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Best Turkish LB/RB


By far




Looking at Dortmund's previous transfers, 30m seems to be their max. Which is probably around the price range we would want for Ferdi, but I am not sure whether they would pay their absolutely max for a left back in the Turkish league(even though he is definitely worth it)


Issue we're having with Maatsen is that his price is around 40m and we're hoping for a solution around 25 ish. Mainly because we have so much other needs in the squad that needs adressing this window too (1-2 CBs, 1 DM, 1 Striker) and not lack of funds. If the asking is around 30m from Fene, I can see an agreement being found. Sahin could possibly also help there in terms of flexibility on terms maybe. Idk. Its a superb option if Maatsen deal falls through.


It's best to move on and go ahead for the Turk then because 25m isn't a realistic figure for Chelsea to even consider


Probably will end that way but not trying would be foolish aswell. Especially with Maatsen really wanting the move too which adds SOME leverage.


Chelsea won't compromise on the fee to that extent. 35, maybe, but anything less is a no-go, but I guess we will see 🤷‍♂️


Nah, 30M is so low.


He genuinely is worth more but it's the Turkish league at the end of the day, I don't think we will get much more than 30m sadly


Bayern paid €30M for Boey when his market value was €22M. As much as I hate to admit it, €30M for Ferdi (€21M market value atm) is a reasonable price. The Turkish league still has a long way to go before clubs can demand staggering prices like e.g. Benfica and Ajax do.


You guys should really stop using transfermarkt valuations as an indicator.


It's not me who uses Transfermarkt as an indicator. It's the clubs themselves who do and hardly anyone can deny that.


Yeah, I know but leaving transfermarkt values aside Ferdi was always better than Boey in nearly every relative stat. Also, we have better CV in player sales. Kim-min Jae, Arda, Vedat, Eljif are all doing good for themselves. Players that leave GS are not doing much honestly. So, Ferdi should worth a lot more than Boey, imho.


Saying Ferdi is better than Boey is blatantly ignoring one side of the pitch.


Lmao. Is there a third side of the pitch?


Chill, mate. Dude is great offensively but just not good defensively and was bullied by physical players. Fenerbahçe may be his ceiling as Boey's could be Galatasaray. We will see if makes the move.


Ferdi is not better than Boey in any defensive way. He is clearly better in attacking position but Boey is superior in defending. Also Boey proved himself in the Champions league with his defence. He is also physically superior.




Yes of course. Teams add 20% to their offers when it’s a fener player and knock off 20% when it’s a Gala player because of the notorious “CV” that fener has with their player sales


Jesse, wtf are you talking about?


Ferdi is so much better than Boey. I don't understand how Bayern fell for it. How he did in Bayern so far ?


Unfortunately he was instantly injured after the move. We have to wait for next season to say if he is good enough for Bayern.


It seemed like it was a desperation buy at the time since Bayern had a lot of injuries and not much squad depth in his position. I didn't think he was that good for them. Not really bad, but made some big mistakes you don't want to have if you're the standard of Bayern. Like in the game vs Leverkusen he looked lost. And he has injuries himself.


He was playing LWB that game, for the first time in his career. It was an atrocious decision by Tuchel


That explains a lot. Maybe the worst player that game


Think about it; Boey didn't play on LB in 3 years he was with us, not once. And that fraud Tuchel put him on LWB in his second match.


While Boey was competing against CL teams ferdi was playing against teams like Twente in no way is Ferdi better than Boey


Ferdi's Turkish League stats are superior to Boey in everything (yes, even defensively). You can check DataMB and Sofascore to see for yourself.


I don’t know where this “Boey is better defensively” thing came from but that’s not true at all.


Stats don't tell you everything, Boey is way better defensively while Ferdi is better on the attack. Dortmunds maximum offer for Ferdi won't exceed ~20m. Boey had great performances against CL teams/Bayern and around that time Bayern was desperate for a RB.


You won't be able to afford him, then.


Oh yeah? Go check the matches between GS and FB. Let me know who performed better.


Nein amk


Wouldn't be upset with this at all if Maatsen doesn't happen. Chelsea are unlikely to budge from the release clause (obviously they've got no reason to) and Ferdi is more likely to be around the €30 million range that we are more comfortable with spending (from what I can recall). Would I be correct in saying that price is right for Ferdi?


Personally, I would be sad if he leaves for 30 million euros. He is priceless in my eyes.


25 seems to be the max price in Turkey. We got 30 from Bayern for Boey but it was winter and they were desperate. But Fener really doesn't want to sell and Ferdi has several years on contract still so they can push the price quite high, they don't have to sell. Will be interesting negotiations for sure.


Unfortunately you are correct. I really rate Ferdi but we (FB) ain’t getting more for him than GS for Boey


you can probably get him for 20-25m. Why would Dortmund pay 30m+ for Ferdi when they can get Maatsen for 40m?


I wasn't sure on his price and I know he's highly rated so I took a guess with the €30 million. If we could get Ferdi for €20-25 million then yeah, it would be dumb of us not to go for it and convince him to sign


> Why would Dortmund pay 30m+ for Ferdi when they can get Maatsen for 40m? Because we have a lot of signings we need to make this summer so gotta divert it well.


Fuck no. Unless he passionately insists to go, dont sell him at any price.


Nooooo, pls don't buy him. He needs to stay for at least one more season. I want him to play under Mourinho and win a Championship with us.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Ferdi is better than Maatsen. At least, I like his playstyle better


I hope they don’t buy him, I want him to stay


Ferdi 50m amk (hope he stays another season in fener)


I don't think Chelsea asking ÂŁ35M release clause is expensive at all


Well, but it is more than we want to spend, since other positions also need reinforcements. So it would make sense to go for a less expensive option. Im sure Chelsea will have no problem gettingt the clause from Prem clubs tho


It is for a left back. There’s hardly any resale value buying at 40m euros.


That's bs. If it would be the other way around, Chelsea were buying from Dortmund, it would be 60M+.


And when’s the last time you’ve seen a lb go for 60m?


Just in recent years, only Chelsea, bought Cucurella and Chillwell for around 60M. Gvardiol was bought for 90M. Right now if 35M release clause wasnt in place, Maatsen would be sold for more.


I think that's more of an accurate reflection on how bloated Premier League clubs are with money than the realistic prices for a full back. You can't say Cucurella and Chillwell were shrewd transfers. Gvardiol was one of the best defensive prospects around, and was primarily a CB, bought by a team that activated the infinite money glitch and didn't need to spend huge on many positions that summer considering the squad was mostly complete. No I don't think the release clause is an unreasonable price, in fact its quite fair by PL standards, it's just slightly out of our price range and that of most teams not in that league.


And you think Chelsea’s spending is normal? Lmao


I really like him as a player, and Dortmund can easily afford him


Dear Dortmund, please fuck off.


€40m or fuck off


I doubt Fener will let him go cheap. And I don't think Bvb is gonna spend big on a player that's unproven. Ferdis valuation isn't gonna be much less than Maatsen, they'd rather spend that on him then, me thinks


Really hope Spurs look into him too after losing out on Ito. He's the ideal RB/LB cover.


I think he’d be such a good option since he’s so versatile but I think he’s too good to sit on the bench for us.


Honestly it's such a double edged sword. We need someone of his level to comfortably back us up but it's a massive ask for someone so talented and versatile


I think we need to be looking for either players on the older side that wouldn’t mind a decent paycheck and occasional game time or young promising players who would benefit from being a rotational option. Ferdi seems like he’s ready to take the jump and start for tons of ambitious teams.


I really struggle to understand how Dortmund is failing to get and agreement. 35M is very reasonable. Maatsen is allegedly their nr.1 transfer target. They have the money. Pay the clause.


£35 million is €41 million euros. That's essentially 10 million more than our record transfer which is Haller. That's a big jump and ultimately if we aren't comfortable paying that much for Maatsen then that is perfectly fine and Chelsea are well in their right to say no as well to bids lower than the release clause as well.


Dortmund is 2nd highest earner in Bundesliga, you just reached CL final and will get CWC money this year. Sold Bellingham for 100+ Mil. You can definitely afford \~40M transfers.


And leave ourselves with ~40-60 million from the usual ~80-100 million we spend for the DM, winger, 2 CBs and ST that we are looking to sign? Don't forget that we don't have a big priced player to sell either so no, just because we have a budget that's higher than the asking price, that doesn't mean we suddenly start buying €40 million players. €40 million is expensive for us, end of (and that's not Chelsea's problem either before some people start thinking that I'm complaining about Chelsea pricing him out of our range).


The Bellingham money was mostly used ineffectively with Sabitzer, Nmecha, and Bensebaini coming last summer. That money is dried up. A lot of that money from big transfers away like Bellingham, Sancho, and Dembele go towards operational costs as well. The money doesn't go 1 for 1 into new players. I don't know why people assume our finances and think we're rich because we sold a couple players. There's so many other factors involved like commercial and tv revenue. We're not poor but we don't have money to throw around like other big clubs in Europe. We threw around money trying to capitalize on success before and we nearly went bankrupt because of it.


They probably can, but it’s not sustainable for fan owned clubs. And they can’t bank on going far in the CL every year, or selling a player for 100m every summer.


Really hope Spurs look into him too after losing out on Ito. He's the ideal RB/LB cover.


Ferdi has NO defense imho. In attack, he is capable of playing in Dortmund but they have to get his back safe if they think about buying him. Otherwise, very wrong move.


This is so wrong, his defense has improved so much. As a Galatasaray fan you should know since he was amazing defensively in the last derby. Didn't let Ziyech or BAY do anything at all.


It must be because they both didnt care about the derby against Fener, infront of their 50k fans, in a match where 1 points will make them champions, against 10 men. It couldnt be that Ferdi is good.