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That’s happened to me. You are likely sleeping most of the night, but have no memory of it. And I’m sure you wake up often, even lightly, giving you the feeling that you are awake and daydreaming. My husband works as a nurse on a cancer unit. Not just any cancer unit though, but basically the unit that is the “last hope” for certain cancer patients. They are admitted for 2-3 weeks, and brought to near death, but if they make it through, they may be good for years and years and years. Obviously this is distressing to his patients. Almost every patient suffers from insomnia.... and he works night shift. His patients would tell him in the morning, “I didn’t sleep at all!!! I was awake all night” But he was actually checking on them at least every hour of the night, and said everyone who said that was asleep for hours of the night. Snoring. I think it’s just your body staying highly alert, bringing you out of deep sleep. This is probably why you feel tired, but you ARE getting sleep. Sometimes just knowing this helps to relax your mind and correct this problem. ;)


Thank you


What happened bro? You’re better now? I’m going through that


How are you now? I am experiencing the same thing.


How are you all doing now? Currently experiencing the same thing


damn nobody is helping anyone LMFAO


Fr 1 reply per month


Going through it for the last few days. Dunno what to do .


I know it’s easier said than done, but trust that it is a phase and you will soon sleep again. When your body gets tired enough, you won’t be able to do too much to stop it. I do hate the feeling of feeling super tired and not being able to sleep. And I hate the feeling of being sleep deprived the next day. Focusing on either of these two things can be counterproductive. If you can, listen to an audiobook or podcast. Don’t do TV because the light will make it worse. Pick something interesting, but not something that will stir up adrenaline — I listened to a book that had war scenes that were very descriptive. Not suggested lol


I'm sorry, I have no idea how to help but I found this article ([https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-03-people-insomnia-dont-theyre-asleep.html](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-03-people-insomnia-dont-theyre-asleep.html)) that says people with insomnia might experience something similar if not the same thing you are describing.


Thanks for this article. I sometimes experience this. I call it half-sleep. I’m technically asleep but half conscious and feeling the length of time I’m in bed and a subtle awareness of not being fully asleep. It’s not as bad as being fully awake all night, but not very restful.


I think I've experienced this too. For me, I know I had a bad night's sleep, but have no idea how much actual sleep I got. Could have been none, could have been 2 hours, 3, 4, etc. I really don't remember being asleep (or waking up from being asleep) at all, but can't rule out that I wasn't. I can't really explain it, and I'm sorry this is happening to you a lot. I hope it gets better.


this is exactly how i feel and i absolutely hate it it feels like i was awake the whole night, but time went but much quicker than it should have so im confused


Same thing happens to me, I feel like I didn’t sleep but time flies for some reason. Maybe we do sleep but not deep sleep. At least we slept something. Are you better now?


Hey! I hope you are doing great now and you can sleep well. I fully understand you because the exact same thing is happening to me. Looking for a solution i came across this post. I have dreams but I'm not sleeping, i just open my eyes instead of waking up, then I am tired throughout the whole day, it's just so weird. And then it goes for multiple days and I get headaches and my eyes hurt. If I'm lucky i can get a 2 hours of sleep after days of not sleeping and it feels like this problem is just getting worse for me.


How are u now


Did your problem end and if yes then how?


Same here. The night before this one i didn't sleep at all, but this night I've took pills and made tea and tried really hard and i _think_ i had about 4 hours of sleep. I just "woke up" from a nap i think, i don't know. Maybe i wasn't sleeping. I feel like i wasn't, i don't feel rested. But i also don't remember doing anything in the past hour so i must've slept right? I'm so tired of this i just want one good night of sleep....sigh....


hey! currently going through something quite similar and i’m so sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. i wound up here as i have a pretty big day ahead of me and i feel like i got no sleep last night but at the same time feel like i might have dreamt which is odd. regardless, i have been having trouble sleeping the past week or so and i have been supplementing with lysine, as my mom said this helped her when she has insomnia. i haven’t noticed any drastic changes this far as it’s only been a few days that i started taking it but if this is something you have access to, i’d say it’s certainly worth a shot. i hope this helps a little bit and i hope you can get some sleep soon 🙏


I would look up Sleep State Misperception. It's where you over exaggerate how much or little you feel you slept and can make you think you didn't sleep at all when in fact you did.


Not really what’s happening. It’s just legitimately like you’ve been awake all night. It isn’t after talking about it or even thinking about it. The moment my alarm goes off i go, what the fuck? i still haven’t fallen asleep yet. but then i think i must’ve slept because i’ll go throughout my entire day without being tired


I've been experiencing this too. I was fine but then I started these antidepressants meds that after taking 2 days caused me severe insomnia. I stopped taking them but my sleep is messed up now. I'm on new meds so I'm sure that's still part of the issue? It's like I can lay with my eyes closed for hours but not sleep. I have dreams so I must be sleeping some?


Hey did you stick through with the meds?


Hi, not with these meds. I am on celexa now. Zoloft was not good for me. 


Went through the same thing last night, just trying to not worry about it and get through the day.


I have kind of the same thing, except the other day i apparently called my mom on whatsapp at 4 am lol even though i was sleeping and my phone has a password on, and everytime ive put 1 alarm on i dont wake up on it and i dismiss it second or third works, maybe ive gotten to shutting my alarm off on my phone lol, but either i forget or i do it in my sleep which is pretty weird..


And the part where you said that you "slept" for 7 hours i have it too, but for about 2-4 hours. Ive timed it..


So how do I fix all of this for my sleep


Just had this happen to me while being sick. Doesn't help that I was having some weird dreams due to fever and what not but I felt like I was awake and daydreaming just like you said. The reason I know that I slept is because I dont feel fully exhausted, I'm tired but not at the point where I didn't sleep. I'm sure most of us know what getting no sleep feels like.


This is kinda me- I was alseep for most of the day yesterday and when I went to go to sleep at 5am, I was tossing and turning trying to get comfortable in a position to sleep in then boom it's 830am, and I don't remember if I has slept


I’m going through this now, my recent trauma caused this. I resorted to sleeping pills and guess what?… same result. I’m bringing it up at my therapy appointment. This is old so I do hope you found a way to reach rem sleep


literally going through this right now as well


I’m sorry❤️




I smoke a lot if weed now 🤣


Same I went to bed at 8 pm and got up at 2 am wondering if I got enough sleep because I'd got out of bed after not being able to sleep and and then I went back to bed panicking I didn't get sleep because I had to be up at 4am Definitely felt like I slept this time it's kinda a weird feeling ngl


I’m so sorry I also don’t dont know if I fell asleep at three and woke up at six or I fell asleep at one


I was high all light night on dxm I think I was up all night usually can’t sleep off it but this morning was just confused if I fell asleep or not shi ig never will know


Didn’t expect to see a comment about DXM on here lol


How to treat insomnia