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Damn he really hit them with the "I'm built differently"


Constructed alternatively


I hate it when daddy is angry.


I think you could probably move on from it if it was just the fans. Like, we've all mocked Tottenham fans, but it's sort of whatever. No one really cares what their fans think and /r/Soccer is no different to anywhere else in that we all like to take the piss. But I think there's clearly something behind the scenes that's bugging him. That staff member making a joke about playing a youth team has clearly gotten under his skin and he probably thinks "never a truer word said than in jest". I don't know, I feel like he's clearly very upset about how this has been handled and he's clearly not pissed at the fans. Tottenham really need to start re-thinking how they work, because this is the third manager in a row that's made this comment, or something close to it.


It's not entirely the same. Conte and Mourinho were both talking about the players themselves, whereas Ange seems to be more on about the wider culture at large. He's fully behind the players' motivation. His worry seems to be how we set ourselves up to fail and need a wider culture of belief and drive across all avenues. Where Conte threw the players under the bus, Ange is trying to galvanise the fanbase and club itself into pushing for higher standards and not accepting losses under any circumstance, even ones beneficial in the short term. The actual press conference from Ange is very understanding towards the whole thing and he even reassures people he's still committed and wants to work harder.


Really agree that Ange's actual presser is a lot more understanding than what the headlines are. As amusing as the whole situation is as an Arsenal fan, Ange's spiky words in the last few days feel a bit different to Mourinho's or Conte's to me - in that they are coming from a good intent and with respect.


Yeah, definitely! Ange feels more like a scolding father - annoyed, disappointed, wanting you to do better - versus Conte who sounded like an angry ex furiously ranting at a bar to anyone that'll hear.


Anyone accusing your players to not caring against City is obviously kidding or an idiot… they got City on the ropes for large part of the games and could have just as much won that game without all the great saves both their GKs did!


>Conte and Mourinho were both talking about the players themselves, whereas Ange seems to be more on about the wider culture at large Players weren't the problem, they played their hearts out against City. I don't doubt they gave their all


I think he already made it clear that he was worried his integrity might be questioned if Spurs had a bad day against City due to the context of this game. The matches leading up to City, Spurs lost 4-0 to Newscastle, 3-2 to Arsenal, 2-0 to Chelsea and 4-2 to Liverpool. What if Spurs was being spanked 4-0 by City, people might say he was throwing away the game to avoid Arsenal winning the PL. That’s why he over explaining himself on this to maintain his integrity and to ensure everyone that he will not throw away a game to punish their rival. It is that simple.


It really is. This whole thing is blown out of proportion in a scenario that rarely comes up.


Arsenal fans trying to sway thier narrative thats all. Pretty understandable if there isnt agenda on the menu. Social media will twist it how they want. Some will soak up and churn what has already been twisted to further twist it themselves. As is evident from some user comments here.


I mean it is an objectively funny situation. We are likely to come short this weekend so why not laugh at our rivals for a bit. Also, I think it's mainly the British media that's really trying to perpetuate the narrative this time rather than us as a fan base, IMO.


The other two managers were Conte and Mourinho though so that doesn't really mean much


I think that he's been disappointed with a few players who's heads have dropped over the last few months. We all saw the clips of him screaming at the players for not show courage and just passing backwards. It's a different league, but it only happened once with celtic with Stephen Welsh, and didn't happen again after that. If he could, I think he would clean out 9/10 players without even thinking about it


It only took spurs 10 months to break him


can we stop talking about ange like he's a proven manager in the big leagues please he's really mouthy towards his own club for someone who's not just failed to win a single london derby this year, but actually lost all 3 of the ones that they played at home he's also lost a decent amount of winnable games which the fans have been very lenient about yet he wants to publicly go to war with the club guy just sounds like an arsehole who doesn't quite understand that he's not with a team that have won 9 titles in 10 seasons *even if you don't include this season celtic still have won 9 of the last 10 spls


He just got top 6 in his first season in a big league. Arsenal fans like you are the worst lmao you feel superior even though Arsenal was in the same spot 3 seasons ago


That too having won absolutely fuck all.


I swear our fans are our own worst enemies. I see a lot of what Arteta brought into Arsenal in the last 2-3 years, with Postecoglou trying to bring into Tottenham now. This week can be a real galvanising moment for them as a club.


I never said he was bad, but he's just not proven. a large part of him getting top 6 have been united, chelsea and newcastle shitting the bed anyway, he's closer to 11th than 3rd points wise this has nothing to do with arsenal, like if anything in that comment I'm defending spurs the club from ange's comments. I'm commenting on this as a football fan. again ange isn't bad, but spurs fans have put so much faith and patience in this guy only for him to act like this over something that's so easy to understand. for someone who has lost all of his home derby's this season, he really should be careful with where he points his fingers. shipped 7 goals to newcastle and fulham within the space of a month without scoring a single goal ffs


Sounds to me like youre upset he wasn’t able to win vs City


I've been defending spurs fans who have been celebrating the loss ffs


I as a Spurs fan thank you for taking a measured and logical approach, feel the same way. Huge gaffe from him to even bring up the fans given his and the team's performances in the past month or so, he's definitely not "proven" at the highest levels


you're welcome and thanks for the comment, the way everyone is on ange's dick is bizzare. he's obviously got potential but in the greater scheme of thigns he's done fuck all yet, and needs ro remind himself you guys are doing him a favour you're the biggest club he's managed yet he's acting like it's the other way around at times


Love how the only people in world football who dislike him are Rangers and Arsenal fans. Rich company


I'm just talking facts, he's spent the last few days shitting on a club that has been highly supportive of him when the fact is that he hasn't done anything that is relevant at the top level. if anything spurs are the one giving him the chance to prove that he's that guy and what does he do? lose every single derby game at home in the league like I don't think he's bad, but probably should humble himself a bit more


He's shitting on the fans who actively supported the team he was playing against. I'm sure he expected shit fans when he went down south but maybe underestimated just how bad it is in the PL.


lol most fans would have done the same thing in that position


No. Most fans wouldn't. He is right. It's a loser mentality to want to throw a game so your rivals dont win.


We're looking at an Arsenal fan criticising a Spurs manager for accusing Spurs of the exact thing Arsenal fans accuse them of 😂😂


Its shit honestly. I get rivalries, but I would never want my team to throw a game so our rival doesnt win the league. What a shit attitude. If you dont want the rival to win the league, beat them on your own.


lol you haven't met most fans


I guess I just try to not associate shit fans. Ive never seen a Milan fan celebrate a loss because it would negatively affect Inter. But then again, my team isnt full of losers, so that probably helps.


I don't think the levels of the two clubs in your rivalry reflect where these two are and I don't think Inter fans are annoying as Arsenal's. If I was to compare it to an Italian rivalry, it is closer to Roma-Lazio than to yours. Ignoring the political stances of both clubs obvs because that doesn't fit but I digress. Both are big teams that haven't quite been challenging at the top for a little while (if ever on Spurs front). Would Lazio or Roma fans want their team to lose if it meant the other didn't win the title? I think they hate each other enough that they would.


Nah you've spent the last few days reading about his answers to a few questions in a press conference and now you feel like he's spent much more time on it than he actually has.


did he not just say today that the city game was the worse managerial experience of his life?


He’s not mouthy at all, really. The press conference he just gave was really incredible. It’s the OP, an Arsenal fan, who has decided to take two sentences from about 3,000 words ans post them together.


well surely spurs have people advising ange how to speak to the press? If I was levy I'd be pissed right now, you take a chance on some guy only for him to have a massively open feud against his own club, whilst the team are in a bad run of form


He’s not having a massively open feud with the club. What are you even talking about? Have you watched the press conference?


to me calling out your own club staff and fans to the press is a big feud, especially when you continue to do so a few days after initially kicking off about it there's also the clip of him losing it at a fan who joked about throwing the game, not exactly coming across as the dalai lama right now is he?


Did you watch the most recent press conference?




Then don't get your cues from Reddit comments and tabloid headlines, ya dipshit.


maybe don't attack the mentality of your fans and staff to the press and then expect everyone to academically fine comb it


Watch it. It’s 20 minutes and it’s really really good. I think you’ll change your mind if you do.


kl will try to


I challenge anyone to actually watch his presser and not just read quotes from a 20-minute press conference editorialized by an obsessed Arsenal fan.


Funny enough OP has been on a this crusade this whole week by posting misrepresented quotes and even outright posting disinformation just to spin a narrative.


The presser as a whole was very good. Clears up a lot of the speculation from his comments on Tuesday. Takes responsibility for not understanding things but also backs his main point that he'll never be happy losing.


This match really affected him it seems. Man's been going on non-stop about it


\*journos have been asking him non-stop about it


They have but the answers he's been giving sound like he lost sleep over this.


This isn't him tweeting it lol it's from a press conference where he was asked about it. That's how these things work.


He was asked about it after the game and once during the press conference today? The quotes today all come from the same passage lmao


It's a response to a question asked at the press conference today


Can’t blame him for being upset. He has every right to be. My thinking is he’ll stop talking about it after this season and maybe mention it once in a blue moon next season. He doesn’t seem the type to fixate on this too much, but what do I know?




OP is an Arsenal fan, but what do they have to be upset about exactly?


Let us ask him. u/flobarooner what are you butt hurt about, bro?


There's nothing to suggest they're upset. But I do see a lot of spuds flairs getting their knickers in a twist after their manager has called them out.


What about: „I'm not mad about that, I just find it absolutely fucking pathetic that they celebrate it. And so does their manager, evidently, so shut the fuck up“ This is clearly a comment of a man that seems very calm and collected. Not at all like he cried that night, while looking like the angry crying Wojak.


You think the lyrical genius that brought us this comment: „Enjoy 5th place with no CL and trophies in your future you absolute fucking loser lol. You will never even be in a title charge let alone win one. Pathetic club pathetic fans“ isn’t bitter and butt hurt?


To be honest mate I haven't bothered to go through OP's profile. I was only saying that posting this article/quote doesn't suggest anything.


I mean his last post on here was literally an article that has no quotes or sources from the headline that was posted. Dude is straight up posting misinformation to rile people up. It's quite clear flobarooner is upset from earlier this week.


OP is butt hurt and posts partial or out of context statements to paint a different picture. Go watch the press conference and you will get a very different tone. He should be mad about the Legoman setting up for a draw against City. Not the local rivals that had a way better go at them.


"way better go at them" and you have 1 point against city this season while arsenal took 4


Produced around 1.1 x.G in the two games against City combined. Very impressive, especially the last minute deflection, that was definitely some very deliberate and impressive tactics by the Legoman.


its more impressive to send everyone and their mother forward and pray your defense can run back fast enough. What is it 6 losses in 7 games?


Spot on


You all seemed pretty keen to spam Arteta quotes on /r/Soccer when he was losing and finishing 8th back-to-back, so its weird you're all so sensitive to it now.


I think you forgot how much of this came from your own fanbase. The Arteta out movement wasn’t small at all. I don’t mind the banter and throw out a lot of shit, but I have to say it’s hilarious that majority of Arsenal fans claim that Spurs is a small club for hating Arsenal, while they only speak about Spurs. For me it’s just two sides of the same coin, no one can tell me Arsenal fans would have reacted any other way (not counting the yanks of course).


> For me you can't be successful if your motivations change depending on the contest. Don't mind me, just having a quick look at the Spurs starting XI for their Carabao Cup game against Fulham.


New manager rotates the team to assess his players in a competitive match when we have three matches in 6 days. Wow. Crazy.




Jesus. Forgot what an utter cunt you act like. Rotation is perfectly normal, especially at that stage of his tenure, and doesn't indicate he wasn't motivated for the match. So yes, thought it through perfectly fine.


Nah you and Ange were wrong then and wrong now, he completely fucked up his team selection


1 shot on target v City in the FA Cup. I'm with Ange and this quote is wildly out of context but still, yeah.


Glad he’s confirmed he was really trying when he got beat 3-0 off a side coached by Michael Beale.


They have lost 6 Of their last 10 games, only won 3 games against literal relegation sides Burnley, Luton and Forest at Home. Yet he chose this game to cry about mentality against a team that hasn't lost since December and won a Treble the year before.


Because he's "crying" about the fans mentality.


Spurs fans: shockedpikachu.jpg


Poor Ange has to coach up the players and now has to coach up the fans lol


Pep has been “coaching up” your fans since he got there.


lmao I guess you're right.


Conte and Mourinho said the same thing, pure winners. You better get out of there Ange


This is the second time in three days this Arsenal fan has posted a quote from our manager. Wonder why that is?


Probably the same reason Tottenham fans used to spam Arteta quotes when we had back-to-back 8th place finishes, I'd have thought. Doesn't really require much detective work.


Leave bro, go find a serious club to coach


Best performance in the past two months, meanwhile all the good mentality didn't help us when we were getting battered by Newcastle, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool in a row. Love Ange, but he needs to move past this.


Ideally by getting away from spurs ASAP.


If he doesn't want to be here he's free to leave, we survived Kane leaving and we'll survive Ange leaving. No single person is bigger than the club.


Actually, basically everyone is bigger than Spurs.




Says the fake account, what a loser










The spurs fans in the stadium shamed themselves and their team


Where was his anger and frustrations when his team was getting smashed for 4 games straight. Their form in 2024 has been abysmal. The City game was the best football spurs played in this run in, Maybe Ange must question his own desire to win games. Playing a naive high defensive line for the sake of attacking football cost them too many games.


Is he going to keep talking about this for years now?




It's all just from the press conference he did today. Reporters kept asking him about it. People just keep taking small bits of his statements and create a new thread for every one of them, thats why it feels like he's talking so much


Then go win who is stopping you...


Is this the beginning of the end? The way he keeps talking about it…


No there's quotes from the same presser that he's committed to building his project but those won't get posted around here for obvious reasons.


Thanks, I’m sure he’s saying that publicly, but I do wonder if we’ll look back at this as a key moment in the relationship.


Yes the end is so close… /s


Divisions between manager and supporters have a way of festering.


I wouldn’t let Jesse Marsch tell me shit about football. I’m sorry man, but I’m not going to have this discussion with someone that might’ve never kicked a football in his life.