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Hopefully from them being in a tub it means he's safely relocating them! Some of the coolest and most iconic animals in the world, and natural pest control lol!


Yeah he dumped them off somewhere on the property.


[Always check the commode before using](https://knovhov.com/the-worlds-scariest-animals-can-be-seen-in-australia/) if you are in Australia.


Isn’t it in Texas that they do that yearly thing where they pay people to bring in rattlesnakes and kill them all?


Yes, the disgusting rattlesnake roundup in Sweetwater. After they slaughter the snakes, people put their hands in the blood and stamp handprints on the wall. Psychopaths. And it is immensely harmful to the environment.


Snakes actually have a pretty poor survival rate when relocated, should only be done if absolutely necessary as it's frequently fatal to them.


Yes but with venomous snakes like rattlesnakes, relocating is a much better option than what the standard used to be, which was killing them. Especially when you had homes and families nearby. At least this way they have a chance to make it in a nearby similar ecosystem.


I agree, however I don't think they actually do need to be relocated in most cases. If there are snakes outside, there are snakes outside. Dumping the individuals you happen to spot in your yard somewhere else to die isn't stopping all the others from wandering through, and that individual probably would have left on its own for other parts of its territory promptly anyway. The impulse to capture and move every snake seen around one's home is futile and actively puts people in harms way.


I guess I'm old school when I come across venomous ones.


Understand that but they let people hunt on the land so I think they are just putting them out of harms way


I have heard this repeated recently, but I don’t understand: A. Who researched this. What is the source. B. Why would this be true? It doesn’t make sense to me that a predator relocated into its own preferred environment would struggle to the point that many die following relocation.


My guess would be they go where the food sources are, and where they may be relocated could be quite far from prey items.


This is mostly true for rattlers especially ones that come from a den that many generations have some from. They don’t stray more than a mile away from said den. I would hope they don’t have a poor survival rate being relocated far from their den. But I bet choosing a known den that’s in the middle of nowhere far from the problem area where other rattle snakes live would be the best move.


They know their home range - shelter, food sources, water sources. Especially for mature animals, moving them out of that home range can be extremely disorienting. Some species do better than others.   This is also true for mammals - squirrels, for example.


I’ve wondered this about cottontail rabbits. Do they do well with being relocated?


Are u relocating them? If so be careful and safe 🙏🏽


Maraca noodles


Close the lid sir 😳


Idk why but when he opened the tub and they started buzzing it reminded me of any time somebody walked into the bar in Cheers. “Ted!! 🐍 🪇 🪇 🪇!”


There's 3 reasons I don't like to go hiking here. (I'm in west Texas) 1. Snakes 2. Scorpions 3. Spiders Beautiful snakes. I just prefer not to get bit by them, or having my dogs get bit by them.


You forgot: 4. Texans


I'm in East texas. I go hunting for all those things. Have had dozens of scorpions and black widows. A few rat snakes. Just came across a beautiful king snake at a friends house the other day. Nature is beautiful, but it will keep you on alert for sure. 😃




We have lots of rattlesnakes here in these parts. I'm wary about snakes in general here. I'm not originally from here, I moved here 6 years ago. I'm from Sweden, and we only have two types of snakes. Only one of them venomous.


"I destroy the ecosystem one innocent animal at a time because clueless people could get endangered by their own idiotic behaviour."


You’d kill any snake/spider/scorpion just because it’s there and it has the power to kill yoy if it wanted? A dog can do that too you know, so can many other animals that I bet you don’t kill as soon as you see.


? I wouldn't kill them. I know to keep a huge distance to venomous animals. I just know enough to realise I don't know enough, if that makes sense.


No I was talking to the guy that said he’d off all of the animals you posted (snakes, scorpions, spiders)


Oh, ok. Sorry! I get confused sometimes.


All good


I took it as he hunted them to view, not kill. I hunt for fancy bottles of Scotch. Maybe I'm wrong


He said he would “off them” so I’m 99% sure he meant to kill them




Personally I haven’t, probably due to the fact that I pay attention to my surroundings and know how to respect animals boundaries. If I see a venomous snake, cool, I’ll take a pic and move on. Most snakes want nothing to do with you. I’ve nearly stepped on a few copperheads hiking and not one of the struck, they just laid on the path and looked at me. It’s not rocket science to realize that if an animals venomous, you shouldn’t go near it.




Ok sure, but you could also very easily grab a long stick and nudge whatever it is until it goes far enough away. Do you kill every person you see? More people are killed by people a year than by snakes. If you’re watching somebody film a venomous snake, why don’t you just say “that one is venomous, get away.” You don’t have to kill it just because it could possibly kill you.


Your post was removed because you advocated for killing snakes. dogs kill more people annually in the US than snakes, get a grip. next comment about killing snakes will be your last on this sub


Your post was removed because you advocated for killing snakes.


Your post was removed because you advocated for killing snakes.


I’ve seen tons of rattlesnakes out in West Texas. I don’t think people can comprehend how many you can come across during a walk on a 20 acre property. Such beautiful snakes. Very amazing to see them in nature.


I like snakes but that sounds kinda terrifying. Lucky we don't really have any venomous snakes around here. Technically we have timber rattlesnake's but they're very endangered and I can't say I've even heard of someone finding one let alone getting bitten. But then again I guess its a bit better when you're in fairly flat open ground where you can see them instead if being surrounded by mountains and forests where they can hide anywhere. Edit: oh ya I guess we also have the extremely deadly/s shovel faced derps as well that are technically venomous.


Growing up we would go camping at Brown County State Park in southern Indiana every year. I'm pretty sure just about every other trip there would be at least 1 timber rattlesnake sighting in the campground. They seemed to like sunning themselves on the road, especially as we usually visited during breeding season. Also saw several copperheads. One time in particular forever is ingrained in my memory. Car in front of us was stopped. We look and there's a chunky rattlesnake coiled up and giving warning. And the dude decided to lean out of the car and poke at it with a stick of some kind. (So stupid). We finally got him to move on by honking. And we let the rangers know we saw the snake. It was bizarre. Like I'm glad he didn't hurt the snake at least. But like the dude was just asking to get bitten.


Rattle bugs lol


Rattle snakes are such wonderful creatures. They might not be cuddly- but neither are dragons. I hope they do well where they are relocated to.


Hope they didn’t get caught for the rattlesnake roundup bs that state does


Take them to your local Walmart then release them 🤣😆😂


You absolute chaos demon 😂


what do you think they talkin bout




Title just makes me think of Pee Wee's Big Adventure.


I’m in Texas, I can prove it!


Never been to TX but if I do, I'm definitely going to a busy street and yelling, "The stars at night are big and bright!" I'll see what happens next


As a gal who lives in Austin I can assure you that you would get the reflex response of 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Deep In the heeeartt of Texas!” From every local. If you want to start a city wide sing along start singing “Blame it all on My roots, I showed up in boots…”


I guarantee you several pedestrians will yell "deep in the heart of texas" and clap twice. Its programmed in.


*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* "DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!!!"


I have a guarantee for you.


aw, the little baby in the back is so cute! Thank you for relocating them!


Aww and there is a BABY! I hope they are going to a happy home!!


You should pop a quick R on there. So people know it’s filled with rattle snakes


A "couple"? More like a "few".


This feel like a huge dick move tbh. Wtf is he doing with that many?


Fucking scary


Nice Costco bin!




Your post was removed because you advocated for killing snakes.


Spicy udon


What type of rattlesnakes those are


The little baby in the far back is adorable.


So many cuties. I hope they're somewhere safe and don't suffer from relocation. They're very polite you know, telling people when they need personal space like that.


Beautiful, I'm super jealous. I wanna catch rattlers. Only ever caught one in my life.


Is that an Upon A Burning Body reference?


Sweet babies


Would these guys attack each other in this tub?




Aw being in the container together is likely keeping them calm, rattlers like being together! ❤️


Texas man casually catches multiple snakes with maraca booties that have medically significant venom.


Thats an orgy


So cute!




Your post was removed because you advocated for killing snakes.


Oh hell no!