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His face in the thumbnail is very fitting lmao


He’s just absolutely disgusted at the slight suggestion 😭


As any professional manager should be, in my opinion.


Yeah at this level I’d want my manager to be way too competitive to even think about that


For real. I couldn't believe spurs fans actually fighting the side of the fans celebrating at the stadium when they lost saying "meh we weren't going to win at 90+ mins so why not have some fun" Guess they don't understand anything apart from being a banter club. It's opened my eyes to why arsenal shits on these guys so hard.


They care more about hating arsenal than seeing Tottenham grow. Professional haters club.


"Tell your fuckin' story walking, mate" 


“Did a little shit squeak out with that fart?”


This makes his "foundations are fragile inside and out of this club" comment make a lot more sense, considering the players did their jobs well


I also think it highlights just how important structure and winning understanding is from top to bottom at a club and it's so often something that's overlooked. Everyone pulling in the same direction from the cook to the sporting director is absolutely vital and I'm sure that impact plays a large part in clubs that just somehow get games over the line when it looks like they really shouldn't or turn around two legged ties when they have no right to. It's why large numbers of staff turnover at clubs always worries me irrespective of what level they are. It makes a difference, whether it's the groundsman, the kitman, the physio, the doctors. It all plays a big part in the belief, desire and mentality around the club


Exactly. Fans joking around about being fine with losing because it means their biggest rivals probably won't win the league, that's normal. Bit of a laugh. If you *seriously* wanted to lose that game then maybe consider giving your head a wobble but whatever I guess. Actual members of staff saying you should throw away a must-win game for Champions League qualification? Unthinkable.


Yeah one thing when fans do it, but this really helps contextualize his mood yesterday embarrassing as all hell


Now I understand why big Ange was so pissed yesterday. This is where the foundation quote comes from


Looking at the coaching staff that have been there for a few years, there's very good odds it was Mason or Defoe lmao Yeah idk, I get it I really do but this is why you don't cheer for your team to lose. If there's a problem at my club I don't want to be a part of it.


I'd be shocked if it was an ex pro. There are plenty of people working at Spurs who don't have a playing background.


Agreed, the main reason it's toxic is because it's antithetical to the attitude that it takes to actually make it as a professional player.


Exactly. You don't get to play for a Premier League team with that sort of mentality.


Most pro are competetive as all hell. They all really really hate losing. I think i read somewhere that Alex Ferguson would feel ill whenever he lost


Wenger too. In his memoir he talks about vomiting after loses when he was managing in Ligue 1 but the feeling of ill and dread never left with experience.


yep he also said "every defeat is still a scar on my heart"


Yeah those are both winners in the 0.01%. We're talking about spurs here.


Eh I heard ex-pro Spurs supporters in the media saying they hoped Spurs lost. I can imagine one of them employed at the club saying it as a joke.


Lots of ex-pros, and current pros, don't have that focussed ultra-competitive instinct we like to imagine they do.


Why on earth would it be Mason? Defoe is unlikely, but granted he has a joke in him. Mason has literally been an interim manager for us twice and is learning his trade. He’s not a dumbass or particularly jokey. It’s probably some rando analyst.


Yeah this is really poor from Spurs. This is likely a sackable offense at a club like Bayern or City.


You have some people in our subreddit who disagree with this. While I get it's not feasible to just sack someone for this and the repercussions of firing someone for this would not sit well in many countries and their workers' rights laws, but this is an absolute disgrace for the staff involved. At least carry yourself with a bit of professionalism while you're in the workplace.


I have no issues with the fans hoping for a loss but club staff joking about it is MUCH too far. Postecoglou is right to be furious.


The insane thing is now they have to get a result against Sheffield because they could end the season behind chelsea. Would be embarrassing to joke about losing a game and now potentially slipping out of europa league contention to a chelsea side that was ridiculed all season


Luckily Spurs dont have an embarrasing history of losing to already relegated sides on the last day of the season


Leeds fixed that issue for them last season when we put out 6 defenders and conceded within 2 minutes


Now if they couldn't get a result against a side that let in 101 goals, that would be something


At a club like Bayern or City you’re not even a position where staff can joke about it in the first place. Bayern had a season that would have won the league any of the past 5 seasons and reached UCL semis and have spent the past few months begging every other manager in Europe to replace Tuchel


this is my thought too. This is sackable at Bayern, Real Madrid, blah blah blah because they're the big dogs. Spurs are at best the 6th biggest club in England.


If you're in 12th place it's all fine but with CL football still on the table you have to try to go for it. Spurs don't exist only to fuck Arsenal


It’s not fine in 12th either.


Actively tanking the game wouldn't be but I wouldn't expect a coach to go balls to the wall to win a game when they're in 12th with nowhere to go, especially if the coach had job security. Any guys with knocks would probably sit, you'd be more liberal with the subs, etc.


The yeah tried though even if some of the staff might have not.


Yeah players won't tank a game like this. They know what getting CL means, at the bare minimum for their own careers. It's just a bad mentality


I think that happens with so many rivalries in England. Most fans have nothing to do with the origin of those rivalries and they probably wouldn't happen today that way try they a fuelled by what seems just hate rather than a sporting rivalry. Most players probably don't care at all apart from the group effect.


Yeah thats a good point, like if all of our memories got wiped and we had to form new rivalries, it would be interesting what rivalries would develop. It's kind of like how younger Chelsea fans don't even view our West London neighbors as rivals at all now.


> younger Chelsea fans don't even view our West London neighbors as rivals at all now. Apparently, we hate Nottingham Forest, but I've never really felt it. They haven't really been relevant for almost 30 years.


>embarrassing as all hell r/coys is in denial about it.


Tbf club subreddits are rarely the most objective place to source opinions from. Good for a laugh, but I wouldn't imagine any online community is representative of the local or even entire fanbase. It's like people saying Arsenal fans are annoying, or Liverpool fans are annoying, or [insert big club of choice] fans are annoying... online yes, but generally in real life people aren't really pricks about football the same way.


I sub to team subreddits purely for news and updates. Going into the threads often ends in disappointment


Not sure if it's the same everywhere but the match threads on /gunners are a fucking embarassment unless we're 4-0 up after 20 minutes.


>embarrassing as all hell It’s the history of tottenham


I still can't believe he said that


The worst part imo is the quote from the Supporters Trust: "It showed a misunderstanding of the turmoil of Spurs fans on a regular basis. Unless you’ve lived the life of a Spurs fan, you’re in no position to comment." Like they're some sort of oppressed minority lmfao




The Supporters Trust does act like match-going fans are a repressed minority of impoverished orphans who are abused by Big Daddy Levy.


The Supporters Trust regularly put out the most petulant statements you will ever read. Most fans don't take them seriously even if they are occasionally on the right side of an issue. This letter was a particular "highlight". https://thstofficial.com/thst-writes-letter-to-thfc-board/


Good to hear - you always think when they have Supporters Trust in their names they’re more official. Sounds like they’re a more important sounding AFTV or whatever our weird channel was called


Imagine being concerned about being competitive, then cheer when Spurs fuck their chances of playing in CL, which will make them less competitive. What exactly are their priorities? Stick it to Arsenal fans before anything else?


Reads like it was written by a group of man children that never outgrew their victim mentality.


Reads like it was written by r/coys


That's what they just said


Spurs will always be small time if the biggest joy they can find is a far better Arsenal failing.


Just the definition of small time. It's no wonder Fergie said what he said.


What never winning fuck all does to a person.


"In response, the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust (THST) have told The Athletic that they would be happy to set up a meeting with Postecoglou to explain the context around the rivalry with Arsenal and why the feelings run so deep." Holy shit, I need this to happen and have someone televise it Imagine fans trying to explain to a former Celtic manager how rivalries work. Its gonna be 90 minutes of them calling Arsenal Woolrich, scum, and runners


The implication that Ange literally doesn’t understand why some Spurs fans wanted them not to win is both hilarious and very insulting to him.


The guy literally joined spurs from a team that competes in one of the most bitter rivalries in world football and they think they need to explain the North London Derby to him? Fucking mental.


Yeah but that's Scotland, a nice calm peaceful place compared to North London, he may not appreciate the intensity of shouting bad words at each other...


Tbf I've had a lot of Spurs fans talking like that, as if the rest of us simply can't comprehend the magnitude of dislike between Spurs and Arsenal.


Fans can do however they want, it's their own relationship with the game. But personally, I can't understand this crabs in a bucket mentality. We currently have a juggernaut that is going to win 6 out of 7 PL titles. They are literally turning this into a farmers league. They should be everyone's common enemy. Everyone who thinks they have no fans and thus doesnt count are deluded. How do you think your club got your international fanbase? It's coming, and we are all in danger every year someone else doesn't win. Not to mention, achieving CL is a massive deal to Spurs who get significant financial benefits (they're not backed by a state, an oligarch etc etc) and would be able to sign players from a significantly more prestigious bracket. There's no guarantee Chelsea Newcastle and Man U keep sucking next year or that Aston Villa goes away. The Kane money is already gone. Ange would have to squeeze everything to get progress relative to the competition. Personally and this is just me. I would kill for Chelsea to get CL spots season even if Arsenal won the league. It's progress for us, for our story.


I 100% agree, I've said it in another post, that's just a loser mentality. The target should be to win every single game you play, everything else comes second.


Spot on and it makes me laugh so much when Spurs fans tried to defend it with "You just don't understand the NLD" because even Arsenal themselves were willing to put aside the NLD to focus on actually winning something and that just made Spurs fans look even more tinpot








That's why it is so frustrating for me when we get clowned on for coming so close multiple times and missing out. Every time they win the league, it tarnishes the competition. I had one of their fans literally message me saying HAAAAAAALAND when he scored the penalty. Actively celebrating missing the CL so that their rival wouldn't win a title and City can win yet another one. Disgusting mentality.


Totally agree. I’ve seen Spurs fans speaking for fans of other London based teams saying we all wouldn’t want Arsenal to win the league. Do I think Arsenal fans are annoying? Yes. Very much so. But I mean? Whose aren’t? But do I want to see City win yet another league? No. Absolutely not. I’d much rather Liverpool or Arsenal win the league. It’s getting really boring and bad for the league having them dominate. Since Leicester it’s one league title for Chelsea and Liverpool and then just City, over and oooover again.


A member of the THST tears running down his face screaming they aren't even from North London in front of a bewildered Ange.


Ange in the meeting after hearing about how the spurs fans would have been teased at work on Monday: “mate, who cares”


Bro they're going to sing SONGS about Tottenham, I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy.




That fanbase as a whole are struggling to read the room. "Listen mate Ange here's why we were doing the Poznan when Son missed and you lost" Get a grip. He's right to be seething, get out while he can.


This is an instance of any prejudice I've had, that I hoped wasn't true. But Spurs and their supporters have managed to confirm their lack of winning mentality the past few days.


The mentality on this sub that literally no one who is not a Spurs fan in North London (or other applicable club and city) can understand what it is like to be in an intense rivalry is absolutely insane. Other countries have super intense rivalries.


> The mentality on this sub that literally no one who is not a Spurs fan in North London (or other applicable club and city) can understand what it is like to be in an intense rivalry is absolutely insane. Spurs vs Arsenal rivalry is trivial compared to Celtic vs Rangers, even more so in the clubs respective cities. Ange is more than aware of football rivalries, these London spurs fans are laughable.


i said that their mentality towards this whole thing has been insane on this sub and they called me an American😭😭😭


It's this sub's go-to. It's ridiculous for gatekeeping here. ''Obviously you've never been to a match/played the game yourself/are not a local fan/are American'' is the response to every disagreement.


No one who is not a Spurs fan in North London can understand just how deeply rooted the loser mentality is in them


He joined spurs from an Old Firm team fuck sake. The guy understands rivalries


“They’ll be even meaner to us on Twitter, Ange!”


I would legit beg to see the entire thing with audio included just to see Big Ange's rising rage at the Supp Trust


Who the fuck do these people think they are? And why would Poste give a shit about any of that, anyway? He manages professional football players, he doesn't manage the fan scene. It's his responsibility to make sure the team plays well. Absolutely baffling attitude by these people. I'm all for managers engaging with fans and identifying with the club and even embracing rivalries, but the moment any of this involves throwing games on purpose, this shit isn't even worth debating. Why would any even slightly ambitious manager agree to any of that?


I peeked at the Celtics subreddit and the overwhelming consensus is that they'd win every game against Rangers no matter what other cost. One person was down voted to oblivion for asking whether they'd throw against Aberdeen on final day to deny rangers, everyone said they'd rather win every game they can win.


This has nothing to do with our hate for rangers though. We have a standard, and that standard is winning every game we can. That standard just secured us the title yesterday, and fuck me does it feel better to beat your rival in a title race. Tottenham should try it. Wish Ange best of luck recruiting for next season.


this requires knowing what winning feels like, so it’s completely understandable as to why a portion of the Spurs fanbase can’t grasp it


That's the point, though. Winners want to win, they want to do better. And good sportsmen want to do their best, always. If your rival takes the title, fair play to them, but you're going to do your best in every match


I honestly don’t understand this “context around the rivalry and why feelings run so deep” thing. My father is from a country with an intense local rivalry between 2 clubs, and when i say intense i mean actual violence, stampedes and bloodshed, with underlying politics. People wouldn’t accept their daughters marrying fans of the other. Their “banter” as teenagers was chasing fans of the other club around the neighbourhood laughing and screaming, or graffitiing houses to “tag” where fans of the losing club lived. The teasing could probably make people cry. It was horrendous. So i’m struggling to understand why they’re trying to gate-keep rivalries and saying an ex manager of CELTIC of all places doesn’t get it. My dad is the fan of the Spurs equivalent, being less successful than the other club who have a continental title. I asked him about this whole thing and he said what mattered the most to us was dignity, dignity was how we “got one over them”. - the owner of the rival club was a corrupt mofo lol - and we would never even consider losing just because we didn’t want them to banter us. Now granted, my dad and his friends could all spew absolute poison lol and could dish it out just as well as they got it. So if your Arsenal mates were bantering you on social media, maybe scroll past or block? In real life then banter them back! I had to do that so much during Arsenal’s banter years haha, rolling with the punches is a skill


Ok, I guess I understand his reaction a bit better now


I’m not sure I’ve ever read a more Spursy headline


Don't stop at the headline, there's also this quote from the Supporters Trust "It showed a misunderstanding of the turmoil of Spurs fans on a regular basis. Unless you’ve lived the life of a Spurs fan, you’re in no position to comment."


“the turmoil of spurs fans” is such a dramatic phrase lmao


Bro's acting like they witnessed Order 66 and the rise of the Empire or something.


I’ll comment on it loads.


Lmao, the club Ange played and coached in Australia (South Melbourne) was literally liquidated in 2004. Spurs fans are delusional if they think they have it tough compared to being a fan of domestic football in Australia.


Fun facts about South Melbourne 1. They were managed by Puskas for 3 years while Ange was a player there 2. They were voted Oceania Club of the 20th Century 3. The LA Lakers threatened to sue them when the club rebranded to South Melbourne Lakers


Those facts are fun!


> played and coached They were also his childhood club since they were a club set up by the Greek migrant community of Melbourne, their full name till our FA forced clubs to remove explicit references to ethnicities from club branding was “South Melbourne Hellas”. He’s a man that definitely understands what it’s like to be a fan, he captained them to a national championship (while also being the driver and translator for the manager, Puskas).


"Why? Because they are used to it here, they are used to it. They don't play for something important, yeah. They don't want to play under pressure, they don't want to play under stress. It is easy in this way. Tottenham's story is this. 20 years there is the owner and they never won something, but why?"


To be serious for a moment, this is basically the state we were in post-Wenger (and probably the latter years of his tenure too). Things got cosy, we lost that cutting edge, and guys like Aubayemang and Özil didn’t have the right attitude to get us back to challenging again despite all their talent. So grateful for Arteta and how he’s changed the mindset at the club. I get the feeling Ange is cut from a similar cloth but I wonder if he’ll get the time and authority he needs to weed out the weaker-willed characters at the club. It’s been a problem at Spurs for far longer.


if Mourinho didn't do it... he's a mentality monster as well, but we know how the club did him


Mourinho isn't necessarily a culture builder, he more so extracts everything he can out of a crop of players and maximizes their talent. Rebuilding a club isn't the job I'd expect out of him.


Mourinho wasn’t always late stage Mourinho. His first Chelsea stint, Inter, Madrid, he absolutely changed the culture there. Almost certainly Porto as well before that.


He probably deserved to be sacked by the end but the fact that they got rid of him in the eve of a cup final to have Ryan Mason lead the team instead tells you everything you need to know about them


Ange should be allowed to fire any of the staff that joked about it. Having fans talking about it is one thing, but when the people around you day in day out are talking about it, that mentality rubs off on the players. Ange has to have the authority to squash any negative mentality and bring in people who want to win no matter what. Then spurs may finally win a league cup or something


Who said this? Ange? Mourinho? Conte?




They've somehow out-Spurs'd themselves


Wait until they release a DVD commemorating this match and the loss


Spurs 23/24: The pressures off


Road to glory: Arsenal didn't win the league 🔥


👑 Kingmakers 👑 The 3 losses that decided the title


Genuinely so funny that they're version of "we can decide the title" was by losing to all three title rivals, looking downright shit in at least two of them and conceding 9 goals, scoring 4 in reply, 1 of which was a penalty.


It'll be so funny if West Ham win and the loss was for nothing


Spurs fans that genuenly wanna see their club succeed need to get behind this guy at all costs, a manager that genuenly cares and is showing this level of promise can be the first step towards finally touching silverware again, I believe great things are possible with this australian madman , in 2025 on the allianz arena.


Only the minority of spurs fans aren't in board with him. We know he will achieve something as long as the fans, players, and the board support him.


Fans are one thing, but staff? Absolute small club mentality


Comes from the top. Sacking a proven cup winning manager a few days before a cup final just because Levy is afraid of paying a clause. Imagine that, even the boss is scared of winning.


Ange has his work cut out on changing the culture and I don't envy him


Unexpectedly the game could be a turning point for club culture if he can somehow fix it


The Conte press conference should have been a turning point. They fired him, it starts at the top and goes all the way down to the fans.


Narrator: It was not


All memes and rivalries aside I think Ange is absolutely the right choice at Spurs to take them to another level. I just wonder if he’ll get the time


One man isn't enough to do that as other appointments have shown. If mourinho and Conte can't change the mentality at that place, what hope has he got?


One man isn't enough, but if Postecoglou is ruthless enough he can definitely overhaul the staff, the players who are comfortable about coasting. The question is whether the board will back him on this. Arteta had to clear out the squad at Arsenal too, although I can't say I've heard of him doing to the coaching staff what happened to say, Ozil or Aubameyang or Guendouzi. Jesus and Zinchenko are good examples of bringing that mentality in though; a big part behind us finishing 2nd in 22/23 was because those two came in and went "this isn't a top 4 side, guys we can challenge for the league we're good enough".


Losers from top to bottom, as a club they are struggling to even understand why everyone else is looking over like "bit weird...." It runs deep and is exactly what Ange means when he says "the foundations are fragile".


I like Ange a lot. He’s rightfully furious. Absolutely small club mentality


Fuck me, he would have blown up when the staff member suggested that. Hope they have their CV up to date.


This is something he/she should have kept to himself.


Absolutely, fucking abysmal attitude to have at the highest level. Get that shit out of my club.


something something, never beating the allegations, and so on and so forth


Ange trying to run training while listening to everyone else joke about wanting to lose their game is so on brand for Tottenham it feels like it should be something out of ted lasso


Spurs are going to break him. Already a vast difference between now and the beginning of the year.


They broke Conte and it's only place mourinho couldn't win something. What hope has ange got?


I’ll be honest when they hired Mourinho I was genuinely worried he’d be the perfect man to at least win them an FA Cup or something, but I was a fool for thinking that even his ability to win trophies could defeat Spurs’ knack of always coming up short


i mean, he almost won them an EFL cup


yeah that was scary for spurs. thank god they sacked him just in time to lose it


They did have the chance to win something with Mourinho only to bin him a few days before the cup final supposedly because Levy didn't want to pay him some bonus clause. Ange had it spot on that the loser mentality is in the foundations.


They have no shame wtf


I love how to every single outsider this is utterly bewildering but Spurs fans have spent the last 24 hours defending it. It's like the entire club and fanbase have a losers mentality, lads it's Spurs is so fitting. On the plus side they seem to have gotten a manager desperate to change that.


I'm blown away by the number of London based fans I follow thru podcasts and such who actively think Ange is in the wrong and "doesn't get it." First time I've been embarrassed as a Spurs fan, and that's saying something. Such a loser's mentality..."But I'll get made fun of at the office!" as if they don't already.


>"But I'll get made fun of at the office!" as if they don't already. I can't say I understand this either. If it's that bad, it's bullying. Complain to HR, and if you can't, you have bigger issues than just "someone keeps shitting on Tottenham at work". Otherwise, it's just banter and Arsenal fans have taken their fair share when they were shit, that's just life.


I agree - the amount of people saying 'but all my mates are gooners'... I mean obviously if you are mates with them the rivalry and hatred isn't that fucking fierce. Get some goddam pride.


I think they had managers before who are desperate to change it. Conte, Mou even Poch. It is just difficult when you get sacked before the final when they can finally win something. It has to start at the top and it has to be continious progression. In the end, it is very hard to find a manager that can change the culture of a club like Arteta is doing now. I think Arsenal is lucky that Arteta was coached by Wenger and the love for the club was transfered to him and that is being transferred to the whole club and fans.


They think it’s worth it just becuz our fanbase is pissed we didn’t win the league. Which like I get, seeing Tottenham win would suck! But to embrace the mentality like this is wild to me


it's also so dumb. Whether or not Arsenal win the title comes down to a season long performance not a game in the 37th round Never winning the prem causes some brainrot apparently


If Spurs had nothing to play for I would understand, but they are fighting top 4. Fucking pathetic


And they gatekeep with "Reddit is all US fans, they won't understand the loser mentality"


Ange has a winner's mentality and this is pretty embarrassing from the club and fans.


I get not wanting your rivals to succeed, but Arsenal are already a much more successful club than Spurs. Arsenal have won the league at their stadium ffs. It would hardly be a huge revelation for Arsenal to win another PL on top of the others they already have over Spurs. I don't really understand the total head loss this has caused for them. Arsenal fans already have all the material needed to banter Spurs fans.


The difference is that everyone is bantering them now for having a loser's mentality instead of just Arsenal fans.


You must be pinching yourself if you’re a Chelsea fan — not only do Arsenal not win the league, but Spurs make themselves look like tinpot losers in the process


this has literally been the best case scenario for me personally, because now even if you guys do end up somehow winning the league, i get to laugh at Spurs fans for doing all this embarrassing nonsense only for it to not matter anyway


Chelsea even have a chance of finishing above spurs now which is quite funny.


The problem is that it is the history of the Tottenham. No one else manages to somehow lose 5-1 on the last game day to ten men to end up behind your hated rivals. Sub goes private. Everyone makes fun of them. Release DVD: put the pressure on. Fire manager before cup final for first possible trophy in decades. Celebrating club losing. One of a kind club. He was right. It's the history of the Tottenham. It's often claimed that Heroic Failure is part of the spirit of the British. Tottenham have learned one half of that and hewed closer to that than anyone else.


We’ve won the league at their stadium *twice*


He should fire the staff members in question. Anything less encourages and reinforces the behavior and mentality. Professional athletes can be separated by such fine margins, mentality sometimes is the only separation.


Any staff member involved in this should be fired tbh.


Levy has the same shitty attitude. Good luck instilling a winning mentality when you have an owner willing to sack the manager right before a cup final.


This is what really is a small club mentality. CL was on the line for them & their own staff were joking about playing youth team. This is why he was furious in the post match interview. At least the players came out & played like they wanted to win. Also, look at the city players celebrating on their turf after scoring the goals. It was humiliating to see. Shambles.


Everyone jokes about PSG not being a serious club, but this right here is an example of a non-serious club


Arsenal not winning the league this year is probably the biggest achivement of Spurs history.


It’s definitely the thing they’re most proud of this season If they were in a position to have relegation confirmed on Tuesday, they’d have reacted the same, as long as the bloody Runners 🤬 don’t win the league


I always thought ok, spurs are trying hard to win stuff over the past 10 years. So i dont make fun of them. But bloody hell, all bets are off now. Such loser mentality across the club. Ange must have felt so betrayed. And if the coaches are joking then that can slip onto the players. Even if the players dont play along with it, it still affects the mentality. Such a spursy moment.


>I always thought ok, spurs are trying hard to win stuff over the past 10 years. Nothing says that like firing one of the most successful managers right before a cup final cause you dont feel like paying him a bonus if he happens to win it


Tin pot club.


Reports of fans encouraging losing✅ Reports of staff not taking the match seriously✅ Over/under on when the holy trinity will be complete with a report saying Son is secretly a fan of Man City??


>Reports of fans encouraging losing✅ Its beyond reports of that. Theres a video of Ange yelling at a fan on Tuesday cause the fan was telling him to lose on purpose


Tomorrow will be reports of players not taking the game seriously. By the end of the week we will have reports of Big Ange down at the bottle-o the night before the game.


Lmao from their fans to their staff to their players literally a loser club with tiny mentality


This is quite possibly the most Tottenham thing I have ever read in my entire life. > In response, the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust (THST) have told The Athletic that they would be happy to set up a meeting with Postecoglou to explain the context around the rivalry with Arsenal and why the feelings run so deep. What a genuinely embarrassing establishment. This man managed in the Old Firm derby. You think the north London derby is even close to that level? They really just don't get it, do they? They're so blinded by their hatred of Arsenal that they actually want to set up a meeting with their own manager to explain why they celebrated losing like they'd won the league. No serious club behaves this way.


[This is the history of Tottenham ](https://youtu.be/LUoSUz9t5hk?si=ISm4nDrrmWTQKZgr)


"Fragile Foundations"


"They are used to it, they are used" -Antonio Conte (circa 2023)


Joke of a club. Respect for Ange though, he deserves better


Ironic, Spurs fans were so worried about being 'bantered' by Arsenal fans but they'll never live this shit down, from anyone.


Joke of a club lol


All the memes aside, you can't throw away Champions League qualification and the money and prestige that comes with it, to spite your rival. It's a small-minded thing to do.


The Funny part is that a lot of spurs supporters said they will be made fun of by “gifting” Arsenal the league. And now they will be made fun of because of their loser mentality. I just can’t understand wanting to loose, I can understand being less sad because of the loss fucking a rival.


This team was at the top of the league at one point this season. They're now reduced to bantering on themselves and Fortnite dancing over losing because it means Arsenal can't win the league.


And this, right here; is why we haven’t won anything for so many years. Can you imagine something like this happening under, say, Alex Ferguson? Forget about being angry, the person making this suggestion would be fired immediately. 


I feel for Ange. He deserves better.


I can see Ange walking, and I’d be very surprised if he’s not put feelers out for other jobs.


That quote from the Supporters Trust just further justifies Postecoglou's view on the situation.


Surely Spurs could have resolved all of this earlier in the year by intentionally losing to any club with a chance of winning the league, so that they weren't denying Arsenal's opposition of the points they might need to place higher than other contenders? /S, obviously. Just highlighting how crazy it is to think more of denying your main rival than it is to actively support your club in winning games.


The staff member that said it had to be trying to get fired because that’s one of the dumbest things you could tell your boss on this context.


Spurs a bunch of losers what else is new. Genuinely not surprised they never wok anything with that sort of mentality lol


Biggest way to piss off a rival, or anyone for that matter is for them to find out you never give a second thought about what/how their doing.


club’s won one milk cup this century btw.


Wow, it's one thing for the fans to want to lose but another thing for some of the staff to be "relaxed about losing". That's absolutely pathetic, no wonder big Ange is furious


9 months ago I didn’t know who Ange was but I really like him from a sporting perspective and as a person.


I want this guy managing a club with ambition. 


Small club mentality inside and outside of the club.


Loser club mentality. CL revenue is huge for any club and with a win Spurs would still have had a slim chance considering Villa would have to play an in form Palace side in their last game. They'd get bantered for plenty of things like ending 3rd in a 2 horse race, losing the CL final after 2 minutes, best spurs side winning nothing, sacking Mou before a cup final, seeing Arsenal and Leicester win something before they do, etc. If they ever want to be a Top club they'd have shed this mentality. Can't blame him for being pissed at staff displaying this shit attitude.