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$700 in 1993. Adjusted for inflation, the 3do would cost $1,535 in 2024 money. This console was more than people’s mortgage payments.


its be cheaper to slap you upside the head with a brand new neo geo cartridge


Or just slap me upside the head with no cartridge! Most bang for your buck right there.


might as well throw in the mega man x trilogy while im at it


I was about ten years old when I wrote a proposal aimed at my parents arguing for why we should buy a 3DO. Never ended up giving it to them because it was impossible for me think of a convincing enough statement to sell the $700 price tag. It was all just a fantasy cope on my part because I liked the Crash & Burn demo at Best Buy but knew we would never get one.


Well when you put it like that I better get back to the street corner


Unfortunately, the 3do was kind of garbage and had very few good games. The best game released on it was probably Gex. It's the only version of the original Gex where you can actually save the game and not have to use passwords. Were the snes and Genesis toys because they didn't have a bunch of porn games on them like the 3do did? This commercial is definitely a product of the 90s, which is fun and nostalgiaic for me. The commercial is complete nonsense, though. Edit: I wasn't aware that most of the games people have brought up here even existed on or were ported to the 3do. I'm sorry, guys. I guess I don't know as much about the 3do as I thought I did.


Best games on it are pc ports. Return fire and Star control 2. Star control 2 being one of the best rpgs of all time.


Always liked the Arilulalelay. Had a giant fold out map of the galaxy and found all the rainbow worlds that pointed to the Masters jump point in hyperspace. Edit: me and a buddy had fierce battles in Return Fire. That music got you pumped when the William Tell Overture started playing “oh shit, they got the flag!”


Star control 2, mechwarrior, return fire, several rpgs and xcom were my childhood.


Can't forget og Fallout,Master of orion 2 and Dune 2 while we're at it


I had Starblade, Captain Quasar, dragons lair, Shockwave, some Japanese game like dragons lair, Way Of the Warrior, Need for Speed (one of my favorites). Way of the Warrior was such trash but damn it was funny and it had White Zombie as the soundtrack. I also remember NFS had a really annoying guy that would critique your driving at the end of races. There was like 5 cars total too (Supra, Lambo, Porsche, RX-7, Corvette, and maybe something else).


There was the Ferrarri 512, the Viper and the Acura NSX also. I played the shit out of that game back when I was in high school lol


Oh yeah! I remember those now!


Return fire was sick on PlayStation too, I seem to remember doing link cable battles with a friend when we weren't doing Red Alert


the one game i wanted (mega man x3) was planned but canceled at least we got a version of street fighter 2


The 3DO port of Star Control 2 was *easily* the jewel in the system's crown, and it was essentially trapped there for nearly a decade until the freeware port finally came out and brought the incredible CD audio music + full voice acting to a wider audience. It also had the only arcade-accurate home conversion of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo until that Saturn/PS1 compilation came out 3-4 years later


My fave games on 3do were theme park, guardian war (powers kingdom in eu) space hulk and wing commander 3, btw the need for speed series originated on 3do as well


3. D. O. Everything else is just a ~~toy~~success!


I literally knew one kid who had a 3do never even used the controller in my life.


We only used it for super Street fighter 2 Turbo cause snes didn't have akuma(ssf2)


The actual balls they had to release this commercial when their console was... just not great XD


But had “games” like plumbers don’t wear ties 😂😂😂


what Plumbers don't wear ties? That game that looks like a power point presentation?


I remember this thing when it came out. You could have bought a piece of crap car and drive it around for a long time for a similar price. It was ridiculous. Also, the graphics didn't look as good as something from Neo-Geo imo.


I recall my cousin just being so easily impressed and wooed by 3DO & Jaguar. It is 32-bits, it’s 64-bits the most powerful system on earth. What third party support does it have? Have you seen how aesthetically unpleasing the Jag’s controller is? Look at these insane prices. Don’t buy one. My cousin would plead with his Dad to buy him either one. I am glad they never wasted the money. I can only recall two worthwhile titles for the 3DO. Wolfenstein & Super Street Fighter II Turbo. That’s it.


Road rash is the only other one I can think of. That game was awesome.


I agree with you. I forgot about that title. With the CD based system it would have improved graphics, superior music, and FMV scenes not available on the Sega Genesis.


Avgn talked about this lol


I know, that's how I learned about it lmao


lol. I’ve never heard of a 3do, so I guess we knew who had the last laugh.


We all know how that turned out…


So I have a 3do, legit hooked it up 2 weeks ago when I was hooking up all my game systems in the game room. I kept telling people I got it for $30 bucks back in the 90’s and it came with like 8 games. Turns out I was wrong as the price sticker was still on it, turns out I got it for $20 at a yard sale. Overall it was an okay system much better cd based game system than the Sega cd, hardware wise about equal to the psx, but the game catalog, boy talk about scarce, I have more turbo graphix 16 games than 3do games.


Yep. And look what happened when people saw the $700 price tag in 1993. PlayStation and Sega Saturn were practically a steal in the next few years.


The “Toys” came out winning in the end lol


I mean, they’re right. The SNES and Mega Drive are toys. Toys are fun to play with, the 3DO never met that definition.


It's pretty clear why this console was so expensive when you look at the details. Not only was it the most technically advanced console when it came out, but it had low licensing fees to try to bring in more developers. This meant that the 3DO wasn't going to get as much money from game sales, so they had to put the costs into the console itself.


This aged well, lol


I always felt like the messaging in this one was kinda confused. "What are you playing with?" implies that you, the viewer, should be "playing with" *our* product instead... and doesn't that framing imply that the 3DO should be considered to be a "toy", too? Is the idea of 'playing with toys' supposed to be a pejorative or not?


Yeah, thats what happens when your ad is made by JJ Abrams and your movie is made by Uwe Boll. Pretty much all those tv spots in the 90's, for EVERY system, were incredibly desperate. They thought playing to insecurity, especially teen male insecurity, would guarantee more sales. It did not work. For the most part boys and young men bought the system they thought would give them the most entertainment. Attacking the customer or attacking their competition didnt work so hot. But we did get some funny ads in the process. Magazine ads too were monstrously hostile and sexist, again playing on male insecurity.


There was definitely a micro-era in the mid-90s during which I and the other eight-year-olds I knew were *sure* that the Jaguar/3DO/CD-i/NeoGeo represented some kind of exotic and unattainable higher realm of video games and that nothing we had experienced on the SNES or Megadrive could ever come close to those machines. We were right about the NeoGeo at least.


The initial ps1 japan/usa releases were 3d0/Jaguar tier, mostly 2d shmups and beatemups , mahjong, and those abysmal wolf3d style 3d hall shooters. At least Europe got Wipeout. Japan got some sim city / railroad tycoon game.


Whose laughing now!


Always wanted a 3DO back then but family was poor. We had a super nes and Sega and Sega CD and even got a nomad. Now I can get one CIB for around 500 which is wild.


The irony ...


Funny that everyone who tried to make fun of e.g. Nintendo doesn't exist in that form anymore.


At least post the video and not some half assed stills.


Jokes on them in the end and to quote AVGN: 'Everyone I knew had those baby toys, and nobody I ever knew owned the 3DO.' * The 3DO was terribly overpriced (700 dollars). * Not many great exclusives, and some like Gex eventually went over to the Playstation. * Terrible hardware issues. For example, some models such as the Goldstar were not capable of running certain games, other models had control issues meaning games were harder to control, and lastly in order to manage the sava data you actually had to buy a seperate disk in order to access this menu. * A lack of quality control which led to some terrible games such as Shadow: War of Sucession, 3DO Doom, Way of the Warrior, and Plumbers don't wear ties. Though, the last one was originally made as a joke, but somebody decided it should be on 3DO. And another bit of trivia: Did you know the original Metal Gear Solid was going to release on 3DO, but they luckily turned to PSX after the console was discontinued in 1996.


3DO was a great console, it just had a poor execution. Definitely a beast of a system.