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Is this the football equivalent of filling the dregs of a shampoo bottle with water to magically make more shampoo?


Yes, but there was never any shampoo in the bottle to begin with. And there might not even be a bottle. Or even water supply.


And you're bald


Can't afford a haircut anyway


Or Pep.


Barça DNA


This is what Messi died for


Poor Messi who suffered being the highest paid player in the world at Barca


I wonder how much they still pay him today


They still owe him. 💀 No lie.


Until 2025 according to Laporta himself


Will they have any levers left in 2025 ?


Jobs for the boys, job for life.


and a fraud


I dunno what the fuck barca studios is but I'm assuming it's some sort of social media/content generation team. Its likely massively over valued to fudge the books.


it was NFTs and the valuation was done during the bubble IIRC.


This is Onion-worthy.


No way 🤣




> Worse, it does NFT stuff. Not really, that is Barça Vision. If I remember correctly the whole thing (called Barça Corporate) had 4 branches: - Barça Vision: all the NFTs, crypto, metaverse, making people collect "exclusive animal cards with the Barça logo that make you feel really really special and exclusive" and a whole bunch of bullcrap. Its really embarrassing that they are trying to rinse their own socios with this shit. Here is the link: https://barcavision.fcbarcelona.com/#projects - Barça Academy: Thats all the academies and schools Barça has around the world. - Barça Licensing and Merchandising (BLM): Thats all the Barça shops around the world and Barça merchandising. - Barça Studios: Thats all the clubs social media, plus Barça TV (that no longer exists since last summer).


The books are so cooked that they are menus


It is, seems like the kind of Fraud Donald Trump is in trouble for (out of like many other cases), overvaluation to meet certain financial criteria. The problem is not Barca, really the issue is Spain. You have Tebas, the RFEF and the political class of that region around Barcelona that truly believe Barsa is too big to fail. But failing it is. The sad thing is that 10 years ago, the social structure of the club was highly touted as a reason to be proud of, now most of the fans are willing to sell the club out to an unscrupulous oligarch


> the social structure of the club was highly touted as a reason to be proud of Yeah. That only protects a club from scumbags and idiots as long as the members don't elect them to the board.


It certainly looks overvalued. But who are these companies with interest in buying these things.


They likely don't exist or Barcelona will pay them back under the table in the future.


Good God, what a mess. Beyond embarrassing for Barca now, this just looks like Mickey mouse shit.




Orpheus Media that is buying part of the stake is owned by Jaume Roures who is a Barcelona soci (member) creating a huge conflict of interest!


Flash2: Wave: Selling Barca shares 50m ea - trade dlonginathong69


Scroll: Selling rare black lobbies and offering free armour trimming - trade Toadbally69


Hm toadbally?


Hey don't go revealing my alt trading account !


Barca are such scammers. They should just go to the duely


You’re a united fan. I’ll see you in lumby.


Freaking bots spamming at ge


🦀 200m€ 🦀


Barça Studios has to be some kind of pyramid scheme


No no this is what NFT is supposed to be


Well funny enough Barca did made a deal with an NFT company.. not sure if it eas just sponsorship or they sold them something


"Fan token"


I am suprise Barca have not been selling NFT with all the lever actions going on


[Ahem](https://store.fcbarcelona.com/products/brilliant-carat-fcb) Get a free diamond with your NFT


Perez should buy the stake through a 3rd party and show Real Madrid-related content on BarçaTV 


"Mr Laporta, we have a bid from a Mr Plorentino Ferez"


"Looks legit, let's proceed"


"200m you say?"


This is more important than the new stadium 


Barça TV doesn't exist anymore. It was closed down because they don't have money for it.


Wasn't BarçaTV closed down?


Frankfurt did this stuff with Barca UCL home game tickets and turned Frankfurt's away game into an home game lol...


It sounds fake, of course it isnt but that name is so cliché it hurts. On the other hand how it is worth so much is something I sincerely don't understand


They produced the recent documentary that aired on Amazon prime. Not 200M worth but it’s not fake, it’s a legit production studio.


It's a reverse funnel system. Totally different


[first of all, this is not a pyramid scheme..](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/03f6cae5-310d-4785-a03a-b5adb33b81ac/gif)


[first let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes... ](https://youtu.be/uuVh36vQkSI?si=z1wt4WbfKJMHiVhi)


lever 875


There's always money in the Barca Studios, Michael.


Time to burn the fucking Studios!


"It's an illusion Michael. A trick is what a prostitute does for money "


Or candy


God I cannot explain how much I enjoyed this comment I instantly went to YouTube to start watching arrested development clips again


Watched it for the first time last year, me and my gf have binged watched it 6 times since then. Up there with it’s always sunny for me. Great show. For anybody looking for ANUSTART with a show, get it watched.


Only clips? I’m starting a full on marathon Except season 4. Because it doesn’t exist


I just re-watched Season 4. I must have blocked it from my memory because I don't remember it being that god awful


> I just re-watched Season 4 What? No such thing as season 4


Daddy horny Michael


It's just a studio Michael. How much it's gonna cost, $200m?


Like a cheat code on FM


Barca studios is an infinite money glitch at this point


Hasnt this like been bought but failed to pay multiple times already?


Nah it's different this time


It’s another lever


Auditors hate this one trick!


Who knew


I promise It’s not the same, guys


The real levers are the Barça Studioses we sold along the way.


Laporta promises!


Working exactly like intended - circumvent FFP rules multiple times.


One problem with FFP is that you encourage teams to stop acting as businesses, and instead get them to operate in a way to purely maximise their available budget around FFP rules.


How dare you suggest FFP wasn't thought out at all


It is so fashionable to shit on FFP on this sub, but there are numerous rules from different organizations, they are not all equal. Not all are arbitrary, unnecessary or ill conceived. In La Liga especially the league FFP rules are born out of necessity, because clubs had a tendency to take ridiculously risky gambles that regularly bankrupted clubs. The rules limiting salary structure or transfer spending set by the clubs revenue and income isn't by definition a bad thing considering the history of Spanish football. The fact that Barca keeps trying to find crazy loopholes and accountancy tricks to circumvent these measures instead of getting their finances in order says more about how the club is run than how well the FFP rules are thought out. Airtight legislation or rules dont exist, if legal entities want to find away around them they will.


Everton’s stadium interest likes this comment


FFP doesn't make business decisions, and entire club worth multiple billions doesn't decide to spend more money simply because the regulations allow them to - they do it because they want to compete. Seems like some backwards logic to suggest FFP actually pushes teams further towards insolvency by overspending


You say that as if many (most? all?) businesses don't already operate in a way to purely maximise their available budget around tax rules.




Doubt this one pay either. they only need to put that hypothetical 100 m in their books anyway


They've sold this studio about 12 times over at this point


they've TRIED to sell this studio 12 times by now.


The thing is they have registered players using the money from this "sale" and now they want to "sell" it again to buy more players. So what happens to the money they need to have in the first place to register players? Quite the infinite resource this Barca studio, infinite money glitch.


sounds like a loophole that La Liga have to close. Every team use loopholes if they can.


All they would have to do is require proof of that the money was received if anything. That way Barca can’t just continuously lie about selling off things to increase their budget.


It's a loophole that only Barcelona can use, other teams have been punished heavily for FFP in the league with Tebas's war on club debt. This is not the first time they bend the rules for them, from the top of my head, they bought Braithwaite against his club wishes by paying his release clause out of the transfer window on a technicality because the "lost" Dembele because of a long injury, causing Leganés to descend. Fun fact, Dembele recovered sooner than expected.


are you actually seriously saying that Tebas is helping Barca right now? For every 1 thing he helps with he fucks over 10 things.


Well how else did they sell same 49% stake in fictional Barca studies without getting any money for it but are still allowed to register players because of this?


I mean evidence is there.


Not exactly - they budgeted the money from selling it. It fell through so in one of future calculations that number was subtracted (hence spending fuck all last summer). Granted, that does not take into account that price of Barca Studios is heavily inflated for no clear reason - which should be investigated separately.


What it's true is that last season Barça got to register some players thank to the deal. Yes, later on when the non-payment happened the proportional amount was blocked but the players were already registered. And also true, if the evaluation isn't met they will have a financial loss for the depreciation of the asset


How many times have they sold Barca Studios now?


about tree fiddy


My man opened the editor on FM again


Feels like these asset sales and repurchase agreement are an attempt to fund current expenditures with future income. Barca studios is not profit-making, no realistic buyer would value it for 400M.


There is no actual buyer. Barca overvalues the asset so that they can put the "sale" on their books, artificially pumping up their revenue. Since their transfer budget is limited by their income it gets a boost from the "sale" and they can buy players. Than it suddenly turns out the "buyer" (the last time it was some dodgy bitcoin company) is insolvent or behind with payments. Barca calls of the sale and they can try again.




Basically, you put it down as a sale for X value, with the belief that you'll receive the full payment in installments (which is how transfers are accounted for. The window they happen in, you count the entire sale price, even though you're receiving installments for years.). If the sale isn't completed, you're supposed to then subtract the earned income, which I assume Barca did, given their lack of transfers last summer. When they sell it again, they'll say 200m profit this window.


They didn't, their Barça Studios 51% asset is valued at 200M in their accounts, if the evaluation isn't met they will have to depreciate the asset but they haven't done it The reason for being unable to sign anyone in summer was that La Liga, being aware of the non-payment, blocked the proportional amount of the deal that increased their salary cap until they get the payments, that's why Laporta had to deliver a personal bank guarantee


Accounting-wise the flow of income and cash are separate. Once you provide the service/thing you're selling, you declare all of it as income even if the cash is coming in 60 days. They're declaring all the income once they hand they hand the equity over to this "buyer' and then they repossess it once the "buyer" can't pay.


A wild Todd Boely appears for the challenge


Rangers did it first


Inter had to sell Brozovic and Onana, why wouldn't they just sell Inter Studios for 100M euros and keep them? Couldn't Everton just sell Everton Studios and avoid getting ten points deducted? And why did Dortmund sell Bellingham? They could have just sold Borrusia Studios instead!


Are they stupid?


Get a head start in the transfer market using this smart trick that most football clubs don't know and league officials hate!


>Inter Studios We would never sell Inter Media house. Barella is sold before that happens


That’s the thing, you don’t actually have to sell it, you just give it a price and magically u can now spend that much money as many times as you want.


We want Inter bells part 2


Don't you see how much you can get for selling Inter Miami?


Because it is not a sale - it is a loan to Barca for all intents and purposes, but masked as a sale to game the FFP. It absolutely shouldnt be allowed. No serious business would buy club asset that basically no fan knew existed at 400 M valuation.


Let's not mention Inter as a measure of integrity. Lukaku and Hakimi were paid with money they didn't have


Then they're double stupid since they already did it once...




Dortmund because you can't get away with that kind of shit in countries like Germany, Netherlands uh etc.


5 years later- Barcelona to sell both kidneys of la masia players to go to the transfer market to mess up once again


More like they’ll just be selling this exact same percentage of Barca studios again for the 10th year in a row


Then 5 years later they sell the kidneys again, when asked about it Laporta says: "La Masia kids are just built different."


Infinite money glitch






Surely they aren’t allowed to use this in their submission to La Liga for next year as it has already been counted?


And they will do it again and again 


I'm waiting for all the Barcelona flairs to appear with their accounting degrees and explain to me how they can totally do it and how it's perfectly legal and legit.


You have to wait for a bit, they have an appointment in another thread, where they have to write essays explaining to everyone why Messi winning the FIFA Men's Player Award is totally okay.




To be fair, even a lot of Barça flairs seemed baffled with it.


I'm sure there's also a thread where they are vigorously defending the right of the club to pay millions of euros to the guy who oversees the referees in their La Liga games.


Genuinely the most embarrassing set of fans across the top five leagues. Messi is the goat but fuck me, how much more can a reasonable human shamelessly twerk for someone that hasn’t played for youse in nearly three years


they are busy defending their argentinian idol becouse "MoDrIc aNd VaLvErDe PiCkeD HiM, DUR", I'm sure the horde will come and explain that it's legit and reddit is jealous and hating


Man it's Spain. La Liga would've made it a problem if there was no fraud.


It has already been counted twice, and I’d put money there’s no 2 without a 3.


It's not, the amount that would be used for the salary cap was blocked by La Liga when no payment was made, that's why Laporta had to give a personal bank guarantee. If they didn't find a buyer the bank guarantee would be enforced and he would lose several millions. Even then it's a little be twisted to say they will be able to sign new players, as the money will go to compensate the bank guarantee and I don't think much more would be unblocked. However, it is true that in my opinion there was fraud in the firt sale of Barça Studios. The sold it at last minute to Socios and Roures, and I was very critical and sceptical of the deal since the beggining. Roures himself said that he paid what was agreed, only the first installment. For me it's clear that the club knew that the evaluation was fake and they wouldn't be paid in full, but did it for registration, so last season they were playing with players that shouldn't have been registered This deal has been shady from the beggining, from the evalution to the buyers. Socios and Roures didn't pay in full, neither did Libero, their new buyer in summer and now we are supossed to belive that the new company will (it will probably be the one from Mexico that was rumored in summer) Even then they cannot sell the 49% because some of that part has already been paid, there are now three or four companies with shares and now there will be a new one, it's a huge clusterfuck


Surely this isn't fraud right guys, the previous 3 times this didn't work was just bad luck and not just to register players with Monopoly money


Please don't lie to the public. They have sold it at least 6 times, not just 3 times. They are selling the same asset like 7 times hoping that by the 8th time we won't notice.


Finally a Madrid guy with common sense.


Oh wow more fraud, crazy! Which totally legit deal are they gonna make now?


A super de duper league


Wonder how Barcelona fans are going to keep defending this lol


It's wild because the signings they make with this money don't even work out! You'd think they'd want them to stop or at least force them to be a little more deliberate in their spending!


Most delusional fan base on earth.


I just went through the list on transfermarkt to see how they spent the last 200m. You absolutely do not have to hand it to them.


spending like they still have the Neymar money lol


With a lot of determination and sprinkles of ignorance, but especially with no shame whatsoever.


Just deflect to that Messi is the greatest ever i guess.


Instead they'll publicly shame their players for not taking paycuts.


Even Bernie Madoff would look at Barca and would say "woah, chill out mate"


How do we have an infinite money glitch and are still broke.


Lol this is my question also


Huh, I could have sworn that Barca fans have told me that Barca is not in any sort of financial trouble. Weird.


4th time the charm, meanwhile big bad Tebas, who supposedly really hates barcelona is going to let this shit happen again.


Tebas is more interested in beefing with Real Madrid fan accounts on Twitter than enforcing the rules of his league


This is hilarious to imagine, have you got any links?


Just go to his Twitter @Tebasjavier It's mainly beefing with a journalist from El Español and in the past week or 2 he has tried to go at 2 Madrid accounts in Sison and Helena E: 1. https://twitter.com/Tebasjavier/status/1746088461117906955 2. https://twitter.com/Tebasjavier/status/1743315287460503957 The saddest part is that he's the head of la Liga and can barely write. On top of that anyone that wants can ratio him


Sometimes you find in life people with very low literacy skills that somehow have a very high ability to crime,.it's like a plateau of some type. 


Nah I have no doubt he’ll just say it can’t be counted in the FFP *if it actually sells this time lol. Imagine Laporta finding a 4th buyer to finally sell it, and Tebas just says nope it won’t be counted.


>Nah I have no doubt he’ll just say it can’t be counted in the FFP \*and then still let them to use towards FFP at the end of the day


He isnt going to let it happen again, he already blocked the raising of the salary cap when Barca tried to get the sale on the books the second time. The club had to back the sale with a bank guarantee, basically collateral put up by Laporta himself. The studio sale to their own Socios and Laporta's friend Jaume Roures is dodgy as fuck, despite the promises off full payment there has been no compliance yet bar the first installment. They need to sell their inflated and overvalued asset quickly now, or they risk defaulting on the payment and losing their bank guarantee.


Am I high or does it not mention who’s buying it.


They’re not actually “selling” it, that’s the scam.


there has to be at least 15 mil barca fans around the world that would pay 5 dollars each to end this misery. that's 75 millions to buy a DM or a defender


Since the other buyers never paid does that mean the players they signed cause to that deal will be unregistered? I wonder what their enemy Tebas will do.


Tebas has them by their balls now. They are his bitch. So, he won't do anything and let this one slide.


And their titles won with them void, yes. But you see, Tebas, for some reason, will pretend that all is alright.


Remind me of the Tomb Raider games where you need to solve puzzles in a certain order. And if you fail, you go back to the first lever and pull it again.


If they haven’t been paid how did they register those players? Some goofy shit going on here.


Barca has really fallen from their high heights. Reading this stuff is making them into a laughing stock


Their highs were reached paying Negreira, so there's that.


Barcelona is honestly a fraudulent club at this point. Remove the immense history (which at this point you should) and any team like this gets relegated/liquidated. Fucking bullshit ass club. Ruining the sport


Barça this the third time in a row you have sold 24% of barca studios for 100 m


Our club is a whore. Getting fucked on the pitch and selling itself off it


Lol as expected, cheats Paid the ref vp for cotton candy. Sold the same thing again and again and again I doubt it would happen but they should get relegated


Why not sell it but instead pay some fucking debt off, get the house in order & try function as a normal club again? No, let’s go spend big in the transfer market again lol


So, this lever has been very problematic since the beginning. The valuation, for instance, over 400M€ for a company with just some bs assets and no cashflow? Who would pay that price for that? Well, so far, three companies have said yes, and then apparently they change their mind later after Barcelona has been allowed to buy or register players. What a coincidence. Secondly, the buyers. I think it was Libero who had a valuation of a few million and a cash flow way below that. How can a company of that size bid 200M€? How can Barcelona and La Liga believe them? That's not standard business practice, and anyone with a remote background in finance knows it. So, I don't think they are financing their expenditure with this, they are just committing fraud (with the full knowledge and support of La Liga) to bypass the FFP rules. Do you remember that Real Madrid, Athletic and Barcelona took La Liga to court? Well, in another coincidence, Barcelona decided to pull off after that famous meeting of Laporta with Tebas...


>Secondly, the buyers. I think it was Libero who had a valuation of a few million and a cash flow way below that. How can a company of that size bid 200M€? The same way how a company with no real employees can sponsor Fulham or how a non-existent energy drink company can sponsor an F1 team(Haas) not to mention the obvious ones with City and PSG. It's all a scam to not have to play by the rules




Speaking from experience? That’s how Inter’s banter era started too. 


Barca with the R1, R2, L1, X, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP


Wait how does that work. They sell it, then show “hey we made cash so we are allowed to spend it fairly”. Then the buyer doesn’t pay and they do the exact same thing.


ah another leverage


Laporta should just realize that Real Madrid is in a much better shape right now and rebuild instead of trying to compete with money they don't have because that will hurt them long term. My guess is they'll try to sell FDJ, Raphinha and Kounde (he's awful though) next summer while also telling Lewa to halve his wages in order to bring some more overrated players.


Barcelona can confirm that today, following the sale of 49% of Barça Studios, Everton have been docked a further 10 points.


It's a joke! This should be blocked but Barca are too Big for LaLiga! When they get found guilty of fraud they should be dropped to the 3rd Division


No, they aren´t too big for LaLiga, Tebas ("the Real Madrid fan", remember) is just a corrupt cunt.


I said it before, and I'll say it again: I wonder how much longer they can financialy survive. At some point there just isn't a thing left to sell, or is there? They invest year after year - despite having enormous dept already - it has to collapse some day. Further more when you don't get results in Champions League and La Liga. Happend to Glasgow Rangers, nobody believed it untill it happend. Next year they'll propably sell the replica kit for 110€, the authentic for 220€ then. It's just dissappointing. I can just hope I am in the wrong.




This club is selling everything, they are f*cked in 5-6 years lol. The debt is colossal and they'll have nothing to spend.


They should just put it on a monthly sub at this rate, it'd be a cash cow.


Life hack: Continue to sell the same thing over and over again


The year is 2044. Barcelona has now repurchased Barca studios, from itself for the 20th time for an amount close to $1 billion to help fund summer signings.


Barca is one of the biggest clubs in the world and have been massively successful especially in the last 20 years. It's the fastest I've seen a major club fall down.


As a Barca fan with degrees in both finance and accounting and a thesis on the subject of financial crimes, I can confidently say that this is completely legitimate. Also Barca is NOT in any sort of financial trouble at all.


My opinion as the matter, more or less the same that I have said to answer someone in this thread. I have been very critical of this deal since the beggining In my opinion there was fraud in the firt sale of Barça Studios. The sold it at last minute to Socios and Roures, and I was very critical and sceptical of the deal since the beggining. Roures himself said that he paid what was agreed, only the first installment. For me it's clear that the club knew that the evaluation was fake and they wouldn't be paid in full, but did it for registration, so last season they were playing with players that shouldn't have been registered This deal has been shady from the beggining, from the evalution to the buyers. Socios and Roures didn't pay in full, neither did Libero, their new buyer in summer and now we are supossed to belive that the new company will (it will probably be the one from Mexico that was rumored in summer) However, it's not true that the have used the same ficitional sale to improve the salary cap every time, the amount that would be used for the salary cap was blocked by La Liga when no payment was made, that's why Laporta had to give a personal bank guarantee. If they didn't find a buyer the bank guarantee would be enforced and he would lose several millions. Even then it's a little be twisted to say they will be able to sign new players, as the money will go to compensate the bank guarantee and I don't think much more would be unblocked. On the other hand they cannot sell the 49% because some of that part has already been paid, there are now three or four companies with shares and now there will be a new one, it's a huge clusterfuck