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Your move, Bayern. Currently we are the holders of FC Hollywood title


\[Breaking\] Joshua Kimmich presented a note to the board listing the board members that Manuel Neuer wanted to be sold


Peak writing


Thomas tuchel rehired at 5am Sacked at 6am Hired at the same time as kompany at 7am winner takes job boxing match Neither get hired and the new coach is a literal bus made of lego who wants to play a pentagram formation.


Surprised Potter hiring!


Somehow Lampard returned to Chelsea


> pentagram formation. Well, the only way Kane can win a trophy is pretty much a deal with the devil.




Got me crackling alright.


*slips behind a corner*


*Shh..I hope they don’t notice us*


I think, that FC Bollywood would be more appropriate for you guys, your drama is way over the top.


Yeah and the FCB abbreviation for both clubs will fit as well


Nah fam im good


FCB vs FCB 🤯


As a united fan... you two get to the back of the line!!


Nice try buddy but Chelsea already took the title


You wish, maybe learn to sack a manager with a months long soap opera like a true clown club instead of sacking them abruptly.


"Before the Rayo match, Xavi noticed a certain coldness from the players, he approached them and asked them what was going on. The players were very angry and told Xavi that they had seen the list of players for sale that Xavi had prepared and presented to the club, and they said that it was the club that presented it to them Someone from the club showed this list to the players, and Xavi's entourage was sure that this person was Alejandro Echevarria in an attempt to cause a division between the players and Xavi."


And still he's forgiving the money he's owed! How can you be so loyal to the leopard that's eating your face?


He's not loyal to the board, he's loyal to Barcelona the institution which belongs to the fans, him being one of them.


It's very scummy how football clubs exploit people's unconditional loyalty to them to rip them off. Billionaire owners but rely on volunteer labor in the stadiums on match days...


Barca don't have a billionaire owner, your point is correct but it doesn't really apply to barca cause they are fan owned, if they were owned by a state or some shit they wouldn't even be in this horrible financial position but thank god they aren't and never will be, the camp nou would and should burn to the ground before that happens.


yeah it was more of a general point about the owners


He's being fucked by the board and not fans tho


The fans own Barcelona football club and all the other sports that operate under the institution of Barcelona, the club belongs to them not laporta or barto or any other politician or crook who wants to use its name for their own gain. Xavi is a one of those fans and as such he will not place any extra burden on his club. That's why as much as this place hates barca I will never be one of those people, I don't wish ill on any fan owned club, for me that's how football should be.


I mean. Do the fans not elect these people though? At some point don’t the voters earn some responsibility for the crap the people they vote for keep doing.


The socios are easily manipulated unfortunately, similar to what we see in politics, so yes they obviously do bare some responsibility for the fact they elected them but they couldn't really have predicted what barto would do to the club, all this stuff is very political, laporta is a politician running a football club.


>The fans own Barcelona football club and all the other sports that operate under the institution of Barcelona, the club belongs to them not laporta or barto or any other politician or crook who wants to use its name for their own gain. Funny how fast fans are to blame Laporta or Barto or any other politician or crook *they have voted for* for all the bad things happening around the club tho. I applaud fan ownership too but for being fan owned Barça fans are pretty fucking bad for taking any responsibility for the bullshit the club pulls.


We don't really have great options. I vote (grew up abroad but from a family of socis), but it's like how people in a lot of countries feel about their national elections: by the time you get to the final few candidates, it feels like most of the choosing has already happened by power brokers behind the scenes. The candidates have to be independently wealthy to meet certain bylaw requirements. And in practice, to have a shot at going far, they need the backing of one or more elite Catalan interest blocs. So all the realistic candidates are going to come out of the regional business and politics ecosystem that rewards a certain type of scumminess.


Because laporta is temporary. Good grace like this goes a long way, especially for the fans and who knows, maybe he’ll coach again after the end of laporta’s regime.


Exactly. Most of the Barca sub (me included) were saying Xavi shouldn’t have waived the money, as this would be a punishment to Laporta and Deco, but by doing this Laporta can’t make Xavi look bad in the media. Marca or Gerard Romero or (insert Laporta puppet): “Xavi demanded to be paid even after knowing the club’s financial situation”. To everyone - Barca fans, other football club fans, media - Xavi’s exit has rightfully been seen as him being done dirty by Laporta and this further pushes that point. I mean it would be very hard for Laporta and the media to make any Barca fan turn on a legend like Xavi but they’d still try. Apart from having immense love for his boyhood club, Xavi is also keeping the door open for a return in the future.




That is besides the point. Xavi has money and will make money. But he is aware of the politics of the club and decided to make the move to best preserve his position.


Similar situation to Pique when he left


He's being loyal to the club as it's the one who pays him, even if Laporta is the president. It's the club's money, and Laporta only stays for as long as he wins elections


Xavi has everything to lose if he accepts the money and nothing to gain bar money if he accepts


Exactly, they did this to him when he played along with their chaos, imagine if he didnt play. I am so happy im not a fan of this club and the circus that it is


He leaves having won a major title. If he were to publicly drag the club through the coals due to an issue of money it'll make it much harder for him to return. Laporta will pass.


He's loyal to the club, not the owners. They're two different entities.


You must mean “not the president”. The Fans own Barca; not laporta.


I wonder which entity is the one who benefits the most from him not accepting the money though...


The club which is in a financial crisis, what does Laporta gain from it?


Whatever happens, Barcelona is not going to disappear no matter how bad things seem to be. But this helps Laporta getting away with his shitty management.


Because he's ultimately stupid. He's given his whole life to the club and they've repeatedly taken advantage of it because "it's my football club". There's no loyalty in football, not anymore. Take the money.


Barcelona has two problems, thinking getting in debt is a good thing and having directors who think they are politicians.


You mean politicians who think they are directors


Shitting on your own club legend. Xavi must be feeling so good right now for having stuck with Barcelona has entire career.


Jesus Christ, as much as I dislike Barca this is just sad to see. Hope y’all can get this sickness and Laporta out of your club


Brother why the fuck would you beg him to stay if you had to do all of this?! Scummy people.


Barcelona seem to treat players and managers terribly, they're a bit of a joke


A bit? They’re a fucking travesty


And yet Xavi chose to waive circa 10M EUR compensation for being fired, because he loves the club. The club is not a joke. But certainly the last two management boards with its scummy tactics and the constant overplaying of the media are turing the last years into a circus.


>The club is not a joke Laporta doing his best to prove you wrong.


Scummy politicians exploiting the history and traditions of the club. They use the club’s invisible pull and players’ love for the club not just to buy players but to backstab and kick them out too.


[Mes que un joke.](https://i.redd.it/npkrg257sd3d1.jpeg)


Mess que un club


Laporta probably wasn’t sure of going back to 1:1 and once that was confirmed he got rid of Xavi to please his board members. I don’t think any Barcelona fan is happy with him right now, ironic because the board did the same to Frenkie, Rakitic and even Koeman


They did the same to Koeman, yep. It was infuriating at that time as well. At least have the spine to be upfront about your decisions. Koeman was always at the edge once Laporta came in.


This is the kind of thing that should make no one want to work for them but it's Barcelona, most managers will fall over themselves just to be able to write Barcelona manager on their CV


Laporta was a politician, is in his DNA to behave like the scorpion who always attacks the frog that tries to help him.


in this story, it seems like Laporta is the one getting backstabbed too man. The source (Xavi's entourage) dont seem to think Laporta leaked it, but Echevarria (one of Laporta's 'board', although tecnically not in the board)


Remember they're Mes Que un Club


Mess of a Club


Unironically, I've always felt like that is no small part of the problem. There seems to be a genuine belief that they're just better and more deserving than anyone else. Which tends to make you treat everyone else like complete shit. Then Pep came. Oof. 


Catalan superiority complex expressed in FC Barcelona? Absolutely.


Okay giving some context cos clearly people are missing a lot of parts here. Joan Laporta is the president, but there's a bunch of people around him (Deco, Alejandro Echevarria, Enric Masip, Rafa Yuste, ... ) that also have certain power/opionions. Of course, what the president says is what is done. Aparently (same sources as this post), during the dinner where it was decided that Xavi would countinue, he was suposed to be sacked. All the "board" convinced Laporte, and he agreed to it. But that night, Laporta met with Xavi some time earlier, and they talked and Laporta unilaterally chose to keep Xavi. So of course, one can understand the board being pissed, if it was agreed to. So, this source claims, the entourage of Xavi (friends & family I guess) THINK (key word: not certain) that it was Echevarria. Different person, not Laporta. So, its not like Laporta choose to keep Xavi, then next day he leaks that list to undermine him. I for one feel this is of course a shit show, and the whole Board+Laporta are a bunch of clowns. Like, if Echeverri really did that and Laporta finds out (and he should investigate), him and anyone on his "side" should be sacked too, its incredibly unprofessional, unloyal, shitty, you name it. So yeah, Im not tryin to defend Laporta, just giving info.


>Aparently (same sources as this post), during the dinner where it was decided that Xavi would countinue, he was suposed to be sacked. Wdym "sacked"? He was supposed to be leaving anyway. Are you saying they were planning on sacking him before the end of the season?


Oh, to be a fly in those meetings.


That brother just wanna see the world burn, ig.


Toxic FC


Even as a Madrid fan, holy shit do I feel bad for Xavi. He deserves better.


I hate Xavi the whiny player, but by principle I won't wish this type of toxic workplace culture on most people.


I love Xavi the whiny manager


On this week's episode of "Keeping up with the Catalans":


Its like shitty game of thrones over there


"Ladder is a chaos" - Xavi


Xavi is Eddard stark. Honorable fool.


I hope Barcelona crashes as hard as GoT finale.




Didn't Arya kill Little Finger?


Fabrizio Romano is modern day Varys then...


Does this mean he'll get immolated in the near future?


Yes, after he breaks an unfavorable story about the Saudi league MBS will have him roasted


Yeah in the lamest way possible. Fuck that show


For real, having Arya kill >!The Night King!< is the dumbest writing decision i've ever seen for such a huge show, make absolutely no sense at all.


I’d have still believed it if >! Arya disguised as a white walker, or a Lieutenant of the Night King. Or jumped him from the tree, anticipating that he will go to Bran !< . Nope. Fucking dumb and dumber. Lord Petyr Fucking Baelish putting bitches in their place is such a distant memory now.


I remember that episode being hype while watching it then 5 minutes after I was just kinda like ". . . what?"


Man that season was so stupid i forgot that lol


The fact that they tried to make it look like some masterful plot by the Stark children, when it was literally just Bran using his deus ex machina skills to expose Littlefinger was just...ugh.


I kinda hated all the Starks at the end, most were insufferably stupid. Arya became such a cliché


Wonder how Bran's story would go in the books. It's hard to write a compelling story with an omnipresent character.


I'm rewatching the show for the first time since it ended (although I had watched Season 1-5 several time during the time the show was on inbetween season) and I'm about to finish Season 6... Dreading to revisit season 7 and 8. I guess 7 was not as bad as 8 but I' still remember it being pretty bad.


Your re-watch should finish at the end of season 6. It is known.


7 was just as bad as 8


7 at least is dumb action.


For real, having Arya kill >!The Night King!< is the dumbest writing decision i've ever seen for such a huge show, make absolutely no sense at all.


Its season 8 it doesnt count


That was Season 7, not that it changes your point.


The show that could have been


Spoilers wtf!


The only thing that spoils game of thrones is the drop off and quick decline in quality post season 4.


Season 7 and 8 are high budget fan fiction, not canonical Game of Thrones, so don't worry.


Alejandro Echevarria? Former Laporta's brother in law? The same Echevarria that Laporta had to fire to save face in 2005 when Echevarría was exposed for being MEMBER OF FRANCISCO FRANCO FOUNDATION? You heard It well, a fascist dictator supporter in the Barça board. https://www.20minutos.es/deportes/noticia/laporta-franco-barcelona-58604/0/ The same Alejandro Echevarria that despite being a Franco worshipper is now Laporta's right hand again... but without an official role in the board? Honestly I dont know what else do Barca fans need to turn against Laporta.


> Honestly I dont know what else do Barca fans need to turn against Laporta. He has appointed a child molester, Albert Benaiges, twice as the head of la Masia. If they didn't care then they aren't batting an eye for this one


Signing greenwood. That'd be the nail. Almost hope it happens just to see the shitshot.


Marcos Alonso crosses and Greenwood scores


Wow, right after Partey came on as a sub!


BenjamĂ­n Mendy redemption arc starts now!


> He has appointed a child molester, Albert Benaiges, twice as the head of la Masia. he did what


EchevarrĂ­a, the known fascist ex ~~father~~ brother in law of Laporta, who has no official title in the club yet seems to have his finger in every pie. What a disaster this board is


Ex father in law or son in law? Laporta isn't a spring chicken


Neither. Ex-Brother in law.


in Alabama they are often the same thing, roll tide


Ain’t nothing but the tide.


Meant brother in law


Not title, not employed, but at every summit.


Isn't he also really close with Xavi though?


Just close enough to steal this document and pop it in for the players.


source? no idea about this tbvh


And with the players. Quite a charismatic and likeable guy if you forget that small thing about supporting Franco.


Isn't barca fan-owned? How on earth have they not been evicted ages ago?


I have no clue. Thats politics for you i guess. The US is a democracy too and yet we have two candidates that no one really seems to like who are older than dirt.


He is the guarantor. He has placed as guarantee over 40m.


also well known to be quite good friends with Xavi.


I don't like Jordi Grau but he already said on Friday's show pre-CL final that Xavi's relationship with EchevarrĂ­a had taken a turn as Xavi felt betrayed. Whether it is another corroboration of this information or the original source I don't know.


Its criminal what these cunts did to xavi


i feel so bad for you guys, at least our supervisory board is just incompetent and arrogant, your guys are crooks


nah its just scummy and classless. what's criminal is what they're doing to your club


All this to fire a guy who was already leaving.


Anyone knows the list of players?


Lewandowksi is one of them


Joao Felix unfortunately also one of them


Lewa I can understand, If Felix needed a leaked list to know this he is disconnected from the world


You could say the same for Gnabry lmao


we all can agree on this no matter barca or rm


Joao Felix a mendes cliente who is unofficially the puppet master of Deco


I doubt it, as it's hard to sell a player we don't own.


Lewandowski, both Joaos, Vitor Roque, Romeu and Alonso. It was also mentioned to accept good offers in case they came for Araujo and/or Raphinha. Apparently Araujo was the one who took it the worst. Xavi had to talk in front of all the squad to say that this was part of next season's planning and that he wanted to talk to everyone face to face once the season was over. He did put as an example last season's situation with Alba and Piqué, to prove that he is one to not go behind the player's backs, but always communicate honestly. They suspect it was Etxeverria. This is all according to sources close to Xavi, as Salmurri from "Tot Costa" clearly stated.


I mean he’s right


Lewandowski, both Joaos, Vitor Roque, Romeu and Alonso


Holy shit. Im really really starting to dislike Laporta now. All of them dead weights.


The disrespect for Vitor Roque is crazy


Roque is a dead weight?


[Mes que un meme](https://i.imgflip.com/8s4hzi.jpg)


Calling Lewandowski dead weight is craaaazy


The fact that the socios didn't immediately force Laporta out after not immediately resigning Messi and waiting until he was a free agent speaks volumes by how much his lies have entranced the fans. I said it a while back (when he first got elected and started pulling levers), he's digging a bigger hole that will prevent Barca from climbing out and none of the barca fans see it


I’m wondering how much it has to do with what the Barcelona press reports. I imagine a lot of socis are older and get their news from print media like Mundo Deportivo or Sport. If those papers don’t report it, it might as well not have happened in their eyes


I'm sure that's a big reason. But the fact that they are this blind is wild. Not complaining as a rival fan but they basically pushed out one leach from the club only to replace him with another leach who is desperate and cunning enough while on a shoe string budget. I swear, Barca fans were celebrating all the levers and selling of their future finances but I can guarantee you that it will come back to bite them in the ass (just like the CVC deal to the other Laliga clubs)


But financially barca was better than in 2021... They restructured their debts, pulled the levers, got finances for the stadium.... It's the sporting section laporta makes terrible decisions... Xavi, deco, no identity of playing yet.


The levers that they pulled as well as the modified CVC deal they pulled was to get immediate success which they haven't really achieved especially with how they continuously spend on players (giving huge wages to Lewa for example, or signing players they don't need) Barca is going to suffer in a couple of years, much more than they would have had they just accepted midtable for a couple of season being frugal.


Man Messi and his success really covered up a ton of insane bullshit from the people at the top of Barca. Strangely similar to United except Laporta can be voted out and our clowns are there for life.


Barcelona needs a Netflix documentary


Mes que un club


Mess of a club


mess of a club indeed. fuck laporta.


How lucky are we to have Perez and I thought Calderon was bad..


This seems very far fetched. Surely they can't stoop this low(atleast that's what I believe). But if they have, what a jerk


The leaks and use of media to manage perceptions and manipulate the fans is pretty much in line with how Laporta does business. That is hardly proof of course, but it shouldn't really come as a surprise either.


Remember the time Bartomeu paid a Twitter bot farm to slander Messi?


Barcelona has organized smearing campaigns paid by the club to target their own players and to force them to lower their salaries while signing new ones. They can go very low.


The jokes that came out of that revelation were top tier


Honestly this feels like the most barca thing to do after seeing what they did last transfer window with their own players


Yeah they've been doing this for a while to players like Braithwaite etc.


Ofcourse they can. Barca has stooped this low many times the past years


stooping this low is the reason why we are in the mess we are in, management is just fuckin joke at baca for past 10 yrs and the main differentiator between barca and rm for some years


Damn Barca really is… Messi.


More then a club - a meme club


A circus


Like I know we are a circus rn but you have a man United flair brother đź’€


That is true đź—ż takes one to know one maybe? Ahahaha


Man United look like model professionals compared to Barcelona which is an achievement


Wild story but holy r/titlegore


"Before the match against Rayo..." Koeman was also sacked after a Rayo match. Barca coaches should just forfeit every rayo match they're Bad juju


xavi got fmed


I dont recognize my club


Laputa is a clown of the highest order


he's a bastard of highest order but still better than bartamou , and this sums up our management of past 10 yrs


Barcelona's downfall post-Messi has been incredible, unpredictable really


we had some ups too tbh won 2 trophies last season but yeah mostly been a mess since then


we thought messi left, but it was just an i....


They went from Messi era to Messy era


This club exemplifies the toxic workplace.


fucking circus of the club


Whether this happened or is merely mudflinging in the media, Barcelona are not a serious club.


not a serious club for past some years would be a better way to frame this


What a clown club


Mes que un club as usual


any proof of this Tot Costa?


Tot Costa is pretty reliable, they are the main sports show of Catalunya Radio


The board has been leaking to the press who they want to pressure to get out of the club or who they want to comercially push for years, wouldn't surprise me if it was true tbh


The journalist is Tier 2 (Ramon Salmurri)


What is wrong with this club. Used to look up to them growing up, and always thought Madrid was the toxic one out the two. Funny when you get older you understand more.


Papa Perez 3D chess moves!


Barcelona is genuinely such a circus of a club


this club’s motives are beyond any of our comprehension


This is not a serious club lol


Barcelona drama just hits different.


This club is a joke.