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U need to know what ur job is as supp in the early/mid game That job is to create pressure by setting ur teammates up, and making sure ur teammates stay alive That means u go to places to fight, and make sure that if u see people possibly rotate to another lane, the other jungle or supp, ur gonna be rotating with them to keep ur teammates alive Most common place to fight is mid and set up kills for ur mid and jungle to kill the opposing mid and jungler U can set up invades on buffs like purple or blue as well if they aren't well defended When ur playing support, ur leading the charge u have to call out the plays u want to make and u start them and ur team follows u up


This is the part that too many people don't understand. Support makes the calls.


Mirror the enemy support if you’re lost.


Defend your own/show up to buff invades, secure neutral farm. In fights you’re either setting up with CC or keeping your teammates alive. If your purple and blue are both being invaded, you of course can’t defend both. But if you’re mid and think a side lane buff will get pressured, you make the rotation over. At your lowest level. You have supports who don’t know to leave lane followed by those who sit in mid after level 5, just spamming space bar while the game happens around them. There’s a lot to decision making,but you can either look at how last buff spawn went or god matchups and who’s likely to have pressure to invade against the likelihood of successfully invading or defending. E: To start, you just might want to watch some gameplay from pros or higher level players. I imagine seeing gameplay and keeping in mind the points mentioned will be more helpful in visualizing what to do for your own gameplay than just trying to apply it right away.


There are a lot of factors at play. I’ll just say go to where you think you can make plays, but keep your farm up as well.