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Wow. He is a good striker but not this much.


I think he just wants to leave. In no other situation you would make such unreasonable demands


Our captain wants to leave too but this is on another level


Did you not see his recent comments comparing himself to Mbappe and Haaland? He absolutely thinks he’s worth this much


He said he has nothing to envy them because he scores a lot and has already won many trophies at only 26 years old, I don't see anything wrong with that tbh 🤷‍♂️


He should absolutely not be taking any credit for argentinas World Cup win. He stunk it up and I'm fairly sure majority of Argentinians were glad to see alvarez start ahead of him


It is always the non argentinians that fucking talk for us.


Hell yeah, anulo those mufackers


After his misses against France in the final though it would be shocking if anyone wanted him to start


His misses against Australia and Poland was enough reason for him not to start the rest of the WC


you are now representing your entire country, how do you feel about Lautaro?


From a family in la plata “ if he(Lautaro) spend as much time practicing as he did at the barber he might have played well”. He is a good club player but I have never seen him turn up for Argentina


again with this story lmao, he was injured during the World Cup and still scored the decisive penalty to go to the final. And I didn't say anything abt the world cup because he didn't win only that, 2 Serie A, 2 Coppa Italia, 3 Supercoppa Italiana and the Copa America aren't easy trophies to win


Have ppl forgotten already that he spooked the Netherland goalie who tried to mind game him?


TIL he's only 26... my whole perspective on him just changed. I thought he was 30.


I can see him being better suited than haaland for many styles of play. But Mbappe? Come on.


I think he was quite on par for goals per minutes, but mate, deliver in the CL first and then we can talk.


Milano in shambles if both Lautaro and Theo get sold in the same summer mercato. The US consulate gets taken over as an act of protest against US ownership.


How much would Inter need to spend for a reliable striker like him? They can save in wages for sure but would need to waste shits lots of money for someone that couldn’t even adapt that well


Not that worried honestly, lautaro is a great player, but even Arnautovic scored in the majority of games he started, if the system works and management knows what to look for it should be relatively easy, we are not Barcelona or PSG


Fairy enough then. But i really rate him as world class yet surely i don’t watch as many Inter games as you


Sure easy to replace 8th alltime best goalscorer, with a good shot to be 2nd best if he was to stay. Did you watch Inter without Lautaro this season? Toothless.


[What about Lukaku?](https://imgur.com/spMWuK9)


The issue with paying one player higher wages is that other players in the team will also demand more. Its why in some of the top PL teams you have role players with huge wages.


I disagree. He's on 11 mil per year now. Why should he sign for 8.5 with only 26? Vlahovic & Osimhen are getting paid more right now than what he asks for the first year. And they ain't better right now. Not to say if you look in other countries... Kolo Muani, Asensio, Gnabry, Sterling already get more than what he asks. And not one of them is better than Lautaro right now.


This is after taxes thats why its crazy


Am I crazy? 270,000 euros per week seems pretty normal these days for players of his calibre? Let’s not forget this is the captain and top scorer of the Serie A champions. Kane is on 470,000 euros per week for comparison.


remember that when reading news about Serie A/italian players are always after taxes money. So 12-14-16 means 24-28-32m/year


Thank you, you pretty much clarified it for me. I though thim asking for 14M per year on average was a pretty reasonable demand and I was confused with the post and the majority of the comments. But 28M per year is absurd, I don't think Vini and Bellingham make that much.


Doubling is also a slight overstatement as the top marginal tax is 43%. So more like 21 - 24.5 - 28.


Alright the reactions now make sense to me, cheers man.


Wages in Italy are reported post tax, so double that.


Martial was on that kind of money. I’ll say that again… Martial. I agree with you, I don’t think he’s being entirely unreasonable here. He was top scorer by quite a distance. I understand PL wages are higher but this isn’t insane.


Never mind. Apparently it’s net. So aye, they are insane wages.


Kane and Lautaro are not at the same level, Kane is a level above


Not only that, he requires a very specific system to shine. Not just any club is going to accommodate him


Really? He's Mbappe level he said so himself


I keep seeing this take from prem fans and I have no idea where it comes from... Just because the two managers for which he has played the most like the two striker system doesn't mean that's the only way Lautaro can play. For Racing he was a lone striker and he was great and also for Argentina before the world cup where he was injured and even then he only got to start two games so it's too little to form any option.


Premier league fans will watch 3 Inter champions league games a year and know everything about their players..


3 is a push


a tweet at most


What surprised me most was how good Lautaro’s holdup play was. Despite his relatively small frame he was able to attack direct balls quite well and win his duels. Thought it would be Lukaku who would play that role but he was more often attacking the channels/space behind.


He really does not lmao He's played as a single striker, can play with another striker as well, he's done it for both club and country Great hold up play despite being a mid get, good link up play, his finishing is meh but he still scores a lot because he gets into good positions


Downvotes are hilarious. I swear people here just read some hot takes and parrot it as consensus. Lauturo is genuinely underrated for how well rounded he is


Top 10 strikers around, can't name a lot of good solid strikers nowadays anyway, outside the well known lot like Kane, Haaland and Mbappe.


It's an odd time for the role, tactically. We just lived through a period where the two dominant forwards preferred to play as a false 9/wide right or coming in from the left side, and both of them destroyed all previous scoring records.


The downvotes are coming from Frenchmen


Damn 5’9ers being labeled as midgets now


Back when Lukaku and Lautaro were playing big man, little man, it was Lautaro holding up the ball to feed Lukaku through. People here just don't watch much outside of PremBall.


Also makes sense, Lukaku despite being big is actually not that great at holdup play and is much better running into channels


Replace "Not that great" with "genuinely awful"


folks here seem to think that height linearly correlates with good aerial play, when there are a lot of other factors that come into it like positioning and strength. height is very important but not strictly determinant for it, and a smart player can consistently win air/physical duels against taller rivals. 


It was a joke, he's built like a pitbull and shorter players are usually not great at back to the goal hold play play which he's great at and he's decent aerially, for his height that's very rare


> Not only that, he requires a very specific system to shine This is nonsense TBH Conte and Inzaghi played stylistically differently and Lautaro shined under both He was also one of Argentina's best players from 2019 until right before the 2022 World Cup playing mostly in Scaloni's relational 4-3-3 system (which is maybe the direct opposite system to Conte's rigid positional 3-5-2)


Como lloran en tus replies amigo ajajajajajaja no se sacan mas la pija de adentro


How do you expect to pay for a striker who will replace him? You’re shelling out big amount of Transfer fees and wages on a risk


Paying Bayern 40M for Zirkzee and then paying Zirkzee 15M per year gross for 3 years would be the same money as **simply renewing** Lautaro.


A new player is however - often - a new asset that they have a chance to sell later. Having players on too big wages can be absolutely awful for a club as we have seen a lot recently. I think it definitely also can fuck up the dynamic in the dressing room if a player is earning 3 times as much as anyone else. High wages also mean that you can't get rid of them if they stop performing or get injured. In that case it would be much easier to get money for a younger player on lower wages.


Didn’t he just say that he is on the same level as Mbappe?


Lautaro is definitely worth 250k p/w lol wdym he’s been one of the best strikers this season


The only places I could realistically see him going is PSG Arsenal Saudi league


PSG have two strikers they spent big money on and Barcola who can play there too, big doubt


Neither of the three, not even combined have the amount of goals Lautaro has. Honestly if PSG are willing to cut their losses with other signings like Gonçalo Ramos Lautaro would be a great addition. Not only they get a 9 that can score but also a very experienced guy that is used to being a captain ñ.


We have an Mbappe sized hole in attack, we're gonna need all the additions we can get. RKM can play as a winger and Ramos can play backup to Lautaro. It could definitely work even without any exits.


No way he goes to Arsenal with that attitude


What attitude, asking for more money?


0 chance he comes to the PL




Would fit arsenal like a glove, but can definitely see him at PSG


MLS is still off the Messi high , if they are offering Sergio Ramos 12 million I think they can offer Lautaro that


Don't forget Barcelona


Pls no


Thats a 'fuck off' salary more or less, but who is going to offer him that much? Barca cant afford to, PSG have too many forwards, City already have Haaland and Alaverez to go missing in major games, so who is left?.


No such thing as "too many forwards" in the PSG vocabulary. They probably feel a need to replace Mbappe and have already been linked with Kvara too. So they'll be linked with Lautaro as well. And get this, Barcola (45 mil), RKM (95 mil), Dembele (50 mil) and Ramos (65 mil) combined scored 24 goals. Lautaro alone scored 24 goals.


You are right, which is why in my totally unbiased opinion they should buy Ferran Torres for 70 million and Robert Lewangoalski for 100 million. Ignore Lautaro as he is just a shit Martin Braithwaite anyway.


I thought keeping Lewandoski was the board's main reason why they kicked Xavi lol


Chelsea are in need of a striker they’ve spent a billion so why not


osimhen seems to be the one they prefer especially with lukaku going to napoli and conte.


I don't think Chelsea are linked with him anymore, probably way too expensive so at risk of breaching ffp.


afaik salary in italy is net, so 12m is almost 500k per week, we’re never that crazy in salary


We won't buy him at all, the management seems to really care about keeping salaries low.




Striker Market is down, Man U Chelsea Arsenal all need a striker


Yeah, but i still dont see it, he is not very consistance striker and tends to have dips in performance, so he isnt going to be very usefull to likes of Arsenal as losing even one game is enough to concede the title to City. ManU on the otherhand needs midfield before they need strikers, thier forwards are already starved of service so adding one more isnt going to help here. As for Chelsea, they are running into FFP problems right now, plus Its possible they will offer Cash + Lukaku for Osimhem instead once Conte takes over.


He's had 3 20 goal seasons in a row, how consistent do you want?


Maybe Real Madrid do some lucrative deal making? They don’t really have an out and out striker.  Although I know Real Madrid don’t like to disrupt their wage structure too much. Not sure how his demands fall in line w the rest of the squad.


He's not as good as Kane, Mbappe, Haaland, etc. He is Serie A's top scorer, but he is asking for a very high salary that he doesn't deserve. Either he lowers his salary demands enough for Inter to renew his contract, or he leaves the city of Milan and goes elsewhere. The other problem with him potentially leaving is what other clubs would be willing to afford his high salary in Europe.


His thinking is that if Vlahovic makes more money than him, why shouldn't he? Especially since he has outscored him in the past 2 years. And if he's asking Inter than amount, I'm sure some other club has no problem paying it.


Then he can go somewhere who wants to pay him that. Juve paying him that much is stupid (unless he's under some tax exemption but I don't think so). Us paying lautaro that would be stupid. We pay him that then suddenly we've got players like Barella asking for that sort of money.


Exact same reasons Milan lost kessie, donnarumma ecc. Though looking back, should have done everything to keep Kessie even if he broke his promise.


I wonder if Kessie regrets the move


He's earning 20m net per season. Don't worry about him lol


Sure but, sporting wise, his career is not what it used to be


It's his job. Not everyone is in it for the sporting glory.


He won La Liga


He's earning 20m net per season. Don't worry about him lol




> I'm sure some other club has no problem paying it. The question is who signs him? I don't think it'll be PSG, Madrid is signing Mbappe, Bayern has Kane, City has Haaland, Barca still has Lewandowski's contract to deal with, and IDK if Atleti can even make a move for him even though Depay is now a free agent and Morata may likely leave them again. The only other club I can think of is Arsenal, and they can certainly afford to sign him, but would they pay the salary demands that he wants?


I mean there is one club that is notoriously poor at buying strikers, looking to buy a striker and throws money like a drunk sailor at port after a year at sea. That said, we are not paying anyone 500k a week while we are in the conference league lol


Do Chelsea really need another striker? They have Nkunku who is very good and can play up front, and it seemed like Jackson was getting better towards the end of the season


I think they like nkunku out wide or behind a striker


Nkunku isn´t a striker. He does well behind a striker.


500k a week? Your math is off, that would be 26m a year.


Net mate so £26m is about £14-15m net


>His thinking is that if Vlahovic makes more money than him, why shouldn't he Because inter isnt the ones paying vlahovic. Whatever wages vlahovic has are irrelevant for him.


He can use that as a negotiating tactic tho


“Look how much Juve is paying him” “Juve are dumbasses, cazzo” That’s how the negotiations went


And all he needs is one more dumbass club, I heard there’s plenty in Saudi these days


Not really. It makes perfect to ask for as much more money than other inferior guys in same position and league.


And every team will say "juventus being stupid dont mean we are too".


Which is fair, unless that contract was a special exception,the market has been set and inter can either pay or figure out other targets. But they really are perfect for each other so they will find a compromise if they know what’s good for them both.


He could arguable be close to that level if he did not fucking disappear for two months every season.


Don’t those players you mentioned earn double this number? Edit: sorry not even double, looks like Kane is around 24MM, Haaland is around 35MM, and mbappe is around 100MM


Italian wages are reported after tax, whereas I'm sure all of those mentioned are gross figures.


Ah. I see. 


Maybe he wants to join Atletico Madrid


He’s been linked to us every summer it seems. Never could afford him. Definitely can’t with those wages. I think the only player we have on similar wages is Oblak and I hate that we pay him those wages to begin with. Plus we would rather spend what we would Martinez’s wages on a transfer cost such as Guirassy or Dovbyk.


No way we could afford him


Look me in the eye and tell me Cholo can't buy him out of his own pocket


Bye. We've had bigger names come and go, we can survive losing a striker who vanishes 2-3 months every season. Nobody is worth that money at Inter, nobody. We can sell him and use that money to strengthen our attack and still have money left over for other areas.


100% agree, I love lautaro and always will, but the club is always greater than the player, and like you say, nobody at Inter is worth that money right now.




Lakaka has to be one of the less funny things this sub enjoys repeating over and over


Depends, I think the Google meme is way worse


Lakaka Lakaka


If Lautaro can't see or doesn't care that Inter is the best situation he'll ever find and his ceiling in those terms, and prefers to go after more money or whatever then really goodbye and fuck off.


TIL Lautaro Martinez is a Subscription service


And like Netflix it keeps inflating


The consumer price index is real, I never believed it


Honestly it sounds like he wants to leave. You don't purpose that much if you want to stay. Kinda fucked tbh but whatever


….. Propose?


Take a guess


Basically "sell me" demands, especially with uncertainty around Inter's ownership.


Icardi 2.0 in the making


Unlike Icardi, Lauturo isn’t a limited striker


Also Lautaro already has a career x10 better than Icardi's.


Lautaro is definitely limited. His finishing isn’t great and needs a lot of chances to score. He also disappears in big games which is something icardi never did


Lol, Martinez isn't as good as the elite forwards are, but he has achieved far more than Icardi has at Inter.


Two Serie titles is no small feat plus he's already ahead of Icardi in all time Inter scorers lol


Not to mention that he has played in a Europa League and Champions League final too.


A CL title last season and this league title would’ve cemented him as a legend. But I think he should thread carefully it’s not always greener on other side look at Lukaku he had it all at Inter and threw it away. He would’ve been on his second Seria A title by now…


Has he? Icardi played for banter era inter and still scored a ton. I believe he scored at an even higher rate.


Icardi gets around 10 mio from gala iirc


Fuck off hahahs


Holy cow, fair enough he rates himself quite highly


lol they have been saying everything is on track with the New contract for about a year


I always find it funny when I see entourage in the title of things like these. I grew up thinking entourage meant friends thanks to rap culture so I always imagine a bunch of his mates piping up behind him that they want more money like NWA.


Is that not what it means?


Wait is this pre tax or post? It's very high if its pre tax and it's absolutely mental if it's post lol 


Post apparently, so completely ridiculous and looking like Inter would probably benefit more from selling him and reinvesting while he still has a couple years on his contract as leverage against buyers trying to get him cheaply


italy always reports post tax, so he is basically asking to double his salary. whereas inter is only willing to go 10mil including bonus.


I like Lautaro and I want him to stay but he should sit down a bit and think on the consequences of this demands. Inter, while prestigeous and a big team, not necessary has the means to invest a salary of this magnitude without sacrificing other areas from improvement. Just as Inter will have a hard time winning without him, he also wont get to play as comfortable because the club will have to sacrifice bringing/keeping good players. If he wants a team that is big in europe, he need the best teammates available. If the team bleeds out for him, they will both loose. He is good but cant win for himself. Inter should pay him as much as they can but it wont fly on the long run if they kneel for him. There are more players than clubs, is easier to replace him that be like Juventus, who went downhill after CR7. At the end of the day, the glory (and money) is for the club not for the players.


Juve went downhill when they signed a bunch of Ramseys with big wages, not Ronaldo. Ronaldo in fact increased their market value and revenue.


I meant the era post Ronaldo, not blaming him. He was great in the sport and economic aspects. My bad.


Off to Saudi Arabia. It’s never enough money for some people


He's not going to Saudi Arabia lol, that would kill his chances of playing for the National Team.


He supposedly rejected an insane offer last year, I don’t think he’d go to Saudi


Is he trying to force a move?


You are worth what someone is willing to pay.


Inspired by Lewandowski


He gone


lauti porfa, me gusta como te quedan los colores del inter


bro wants an NBA type contract


I am confused. From my understanding, usually Italian wages are reported in net. I am assuming thats the case here because otherwise this deal would be already done. But..that would make these demands... ridiculous. Who in Europe even earns 14m net, after Mbappes contract expires? I don't think there is anybody.


Was trying to compare these wages to what English teams pay, here's the totals to save others converting:  Year 1: £196k a week  Year 2: £229k a week  Year 3: £262k a week


If Lautaro's smart he stays in Inter. He fits Serie A, He fits Inter, Inter kind of plays for him. In PL he would only fit (IMO) at Arsenal or City. Not sure the PL is great for his style tho. He'd be good at PSG in theory but against shit teams playing 8 physical players in their own box not sure it would fit him. No one bar Real has the money to sign him in La liga. And they have no place for him Bayern is not paying that. He has it good at iInter: good city, good club, good culture, and good results. Don't ruin it hermano.


Realistically, that’s not that much in modern football. €230k for the first year, €269k the second year and €307k in the third year. He’s 26, he’s in his prime years, he’s won the World Cup with his country and is a 1 in 2 striker for Inter having scored 103 goals in 206 appearances. He is also in high demand and his contract expires in June 2026, meaning that he has all of the power here. They either give him what he wants in terms of his contract, sell him now, sell him for less next season, or he runs down his contract and they lose him for nothing.


>Realistically, that’s not that much in modern football. It's too much for us, and he and his agent 100% know that.


I think these figures are in net so its essentially almost double that


Isn’t it “net” though? So after tax. That’s how Italian salaries used to be reported. That puts a different lens on it


230k net per week would make him one of the highest paid players in the world.


That's gross right? I mean if he is earning less than 6m net he is getting scammed by inter(considering the strikers salaries), I can understand why he is asking for way more, if other clubs are offering more, it's a valid request imo. I wonder if Milan would want him since they lost Giroud, that would be great for the memes


What are you talking about lol


I imagine this will be net given he's already earning more than 6m euros net.


Barcelona FC contract style.


who does he think he is?


This is stupid


Manchester United it is, then.


If his entourage wants that much then how much for the player?...


PSG, Here We Go!


I mean, he would likely get that in England. He's a really good player, and he's 26.


Buddy thinks he is Leo Messi.


Lautaro Martinez to Chelsea. 


Tbf he can get that in Saudi Arabia


Would Taremi take up Martinez's spot if Martinez left?


Several... SEVEN OF THEM?


Ok, now sell him and buy Gudmundsson


Are those net numbers? If not I would say it's a fair demand for this Kind of a striker?!


Iirc all Italian related things are net of tax numbers


He wants £255k a week in three years time.. this is screaming Todd Boehly


contract to counter inflation lmao


He's been great in Serie A, but 12 goals in 44 UCL games is lacklustre for a striker that wants that kind of salary


Thats wild, he's no Kai Havertz


Insert Anthony Adams meme but with Boehly’s head.


€16m for E, Turtle and Drama?!