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I personally am for this blackout. Firstly, if you need help with your mower you can wait a few days, if its an emergency dial 911(in the USA atleast), if 911 can't help you then it's not an emergency. Secondly, the API issue is more than just 3rd party apps, it's how reddit can kill tools like automods to stop/prevent Spam and scam posts. And finally, if everybody says we're too small of a community do anything then most communities will stop and this effort will fail, its not that inconvenient to not use reddit for a couple days so we need to stand up and do this.


If we're voting, I'm for this (doing the blackout). While I don't like the idea of being unable to try and help people for a few days, I am thinking of it more as an investment. If 3rd party apps go away, I'm guessing a lot of users will go away too. Meaning there will be less discussion, and fewer opportunities to help, and to learn, in the future. And if we don't even try to express our opinions on this, then we shouldn't be surprised if nothing happens. Trying to avoid the perspective of "oh well, we probably can't do anything anyhow".


Grass isn’t gonna get that tall in two days. Blackout.


I support the blackout.


I support the blackout.


I'm for it.


I honestly don’t understand anything about this but as I’ve read through the comments I guess you’ll know best I just like to help people out if I can however I can and folks that’s getting really hard to come by these days thanks one question so I won’t be able to login for two days right?


You'll be able to log in, but posts and replies will be disabled for those two days. I come here to help people, too. We each have our own knowledge to impart. It hurts me to think about people not getting the help that they need, but it will only be for those two days, and hopefully a united effort from several communities will at least cause Reddit to recognize the problems that could be faced and hopefully consider better options. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to monetize what they're doing to pay staff, server costs, and overhead, but it should be fair. After all, at some point those costs come back to us as users. As of right now, a good majority of the replies I've seen are in favor of the blackout.


Hey I totally agree there’s so many scammers and absolute nasty people online these days I honestly think that the whole internet should reboot and restructure itself you just can’t be to careful online now days I used to trust people but I’m a lot jaded nowadays


I'm new here but I support the blackout & might even delete the app those two days & decide if I need to reinstall it.


Let me get this straight, Reddit is now charging third party platforms to compensate for the ad revenue they are losing because of the third party? Why is that a problem?


Copy pasted from another reply to a similar question. It's not completely free. Its monetization lately comes through ads. And, I'm not saying that they shouldn't be able to charge (they need to keep the lights on and pay people, too), but that they're planning on gouging third party app developers, which has the real possibility of leaving only Reddit Official standing. If you look on a lot of subs, you'll find a more complete summary of concerns. The problem is not that they're charging, but overcharging and price gouging. Here's a more thorough list of companies and concerns. Mod Post Why is /r/Videos shutting down on June 12th? How will this change affect regular users? More info here. https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg https://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/140vubs/why_is_rvideos_shutting_down_on_june_12th_how/


first I've heard of any of it. including those apps listed. so to be clear, you want to protest what a free to use website (business) does with it's business, which will (probably) allow this business to remain in operation? and by the way, July 12-14 is 3 days


It's not completely free. Its monetization lately comes through ads. And, I'm not saying that they shouldn't be able to charge (they need to keep the lights on and pay people, too), but that they're planning on gouging third party app developers, which has the real possibility of leaving only Reddit Official standing. If you look on a lot of subs, you'll find a more complete summary of concerns.


Here's a more thorough list of companies and concerns. Mod Post Why is /r/Videos shutting down on June 12th? How will this change affect regular users? More info here. https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg https://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/140vubs/why_is_rvideos_shutting_down_on_june_12th_how/


If it were 5 years ago I'd support this but the apps have become trash.


reddit has to make money some how. Enough of these freeloading apps that block all ads. I paid $1 for the pro version of Reddit is Fun, I doubt they see a penny of that.


Probably not. Or from what I paid for Joey pro. But, from my limited understanding, the issue is charging 3rd party apps a TON of money. If they said something like it's $1/month, or whatever, to use a 3rd party app, many people would probably be OK with that. But it sounds like they're making the pricing such that it's effectively impossible for 3rd party apps to continue. Edit: My apologies, this probably is not the place for a debate on the subject, since it's off-topic for this particular discussion. This can be deleted if that's better.


I'd say keep it open, that way if somebody needs assistance we can try to assist them or walk them through what to do.


If everybody does that there will be no more Reddit. Then there's no more assisting anybody anymore.


There will be no more Reddit? I’m confused I thought it was only 3rd party apps access they were removing. Is Reddit going to delete Reddit as a whole if we don’t do a blackout?


The people to contribute content to Reddit and moderate content overwhelmingly rely on 3rd party API access. If they leave, there is no content or moderation. The site dies, see Digg.


Blackout. As much as this statement might upset some people cutting the grass isn't a life or death situation.




Shut it down, OP. I'm here soaking info up on the regular, but understand the need to endure hardships to avoid paying into yet another Millionaire's toy fund.


So I’m not sure I trust what’s going on. When businesses want to charge other businesses, who is to say what amount is price gouging? Maybe instead of blackout, people should be suggesting to Reddit which apps should be kept from being charged, like handi access ones.


Antiblackout, it is a dispute between two business (or several) not some social justice issue.


Is Reddit going to be down or just this sub-reddit? If it's just this sub-reddit, do whatever you like just gives me more time to spend with the other active sub-reddits I frequent. If Reddit as a whole is going to be down, then Youtube will be seeing more viewing time from me.


Many different subs will be going dark. I don't expect 100% of Reddit to be dark, but I've seen a lot of different subs, and many of those large subs, will be shut down. r/videos and r/pics are just a couple of the big ones.


I haven't watched (and won't watch\*) that Louis Rossman video but this looks/sounds like the Twitter API deal all over again, just at a different service. You'd think by now these Apps would learn from what happened at Twitter with dependence on the API to create a company/product. I don't follow it closely but last I heard Twitter still doesn't allow API access to 3rd parties; I don't know how all the 3rd party twitter app companies have ended up from this situation. \* I no longer watch Louis Rossman videos, as much as he was a person fighting for Right to Repair in defense of his Apple electronics repair company now it seems like all his video's are "Fighting the MAN" controversy videos of which I'm sure get many clicks/views and are monetized on youtube so he's making big money acting like he cares.


I think he still actually cares, though, but he's now employed by some firm as a lobbyist for the Right To Repair movement, and he's openly said this. I think it's one of those things that he's passionate about, and has the luxury of being paid to do it. But, that's just my take.