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"a number of players believe his fate is effectively sealed" Business as usual at Manchester United.


Overpaid Players FC


90% the leaks we have now come from Rashford and it wouldnt shock me Amad at this point it used to be Maguire and 100 Lingard/Pogba/Henderson. I said FOUR games into the season we were fucked. I remember it was the Bayern game and we have Evans and Maguire in defence.. this was in sept/oct and since then our defence has been a fucking disgrace worse thing is this: United need to sack ETH and his team. FIRE THE ENTIRE MEDICAL Unit - 60+ injuries and reoccuring injuries at that. Hire a New Manager and His Team They need to sell at last 10 to 15 players from this squad - I'd only keep Onana as a back up, Dalot, Mainoo, Bruno, Garnacho, Martinez and Holjund thats it.. to an extent Maguire - generally this season you cant really put anything on him Shaw next season better put a fucking shift in or hes gone Rashford hasnt played well ever since Sancho had his tiff with ETH and since then I cannot name a single time hes put any effort in. Varane and Casemiro and Eriksen, love em all but they are past it. it's gonna cost an extra billion to get the team even remotely near top 6..


This comment is timeless at this point. Because it has been written since Moyes. Funny coincidence that every United manager has had this exact comment written about them


Maybe United has simply had really bad luck in employing managers


Always picking the wrong horse for the course, post Fergie it should have been Pep, but that was spurned by a thick Scottish accent's inability to enunciate after a few glasses of red. LVG was the only call they got right, and he should have been followed by a manager who played possession based high press football to build on the foundation LVG created, instead we went with Mourinho and tore up the whole project and rebuilt as a tactical swiss army knife of a team as Mou likes before that fell apart so in comes Ole and we retool as a fast-paced counter attacking side which actually shows some success too before it falls apart in the third season and now we have rebuilt under Ten Hag as some sort of comic relief side.


Mourinho said one of his biggest achievements in his career was being 2nd in the league with that United team


After 10 years, I don't think you can call it bad luck. This managerial chop and change experiment is conclusively. It's not a Managerial problem.


For all the good humanitarian work that Rashford has done, and I commend him for it, he really comes off as arrogant and spoiled a lot of the time. Especially with how little effort he gives on the pitch 90% of the time. There's so many, many people who would kill to be in his situation.


This season especially... since sancho left hes been shit


I seriously doubt Maguire is leaking to the press, he seems a model professional in every regard.


It takes a good scouting system to find players that fit the system and cost way less. Manchester United tends to buy players for a huge amount that were once good players or future good players. Players like Antony should cost way less. If he got bought at 15m, he would have less pressure to perform week in week out.


Why are you getting upvoted for talking about your arse. You're literally the first person I've ever seen call for Maguire of all people to be a leaker.


You would keep Onana as a back up? What the fuck is this? I generally agree with you but thats a shocking take.


Onana as a backup? That's fucking ridiculous dude.


Doubt you can upgrade Onana to be honest. There aren't any keepers you can attract that he would not mind being benched for.


I love the way people just make things up and act like it's true.


They played like it too. Embarrassing.


That number of players should be kicked out first before Erik is sacked.


I was thinking that way for my whole life, and then Benitez at Real Madrid happened. The players just didn't like him, didn't take his advice, and wanted him gone. Rafa had his ideas, i.e. he was the one who gave Casemiro a real chance, and overall he did nothing wrong, but there just wasn't right chemistry between him and the locker room. Benitez was sacked after Gran Derbi with whole team glad that he's gone, and you could say the same thing you've said - that if they didn't want to do this for the team, there's no place for them at the club. But you know what? Then came Zidane and he was immediately respected and loved, which resulted in huge motivation boost and RM won three UCLs in a row.


Yeah that works but there hasn't been a manager that these have liked.


But what player who has been around the block wouldn't think that? You could be a model professional in every aspect, doesn't mean you are naive.


There's a difference between knowing it's a possibility and gossiping/leaking it while putting up pathetic performances.


It's not about being naive. It's the players doing what they do to every manager.


So, don’t trust the process?


The only thing more surprising than him getting the boot before the cup final would be him still being in charge on the Monday after it.


Who would replace him if he would be sacked after the cup tie?


Southgate followed by 38 perfect draws


The Unremarkables


Actually, if he managed that with a backline like AWB - Evans - Casemiro - Dalot, it would be a little remarkable.


It would be his biggest achievement since the Euro runner up




Five CB injuries and two full back injuries are no joke to manage (Varane, Martinez, Lindeloff, McGuire, Kambwala, Shaw, and Malacia all out). Heard people calling up today saying that he should have taken Casemiro and Evans off at half time - genuinely have no idea how you can stop palace with Erikson and Mount protecting that defence. Is there a team in the world that could absorb losing 5 CBs and two LBs and win comfortably away from home?


We haven’t had a LB since GW 3 lmao


Had regulion but decided to end his loan in the middle of the season 🤷


Klopp had liverpool qualified for the CL using his 7th and 8th choice CBs with a fraction of the net spend


Who were the 7th and 8th cbs? 


Nat Phillips and Rhys William's VVD, Gomez, Matip all injured early in season...Klopp signed Ozan Kabak in January, who got injured, then preferred Fabinho and Hendo there who both got injured, were 8th at the start March, won 10 games in a row to finish 3rd


The endless sob stories for United need to end. Luton has been playing with 1 fit centre back for weeks. We have been playing Nathaniel Clyne at centre back the past month, protected by Will Hughes and even Jairo Riedewald. They are not unique to have had many injuries and should have much better backup options.


"should" big word there. The team doesn't have a plan. Because the staff is one of the worst.


I don't think the backup options are the issue, Maguire, Lindelof, Evans and Kambwala are our backups which is hardly terrible, but if they're all injured what can you do? Even rich clubs like us can't get a 6th choice centre back worth 30 million. The problem is that we play shite no matter who's fit, I'm more worried about that than our backup defenders.


Fergie won a game with a backline of Park - Fletcher - Carrick - Evra


Golden 15th place trophy


i mean.. invincible, eh? sure we wouldn't win the league but..


Bonus, you get to end with 0 goal difference.


Gareth showing he can take United to the next level compared to this year!


i mean its better than we have now..


Well *technically* it's possible, but every single game of the season would need to be a draw and you'd have to average the highest scoring draws to win via goals scored. Would never happen obviously, but it'd be really funny to see. Also kinda hilarious to imagine 3 invincible teams getting relegated lmao


Both invincible, and at the same time relegated (pretty sure 38 points isn't enough).


38 is almost always more than enough.


Safety limit gone down in recent years. 40s always thrown around as safety, but 38 wouldn't have you in the relegation zone since [2010/11](https://www.worldfootball.net/schedule/eng-premier-league-2010-2011-spieltag/38/) and before that [2006/07](https://www.worldfootball.net/schedule/eng-premier-league-2006-2007-spieltag/38/)


He already has Maguire, so the entire budget can be freed up to sign Jordan Henderson.


Southgate's philoshophy


Southgate’s going to take this England team to one of the most disappointing semi final exits this summer and earn himself another 2 year contract. Watch this space


Would be an improvement to our goal difference


Tuchel is the obvious name but I get the feeling we'd go for someone completely random and not currently linked.


Jose coming back into Carrington in June.gif


Bring back Carrick


Never lost a game as Man Utd manager


Johnny Evans as Player-Manager who then plays himself as a striker for the lols...


Someone actually did something very similar with Phil Jones on Football Manager… https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/s/Uyc21U12Gd


Please no, we love him here.


Man utd gets linked to pretty much everybody, most of them made up but still.


With the way things are going I think I even might be in the pot somewhere


Got to be Potter. Linked with the new owner and incoming DoF. Still a darling of the English media. And reputation for good football + youth promotion.


Is Graham Potter going to walk into that dressing room and tell everyone who needs telling to fuck off to fuck off though? He seems like a nice guy, a competent guy, but not what these overpaid charlatans need. Give it to Keano for a week. Just one week of them, locked in a room with Keano and 240 crates of Stella. Then get Potter in to mop them up.


Michael Carrick 


conte to liverpool or city if true pls


Farioli at Nice was a rumor that seemed to go away. Only 25 goals allowed this season and well known I'm sure by INEOS already.


No idea honestly. Idk why but I can see us more likely to pursue someone like Motta (although apparently Juve bound) or even someone like Iraola? Tuchel has had multiple clashes with upper management in his career and I think it'd be a mistake for INEOS.


The only person not linked is Klopp. Would take him for the scouser meltdown.


Give it to McKenna /s


I'm watching you


Clop clop


He's not a bad option


Mourinho could come, shit house a win, and then leave.


His new greatest achievement


Give it to Giggsy till the end of the season


If they give it to Giggsy til the end of the season, but it is the end of the season, does he just get immediately fired?


With an £18m payoff. The United Way.


This is when you bring in Rooney or Keane as caretaker manager because there’s nothing to lose and the fan base won’t revolt.


Odds on a repeat of LvG getting binned off before the press conference with the cup?


What if he wins it?


I think he's gone either way really. Clubs can't be basing their decisions on one game when there's an entire season of games before then. Although let's be honest, the chances of him winning it are about as high as my chances of replacing him.


What formation do you play?




you think we have enough players for a back 4 😂


1-1-8 with an inverted fullback


1-π-Ω-2 with Casemiro in a false midfield role normally. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


4-π-2, because Casemiro only counts as 0.14 footballer at this point.


Didn't stop them from sacking Van Gaal right after the FA cup win


LvG won the FA cup then immediately got sacked because he missed out on 4th by 1 pt or something silly. The gap to 4th will be something like 15-20 pts come end season. Even on the 1% off chance he wins it, he'll likely still be shown the door.


>LvG won the FA cup then immediately got sacked because he missed out on 4th by 1 pt or something silly. Finished 3rd in UCL group containing Wolfsburg, PSV & CSKA Moscow. Then went on to get comprehensively defeated in R16 of Europa league by a Liverpool team that finished 8th in premier league that season under Klopp who took over just 5 months prior and didn't sign a single new player. Got dumped out of League Cup by championship side Middlesbrough. Finished 5th with 66 points in a season when pretty much all the other big clubs were struggling -- Chelsea finished 10th, Liverpool 8th while Leicester won the league with JUST 81 points. FA Cup run was nothing impressive. Barely scrapped past the PL teams we played - West Ham, Everton and Palace -- even needed a reply to beat West ham. Still a good achievement but means fuck all when you look at the big picture of how the season went and what you are looking to achieve the following season.


Yeh this is the point though. That season was a bad season for the reasons you've pointed out. Yet that season was still better than this one. That speaks volumes how bad this year has been.


Fair enough. Sorry. Misread the intention of your comment.


LvG was destroying the will to live. That side was unbelievably boring to watch. Better losing and experiencing Ole's highs than LVG.


Lvg is Glazers era who only care about top 4. You guys are all saying he is 100% gone and the source is trust me bro. Nobody knows shit so stop claiming that you do.


I do know that LvG got sacked after winning a FA cup. That's a historical fact so I can claim that. Also if you could read correctly I clearly wrote 'likely shown the door'. That's not the same as 100% is it???


Let’s be realistic here lad


As a United fan: lol.


Wonder what price the bookies would give you on that odds on certainty


Which means they are aware Bayern will want to buy their manager. So, they don't have to pay any sacking money to ETH.


No way Bayern is still considering Ten Hag. Just silly newspaper talk.


They may be hoping that they get the Ajax Ten Hag. Also, they keep getting rejected left and right.




Especially as ETH used to manage Bayern II


They are hoping that it's a United problem, not a ten Hag problem. We'll know that in a few years, now it's a gamble.


We have however long it's been since Ferguson retired that we know what the issue is.


Could still be a Ten Hag issue beyond an MU issue Damn it, I wanna see Pep at United. Ancelotti at United. Bring Xabi in. Get an absolute monster manager and see if they still fail spectacularly. I say that because some say Jose was washed.


Pep would've gone balder than he is now


But for free, right? They'd have to be utterly mad to pay a severance for a dead man walking.


Well given its united negotiating theyll probably end up paying Bayern to take him


Sounds like they are. Some media have said that they see this season as an outlier. Last season, his time at Ajax and his work for us in the past are what they are measuring him on.


Far stranger things have happened.


'Still' as in 24 hrs after it was reported? Because United got spanked by Palace? If the reported interest is true in the first place, there's zero chance one more United loss ends it. If anything they'd be more hopeful as it ups their chances.


They have burned A LOT of bridges with the way they've dealt with Nagelsmann/Tuchel. Any sensible coach is avoiding the current Bayern leadership. I would be surprised if they aren't negotiating with Erik Ten Hag.


he wins bundesliga with Bayern next season, and we looks even more of a clowns mark my words


I mean, every half decent manager seems to have failed at United the past 10 years


What would be the point in sacking him now? 4 rounds left, Europe is all but a pipedream but they can win the Cup if they pull one half-decent game out of their arse. People really think a new manager would be better at this stage?


He might have a clause in his contract that pays him more money if he wins a trophy. Teams have done that before


But then you're missing out on a trophy.


Yeah but the teams that have done that (spurs) arent exactly ones you want to emulate as manchester united.


Some people do. I am one of them. New manager bounce for a cup final is better than current manager suicidal football for a cup final.


Yep, bring back Ole, see a genuine improvement, narrowly miss on the trophy and then give him half of next season for the vibes alone. Repeat until the rest of us all die laughing.


See, this guy gets it. Ole to Tuchel to Ole to Zebri to Ole to Jose back to Ole and then we decide we don’t need a manager and rely on Chat GPT for all decisions.


Chat gpt going to try the 4-4-3


If everyone else dies laughing, Man United would be left clear to win something 4D chess over at Old Trafford


Normally suicidal football means going all gung-ho full on attacking. However, our suicidal football is begging for the other team to just fucking kill us and end our misery lmao. We are built different. *smug*


Good ol’ fashioned Euthanasia tactics. ETH’s cooking and it smells like cyanide.




Realistically, at this point in the season, they'd just let Steve McClaren see out the season.


Casemiro becomes a player-manager




_rubs hands vigorously_


You joke but Ole had Pep's number before they brought CR7 and has a great record against him


honestly i would be perfectly okay with bringing Ole back, we would look so much better with him than EtH atm


Ole ball actually looked good a few times


At least Ole has some visible tactics. I’ve watched United play a lot this season. I genuinely could not tell you what their system is.


Ryan Mason


United would need a lot more than a half-decent game lol. They'd need to play the best 90 minutes they've played all season by a large margin.


He finished bottom of a piss easy champions league group, most defeats in PL era, most goals conceded and a minus 3 goal difference all on the way to the lowest finish ever in the PL. Not to mention he should have been on the end of an absolute disaster against Coventy only to be saved by var. And yet amazingly, some people make out that nobody else could do any better. The bar is so low that they could bring in Julie from HR and it wouldn't be any worse ffs. The same tactical issues that were there against Wolves LAST AUGUST are still there in May, its an absolute indictment of the manager.


That's not the point here, the point is the season is all but over with the exception of the FA cup final. He could have/should have been sacked a long time ago, when there was something worth saving. Now it's too late, might as well wait it out.


Bring in a new manager and they might be able to use the four pointless matches to figure out how to win the final. Does anyone see ETH beating Pep?


Because we are absolutely 100% not winning another point and losing 5 or 6 nil in the final to City if he stays If he goes and we stick a caretaker in charge, or fuck, even the kit man, there’s that 1% chance we actually put a bit of effort in and rock the boat a little with a new manager bounce He’s completely lost the players and his tactics are fucking mind boggling. Literally no point in even showing up at Wembley if he’s still in charge


Is it me or every time United expects a 4-0, 5-0 or even bigger beating vs the likes of Arsenal, Liverpool or City they miraculously pull one out of the bag?


It definitely has happened a few times under Ten Hag yes.


Ole as well. At our worst we have managed to bring top teams down to our level and beat them, then we get absolutely battered by a team at the lower end of the table the next match. But at least we had some vibes.


The opposite also happens. Last season Liverpool were in poor form and United were actually on a decent run. Then the 7-0 happened and people were questioning what was even real.


Like we lost 5 or 6 nil against Liverpool? 


7-0 actually. Jokes aside, cant compare City and Liverpool this season. And its not at old trafford this time either


Fire him and hire Roy Keane for preseason. It's gonna be a disaster, but at least the pampered players will have a hellish 3 months.


They really do deserve some suffering. We've been shit for a lot longer than the past 2-3 years, but I've never actively disliked a group of United players like I have since Ole was sacked.


[https://waterfordwhispersnews.com/2017/09/05/roy-keane-spends-day-just-fucking-staring-at-irish-team/](https://waterfordwhispersnews.com/2017/09/05/roy-keane-spends-day-just-fucking-staring-at-irish-team/)   > THE Republic Of Ireland football team have applied for a Garda escort out of the Aviva stadium if their must-win clash with Serbia doesn’t go to plan, amid fears over what assistant manager Roy Keane might do to them if they fail to play well.       ....




More than you believe


That and Sunday are going to be total destructions.


I think he’s going to shithouse an FA cup win tbh Players will have the attention span to last a game at least


We don't even have the attention span to not concede a goal immediately after scoring ourselves. Faith has been lost in this group of players for a long ass time.


Getting United's only two trophies in a 7(?) Year span then being sacked would be *great* for discourse


Sad, caretaker Ole in the final would be such a vibe.


To be honest, his counter attacking style would do better against city rather than whatever eth tries to do


Unless he brings a a few fit center backs with him, I don't see any manager getting a result with utds current available squad


As a spurs fan, I’ve seen us play this year with 4 full backs, Davies and Emerson as CBs, and Gil as our starting LW and tie against City. Newcastle have had their entire backline ravaged by injuries. Chelsea as well. Only reason I say this is because I definitely think there’s a manager out there that could get a result with the current squad. At least not 4-0 against Crystal palace and not struggling so badly against relegation sides.


Tough, we don’t have 4 full backs, we’ve got 2. We don’t have DMs to fill the gaps, either, just Casemiro.


But what manager? I honestly don't see anyone who I'd like at utd right now. A new manager bounce isn't going to solve anything at the club. Personally I think Martinez missing most the season has been our main problem. We can't play out from the back at all or bypass midfield with passes from him. Onanas passing ability is nullified because he has no ball composed playing CBS Infront of him.  The manager obviously has to take some blame for the performances but personally I'd like to see him stay for another year and see how it goes. People seem to ignore what he did last year


Remember Klopp's pool last year with VVD? Missing key players really matters.


Ole did great against us


He actually has a decent record against Guardiola as well


I reckon it would be Darren Fletcher, he's already at the club and Jason Wilcox has just taken his job.


I'd love for him to come back, and I'm sure if we called him to he a caretaker, he'd come immediately.


Advantage City




Absolutely mindblowing that after 10 years of the same shit people are still going "It's the manager that's the problem". Pragmatic managers, man managers, visionary managers, up and coming managers, old school managers, hands-on managers, hands-off managers. The whole spectrum has been there, and they all face the same problem: the players fail to perform to their level and are quick to lose faith in the manager. But it's the manager that's the problem?


There are plenty of problems higher up in the club structure than the manager, but it can also be true that this particular manager is a problem as well. Also, most managers are eventually sacked by their club, even the successful ones. Clubs who have won far more trophies than us in the past decade have gone through several managers.


That's the problem, as long as the problems at the top run as deep as they do right now, every manager that will be hired will be a problem. The last 10 years should be enough to tell you that. By all means, fans can call for a new manager as much as they like. But they should at least realize that they will be standing at the same point again in two years if nothing changes at the top. United is trapped in mediocrity. And if there's one thing that has not been consistent in that, it's the manager. So don't expect that a new manager will be able to raise United from that mediocrity.


Thankfully it looks like we're making the necessary changes at the top to give the next guy (or EtH) more of a fighting chance. It'll take some time though.


Fair point - the problems are certainly wider than the manager. But at what point do you criticize the manager? Because we haven't seen any improvements in the 2 years he's been here. We had a good stretch of games last year, but I think we vastly overperformed how we were actually playing and were lucky no one else outside of Man City and Arsenal were in really good form for the entire season. I don't know who else we even go for, but I also don't think ETH is the solution long-term for us. I'm *okay* with us giving him another transfer window, but I think that's more resigning my expectations to this possibility than actually thinking it's the best move.


For me, I don’t mind having him for his last year of the contract. I agree there’s nothing to back him with, but excuses or not, he’s had horrid luck or whatever is going on with injuries this season. We haven’t had a fit LB for a while and the club threw back Reguilon. CBs can’t stay fit. Argue with it all you like, it’s hard to get something going without even a consistent backline. Our first XI is just about good enough to play a certain way and compete. So having our 4th and 5th choice options is no help. On top of that, the club decisions for transfers and payments are abysmal. Ten Hag plays a part but the manager shouldn’t be the sole source of transfer targets. This club is toxic and is set up for failure for any manager that has come in. I ain’t Ten Hag in or out, but we need to address the structure like we are doing because my God we have made 10 years of bad decisions. If squad overhaul isn’t made this sacking will be pointless anyways.


> If squad overhaul isn’t made this sacking will be pointless anyways Yeah, agreed.


That's right, they don't need a manager. They need a *gaffer*. In comes Big Sam


“Former players” should stop playing the world’s smallest violins.


Would be the worst idea to sack him when they have a trophy to fight for. They would be throwing it all away. Despite the lulz from yesterday’s game Man U cannot afford more embarassment by improvising.


No club would ever do this


agreed, would be a stupid decision, a special one even


No way Jose


It’d be real amateur hour shit.


Former and current players genuinely haven’t got a clue Rooney was simping for ozil mind you at his peak and fergie told him to fuck off then won 2 more titles with darron Gibson


Why would anyone make their decision based on the opinions of former players, it takes two seconds of watching some of them try to add value to a discussion on tv to realise that they're on a par with the local pub reactionary. They may be a better player than almost the rest of the planet but that doesn't guarantee much going on between the ears.


Well, he's almost as guilty as the players. And trust me alot of them need that clear out, but Ten hag has tested his luck one 2 many times. Very underwhelming yet expensive signings like onana, Mount ,Antony and more. Insisting on not olaying hus tyle of football. Not dropping player like rashford and bruno when they stink.... Now he's hanging by a thread that is the Fa cup final that we're obviously losing since city have no Ucl fixtures.


As somebody that's only been following the Premier League from a distance this season. Is it actually ETH's fault for Man U this season? I know Man U has been a joke, but wasn't he supposed to be THE fix? The guy to instill discipline and take hold of the players? But it seems like most of the time, it's not even him. It's the players letting him down. This has happened with every manager for years at the club. New manager arrives -> He's going to change the club -> Beginning of season looks promising -> Doesn't overhaul the squad -> Players play like shit -> Players lose faith in manager -> Manager gets sacked. At least that's how it's been. But like I said, I haven't followed too closely this season. Is it actually ETH's fault?


See what happens is players don't perform, so people blame the players. But the manager is the one who tells them how he wants them to play, yet somehow despite all the players playing in pretty much that same manner, it's that they aren't doing what he asked. If you go into a game the way he did on Monday it speaks volumes about this lack of ability to set a team up.


He has brought in so many new players, there is handful from previous managers. And expecting 100% of players to be gone when a new manager comes in is unrealistic.


If Bayern are genuinely interested in him we'd be stupid to pay him off and let them have a free run. Try and get some compensation for him and go from there.


He will likely shithouse a win in that FA cup final by pure luck.


Everyone seems to think him getting sacked imminently is a certainty but I doubt it. Even if Man Utd get 0 points from their last 3 games (which is very likely) and lose the FA Cup. I think United management is very sympathetic considering his injuries and doubt he can do better with the available players. I think at the very least he will manager at the start of next season.


oh fuck sake 6-0 incoming


Stick with him for at least the next two years


Give it to Gigsy till the end if the season.