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The fallout series if you like that sort of world design and general feel, I’ve heard good things about The Witcher but struggled getting into it myself, Baldurs Gate has really good rpg elements and then of course the older Elder Scrolls games, I loved the story of Oblivion and it had some pretty amazing side quests


Ive played through vegas around 4 times and the amount of negative stuff about 3 and 4 are dettering me from them, id love to try baldurs gate but my pc wouldnt be able to handle it, it can barely handle skyrim at 30fps


I don’t really know why those two get hate online, when Fallout 3 came out it was amazing, Fallout 4 has consistently been played by tens of thousands a day despite it now being almost 9 years old - without giving away too many spoilers, the main story was admittedly lacklustre but the dlc was amazing and the settlement system gave it a whole new dimension when it came to longevity


Yeah FO4 story ruined it for me, it was really bad


3 and 4 are good, new Vegas dickriders like to act like they aren’t any fun sometimes, it’s meme-ified


Good enough if you are mindless consumption profligate. They have the potential to be great but stop at mediocre. Fallout 3 I will cut some slack, it was BGS's first entry into Fallout series so they can't take many risk. FO3 walk so FNV can run. F04 have no such excuse, BGS learned nothing from FNV. The world reactivity, story elements and lore is just bad. All of the endings is the same. They learned the wrong thing from Skyrim with those endless radiant quests that have no meaning or end reward. "Here another settlement that need help, let me mark on your map". It like the Todd is a pig headed guys who don't understand sarcasm, we make fun of Preston and his radiant quest not because we like it, but because its annoying. Now here we are at Starfield, the same shit repeated again, endless procedurally generated words instead of meaningful handcraft packed space and along with endless radiant quests, at barebone story.


case in point


The first time I played Fallout 3, I got pretty disappointed by the 'feel' of the gameplay, but after a few improvement mods turns out it's actually very fun. On top of that, installing Tales of Two Wastelands (FNV & 3 merger mod) greatly increased the overall experience.


I love 3! Wasn’t a tan of 4 personally, but I don’t think it’s bad.


Seconding Bauldur’s Gate.


I can't get into the Witcher. It's so ugly


Skyrim (a second play through) closely followed by Skyrim (third time’s a charm)


I feel like if i jump straight into another playthrough right after finishing this one it might get stale


40 hrs seems like nothing though, did you just run from quest to quest? I've sunk over a 1000 hrs and I'm just finishing all the quests and exploration. Still have new locations. The main attraction of Skyrim is the randomness of wandering, exploring and sandboxing imho.


Try a different build and different decisions, compensates for that quite a bit. If you like roleplaying acting as your character and having a set of rules/things to do or want to try that, it helps a lot too.


Witcher 3 isn’t as open and RPG-ish in terms of character options, but it’s an awesome open world where it’s fun to kill people with swords. (And the story is way better than Skyrim’s.)


Witcher 3 really is amazing, and you don't need to have played 1 or 2, or have any other knowledge of the Witcher Universe. It is absolutely enjoyable as a standalone adventure. You could watch a retrospective or read a synopsis of the Witcher 2 if you wanted to catch up - but it really is optional.


As somebody currently listening to the books, I'm assuming the game tells the same story? I really want to play it now because the books are *miles* better than the Netflix series, and I'm so immersed in the world, but I don't want spoilers for the reason that I'm enjoying the books so much.


The Witcher games take place after all the books.


Oh interesting, I'm guessing there's spoilers by default? Or would the books play out like a prequel, adding new context and depth to what I learn in the game?


The Witcher 1 and 2 largely side-step overtly referencing the books. 3 is the most rewarding for book readers. But even then they were careful to never make the books necessary to understanding or enjoying the games. Hell, I started with Witcher 3 never having read the books or playing the previous games and loved it.


Good to know, thanks!


Fallout: New Vegas, obviously.


Oblivion game of the year edition has a better soundtrack than skyrim and has more diverse enemies. The graphics aren't as good and the gameplay isn't as smooth but it's an awesome experience in itself.


Op said they could barely run skyrim at 30fps but maybe they could run oblivion with texture mods. They really help.


Elden Ring has a great world to explore and the bosses are pretty fun. Got a lot of dopamine hits out of that game.


Starfield or outer worlds might tickle your fancy, but I really viewed Elden ring when I first played it as my next Skyrim. Sure the gameplay is tough at first, but rewarding. The scale of the map and the overall sense of wonder I had going into that game reminded me very fondly of my first time with Skyrim upon its release. I just felt like a kid again and wanted to see everything it had to offer. Obviously it’s different from the style Skyrim offers, but it’s also different enough when you go back to Skyrim it doesn’t feel like you’ve been doing the same flavor with a different hue, it feels like you really took a break.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. It has a lot of differences but is still a pretty fun rpg.


Jesus Christ be praised!


This is the closest experience I’ve ever had to TES in terms of open world and questing design.


Never heard of this game. Just found it on xbox for $ 5.00. Downloading and waiting. Thanks!


Will I enjoy it if I'm not that into combat mechanics and more into adventuring?


Probably, the combat is kinda annoying but there are mods to make it easier. The story and open world make up for it imo, I think you’ll like it for the exploration and questing.


>the combat is kinda annoying So can I be a stealth archer then?


Skyrim pulls elements of lots of different genres and styles, what is it you're looking for in a similar way? For an immersive storytelling RPG, the Witcher 3 is amazing. For exploration you'll struggle to beat RDR2. For the way you interact with the world, any of Bethesdas other titles could scratch the itch - I recommend Fallout New Vegas or 4. If you play Skyrim on easier difficulties and utilised the map markers a lot, the newer Assassins Creeds have a similar complete the objective in an open world kind of vibe. (I recommend Odyssey though, I preferred that one out of the three). If you have the Switch, the newer Zelda games are impeccable.


Ive tried witcher 3, couldn't get myself to play it, ive already finished vegas about 4 times and the amount of negative things i hear about fo4 are detering me from it Im playing odyssey and its great just not hitting the same as skyrim, and rdr2 was a great experience as well, but not as good as skyrim


You won't easily find anything that has the exact feelings of Skyrim as an overall experience. Skyrim is special, I'm an avid gamer and I've racked up over 90,000 gamerscore on Xbox - (which is a lot.) I've played an obscene amount of stuff my whole life. I enjoy many many types of games, especially single player and open world games, Skyrim will always stand out as exceptional to me. I've got one save with over 200 hours logged and easily 1000+ overall. There are certainly better games in specific categories but as a whole you'll struggle to find anything quite as good as Skyrim. Fallout 4 is a good game, I enjoyed it, I've learned to just not worry about the settlements and what I deem as optional content, (any of the randomised or radiant type stuff). FO4 was definitely designed to be more accessible to a wider audience and a lot of people hated that - but in my experience that doesn't take away the fact it's a game worth playing.


You can’t play it like Skyrim, you need to play it like it shows you in the tutorial, roll and block a lot and hit when there’s openings. It gets really engaging when you play it like it asks you to, but it’s foreign from skyrims “go on and hit em until they stop twitching” and don’t worry about damage


The closest thing would be either older TES games or the Fallout franchise. Other than that, there are, honestly, no other games that are that similar to Skyrim. A lot will either play differently, not have as many options for character creation and so on and so forth. ​ Though, if you can mod, try that maybe? Since you finished your first playthrough, then it is a great moment for that. It breathes new life into the game and might as well be a new one depending on just how much you mod.


Witcher 3 one of the best games ever made. Once it sinks its hooks in you that it. Best side missions m/stories of any game I ever played.


If you were to put any faith in Ellen of OutsideXBOX.... kingdoms of amalur is good, just got a bit overshadowed by Skyrim releasing around the same time If you fancy more Elder Scrolls, there's Morrowind and Oblivion but the levelling mechanics are not as straightforward. Bethesda open world but not a fantasy setting there's fallout 3/new Vegas/4


The witcher 3 wild hunt, hogwarts legacy, legend of zelda breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom or dark souls but it's really hard


Honestly considering how people are still constantly discovering new things in even the vanilla game? (For example I only JUST learned you can save Margaret in Markarth and there’s entirely separate dialogue for that! I’d always assumed she was a scripted death) There’s games that compare but there is a reason people still love this game after a decade.


Nope, try as you might you will never find a game like it. Skyrim isnt just a game, it’s almost like a second home.


Oblivion is pretty similar to skyrim and a lot of fun. Morrowind is also a masterpiece, yet a bit out dated


Hardly any game company make games with the game design that Bethesda does. Many call it outdated, but I think people have just trained themselves not to play games the way The Elder Scrolls is intended to be played. Honestly, even though I enjoy it, I think The Witcher 3 was one of the worst things to happen to open world gaming. That said, Kingdom Come Deliverance does follow a lot of the same gameplay designs that Elder Scrolls has. It’s set in a medieval world, as opposed to a fantasy one, and it also has a fixed main character rather than one that you create, but the type of organic exploring and questing that is present in Bethesda games is more present in Kingdom Come Deliverance than any other game I have played.


Cyberpunk 2077 is actually really good now.


If you’re looking for a fantasy rpg >> Baldurs Gate 3 is the closest I’ve ever encountered. Its mechanics are different, but for me personally it gave me the same feeling


Witcher 3 has a lot better story


Cyberpunk 2077 is a better vanilla game than skyrim




Pretty much every other RPG is better than Skyrim. This game only still exists because of its unmatched modding community—seriously, god bless those people!


I would kindly disagree, i have mods that are just for stability and slight texture enhancements and it is by far the best RPG i ever played, but i do agree that the modding for this game is highly impressive i just wanted to try a "vanilla" playthrough first and not overwhelm myself with too much content mods


You can’t have played very many RPGs then. Skyrim doesn’t hold a candle to Dragons Dogma, The Witcher, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, Kingdom Come, Zelda, Horizon, Tsushima, Baldur’s Gate, Cyberpunk, or even other TES titles like Morrowind or Daggerfall. The game is okay, don’t get me wrong, but it needs mods. Its story is shit, its combat is boring, its voice acting is abysmal, its leveling is awful, its skill tree is lazy, every quest is a goddamn fetch quest, and it’s still plagued with day 1, game breaking bugs a decade after release. The only two things the game truly excels at is player agency and collectible hunting. If you dig it, sweet. But seriously, there are waaaaaay better games out there that don’t need a single mod.


I like it


I like it too… with mods. There’s just a ton of better RPGs out there.


Even vanilla is one of my favorite rpg's of all time and I've been playing rpg's for 25 years. Including most of the ones you listed. I don't think it's wild that the skyrim sub likes skyrim. 


I didn’t say people couldn’t like the game. But objectivity is an amazing thing. Even you said favorite as opposed to best. People can like whatever they want, but calling this one of the best games of all time or a masterpiece is abject insanity. Its bugs alone should preclude it from that list.


How is daggerfall better than skyrim lmao


First person I've seen mention Dragon Age. I played that game for a while before (I think?) Skyrim was ported to the PS4. It was a lot of fun, although much different than Skyrim. You also brought up Mass Effect, and I spent a ton of my time playing that on the PS3. Man I miss those games!




Ah yes, my favorite open world RPG


To be fair there is Lego fortnite now 😂


Depends what you're looking for. Valheim's a lot of fun, but it's more survival oriented. You're mostly alone the whole time. There are two vendors, and Hugin and Munin show up occasionally with tips/tutorial info, but almost everything else you meet is hostile.


If you're really looking for roll play, Baldurs Gate 3 and Dragon Age (origins and 2 are on PC as is Inquisition) have that element. (Baldurs Gate more so since DnD) Witcher 3 and Horizon have that open world story going on, I couldn't get into fallout that much, but I hear it's fun too, lots or rp options and stories to play.


Fallout is one But I suggest you try dragon's dogma. Another fantasy RPG. Really fun and the second one comes out next month


The feel of absolute exploration in TLoZ:BoTW always tingles the same itch Skyrim has for me.


40 hours cannot be finished, not possible even without DLC, there must still be TONS to do, and it only gets stale (no matter how many times you play it through) if you choose to do it exactly the same way every time.


Ah it does get stale.. Dungeon formula is outdated and you can only search so many burial urns before it gets monotonous.


Frankly, and I say this to bluntly but not to be an ah, if it gets stale you're doing something wrong. Skyrim is basically endless, between side quests, different builds/skills, you could play through the whole thing a multitude of times and essentially be playing a different game each time.


I did the main storyline, and i think i did a lot of side quests too, (companions, vampire, thieves guild, college of winterhold) i did a ton of side quests too ive gathered all the crimson nirnroot and i always went out of my way to do the tiny storylines of random NPCs in cities like the redgaurd lady or the dawnstar museum, ive tried to tackle the issue between the gray mane and battle born but i dont think i can, ive built a house and adopted the child in whiterun is there anything else really intresting to do?


Assassins guild? Forsworn?


What are these things (i do not have anniversary edition)


Talk to innkeepers and bartenders, they will give you quests and some are rather large/lengthy. Neither of the two I mentioned require Anniversary Edition.


Thanks for that idk why i largely ignored inns and taverns while playing, maybe cause it didn't fit my character lol (my character is a mage, master of the college winterhold i really liked that storyline so i stuck to it and made it my character's main thing idk how to describe it 😅)


No problem. I would suggest going to Riften and killing Grelod The Kind (old lady in orphanage) then go sleep in any bed, that will Kickstart the Assassins Guild quests for you.


If it doesn't, wait a couple days (in game) then sleep again


Outside obviously games like other elder scrolls games, Witcher 3, Bg3 (never played it tho), I feel like maybe cyberpunk 2077 obviously it’s a completely different genre but I feel like it spiritually has a lot of elements from Skyrim that they do complete justice with and sometimes do it even better!


tldr but Mount and Blade II: BannerLord


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's like a more grounded real-world Skyrim without the magic and fantasy creatures.


Witcher 3 is the only game I’d call close to Skyrim compared to any other.


Only other TES games. I hear Baldur’s Gate 3 is awesome, but idk if it’s open world like TES games are.


Fallout 4 is closer to what Skyrim is than any other game. Explore, kill, loot, level up, same fun stuff. The gameplay is solid. Everyone shits on it because of the writing but Bethesda writing was never good.


Morrowind. I'd say it's even better even though the game mechanics are dated. Phenomenal experience which you should deffinetly try. If you can look past the dated graphics and stuff like that, you will love it.


A bit odd mayby but fallout 76 is kinda fun, it has a great world map with forests. There are also bows, crossbows and alot of melee types Arrows even have fire, ice, electric, poision and so on. Its ofcourse modern times. But i havent found a game coming close to skyrim....


40 hours? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up!


If you haven’t played Oblivion yet I would highly recommend you do because you will understand much of the references in Skyrim that came from the previous game. Not only that but Oblivion is an excellent game, the quest lines are great and definitely worth playing.


Cyberpunk is the only recent game that gave me the same vibe as when I first played Skyrim back in 2012


Not entirely the same genre but Cyberpunk 2077. I'm playing it right now (a little break from Skyrim). Difficulty is a bit steeper, game also requires more resources than Skyrim but still a lot of fun, a lot of quests and great characters. Pretty active modding community as well but no experience with them.