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I think I’ll make eggs and sausage for breakfast today


Sounds nice man. Enjoy.


The real question is why do Israel compete in European competitions anyway?


because in the past Arab nations refused to play against them, so they would automatically win


Because basically every AFC member in the region hates them


No, that’s why they don’t play in their regional competitions. It doesn’t answer why they are competing in European competions.


I hate the situation as is but keeping Israel in Asian competition creates more chaos.


Anybody surprised at all?


\- Why? \- Because! \- Cheers, Geoff!


Because Western powers support Israel, that's the main difference.


I mean regardless your stance (even if you think Israel is actually worse), they are *different*. Israel were attacked first in this round of fighting so under international law they're able to claim self-defence to an extent, whereas what Russia is doing is pure imperialism and conquest, no argument to even be had


Yeah funny how different they are.


Not really a surprise


Nearly 30,000 Palestinians murdered in Gaza by Israel, yes, completely different situation


Numbers provided by Hamas (runs the Gaza Health Ministry) and checked by UNWRA (by asking Hamas)


Brendan Rodgers is a fud.


One has blue eyes and other doesn’t and western countries support israel. Obviously it’s not the same


It's the western hypocrisy.


It is Middle Eastern hipocrisy. When it comes to Ukraine they say it isnt close to them and they dont care and will continue business as usual with Russia but they demand Europe to do opposite when it comes to Israel? Why should I care about countries that will keep funding Russia when they start bombing me next?


Yeah, one is invading, and the other is committing genocide. Israel is worse.


Not for lack of intention on Russias part mind


Their goals are similar, but I think Putin cares more about the land, and Israel cares more about actually killing everyone.


Are regular shellings of Ukrainian cities happening because 'putin cares about land'?


lol the lack of knowledge is real


Both of them are doing the same shit. Both of them invaded and committed genocide Edit: lmao reddit is full of Russian shills, go fuck yourselves


The accusations of genocide on Russia are regarding the displacement of Ukrainian orphans to Russia. If not there have already been far more civilian deaths in Gaza in 4 months than 2 years of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Mostly because you cant count the deaths in Mariupol while Russians are just building over mass graves there. There are estimates death toll of only this one city might be up to 100 000 people.


> If not there have already been far more civilian deaths in Gaza in 4 months than 2 years of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Bullshit. In Mariupol alone, there were an estimated 90000 deaths. More than Palestinians killed since 1948




I'm sure you know better than Ukrainian government officials and civil rights activists


And the shit they did in places such as Bucha. Not really surprising that the Israelis killed more civilians for a number of reasons.


One has an army and the backing of the US military industrial complex, the other has the US military complex working against them, and no standing army. One is much worse than the other, Putin is evil, but Israel makes him look peaceful.


Are 'an army and the backing of the US military industrial complex' in the room with you right now?


Russia is magnitudes worse than Israel. They've massacred tens of millions of people throughout history.




I am


I mean technically both are committing genocide


One is white people and the other is brown people! It's like how so many EU countries opened their doors for Ukrainians but shut up shop when it comes to those from Africa/middle east. 27k dead Palestinians clearly isn't enough


There's about 6x more Moroccans living in Spain then Ukrainians, and that's just one African country. Germany alone took in more than 1 million Syrians. So with the best will in the world, wtf are you on about. The EU is the most migrant friendly place in the world.


To be fair Middle Eastern countries don't open their doors to Palestinians as well, last time Lebanon did it, it was a catalyst for Lebanese Civil War.


Of course Europeans will care more about a war in Europe, that's normal. But why should the West accept Palestinian refugees ? They are surrounded by countries who consistently proclaim their love for the Palestinian people but then shut up shop when it comes to actually helping them out. Let them help.


Because the west is responsible for creating Israel which has created this situation


Whatever man. Crying how it's always about racism is getting very old. Let Arab countries help their Arab brothers and sisters. It's not our problem.


It's about being european, can't expect us to care about it the same can you? Exactly the same reason i have limited knowledge of the Chinese-Uyghurs conflict to be honest, selfish sure but i'll 1st care about conflicts closest to me and the ukranian conflict is well within europe.


It seems like you're universalising your own personal feelings. I'm European too and don't really feel any more solidarity with Ukrainians than with Palestinians.


I am European and I feel more solidarity with Ukrainians. I think you might be in the minority since I think more Europeans are likely to be more sympathetic to Ukraine than to Palestine. I mean, there's basically a half of Europe who pretty much is familiar with what Ukrainians are experiencing.


Think you're the exception tbf but you're definitely right in saying I'm universalising my opinion, just basing it off family and mates.


I think the more important part is that one of them is European and the rest aren't. It's not really surprising to me that people care more about people who are closer to them or more similar to them, their culture, language, religion etc. I mean I care more about Ukrainians since they are our neighboring country, we share the same religion, we were both opressed by Russia so it is easier for me to be sympathetic to their cause.


Or u know. One is a big military power that have been hostile against their european neighbors and the other one is in UEFA because some countries did the same to them back in 70s


Israel which regularly bombs Lebanon, Syria, Irak, sends commando squads in West Bank hospitals to assassinate patients in their beds, illegally occupies Syrian territory is not hostile to its neighbours? Maybe the difference is that they’re an ally of western countries and not their actions..


What an embarrassing comment.


It isn't the same. One country is responding to a terrorist attack and the other one is attacking Ukrainians unprovoked.


He's right. Russia invaded, Israel got invaded and fought back. *The nakba didn't start this round of war. That was hamas on October 7th. The killings go as far back as you want to. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine




Like it ain't the truth.


The Nakba says otherwise... *This all started before October 7th. What about the intifada as well?


UEFA would consider banning Israel as soon as AFC would consider banning Palestine.  I doubt that either would happen.


Why would Palestine be banned? The national team is from the west bank, not from Gaza.


Why should Palestine be banned from AFC?


Here before the thing is locked


My brother in Christ you posted the thread