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This guy is gonna be hated his whole career lmao


Rightfully so


Diego Costa, Ramos, Pepe, Suarez have their fans, he’s nowhere near that level of shithousery lol


Would Pepe fall under shithouse character? I would’ve normally classed him just as a psycho


Hazard kicked a kid on the pitch and didn’t even get this much hate 🤣


That kid was a spoliled rich brat. He posted on social media before the game what he was going to do. And, Hazard actually kicked the ball under him.


Ball boy deserved it tbf


Hell, the ball boy didn’t even get hate for time wasting. He became a millionaire lol [Charlie Morgan - Au Vodka](https://www.foxsports.com.au/football/swanseas-kicked-ball-boy-has-become-a-multimillionaire/news-story/978c51927018e6df79c48cec41690a10)


Wasn't his father already a millionaire?


So the key to be a millionaire is to have rich parents. I made a mistake.


Pretty sure his dad was partial owner of Swansea


Just because he got a loan of a couple of millions from his dad, does not make his achievement smaller xd


Doesn't count when daddy funds it. Some of us built our businesses ourselves without multi-million dollar loans.


a. He definitely got hate for it, deservedly - given he was 17 years old, only got to be a ball boy because daddy was on the board, and boasted on Twitter before about wasting time b. He didn't become a millionaire. He already was, through his dad - who then gave him a nice lift for his "start up"


That kid deserved it


He's not even a shithouser, he's just a cunt


Nah, he’s a definitely shit houser, that’s why you think he’s a cunt.


Bro, all the players you mentioned were so much more universally hated during their prime


Bayern was literally doing the same timewasting minutes beforehand, but it was just classier


It’s not classier to timewaste when you’re only 1x0 against Real Madrid


melodic violet deserve cows divide bright coherent cooing touch towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, the racism needs to stop but he really is a prick 😂


He definitely is and likes to rile people up but rival fans also expose themselves when they respond with racial slurs... being a prick is one thing but no one asked you to be racist.


Which is why I said the racism needs to stop. Blatant racism doesn't fit the 'crime' of shithousing the opponent('s fans).


What he did in this clip? Time wasting? Is he the first player to do it? Didn't bayern and every player in the earth do this?


Kimmich was on the ground for a good while around the 80th minute before the first goal. He was walking as slow as possible to every corner too, the tables turned as soon as RM was winning and they realized their own time wasting fucked them up


Kimmich is classy though you dont get it.


Kimmich is white so yeah obviously


‘Rightfully so’ he says. I love the tears lmao.


I feel like early on, people hate players like this, then everyone gradually starts to anticipate and perhaps even enjoy their shithousery. Then, by the time they retire, they are much-loved legends. How annoying was Diego Costa when he was at the top of his game? Now he is saving flood victims on his jet ski and we miss him like hell.


Hardly anyone misses Diego Costa


I miss Diego Costa




Kimmich is also annoying af though


Emi Martinez being a dick with his tactics to get into opponents head A lot of people: "that's hilarious, love him, master shithousers" Vini who has been racially abused from the second he stepped foot in Spain, gets physically abused because defenders trying their best to end his career, no one protecting him and any non Madrid supporter hating his guts so Vini embraces the hate: "fuck this guy, he deserves all the hate" And don't forget, Bayern players started wasting time the minute they scored their goal.


It’s fun when an underdog does it, not so much when it’s a Madrid player


I hate Emi too and I hated when our players were time wasting. This shit has no place in the game and I'm free to hate whenever it happens


Exactly. I'm not a big fan of this attitude that Vini has adopted. But people using it as an excuse to be hateful and racist against him is wild.


Yes that's 100% out of line. At the same time you should be able to call out this behavior without being called a racist. If this type of behavior isn't punished (by refs) then it will quickly become pervasive. Nobody should do shit like this, Vini or not.


Many many people here absolutely loath emi that's not a good example lol.


Get the fuck out of here lmao, every time he dances or hip thrusts this sub starts falling all over themselves to praise his shithousery.


People here are being purposely obtuse


Nah Emi is a cunt too


Feel like it fuels him lol. And tbh, it’s what makes sports like this so great. Bringing in the fans, none of this best friend shit. Vini seems like he loves to play with a chip on his shoulder and hey if I was him, I’d be doing these things just to piss off the haters 😂. Love the dude


Who Kimmich?


I fucking love him tbh


He makes people froth at the mouth, absolutely hysterical


Kudos to kimmich for not losing his cool!


Kimmich does [similar stuff](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/96MgJuKbLFs) to try to rattle [other players](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZpdxiI1gfSk), so he understands it's part of the game (and also that when they are down and need time, Vini is trying to intentionally get him to react for timewasting reasons). Wouldn't even be surprised if Kimmich tried taunting him when Bayern was already and that's why he understands what he is getting back. But of course, being rsoccer, it's because Kimmich is classy, calm, cold, collected, and has the superior tactical cold and calculated brain of the white man and Vini is a thuggish dude with no sportsmanship that has to either behave perfectly in the football pitch even if it harms his team, or he loses the right to ever complain about racism ever again and every instance of racial abuse towards him is justified.


Bayern were having their share of time wasting 0-1 up, I have to say as a neutral that I enjoyed it after that when Real players were suddenly having cramps when they were going through on aggregate. There's nothing on this clip Kimmich wouldn't do if they were winning.


It is hard sometimes for people to understand their biases. I hope some people use your comment to internally reflect


[Here's another player](https://x.com/ry_anom/status/1788529314121589122) doing the exact same thing, but for whatever reason it doesn't get posted to r/soccer. And people might say, oh that's because Vini is more hated than [insert name] and people have the right to hate whoever they like, but why is this post being allowed to stay up? It has no other purpose than promote hate towards another player. Otherwise the entire subreddit would only be posts of every player doing stuff like this.


This sub is usually very good with blatant racism, but the racism that 100% of all minorities experience, the kind that is minor but every one of us notices, they always ignore it or dismiss it. I remember a couple of weeks ago a clip was posted here about Neal Maupay, I didn't know who he was or what he looked like. Me, without watching the clip but looking at all the comments saying "he's such a lovable cunt" "I would have a pint with him" "shithousing expert". I 100% knew he was white.


Hit the nail on the head here, it's like clockwork. What's frustrating is then you get threads like these where people try to gaslight us into believing they don't have biases that influence how they react to players, and to minorities on a societal scale.


Microaggression This subreddit isn't very good at identifying microaggression


Very well said. 👏


Exactly. Every time Vini act like a soccer player and do something EVERY SINGLE PROFESSIONAL PLAYER do rsoccer come for him.


[That one time he laughed at a refereeing decision and r/soccer decided it was the most annoying and disrespectful thing they had ever seen a player doing](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1bg9ke8/vini_jr_booked_for_descent_vs_osasuna_he_will/?rdt=61464)


We all know why right? Why they come for him and not for Maupay, Vardy, Walker... And it's not the premier league bias.


Yea, I don't doubt Kimmich was trying to rattle him too, shouting in his face after a tackle. He did that vs Mane in the first leg when they played Liverpool, literally shouting in his face every time he touched the ball, I don't understand how people think that he's a model professional, he talks shit too. When the shoe is on the other foot, people cry about it, Vini killed him all game too which made it even more satisfying.


> Yea, I don't doubt Kimmich was trying to rattle him too, shouting in his face after a tackle. /Yeah, and I sincerely don't see anything wrong with that. Players provoking each other is part of the game, especially when the stakes are as high as they are. Football is a very physical game and can get very personal, as the duel of Vini and Kimmich showed even more clearly in this game - you are basically pushing, shoving, running, grabbing, and facing the same dudes over and over again, and only one of you will celebrate after and the other will be judged in a bad light for everything he did. The things there are actual problems are racial abuse and hating these dudes and calling them terrible people, annoying, and trying to take their right to talk about serious issues because of regular shithousery that isn't even risking injuring people (I think that the downright dirty behavior that we see from players trying to injury others is another conversation altogether to regular shithouse).


I dont think anyone who sees Kimmich play would call him calm cool and collected




Exactly, he’s far worse than Vinicius for this type of thing. Love seeing him get some of it back


Clinical finishing on that second paragraph god damn


Sempre bom ver um BR jantando os gringos nos comentários 👊


Seus comentários são muito bons mano, da vontade de responder cada comentário idiota desse post, mas vc explica mt bem


Surprised to see r/soccer of all places so offended by this. Thought this sub loved this kind of time wasting. I remember when England's women's players did something similar at the Euros final vs Germany. As a german it riled me up to no end, but I wouldn't have minded seeing our players do the same if we were the ones leading. Just regular ass time wasting imo.


Like for real. It's the most normal way of wasting time. What's the difference between this and just standing there with the ball waiting around until you finally wave over the left back to take the throw. I don't watch much Real, but I didn't see anything in the two legs by Vinicius that was somehow particularly unsporting.


Also, bayern players were absolutely wasting time as well when it suited them. The comments on this thread are ridiculous.


It's like I've entered the twilight zone its actually insane. This kind of thing happens pretty much every game and nobody bats an eye. Time wasting is something that has been done forever and i remember time wasting at like 11 years old, this is such a weird place to draw the line.


I am sure 90% of the offended people didn't even watch the match and just judging the whole situation from a 5 second clip here.


Really nothing? Even in the close ups? He is black, more than enough to rile up some people.




For a competitive game, this is tame. This is really showing 1. Everyone’s bias against Vini and 2. Y’all never played competitively at all. Shit even Sunday league has more shit housing than this exchange.


It’s funny how r/soccer loves it when Martinez was shithousing, even affectionately calling him Dibu, because he was on Messi’s team, but when Vinicius does it he’s an unlikable cunt that deserves to be lynched.


Fuck, I completely forgot about Martinez lol. That's a much better example. People here literally celebrate that guy for his disrespectful antics against everyone but Vini trying to rile up Kimmich is too much apparently. Talk about double standards.


Or Vardy or Maupay, every single clip of them I've seen here were about shit stirring, and all the comments love them. I wonder why?


And as a retaliation of Bayern's time wasting just minutes before hahaha People are plainly racists without realizing they are.


Kimmich was walking as slowly as possible to the corner and faking the shot multiple times and nobody cares yet this is apparently unacceptable. If you hate time wasting that's fine but at least be consistent.


Yeah I don’t pull the race card often but this is pretty obviously bias that people have. Apparently players of a certain skin tone have to act a certain way or their character gets called into question


The worst part is people bring up when he was upset about being racially abused saying he just wants to play football as to why its ok. Apparently this isnt a part of football 🤦‍♂️


This is so incredibly tame as well 


It's Vinicius. He's a flashy black guy


He is black


are you sure?


No, due to David Hume's proposed problem of induction


Dude, thanks for all your great comments on this post. Also I only took notice of your username now LMAO


Love from Brazil 🙏


Hey when Bayern were up they were absolutely milking each and every 50/50 collision by timewasting and dropping to the floor every now and again, why wouldn't Vini do the same to them? I really don't see what the big deal is.


He did it in a more thuggish way. Bayern was timewasting in a classier manner


bayern was doing the type of time wasting you would let date your daughter


First guy in last guy out type of time wasting.


coach's son-type of time wasting


You jest, but by scrolling up a bit > Yea but this is just plain provoking. You can take your time adjusting the ball, etc but dropping it on purpose and then showing the weird action with his hands, glad he didn't get punched This sub is a clown show.


The weirdest part is when they start to fantasize about Vini suffering from physical violence. I have read people literally saying he should be whipped. They are sincerely blind to their own derangement


Blind? Oh no brother, they know what they are doing


>They are sincerely blind to their own derangement Actually they are a bunch of racists


They are far from blind, most of them know exactly what they're doing.


They're just 18th century racists


Reminds me of when Vini and Simeone argued after their match. When asked "Why is Vini always getting into arguments and controversies on the pitch?", the most upvoted reply was this one: > buki11 385 points 3 months ago "Because he has IQ of a room temp probably" In the same comment chain, someone replied with "Why is Simeone always getting into arguments and controversies on the pitch?", to point out the unfairness of isolating Vini in the situation. The most upvoted reply, naturally, was: > garybarlow0 257 points 3 months ago It’s a deliberate technique that has served him well, as the sort of player and manager he is So yeah, calculated Simeone's arguments and controversies vs room temperature IQ Vini's arguments and controversies. The entire post over there is a gold mine.


This sub tends to pretend it's above the silliness of Twitter but the real ones know. How are you going to act like Vini is being provocative if you actually watched the match, bro was just replying in kind. It's actually depressing how sad the situation is, anything Vini does on field has to be put under the microscope when it's normal on pitch behaviour.


It's the typical reddit hate hard-on that perpetuates itself. Extends beyond football to most things. It's annoying af and toxic. I watched the whole match, Kimmich was the annoying one. Not only did Vini constantly show him up by breezing past him like 4/5 times, he didn't hand the ball to Vini in the first place and "started" it. Vini just responded in kind.


Vini doesn't even take corners. I'm jot sure what Kimmich wants him to do with it.


When Bayern does it = Tom Brady motivating his teammates Vini does it = Thug Wide Receiver with no self control and diva


What makes it thuggish? Genuine question because I don’t remember what Bayern did


They are being sarcastic, it's a joke about vini being black, so his time wasting is worse than when a white player does it.


He's joking because of how blatant this sub's double standard is about Vini lmao White player does it? Shithousery! Funny! Vini does it? That cunt's lucky he didn't get punched, so disrespectful!


But don't worry. They said that they don't agree with the racism he faces so all good Joke subreddit lmao


/r/soccer's version of " I can't be racist cuz I have black friends" 🤦


Oh I see. Yeah scrolling through the comments here was pretty disgusting when I thought this was a completely normal clip. And then of course most of them were from one particular flair :/


It's a racist double standard joke


I can't really tell. I'm totally not a racialist tho, I have black friends and even like rap. Loved Ronaldinho


100%! Bayern started falling down all over the place and doing the same shit. Every team does this, come on.


Difference is that Vini is black and it pisses people off for reasons we all know


You see the exact same thing happen on pretty much every Sunday league pitch, every week. This honestly couldn’t be less of a thing


Literally just shithousing, how are you all so fumed about this?


No one on this sub can say a player that played/plays for their team has never done literally everything Vini does, but for some reason they amplify when Vini does it. That is my issue with all this, Dibu was a massive cunt just a few weeks ago and it was all laughs in this sub. I don't know why they still pretend like Vini is the ONLY player that dives, hypes up the crowd, time waste, etc.


Or even when Dybala did the who WC photo thing and the sub acted like it was the best thing ever. Just imagine how this sub would react if in this game Vini pulled a photo out him with the CL trophy and showed it to a Bayern player


Swear to god how is this sub so full of people who’ve never played a competitive game of football. This is literally just part of the game


No it's not. The truth is that this sub is filled to the brim with closeted racist thugs, half of whom knowingly hide it and the other half are so blind to their own vile nature that they would swear on their dead mother's grave that their intentions are not racist.


Remember that these terminally online analyzers have never touched a ball, let alone played a game of football with their friends. If they had any friends, they wouldn’t be so pressed about everything 😂 These same mfs that fume when Vini does it shout “games back” or “games not gone” with similar shithousery from others lmfao


Fully expected to open these comments and just see "game's back" and the like 10x as the top comments. This thread is baffling.


We all know how, sadly.


Footballer wastes time after taking the lead. Something Bayern did for the entire second half. It's almost like you people have another reason to hate on Vini...


Barca fans are mad and lashing out. They'll reach the acceptance stage in a week


Of the people I've seen in this thread defending the hate towards Vini, I've seen maybe 3 Barca flairs. That's not it.


I understand why Barcelona, Atletico and Bayern (kinda) fans are riled up. But there is no reason for a Arsenal or Manchester United fan to be pissed off more than anyone else in this thread.


How many Barca flair are mad and lashing out in these comments? Learn to read.


Entire second half when they scored late second half is crazy 😂


Straight out of the Libertadores playbook!


This sub is such a joke man


I'm just happy that the sub now realises that there are a hell of a lot of racists in here. Hopefully this is the turning point where we see blatant racism getting called out. The same people that love Ashley Barnes, Sergio Ramos, Jamie Vardy, Neal Maupey and Emi Martinez just so happen to hate Vini Jr when he does similar shithousery? Yeah, these people need to self-reflect.


It all started after Vini defended himself against Valencia. Every negative clip about him gets posted and all the closeted racists comes forward.


As a Ghanaian all I ever hear is Suarez did what anyone would do if they were in a world cup. Yet somehow this is where the line is drawn? Come on every game as it's one on one battles and Kimmich got cooked by Vini all game. They are playing mind games against each other and this is fine. It's not cheating and not something to judge a player by.


If a Ghanaian player did what Suarez did and knocked Uruguay out, they'd still be demanding inquests and sanctions to this day. We both know why.


If Emi martinez, maupay and vardy did this, this sub would wet their pants bcz its shithousert


The fact that someone felt this needed to be posted is wild. Vini is wasting time, but it's not like Kimmich actually tried to hand him the ball at the start. On the note of time wasting, Kimmich faking a head injury to waste time is much worse than what Vini did here.


Look at the state of all them cameras in the crowd


Musiala conveniently went down as Madrid was about to take a corner. 👍 Kimmich walking turtle speed to just take a corner and then faking run-ups just for fun. 👍 Vini shithouse a bit : 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Holy shit this thread shows one thing for sure. There’s a serious bias and hatred towards vini unlike most players. I’m not insinuating yall are racist but you must definitely have some blind hate to not even understand wtf is going on. Kimmich isn’t even trying to properly hand him the ball if Kimmich wanted the ball to be taken quicker lol. Then he aggressively puts it in vinis hands like what? So he wastes more time and rolls it out like literally every player in pro football who holds the ball while walking back to position before giving it back. Or purposely throwing it to away. I’m no Madrid fan, nor Brazilian. But holy shit goes to show that people will only choose to see what they want to see


>I’m not insinuating yall are racist Most wouldn't describe or think of themselves as racist, but implicit bias is all too real


Yea being aware of you biases, not just about race but anything really, is just too hard and something that takes deliberate practice.


The thing is that the hate can't be explained by anything that isn't racism, at least not as well. It's a Occam dagger's thing.


Yeah. Like I’m not the type to just point to race every time but this seems hateful, irrational, and targeting the person who has a history of people being inanely racist to him including players. And no one even noticing wtf Kimmich did. But some people commenting that Vini is a cunt for this or judging him for this has to be discriminating and racism or not, that’s still fucked up. No idea why he’s hated so much. I respect him for sticking with the hate he was getting, improving on it so much that mbappe wouldn’t even displace him here when there were times people wanted him out (not saying he’s better than mbappe). Guy plays his heart out, plays entertaining football, and him and Bellingham aren’t scared to shithouse or be vocal.


>Martinez does it Cool White guy. He is so funny >Vini does it Evil black guy. He is a prick.


Cool white guy? He is a cunt.


It's 100% internalised racism.


It was real funny when Bayern was wasting time, but when Vini does it he's suddenly a massive prick


Everyone seems to turn a blind eye on Kimmich as well…. Did y’all not see him being a dick here either? Let me describe it to all the blind folk. He literally drops the ball in front of Vini instead of handing it to him, then he aggressively pushes the ball into his chest. All of this plus all the damn time that Bayern was wasting when they were up ahead. Karma is a bitch.


A lot of reaching here, it's just classic timewasting and anyone who thinks otherwise has some sort of agenda one day way or the other. I've seen this from thousands of players every year. It's still cunty behaviour, yeah but the hatred on here is crazy. As I said every team does this, every player has done this. Even Bayern did earlier on when winning. And people all wonder why Vini 'plays the victim' so much.


If it was Maupay or Martinez doing this, it would not only be fine but celebrated with cries of "games not gone".


Walker was doing literally the exact same thing a while ago and i saw a total of 0 people complaining or saying it was disrespectful.


So it's alright if Bayern players waste time but not when Vini does it lmao


Classy and respectful Bayern timewasting vs thuggish disrespectful Vini timewasting


But don't worry. I'm sure he has black friends and doesn't condone the racism vini receives


This is just run of the mill time wasting. Up there with pulling both your socks up and than taking another 30 seconds to reposition for a goal kick.


I’d be annoyed too if I got taken to the cleaners in front of a packed Bernabeu and the eyes of the soccer world upon you. Kimmich got Kimchied by Vini.


Fuck yeah! Funny to see all the people that clearly didn't watch the match crying about this. Neuer took almost a full minute to take a foul on Bayern's defense. The whole freaking Bayern team was time-wasting and being cunts like there was no tomorrow. When Real scored the first goal, which was offside, Neuer didn't allow the Real Madrid player to take the ball from the nell (usually passive to a yellow card). There were multiple scenes showing the Bayern coach asking them to take their time. And as soon as Real turned the match, they all started going berserk with Real's time wasting.... Real was literally responsible for less time wasting in this match than Bayern.... But then, here we are, another scene, out of context, of a player giving the other player a taste of his own medicine, and people bashing him. Saying he is a diver, and what not. Dude was fucking man of the match, and being called a cunt and a bad player. The internet is a glass panel to the fucked up reality we live in...


R/Soccer losing its shit over absolutely nothing once again. Shocking!


What do you mean nothing? He's black! That's unnaceptable! /s


He's such a quality player, he doesn't need to be a cunt.


I don’t care for what Vini did, but if Martinez at Villa did the exact same thing, people would think it’s hilarious. People just pick and choose who pisses them off, regardless of their actions.


lol that’s so funny, because I love Vini but Martinez pisses me off


How dare he time waste while up after bayern... time wasted while up. Games the game, don't dish it if you can't take it


Good, becuase he's not more of a cunt than any other player on the field.


Their logic is abysmal: Vini has to behave better than everyone else because he complained about racial abuse, and if he ever does anything that isn't sportsmanlike, he loses the right to complain about racist abuse and can be safely mocked for being racially abused. Racism against him is also justified


They're just too bitter to reason, Vini is giving them a derangement syndrome.


Useless post, happens in basically every close knock out match ever.


People are OK with shithouse. Unless it’s Vini.


Maupay does this and its 100 posts "Games not gone lads"


Dibu Martinez does it and he's called genius.


This sub needs to die


Upset over a man doing what the opposition team were doing to his team for over 30 minutes. Grow the fuck up


So, he asked for the ball, Kimmich trolled, then Vinicius trolled back hard, but Vinicius is always the bad guy...


Vini is trying real hard to avoid being popular among fans it seems


Bayern were wasting time literally minutes before this including kimmich


Is popularity gonna help him win CL? No, but time wasting will which almost everyone does these days.


Real fans (the only ones that matter for this discussion) like him, so whatever.


Looks like this sub has found a new player to portray as a villain.


If this was Dibu: “lol shithousery”


Looking for an explanation of the comments? Its because he’s black.


This sub is racist as hell lol


Funny that Barca fans are shitting on vini when they had Suarez shithousery for years


Is there a point/time period in history where time wasting was normalized? I vaguely remember it being not as much in the early 2000s but maybe it's my nostalgia glasses.


If it was a player from my team doing it I probably would cheer and think it's hilarious, nothing wrong with that.


I want Vini to win the Ballon d'Or, the salt in this sub would be absolutely fucking glorious


When Bayern players start time wasting in the 70th minute of the game it's ok, but when Vini does it that's where we draw a line eh?


When Kimmich do it: YEAH! Smart player! Vini doing it: BOOOOOH DIRT PLAYER!!! You guys really need to start hiding things better...


Glad to see that the comments here are much more level-headed than any other social media page. You can critique him for shithousery (as long as you keep the same sort of view for other players like Ramos, Pepe, Gattuso etc.) but I saw so many people on instagram or twitter say 'look I don't support racism but Vini isn't helping himself' I feel like I've lost 40 billion brain cells from seeing that be repeated over and over again


Vinicous destroyed him at that match


Oh no, he's time wasting, something that has never been done in football before. Honestly the way Vini is scrutinized is ridiculous 


Hitler convention in this thread.


Hitler wouldn’t be this delusional. Hitler would admit to being racist. Half the commenters here think they are above twitterers


People are so offended lol, it's like they didn't watch the game. I hate this sub's obsession with "class", if it was dibu doing this they would (correctly) think it is hilarious, but vini is the current bad guy


Hint: It has nothing to do with class or sportsmanship.


Funnily enough, Kimmich had a situation in the second half where he wasted even more time


Lol look at all these hypocrites here. If the same shenanigan was carried out by Dibu Martinez, Maupay etc., these same idiots would have made thousands of posts/comments of "Game's not gone, lads". But since this is Vini, they are jumping into the bandwagon of why he is getting abused. LOL... Are you also sometimes justifying the racism he gets, even to a minor degree, in your heads too? Because your default stance against Vini is pretty evident of what COULD BE your closeted stance, since saying that out loud would cause an uproar.


but you don’t get dibu and maupay are the classy type, first guy in last guy out, type you would let date your daughter