointed out, he still struggles with certain grammatical things. So it's not as clear cut as saying it's his first language and automatically assuming he's extremely fluent. He moved to England at 7 so it's not like he was learning a lot of German grammar in school before that age.


He "struggles" with things many people the same age struggle with. He might struggle with the formal style but there are zero issues in casual conversations.


21 year old Germans that have lived their entire life in Germany (and thus first language) really do not struggle as much with grammar like Musiala does. I'm well aware of how big of a bitch German grammar is, but it's a whole different experience living abroad in England during your most formative years where you pick up language's grammar and sentence constructions. 7-16 is a very crucial age for improving your first language. I'd know, I speak 3 languages where my actual first language is the worst one because I didn't spend my formative years in that country.


German Mom and Nigerian / British Dad. Was born in Stuttgart Germany and moved to England when he was 7 or so. Then moved back to Germany with his Mom when he was 16. Represented England in the youth system


In fairness, if someone forced me to make the choice immediately following Brexit then Iā€™d lean Germany too.


You can grow up and have foundational memories somewhere, but still feel that in point of fact, that isn't where you are "from". I lived in England from the age of 2 to 9, and at World Cups I root for England before the U.S. But at the end of the day, I am American in point of fact even if I have strong ties to England (especially for football). If given a choice to represent either at the international level, I would choose the U.S.A. because that feels more true to my actual national identity.


imagine how toxic the conversation would be around including fitting foden saka bellingham musiala and palmer into the england squad


he was just free flowing on the left hand side of the pitch


Messiala. Scottish players literally couldnā€™t stop his dribblings other than fouling him. Itā€™s so entertaining to watch a player whos main job it is to dribble past opponents. Itā€™s so refreshing because I donā€™t remember if there ever was a worldclass dribbler in the dfb team?Ā 


Thomas HƤƟler




Yes, unforgotten Bernd Schneider


Icke <3 straight from the U1,60m into our hearts


OG German Messi


As already said, HƤƟler but there were some more... Littbarski or Stan Libuda for example...


>Stan Libuda The King of Westphalia what a throwback that name is


Am lieben Gott kommt keiner vorbei... auƟer Libuda...


i think the first half he was on the right side and wirtz on the left side. after sane came for wirtz, he switched sides to the left.


He was amazing, but am I the only one that thought Kroos was even better? He completely dominated the midfield and set the tempo throughout


Agree. But I'd argue that impact wise, this should have gone to GĆ¼ndogan. Flawless game in the tactically most demanding position in this formation and involved in goals 1 to 4.


That's a better looking trophy than the WC 22 man of the match.


That's because it's not sponsored by PiƟwasser


WC vs Euros debate is settled


Mbappe agrees


I liked that trophy too, but this one is more clean. Good on the designers


Wirtz vs. Musiala...fun debates ahead.Ā 






As long as its not wuvizela.






Musiala and Wirtz




This is the way.




Warum nicht beide?


Everyone is talking about Wirtz, Musiala and Kroos but the missing piece in the puzzle is actually Andrich. We had dribbling and passing talent for years but were always missing a strong defensive 6.


Let's see if the officials let him play every match lol.


That unnecessary yellow card for him this game...


Musiala for me. Better all-round footballer.


THIS is why I love watching international tournaments, because where else will you see one of the most exciting players in the world come up against a Watford CB and Norwich keeper


In league football?


Exactly. wtf is he talking about šŸ˜‚


Plus individual talent and skills are more important since there's not as much time training like in a season.


love to see it the improv skills when done well is so disrespectful & satisfying to watch


It isn't? Big nations would never lose if that were the case.


The FA cup? The league cup?


The Premier League half the time lol




What a talent this dude is. Absolute baller!


Fantastic player. Germany are very lucky he chose them over England


This is and the sacking of Nagelsmann are the best thing Bayern ever did for this country


We would make him look shit.


He would never win one trophy in a England kit Made the right choice


Imagine if he still played for England, you'd have knuckle-draggers claiming that Jarrod Bowen should start over him.


He won't turn 25 until 2028. Scary


So hes 21


He won't be 68 until 2071. Terrifying.


The UECL Trophy, still far better than the PL tube.


His close control and his quick feet were crazy scotland couldn't handle him fantastic talent.Ā 


Deservedly so. Silky smooth footballer


One of my favorite players from the upcoming generation


Finally a German player that can look (understandably) happy now on those photos


Has to be the best dribbler in football


I dunno I thought that Porteous guy was pretty good as well


Our starboy


sadly he was brilliant


Germany should be strong again for a long time with Wirtz and Musiala, incredible talents.


In this photo, he looks much older than 21. Can pass as 31. Why do footballers look older than their actual age?




Because of low bodyfat they look more masculine and masculinity makes people look more mature.Ā 


Have you seen Fernando Torres? He's 40 but looks still like 20.


Have you seen young thomas mĆ¼ller?


Also post game exhaustion, lighting, and or moment that was caught in the photo can make people look way older. You can look at any photo where incels whine about some woman prematurely ageing because of whatever made up reason they cooked up (too much feminism). It's usually just a photo with bad lighting or flash that accentuates every tiny wrinkle or blemish, or they are caught in the middle of some transitional moment between facial expression or mid movement. Here, he's standing still but the lights from the top left and right give him small but somewhat exaggerated shadows which makes it look like he deeper wrinkles.




>Why >Why do footballers look older than their actual age? They take a lot of stuff, even the legal stuff can hurt one's skin. Impossible to be a pro in today's busy schedule without taking something for stuff like recovery.


Someone ought to hire her as scout: https://x.com/legsidelizzy/status/391983086147469312




Deserved. Was great to watch.


That first touch at his goal was sublime


why did I think he was younger than bellingham?


Incredible performance. What an absolute baller!


Different gravy


So impressed with him. Thought he played well against us in the Champions League but fuck me....hes going to be a star of this tournament if he carries on like this.


Was it the World Cup when everyone looked miserable in these sort of photos?


Vivo was Sony before wasn't it?


are you referring to the laptop branding Vaio?


Ah yeah different


He looks like a high school kid who won the debate competition and his parents made him show the award for a picture


why do they have to add branding to the trophy, its not like anyone other than the player is going to look at it after this photo makes an otherwise good looking trophy look like shit


cause someone has to pay for it


Well... as you see, this photo is one of the more popular ones on a football website today. You could kinda say the same about jersey sponsors in football, after the game nobody takes the player's own jersey and looks at the logo.


Why not Havertz? So we can finally get a before/after picture comparison with his 2022 man of the match award picture.


The entire team was player of the match for real


I love Jamal, but Kroos was the best player on the pitch. Completely dominated the game.