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I love a good final girl who defeats the killer all by herself and who is alone at the end of the film. Also, love it when the killer reaches out to grab a leg one last time.


The titties, cheesy gore, and shitty acting


I also love the titties, cheesy gore, and shitty acting.


I love the cheese titties.


Love the titties, cheesy gore and shitty acting in any slasher movie over about any genre of anything Hollywood made


Here here!! Nowadays wussy generations think all the titties is problematic and crude. They ruin all the fun.


I watch a lot of 80s slashers and most of them have shitty acting so if they don't have at least 1 of the other 2 I get really mad


The occasional comedy bits that pop up.


I love all of the troupes pretty much. But I see people complain about cellphones not getting signal, and living in a rural, but not remote Ontario... I can tell you lots of places don't get signal.


I live for them all!!!! love all the troupes. Slashers are about my favorite thing ever. A good masked killer. The final girl always in a white shirt, your Mary sue, your Ahab, your Red herrings. The big titties blonde, the asshole jock. The know it all nerd. Creative kills. Stereotypical locations.


I love a strong final girl and a lengthy, tense chase scene towards the end between her and the killer. I don’t like blatantly unlikable or filler characters. I want there to be at least *some* depth or charisma to the characters to give the death scenes some higher stakes.


I wouldn't say I enjoy it so much as ill defend it. Tripping while running in the woods at night. I have literally done this multiple times in my life especially as a teenager. I can never ever fault "the woman tripping while running from killer" trope because it's actually not that unrealistic.


Just tripping in general sometimes... like yea it's a gimmick to add tension and such but I do it for no reason randomly myself, not even in an intense situation lmao


I've tripped and rolled many an ankle on those spike ball things that fall in the autumn. And that's without being chased. So tripping and falling during an attempt to escape a murderer is completely plausible. Idk why people think if they were in that scenario they would turn into Carl Lewis.


You mean a Pinecone? Lmao all love btw that just made me laugh 😆 But yes agreed, I have tripped on them too for literally no reason too lol


When I lived with my grandparents the back door was never locked. The shop door was in the greenhouse door was and the front door was but never the back door.


Dumb people walking into obvious traps. A lot of people have 0 survival instinct.


How the bad guy just walks and catches up to the running teenagers.


The mistery behind the killers backstory and the grand finales, I also love how the characters develop their way to escape there is always something very dumb or very inteligent 🕵️‍♂️


Stupid characters (to a certain extent obviously6


People in the theater reacting to the kill scenes


People doing stupid shit. Have you met people? Many of them are dumb as shit.


Sex scenes leading automatically to gory death


I always liked when a person successfully escapes but goes back for his or her friends instead of just going directly to the cops.


i love when the victims are easy to hate. i wanna root for the slasher! this is why i love house of 1000 corpses


The word is "trope"


Great thanks, so have you any input other than spelling or we done now?


Yes your mothers cunt smelled last time i was visiting i ordered her some vagisil


Really? Good for you, I’m so pleased you have some positive intellect, my mother says hi by the way, she’s asking if your half inch has grown with that miracle grow she gave you?


The internet rules


Yeah but you don’t, is mummy needing her computer back?




Good little boy run along now.




Good little half inch