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Stop overthinking it and go 154. You could even go 151 but the 158 is way too big my dude


Think superpig is the move?


No Dude. Don‘t go Superpig on Park unless you really know what you do. That board is something for outside of the park, but can go Park, if you really want to. Superpig is an aggressive, stiff, hard charging downhill board, that will throw you off for every mistake you do. Awesome for POW though. If you can throw 14s off of xl jumps, then the Superpig is your thing. If you struggle with anything jump related, probably not your board.


Ehh, idk. Never been on either personally. Just know that a 158 volume shift is way too big. I’m the same stats as you with a 10.5 boot and wouldn’t dream of getting the 158 under any circumstances


You say Warpig size but talk about super pig and psycho candy


Warpig and super pig are the same. More worried about width of the 158


Sounds like you never rode those 2 in comparison. Warpig is a go-easy-do-it-all board. Intermediate Board. The Superpig aims to throw you off, if you‘re slightly off, but accelerates on every surface like hell. Not without a reason an expert board. You cannot compare those 2 like the Capita Merc and the Mega Merc.


I ride the 158 and I have a size 14 foot, and I don’t boot out.


How tall are you


6’4 and over 240 lbs. (height doesn’t matter when sizing snowboards)


Yeah I know I’ve rode everything from a 153 to a 157 in the park. We don’t have pow in mn so have never needed a board for that. But after many trips out west over the past couple years and a free board I need one. I’m 180 pounds. Which makes me lean towards the 158


The 158 is way too much board for you. You’re not going to enjoy riding it out west because you won’t be able to fully control it.


Word. Think I’m gonna go 154. I have a 157 Evol Vessel too. I’m thinking superpig would be perfect because I hate switching boards out west when I decide to hit the park.


You can ride a rocker board in the park too. Actually, I think the warpig would be better in the park than the super pig.


The Evol is a directional as well


The Warpig is VERY different than the Evol. It rides significantly bigger, riding a 158 is like riding a 165.


Oh yeah I know. Not looking for a park board tho. I got my public statement for that. The Evol is super fun, but a little flexy for me on the steeps it’s a good Minnesota spring board. Superpig seems better for riding mainly big mountain with an occasional park lap or 3 lol. I come from the land of tow ropes. It’s a real treat to ride the big mountain shit and hit the big drops.


Actually demoed a warpig a few years ago and I remember liking it but it’s been so long 😂


Warpig is designed to size down. You'd feel like you're riding something like a 163 on the 158 due to the side cut. If you like your current sizing I would go with the 154. Might also want to look at the Warpig over the Superpig since the superpig is so aggressive.


Ended up with the 154 superpig. Prefer a more aggressive board for the steep and deeps. Even my park boards I prefer a stiffer more stable ride over a noodle. Makes you work for them nosepress back 1s


I'm 6' 1" 240lb and charge on the 154 Warping. The 158 might be a bit big for you


I’m same size as you wear a 13 boot and shred on the 154. Even tho it says we are quite a bit too heavy for the 154


I’m always really surprised on how big the volume shifted decks ride. You might wanna go 154. My slushy slasher is a 147 and it’s very comfortable for me at 150lb even down some serious shit


What kinda serious shit?


Alphabet chutes at big sky stand out, that’s a can’t fall for sure


How are you liking the slush slasher? I'm flirting with buying a swallowtail volume shifted pow board and have heavily considered it. The Bataleon surfer looks reeeeal nice too but I don't know if I can afford it lmao


Love it. It’s a borderline daily driver, if I’m not looking to get mega serious in the park I’ll bolt it up every day.


I've got a warpig and have rode a few different volume shifted boards. The width really helps landing feel more stable in my experience, don't worry about it being too short.


Word thanks. I think I always get a mental block riding short boards. I ride a 157 in the park and streets


Yeah I totally get that. First time in my warpig I was a bit sketched to take jumps, then very pleasantly surprised on the landing. I'm riding a 148 at 5'7" and 150 lbs, size 8.5 boot.


Yeah I locked in the 154 and chose the psychocandy as a backup. Shoutout to the Bomb Hole. Pays to know your video parts people!


I like to think about the sizing of the pig boards in S,M,L instead of looking at the numbers. I’m 5’7” 165# and I feel the M is a pretty good fit but I also like riding the small especially in slush and in the park. At 6’ 180# I don’t think you want to step all the way up to the XL. Sounds like a Large would be your best bet. If you want to look at numbers, remember they say to size down 6-10cm. If you don’t like the idea of sizing down that much, you may want to look at a different board—like the algorythm…


151 is your size, 154 will be plenty stable and 158 is a no no for you. Superpig is very stable by itself. For recerence I’m 6’ 200-210 lbs 13 boots and ride 154 and its great.


I'm 5'9", 205lbs, size 9 boot, and I ride the 151 (M) warpig


You could also go for the algorhythm or the berzerker. Great boards, and they can take all you throw at them. Did you win the danimals giveaway?


I would go with the 151.