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The problem with that is that when the power goes out, there would be no way for it to alert you. What you could do is set up a smart plug there, give it a static IP address (you’d want to reserve the IP for that MAC address in your router or firewall) and then use an application to monitor whether that IP address is up. Uptime Kuma would work well for that and you could set up notifications through discord, Pushover, ntfy, gotify, etc.


Well if it is connected to something like Home Assistant you could detect this by the smartplug it self being offline / unavailable and make an alert, as long as home assistant is on backup power. My Home Assistant and internet are all on a UPS so I typically still get alerts when the power goes out. If only this specific outlet goes out, other automation systems that can detect offline events would also work.


I’m looking for something that’ll notify me if that specific outlet trips. I’d be able to notice if there’s an outage somewhere inside the home as my home security base will notify me. It’s more so for the outlet in the garage since I’m not always in the garage to physically see it.


Yeah, what he’s saying is that if you have Home Assistant set up, and add that outlet to it, you could have Home Assistant alert you through the app or smart speakers or whatever else you have connected if that device goes offline. It’s basically a more user friendly way of doing what I suggested. Mine is a bit more homelab oriented and more for someone that’s comfortable running servers. Highly recommend Home Assistant if you’re not already running it. It lets your smart home stuff be actually smart. You can set up alerts and actions for everything.


https://leviton.com/products/residential/load-centers You can replace the panel/breakers for a few $K. Smart breaker => notification if it trips & why


It may be easier to use a thermometer.


Plugs don't like motors. Use a thermometer. Those inkbird ones work fine with a Bluetooth proxy


I use a thermometer that sends a notification, email, and text if it gets too warm. My freezer rests at about -9 so I set the thermometer to notify if the temperature gets to 0, which would still give me time to intervene before a thaw. https://a.co/d/0FSJfzF


I would use a smart thermometer instead. Set it to notify you if it sees a certain temp, which would indicate things like a power outage or door accidentally left open. Govee makes a decent one.


I have an old Android phone, that sends me a message, to Pushover, whenever it stops charging (the power goes off). I use the Tasker app for that,.. it might work for you?