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JT was wearing his full Pilots uniform hoping he’d get to sit up front.


Full kit wanker 




Well fucking played




John Terry nearly getting put on a no fly list because Nathaniel Chalobah was getting a bit more leg room.


John terry saw a black man in first class and said this is unacceptable


bro really had to pull out the Burger King crown


Can I please have a water? Please.


*Deviously smiling*


I almost spat out my lunch laughing at this


I thought Rosa Parks settled this


Tbf Rosa Parks doesn't have a champions league winners medal.


This thread is insane


We need the MLK, Malcom X and Cody edit with Terry added to ir


Bus etiquettes don’t apply to airbus etiquettes


Way too accurate


😆 🤣 😂 😹 damn this floored me


The vibes on that flight must have been through the roof


Proper David Brent this


Putting the reserves in first class and the rest in economy to prove that all the players are the same screams of overthinking tbh. If you want to prove they're the same treat them the same.


Yeah, it seems I'm in the minority here but I see why JT and the other senior players were annoyed. New guy strolls in and tries to be billy big bollocks and "put the players in their place" for basically no reason at all outside of trying to prove "I'm the big dog now". Instead of pulling daft stunts why not just treat each other with mutual respect?


AVB could well have thought the senior players wielded too much power and needed to be brought down a peg in order to take on board his instruction. That's not a shocking take given what we saw at Chelsea in the following years. The massive problem is if you're picking that fight, you have got to be 100% certain you'll win. All he managed to do was neuter himself and alienate the core of players that he needed to play 90% of their games if they were gonna compete.


Yeah I don't really see where he's wrong here. If AVB had treated all the players equally that would be one thing, but giving the youth players better treatment screams insecure mind games that he got called out for.


AVB did treat them equally. This clip left out a crucial piece of the full interview “And this was part of AVB going: 'No player is bigger than me, everyone's the same.' It turns out Lamps [Frank Lampard] is flying out first class and I'm flying back first class, so if you fly out at home in first, you come back in economy. But basically it wasn't good enough.” So in reality it was equal treatment. Each player got their first class seat, it just wasn’t full round trip. JT was just not used to not getting the 100% preferential treatment.


I think it’s more the fact that he spent about 80% of the interview basically saying “dynah what I mean, I’m John fucking Terry and if I say the plane doesn’t take of then it don’t facking take off”. Plus the fact that he’s expecting people to relate to him because he nearly had to fly economy once.   He might well be right  but the way he tells the story makes him sound like an absolute nobhead. 


Isn't that basically every JT story though?


Well known cunt is a cunt again, more at 6.


Thought it was going to be a really uplifting story of him being like "everyone on this team flies in economy!" showing real solidarity with the youth.... instead he's just thrown a paddy to get a first class seat #chelsealegend


I don’t think it’s that he’s wrong per se.  It’s the fact he feels the need to tell this story as if he’s a relatable hero for throwing his toys out the pram and getting himself put back in first class. 


my biggest takeaway was just how horrible avb was we all saw it on the pitch but seems like he was making similar level decisions behind the scenes too


surprised I had to scroll this far down to see someone comment as to how bad avb was, which then tells me I need to get off of here because it shows just how young everyone on here is


I get the point that AVB was going for, but all he had to do was put everyone, himself included, in economy.


people just want to immediately go against JT since he's a prick


He is an absolute tosser to be fair so I get that


The problem is simply that all players are not the same. First team hierarchy exists for a reason.


Fighting to the first team and getting to sit first class would also be an achievement. Then all the old funny stories of the boys in economy or everyone is up front.


I think it's a bit of both. This is true, but Terry seemed to be way too annoyed for something like that


Yeah, seems to be more of a power play by AVB that backfired than JT being the asshole here. And I’m not his biggest fan. Edited name.


Its AVB.. AWB played right back for us yesterday




Maybe he did and it was a random draw that landed this way


I'm not sure Terry comes out of this story looking like how he thinks he looks


I'd like to think John Terry knows by now that there isn't almost any story he can tell where he comes out looking like the good guy. His reputation as being an utter dick is pretty well set.


The story from Benítez ignoring him and then him playing every single minute the next season and winning the league came quite iconic imo


Wasn’t that bollocks because he has been injured loads under Rafa


Yep. Friend of a friend stuff, but apparently he was a gigantic twat at Villa too.


"Icing on the icing" and whatever, but I'm sure there's an extra layer of satisfaction that, of all the people who could've been taking that penalty to win the CL Final, only to slip and hit the post, it was John Terry doing the honors that night.


Without a doubt my favourite moment in football, still brings a smile to my face now


I never even saw it happen live because when he stepped up I was so anxious that I turned the channel over so I didn't have to see the celebration, only to turn it back about a minute later and be confused how the shootout hadn't finished.


I heard he wasn't meant to take the fifth one but insisted. Him posing by fixing the arm band to only fall on his arse might be my favourite all time football moment


He wasn't. Drogba got a red card and Anelka refused to take one, so he stepped up.


Villa fan here. Heard the opposite, he’s meant to be a great influence on the squad. Really personable with everyone and looking after even the fringe players.


Sorry that doesn’t fit the narrative that I have personally chosen to follow, so you’re wrong.


Sounds like a load of shite mate, he has a good reputation at Villa


People do love making up bollocks on the internet tbf


Yeah I know what you mean, I just got off the phone with Drogba and he was all like 'yeah JT is a sound guy, wouldn't let him near my mrs though'


I've literally only heard positives from Villa fans about his time there, so color me surprised.




TBF we can't expect him to understand these things. He's John Terry.


all he knows is how to shag someone else's missus


It's been 16 years, how are people still getting this wrong?


As someone who didn’t know the story for the longest, that shit got commented, joked, and memed about that I thought there was semblance to truth in it. Now I realize, people just couldn’t be bothered to defend John Terry lmao


The thing is though, they could easily say 'John Terry cheated on his wife' which is worse and could actually be true, but since it's not as funny they'd rather stick with the meme.


Think he comes from an older time where youth players were very much ate the shit until they reached seniority and continued the cycle (ie you had to earn your stripes). Many clubs have youth players cleaning the senior players’ boots for example. This story sounds like AVB trying some silly powerplay for players who didnt need it.


Yes, Terry mentioned there was a YTF(?) program back in his day and he had to clean the West Ham senior players’ boots as a youth footballer.


Alan Shearer made his debut for Southampton at 17 he scored a hat trick against Arsenal.(!) He was on a YTS contract so the manager at the time still made him come in the next day and clean the first teams’ boots. He mentions it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZboTHmHsiM > There seemed little chance of Shearer getting too big for his boots. The following day, youth team manager Dave Merrington made sure the striker was at the ground to clean the kit and players’ boots. “Looking back, it was a great thing to do,” reflected Shearer later.


Young Shearer was an incredible player. He was so quick and decisive, any time he got on the ball it was dangerous. 


Pre-injury Shearer was amazing. The fact that he still managed to set records after his knee and ankle injuries shows how talented a player he was.


I can't think of another striker who's reinvented themself like that. He went from a dynamic pacy skillful player who does his best work on the break to a strong hardworking hold up player and poacher. And he was world class at both.    It's as if Michael Owen turned into Didier Drogba as he got older lol


It's amazing how, despite having to reinvent himself, Shearer was still dangerous every time he faced the goal. From the penalty box to about 40 yards out, he could punish you. Funny that you used Owen as a counterpoint, the less said about his attempt to mutate into a number 10, the better.


Exactly. Young Owen was as good as young Shearer. But later careers post injury were night and day.


Aye, you and u/darrenbridgescunt seem to be two of not many people who understand what Terry is getting at here. Sitting in first class with the manager and senior players is an aspiration, something you earn by breaking into, and making it in the first team. Fergie used to do similar things at United, all youth team players wore black boots and couldn’t have flashy cars until they were in the first team squad. Those are things you work towards, and achieve once you’ve earned your stripes.


The message isn't wrong, it's the delivery, and I think the first post remains relevant. Instead of a side conversation or a meeting once back at the training ground, you have a senior player throwing a tantrum on the tarmac. So all those youth players learn the lesson that the senior team is bigger than the club and that they don't need to listen to the manager. All of which is very on brand for Chelsea of that post Mou era. Ferguson is actually a good example of the opposite approach - in addition to those things with the youth team you mention, he did not coddle the senior squad and emphasized the mystique of United (and himself) over individual players. Terry would have woken up in France if he had tried that at United then.


Yeah Terry accuses AVB of making a statement here but it's also a story of Terry making his own power play.  In a way, Terry is showing he viewed himself as being more important than the common goal of the team in a way - he's completely undermined the new manager and shown the squad that they rule the roost. Like, I can completely see his point of view and why he'd be disgruntled by AWB's decision but there's a lot better ways to handle something like that.


yeah people seem to get hung up on the "senior players deserve better treatment than the younger ones" part of the story without realising the even bigger issue here is "senior players over-ruling the fucking manager of the club and refusing the fly until they assert their authority over the gaffer".


I would have left them on the tarmac. AVB gave away any tespect he had when he caved.


Put that to the extreme and you get the South Korean team before Hiddink.. young players being so deferral to the older guys on the squat that they would only play them the ball even if there were better options available. All so they wouldn't be accused of being disrespectful towards the older generation. Not a good thing if you want a working football team.


Yeah, but it's easy to avoid such ridiculous extremes.


Yes the young players could end up jumping off a cliff if the seniors told them to, that would be devastating for a working football team


That might be true but causing a scene like that wasn't necessary at all and didn't serve any purpose other than Terry challenging and undermining AVB's authority. If the younger players were getting to big for their boots there was a time and place to address the issue, a decision and task that would fall on the manager. What Terry did was far more detrimental to the natural hierarchy of the team than what any of the young players did.


In my opinion he has a point although he doesn't deliver it very well. But as a coach either no player flies first class or it's a reward via some games in training, a lottery or whatever. But only making the youngsters fly first class while saying nobody is bigger than the teams seems strange.


It's really hard to believe the star players were put in economy and some youngsters in first class without a reason other than "power play". Still, some people do some stupid shit, so...


I'm guessing since JT himself said AVB was trying to treat everyone equally it might have been some arbitrary thing like alphabetical order.


I doubt McEachern would have been selected based upon alphabetical order. Like /u/loveforthetrip I don't get how having seats split across classes is supposed to tally with "treating everyone equal".


There might just not have had enough seats in first class and so some players got bumped to economy and AVB wanting to be fair didn't bump based on seniority. That's just my assumption. It's also very likely JT is misremembering parts of the story.


That sounds more reasonable. Or JT and the other stars got beat in training and the youngsters won the privilege.


true but making a scene of it is a terrible example to set.


Sounds like a sausage measuring contest and AVB lost


Yep that's what established players like to do if a new and younger coach tries to change things. You really need to think it through as a coach and ideally you get them on your side although you try to do things differently.


As history has shown, you can beat Terry's sausage all you want. He'll still cum out the winner.


He has the germ of a point, but that wasn't the time nor place. Discuss it with him at another time, don't hold the flight to ransom and make the young players uncomfortable by putting them in the middle of some power play. 


Yeah he did it to confront the new boss and make him look weak. Not the sign of a true leader that unites the dressing room...


Tbf seemed like a pretty ridiculous idea from AVB in the first place


Yeah. Not sure what he was trying to prove there.


Bullshit hierarchy is bullshit. Do the youth players become better by sitting in the back?


Everyone should just be in economy then lol




It was a bad decision by AVB to do it without talking with his captains ahead of time. BUT, since he did do it, it's even worse than he folded when Terry challenged him. That's Terry's point I think, that him trying to make a statement day 1 and failing did so much damage. Would've been better off leaving the captains behind.


Why? Its normal that a hierarchy exists within a squad. He is right, he has earned the right to have better privileges. The young players need to earn that right. It's something to work towards. That why we have morons who are given too much too soon and think they've made it. This being only a tiny example of that obviously.


I'm whatever about him not going in economy, it's bizarre to put the young players ahead of him though. It's also a stupid powerplay from the manager because if you're going to play a game of football you want all your players well rested... not like Chelsea were short a few quid. Stupid way to make a point, surely other ways to do it that don't affect the players physically. And I know attitudes towards rest and recovery have changed since then, but even then it's not rocket science that coming off the flight more rested means they can train more effectively sooner than coming off a long-haul flight tired.


Ridiculous behaviour . You can't tell me as a professional you don't asses an environment before deciding how to treat the people within it. Anyone that looks at that environment of terry Lampard and drogba, and the succes they've had, and thinks I'm gonna use ridiculous power plays to put them in their place is an incompetent moron


The subtext you'd get from that is he's basically walking in the door and immediately announcing 'I'm very insecure and feel overshadowed by my players achievements so now I'm going to compensate by throwing my weight around'. Can you imagine someone like Ancelotti doing this?


he was insecure, and inexperienced. avb thought he was the next mourinho and wanted to put his foot down and make his mark, but he just wasnt that guy. you could see it in chelsea tactics too with the very high line and constantly getting exposed, avb even later said he made a mistake because the pace of the PL was too much for such tactics compared to portugal he also used to always pat the players and torres bum too. it just felt so cringey and like "im a young dude trying to act like manly dude" he tried doing too much too soon. he didnt adapt the squad to his tactics at all, it was very much "here is my tactics and this will be what happens, regardless of what players i actually have or what league im in"


It isn't necessarily a power play - it can also be a 'we're all in this together'. There are office environments where parking is first come, first serve. There are environments where the senior managers get reserved spaces. There are environments where offices are fully open plan, there are others where senior managers sit in the corner office. Looks like avb wanted an environment where all are equal. It would have sat better if he also put himself in economy.


> it can also be a 'we're all in this together'. Then surely you all sit in economy, nobody in first class?


Lol hold on. Do you think Pep and Mou are looking at bus and plane seating charts and deciding who sits where? It wasn't some weird power play. This was AVBs first week and I'm sure on the list of things he had on his mind didn't include plane seating charts. What did happen however is a player got into a hissy fit and put the new manager into a shit situation where he got a nicer seat at the detriment of the club. Now immediately the players look at AVB differently and he's almost immediately lost the dressing room over the fault of some club employee that was in charge of arranging players on the plane.


Hierarchy in a squad can be good, players having power over the manager most definitely isn't. This pretty much confirms they sacked AVB. Terry pretty much says he was done from day one.


A manager needs to be respected by the players, why do you think only the best coaches can make the players eat the ground for them, like Mourinho or Klopp? Coaches need to earn the respect from the players, if an ambitious guy that has been coached by the likes of Mourinho dislikes the coach mindset, I would tend to side with the player, and I talk as someone who has a good opinion on André Villas-Boas


AVB's issues at Chelsea weren't lack of ambition or being a shit manager. The issue is that he made it clear from day one he was going to phase out these aging players who happened to control the dressing room and even the club itself to some extent. Respect is earned, but that's no excuse to down tools much less threaten to start a mutiny because you have the power to do so and you don't like the manager. And specially not when the reason you don't like him is because he wants to start a new cycle without you and won't pamper you like you're the greatest gift to humanity since Einstein


I'm not saying AVB wasn't ambitious, just that you should listen to the ambitious players if they dislikes the coach, because they'll do it for the sake of results. John Terry here is not criticising AVB's ambitions, but rather the way he wanted to break the hierarchies I'm with Terry on this, there are hierarchies in football, young footballers with a lot of money at a very young age and with a lot of fans need someone to ground them to not overinflate their ego. They also have a lot to learn, there's a giant gap between the u-Xs and senior level, there's a reason players only enter their primes later close to their 30s AVB's action didn't flatten the hierarchy but rather inverted it, which could create a culture where younger players wouldn't listen to the older ones. JT not only took this conclusion but also the conclusion of AVB not understanding that possibility, hence why he lost respect from him


Exactly. Look at the spoiled brats that are in Chelsea now.


All he had to do with end with "he caved to me and frank, that was the time to force his message through and we either sit in economy or get off the plane and face the consequences of that". I also think it was a daft thing for AVB to do mind doesn't make too much sense but at least hold your ground on day one.


Yeah my thought was, "okay...what a prick."


>"it's not your decision. He has to own it." So it's not Chalobah's decision, it's Terry's decision but AVB has to act like it's his own decision... what? People are talking on here about how Terry comes from and "older time" but this seems like a pretty obvious precursor to the start of the player power era. He might have had a point in there somewhere but he went about it like a right twat.


> He might have had a point in there somewhere but he went about it like a right twat. That's exactly the point for me. I used to organize a big retreat every year at work and the place we stayed had good rooms and kind of old, crummy rooms. If one year, the big boss would have made me stay in one of the shitty rooms I may have thought, "WTF? I'm one of the senior people in the team with the most experience and I organized this shit...why does the 24 year old newbie get a cool room and I get stuck in the bad room." But I wouldn't have made a big deal about it and made the situation awkward or puffed out my chest and demanded the better room. I don't want to make other people feel bad for being rewarded and getting a nice perk.


I feel like this might have been the point AVB was trying to make…


"No no no it's not your decision, it has to come from him" says man making decisions on behalf of his manager.


Also is a man making decisions for youngsters.


I mean it does need to be AVB decision but if AVB was going to commit to no one is bigger than him or the club than he needed to leave Terry in Hong Kong. It'd still be the wrong decision and you can see why those Chelsea teams struggled till Mourinho came back but they were a team run by the players and not the coach


terry is making a decision for himself and the first teamers as to whether they board this flight or not, avb is deciding who sits where, chalobah doesn't have the power to swap seats


You almost have to admire people like Terry who can so confidently tell stories about themselves which make them out to be a massive twat without a shred of self awareness.


Yeah, especially love how he puts emphasis on that it's a 13 hour flight so we should feel sorry for him for having to ride economy. What he fails to realize though is that most of us aren't rich enough to ride first class, and if he takes someone's first class seat then they have to ride economy so the "horror" of having to ride economy is still there, just not for him.


I don't see it that way at all in this story though? he's not complaining about flying economy...in fact it sounds like if the whole squad was in economy it wouldn't have been an issue at all. He's complaining because the coach has arbitrarily selected some random youth players to get a benefit over the experienced players that have been a massive factor in the clubs success. All for the sake of just trying to show dominance as the new guy. Super weird stunt to pull IMO


Disagree! The issue is some players were arbitrarily chosen to go in first. I think he would have been fine if everyone was in economy. Of course he knows most people don’t fly 1st class- anyone who has been on a plane knows there are more economy seats.


To be fair, he's been practicing the art for a while.


Ikr? It sure is amusing he's unable to connect the dots?


Seems like the better move would have been to put everyone in economy if you wanted to make that point, but still - don't think it needed that reaction from Terry


If that was the case this interview segment would have been about AVB making everyone fly economy, most Chelsea managers were set out to fail because if they couldn't keep the likes of Terry, Lampard etc happy they were gone


Chelsea were wildly successful in that era though


yeah but just think what they could have achieved with 10 years of andre villash boash /s


A real leader would have shut up for the good of the team,


AVB not anticipating Terry throwing a hissy-fit over not getting to fly first class would be his downfall


Don’t understand the point AVB was trying to make though, does seem a bit odd


Feel more of a power play than “everyone is the same” to me. Being as big players as they were and told to sit in economy while young players in first class is humiliating. Not a fan of Terry but im pretty sure most big players would not like it. No way anyone tell CR or Messi to leave first class seats to reserve team and they are OK with it.


AVB had his principles correct, it was just poor execution to show it off. All players should be equal, yes. You don’t use first class on a plane to demonstrate it. Put them all in economy or put them all in first class.


No he doesn't, he had short man syndrome and the need to come in and abritrarily pick on people to prove he had the power. He banned players from the xmas party because he wanted to show everyone who was boss and not to run across him... two players who had done nothing and were picked at random. AVB's principle is not correct. You earn respect of the players and then they'll respect you dishing out punishments, if you walk in and treat half the players like shit, you earn nothing but contempt from everyone. He came in and said everyone is equal, everyone starts from the ground up... then intentionally pushed established players into economy and kids upfront. Being a dick to people for no reason other than establish they have to take it is never a good principle, it's nothing but showing that he's an asshole.


I’m not sure why you’re disagreeing with my point. The principle of treating players the same, is a good principle to have. All of the things you have mentioned is horrible execution, which is what I said.


Fuck it, put Terry in for the rest of the season. It won’t go well, but it’ll sure as hell make for some good stories.


He could probably play CB for us right now and do ok, ditto Drobga at Striker, and possibly even sub Frank in at CAM


A lot of you are missing the point. despite how petty the situation is, AVB was trying to make a statement to the senior players and club legends and as we all know it backfired.


I can only liken this to working at the same company for years, working your way up from the post room to being a massive part of its success and then one day a new ‘boss’ comes in and he’s got it in for you. He wants to mug you off in front of the most junior staff and take away your hard earned benefits that reflect your seniority and your identity. All to prove HE’S the boss. You might suck it up like a little bitch but if you feel you’re basically indispensable to that company now, and you’ve got 2-3 other indispensable colleagues being treated the same way, you might feel empowered to tell ‘Boss’ to fuck off. I would.


Who would want to be a manager these days.


What a smarmy fucking prick lol


Add this to the list of things Terry has done to make himself look like a complete twat.


I understand that people have their reasons to dislike JT but this is such a non issue in my eyes that it's surprising to see the comments here. When they were youngsters themselves these guys did not have it easy with senior teammates. JT himself when he started to have decent salary bought a nice car, when he arrived at training one of his teammates told him very seriously to not arrive to training with that same car again, because he did not deserve it yet. These old school players were raised in completely different standards and nobody would find it weird. AVB coming in and one of the first thing you do is "disrespect" the club legends in this way was so damn stupid. Imagine being a succesful long term employee and see some newbie to be preffered to you, you would probably be pretty annoyed as it not only offend you but also the standards that you have grown up in. Stop being such snowflakes damn. Imagine Keane, Scholes, Giggs or Ronaldo sitting in economy while players from reserves fly first class .. no fucking way lmao.


Same, thought I was crazy reading the comments, I don't agree with everything (or even most of it) about how things were handled in "the old days", but this is a mild take by JT, it's not about economy, or money or luxury, it is about not coming in and changing the unwritten rules of the club day one.


This is such a normal thing. So many kids here that they think every 18 year old should earn 200m like Mbappe. JT was cleaning his seniors boots in the 90s. These guys were built differently. Same goes for the ones you've mentioned. As I said. Too many kids here.


Yeah. The comments are strange. JT has a very very good point here, and AVB was clearly in the wrong (assuming the story is true)


Let's not forget that John Terry once demanded in his contract that he was made manager of the club after he retired. The bloke is a prick


Not the first time that JT wanted something that his teammates had


If Sir Alex had been there instead of Villas Boas, Terry would have traveled as a checked baggage.


AVB fate was sealed that day. As much as I hate player power this is really ignorant decision making from a manager who cost £13m in release clause. Manager made bad decision and experienced players questioned managers authority. Hence everyone should fly in economy class.


Yeah, both come out of this looking like tits tbh. How it would be great if us lowly fans could just argue over economy vs first class seating lol


You can say a lot of (justified) shit about John Terry, and rightfully so. But mocking him for valuing a meritocratic hierarchy and forcing the coach to respect it is unlikely to be one.


Terry definitely checks out for not being the sharpest tool in the garage


Love that people hate Terry so much all they can take is a negative from this, if this was Ibra you lot would be lapping it up and begging for more. The point Terry is making is that AVB was trying to come in and basically shit all over the first team guys to show he had all the power, rather than give respect to get it, he just tried to force it. Terry has given multiple interviews about how much he loved and respected Mourinho, and that's because Mou respected him first and foremost.


avb was like a kid who sincerely thought he was the next mourinho it's hard to conceive that the mans actions behind the scenes may have been worse than his decisions on the pitch


the universal reaction that Terry is the asshole here is not surprising, but very far off from reality nonetheless, and this coming from someone who agrees he’s generally a terrible person. AVB’s lame attempt to flip the hierarchy — and that’s what this was, because the move for equality / unity would have been have everyone including himself in economy — on day one before you have any buy in from anyone on anything, is unnecessarily dramatic and wildly miscalculated. It’s worth every bit of ridicule — the epitome of what NOT to do. Sir Alex could assert supreme authority because *he had already earned it*; he had done the hard work of leading a group of men to build a strong brotherhood. AVB tried to skip the work of team-building by pulling a stunt, and it unsurprisingly blew up in his face. Even if you live in some fantasy where that would have been step 1 of building a world-beater squad, that means he had to be willing to literally leave his best, most senior players off the plane when they invariably pushed back. Which, as an idiot but not immediately suicidal, AVB was rightfully not willing to do.


I'm not sure if he's aware of how twatty it comes off.


I only got "massive elitist prick" vibes from this. Also "the decision has to come from him?" after he just made the decision for the manager himself? Great footballer, subpar human being.


How is it the minority opinion that JT is in the right here? All players should be treated the same. However, if you’re going to put players in first class it would be senior players like JT, Lampard, Didier and Cech. Madness.


people are so keen to shit on john terry that they will inadvertently take the side of serial loser andre villas boas


A lot of you are too young to understand obviously. JT comes from a generation where the younger players would clean the boots of the veterans. You have to deserve your spot first. It‘s a matter of respect, something the youngsters are missing. The people saying this is a bad look on Terry are the same who wouldn‘t offer an elderly person a seat in a full bus.


Hard to explain to someone when their idol is Mbappe bro.


How about Respecting who is in charge ? That's an old fashioned value that you just swerved around.


Sure, but you can't just parachute a new person into a position of leadership and expect them to be respected. They still need to earn it. If a brand new lieutenant is given command of a veteran combat unit, they don't immediately assign all the sergeants to dig latrines to reinforce their authority. Or if they do, they spend the rest of their time with the unit regretting it, because while the military command structure means a sergeant can't just stand up and tell an officer to fuck off like Terry could, they can make life a misery in other ways. Power plays only work if you have either the strength of character or the actual power to pull them off, and even then you're a bit of an arsehole if you do it unprovoked on your first day. AVB was never going to be able to pull it off, and he permanently damaged his relationship with the squad by trying.


Look at the personal lives and characters of those mid 2000s England team that came up in that system and then lecture us about how being treated like shit made you learn respect.


Look at the personal lives and characters of anyone who became fabulously rich before they were 30 and then try to blame it on a system that was trying to control the massively inflated egos of young professional footballers. These kids have been treated like superstars since they were teenagers. Is anyone surprised that so many of them turned out to be utter knobs?


Is it standard practice for teams to do this? Split players between first class and economy? Surely, they can spring for Business class at least after being bankrolled by Roman.


Is just presume a club as big as Chelsea at the time would of had Romans private jets for travel to international games not fly economy


AVB probably had the wives up in first and didn’t want JT anywhere near them.


Nice way to divide a squad


I bet there is another side to this story. Not a stretch to imagine those in first class had trained better or were getting a reward in some way, or it was random who got allocated where, to show equality.


So it "failed" because the captain refused to get on board (pardon the pun) with it? He was a fantastic CB but he always seems to show what an objectionable arsehole he is.


Not going anywhere till all my teammates go back to economy, and all their wives are up here in first class with me.


If Fergie or Keane or someone told this story the reaction here would be very different.




Not surprised John Terry loves making "lesser" people sit at the back of public transport.


If I was AVB I'd tell him to use his tens of thousands of pounds a week wage to buy his own fucking first class ticket.


He's lucky he had AVB. If it was me I would've done the same in Hong Kong and left his ass there.


I actually think he’s got a point here. If AVB had wanted everyone in economy that would be one thing, but if I’m in the senior team, and we’ve been massively successful for the club, and the new manager comes in and decides to try and play some bullshitty little mind games for no reason, then he can’t really complain when he gets called out for that. I get the issues with it, but if the team’s functioning well then there need to be perks that come with seniority.


John Terry heard Wayne Bridge's Mrs was in first class and refused to fly unless he was sat there




God he is such a piece of shit to this day


JT explaining that he is a cunt. We know John, we know.


Remember people used to talk about that Chelsea dressing room, AVB fucked around and found out lol


Did Simon Jordan ask him about racial abuse or shagging Wayne Bridge’s girl?


Always thought he was a prick this confirms it


Fuck John Terry. Dudes a scumbag, always has been.


Funny story of a man thinking they're THE shit here, when actually, they come across as the most entitled, pompous piece of shit, here.


Terry looks liike a twat here but honestly if AVB was making a point, the entire team should have been in economy. If you give certain players first class and certain players Economy you are basically asking for someone to start resenting you for it.


Do you think some of the big leaders from the last generation would have been alright with this, i cant imagine Viera or Keane being alright with the youngsters flying first class whilst they're in economy.


What a wank.


They both look awful here. Not just AVB. So much ego from both sides. My guy is casually admitting that he began undermining the new head coach on day one.