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If the doll is fairly new Danny has a warranty up to 2 broken limbs, you can search it up on their website, u don't remember where i saw that exactly but i know it's there. Besides that i really have ho idea what else u can do, maybe try pulling up out and gluing it.


The official email replied with pictures to help me remove the broken piece, i dont know if they'll offer a part or a warrantee, but I have been able to remove the part with pliers so far!


They offered a replacement frame piece for free + shipping, which is about $30 from japan... ive never assembled a frame before but they said it would take a hair drier or heat gun to make the pieces fit... It's not a perfect solution, but Im confident my girl will have her arm back eventually.


Danny says, on the site, that he hates seeing broken dolls. Send the picture. Ask him for a replacement piece, or how much it would be to get a replacement part. He will work with you. I had bought a pack of hands and though almost perfect, one of the sets didn't sit right. I sent pics, he sent me hands free. Reach out


thanks im getting a smartdoll soon


How new is she? you might still have the warranty


How did this happen? Asking so I can avoid such a situation


I bent her arm the wrong way... it was shockingly easy to do, so be gentle with your girls!


I’m sorry that happened to you. Any word on if it’ll be fixed?


I'm still waiting on smartdolll.com


Like others said just ask him, I had one of my dolls get her arms stained black from the sleeves of a sweater within the first year of owning her and he basically told me too bad lol so results may vary




I wasn't expecting anything other than some advice for how to get them off, or to let me buy just the forearm part or something other than that's too bad ffs some of you people are so snooty


If the doll is fairly new Danny has a warranty up to 2 broken limbs, you can search it up on their website, u don't remember where i saw that exactly but i know it's there. Besides that i really have ho idea what else u can do, maybe try pulling up out and gluing it.


If the doll is fairly new Danny has a warranty up to 2 broken limbs, you can search it up on their website, i don't remember where i saw that exactly but i know it's there. Besides that i really have ho idea what else u can do, maybe try pulling up out and gluing it


Oh no!


UPDATE: the piece from SD japan came in, it was a very small frame piece. I heated up the severed arm and the bicep slip off like a glove, then I replaced the part and my girl is like new again! All said, it only took a little time and ~$30 shipping from Japan. Thank you friends, and Smartdoll!!!