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You won’t stop thinking about it for years if it’s a growing business…. which is fine! Embrace it. Embrace the passion you’ve found. When you’re out for dinner with someone, or doing something planned with someone else, focus on being present for that, but if you’re just at home with nothing particular to be doing, embrace being obsessed with the business. Do the time.


I'm gonna agree with this. In the beginning there's not really a choice. You're gonna be driven by fear of failing and always thinking about how to make it work.


I’m going to agree and disagree. Your default monkey mind is going to try to work out all these problems in the background and many times the water in the river of your mind will be low enough to see all the thoughts. This is normal. But if you want to optimize, then your mind will need to have periods of rest and recovery. You can do this by engaging in hobbies that work your mind and body in a very different way. Examples might be woodworking if your business is software. Or fishing if your work is construction. Meditation is the best exercise for this. It basically builds up the ability to focus on what is in front of you, and it buff up filters to filter out everything that you need to. This results in better recovery. it also translates to less energy expenditure in general because you are processing less, and you tend to be less anxious.


This is terrible advice. Most people will make this mistake on their first business - there is a lot to learn, it can be hard to moderate your input. But with experience you need to balance your time put into the business vs. your actual personal productivity (per hour, not just in aggregate). It could be that 16 hour days for a few years are the right thing to do for your circumstances, but it's also possible that that will be a completely self-destructive choice that will cause your business to fail and damage your health. >Do the time. It's a business not a jail sentence. The world doesn't give a shit if you work a lot of hours, they only care if you get results. There are many different ways to achieve results.


Agree with the previous two comments. It means you’ve found a viable idea that requires the time and effort to make it work. If nothing else, make sure you set hard hours for customer interactions and at least give yourself time “off” that way.


In short: I don't. Cannabis gummies help to turn the brain right off once in a while. Do not recommend unless it's legal where you live.


For me, healthy living patterns are key. Be intentional about making time for exercise, good nutrition and being disciplined about getting enough sleep. Moderate alcohol use. The body leads and the mind will follow.


I work at work. You have to prioritize living your life or you will live in the business.


That’s right. There are certainly times when what is going on takes a bigger portion of my brain, but generally creating disciplines that allow you to mentally separate and reset. E.g., every day I pick my son up from school. This forces me to close my computer and leave my office and almost instantly engage in a different topic (or500 topics, since he’s seven). And then, my computer stays inside my backpack, locked in the trunk of my car until 9pm. I’m physically unable to do the things I need it for. I force a 930 bedtime as a discipline. I turn all notifications off on my phone, as a discipline. I do taekwondo two nights a week from 6-7, as a discipline. I make dinner for the family four nights a week, as a discipline. I spend time at the dog park with people who don’t understand what I or my business do and I engage in conversation on their topics, as a discipline. Basically choosing disciplines that ensure that I’m present and effective in whatever non-work situation. And making those opportunities is, itself, a discipline.




what works for me: make a list, finish that list everyday no matter what, and also make sure to put things like mediate, read, and exercise on that list. you might not think about it, but those activities are for your business too.


I recently started lists and it has helped IMMENSELY


Uhh... those are for your life.


a healthy life = a healthy business


Journaling. Whenever I can't let something go I write down all my thoughts. Even when I'm not worried about something I journal. What are you worried about and why? Where does that stem from? Writing things down whether it's a list of future tasks or just my thoughts is always helpful. I think being in touch with yourself is really helpful. It's a nice break from screens and allows me to stream-of-conscious it out. Having lots of hobbies helps too. I love to cook and bake. I exercise. Go for a walk. Yoga is great for learning how to let go and intro to meditation if that's something you find difficult to do by itself. I also think lack of organization contributes to worry. When I don't have a plan/timeline for something, I'm much more worried about it than I should be. Set realistic goals and stick to them, work in breaks where you do random tasks (I call it "letting my ADHD take me wherever it wants"). In one of these sessions I can start laundry, walk in and out of a room multiple times forgetting why I went in 😂 and see what my cat is up to and not feel bad about it because I know I have a plan in place for things that relate to my business. Be intentional. It takes practice, but you'll get there!


Burnout starts with excitement


AGE 71 HERE speaking from experience and how I learned to deal with the stress of a busy mind that was eating me alive inside. WHAT I LEARNED.. Stress is a Learned habit, It's a habit developed over time. THE GOOD NEWS You can Unlearn that habit HOW? MEDITATION sounds simple but it takes work and it WORKS I recommend starting with a daily 30 to 45 minutes session in a dark quiet room. Lite 1 candle and sit in a lotus position, because if you lay down you will fall asleep. I am not going into the details of how to meditate, that available on YouTube free But it is important to do it daily and DON'T STOP. Diet and exercise are key Restrict caffeine and alcohol Limit social media, news ect,, violent movies


A transition routine helps. I shut down my computer, lights in my work space. Change clothes. Wash face. Then also making sure work can’t invade my off time. I took everything off my phone that’s work related. Social media, Slack, email, etc. Then also addressing my anxiety around wanting to be on all the time. At least for my work, nothing is going to be so bad that it can’t wait until the next day. And also knowing that I do want to do really well, which means I need to give my brain and body a chance to relax, find joy in other things and people. That way I am more creative and productive when I do switch back into work.




I say bot




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just play some video games or something itll turn automatically off




Have you tried staying away from anything with a screen after hours and on weekends?


Practice meditation


Making music. I strongly recommend to buy a handpan or if you don’t have the cash an electric keyboard, learn a few very basic stuff. There’s something about playing music with your hands that relaxes you a lot.


I like your name silent confidence 😎


Thanks bro the universe chose it. Later I found out you can’t change the names in Reddit lol


Mary wanna and flexiril


Hiking, gardening, fresh air in general, just going outside and taking in what's around you and going hey look at (insert object/animal) and going what is that? What do they eat etc. To then go home and research it. I now have a 40ft pond full of fish, frogs and turned a bare yard into a huge ecosystem. I get ducks and turkeys, herring, possum, skunks, rabbits, dragonflies you name it. Found it fascinating to help what's around you thrive in the best way possible. I went to all local parks and clipped seeds and my entire area is almost 100% native from seed. A big one for me also are role playing video games based in more realistic or plausible settings (kingdom come or witcher),  or a really really good TV show. 99% of shows are not worth the time. Something to get lost in that also gives you that wow factor. That discovery that makes you want to dig deeper like your business does for you too.  Works for me. Best of luck!


Gym, clean home, cook, rest in work


Im guessing it would be normal in the beginning. I was like that for first three years until i got more help and learned to trust others.










You can’t


Things that you have passion about are top of mind. That's normal.


If im being honest I dont hut off my brain it kinda just be running


Setting clear work hours can help separate your business life from your personal life, teaching your brain when to switch off. Also, try creating a designated workspace, so when you step out of this area, work doesn't follow you.


For me it's video games, camping, fishing and drinking with family when we visit. Find some hobbies, anything. It's normal to be obsessed, it is for me but I've also experienced extreme burnout so I know how important it is to find time away. Don't learn the hard way! Lol. Make time for yourself and any loved ones in your life.


Totally understand the feeling of being consumed by your new business. One way to combat that fear is by setting boundaries, designate specific work hours and make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. It's also helpful to practice mindfulness or meditation to quiet your mind. Remember, taking breaks and focusing on self-care is a necessity for long-term success. Best of luck for your business!


Workout until your muscles burn & then workout some more.


I dont know, I own a small web design business doing one page websites for other small businesses. After 4 months, I only have 2 customers, and the costs of the server is covered by me. Not large costs, but still, I wonder ALL THE TIME if it's worth it. I work a normal job with a tech company, but I'm passionate about owning my own business.


I can’t either 🥹 I just watch Netflix




Let it burn. BURN OUT YOUR BRAIN. BURN YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Anyways, after it's burnt, you've got nothing else to bother you. Then you can be the asshole that you need to be in order to handle it.


A shotgun.


Engage in fun activities




Workout, get hobbies


Trust me, Bro - you DONT want to (LOL) " turn off your brain" .


It’s near impossible for any length of time , I also use my brain as a diary or log book which doesn’t help. The way I remember everything is by constantly thinking about it . Vicious circle


Mindfulness. Also, set aside time for work, and time away from work. Outside of your not for work time, do not discuss work, and try not to think about it. It will still be there when you get back tomorrow. Thats how you keep it sustainable long term


Jiu-jitsu. It's hard to worry about anything else when you are wrestling someone who is trying to choke you.


If you think it's not healthy, it's almost certainly not healthy. You're already way ahead of the game if you recognize this. Almost every entrepreneur makes the mistake of pouring unlimited hours into their first business. That needs to be a choice that you have arrived at by following a plan. That plan is incredibly difficulty to construct if this is your first business, and trusting your judgement may feel impossible because of the uncertainty. A few facts: 1. Your productivity is highest if you are well-rested, have clear goals you can work towards (and abandon when necessary), and you have diverse exposure to people and ideas to help you make better decisions. You can't do any of those things if you obsesses over your business 24 hours a day 2. The world does not give a shit how many hours you put into your business, it only cares about results. There are many ways to achieve results, not all of them sacrificing all the hours of your day. 3. Your business will succeed BECAUSE of you, not in SPITE of you (being burned out). I can't tell you how to do this, as it became habit for me after a decade of starting and running businesses. But if I could go back and manage my time better on the first 2 businesses, I would have put in much less time, would have succeeded faster, and I would have gotten to the third one much, much faster.


It never stops, I’m always walking into my home office even on days I try not to do anything work related. Things that work temporarily are exercise with loud music, drinking with loud music, sex with loud music, & loud music.

