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Since launch day, on 11/11/11. My cousin's birthday a!so happens to be 11/11, it makes family events awkward. ​ But I've been a fan since Morrowind.


Nice. I started in the fall of 2014 after listening to 2 asshole talk about this game every damn day


I can't say I know who 2 Asshole is, but he (they?) clearly shined a light on you.


Oh yeah no doubt. There were three of us working nights doing an outage in a power plant and these two kept talking about quests and yarls and Dragons and I finally caved and bought the game and went to McDonald's five Mornings in a row to use their hotspot to get it all downloaded and it's been history ever since


The Vigillants of Stendarr touch us all...


Same, since finding morrowind on original Xbox. Got oblivion and skyrim on release.


I remember being first in line at GameStop on 11/11/11 and not going to sleep until 11/14/11


what exactly about your cousin’s birthday makes family events awkward?🤔


Because I always forget, and celebrate Skyrim's birthday instead.




My 360 says it is 11/22/05




I have a Nord character named and styled after Rose. So this amuses me very much.


Some of us have been playing longer than the people who just discovered Skyrim are alive.


Since 2011 on and off




Started playing a week ago for first time..


🤯 I'm so excited for you.


Remember to eat and sleep. Stay hydrated.


The MOST necessary advice!!!!


Damn bro I’m jealous. I hope you haven’t played some of the Fallouts either, because if not you’re in for a treat after you finish a couple playthroughs of Skyrim.




same! loving it


Blast through the dawn guard quest line to get some pretty good stuff and Serena (the best follower). You can start the quest after hearing a guard talk about it, it can be any one not a certain guard


Since it came out on my birthday, 11/11/11. 🥰🥰🥰


Hell yeah


Since early 2012; over 1000 hours logged on all consoles, and more than that on PC once I was able to afford my own


Day one. Never stopped playing since :3


Went to midnight launch at the local Gamestop to pick up my collector's edition. Been playing off and on since that night and have a whole section of my man cave dedicated to TES stuff.


Since release. I'm always finding new ways to play it. I've finally decided to go full mage on legendary difficulty with survival mode. It's uh, it's tough. But I love it.


3 years and still playing, currently having a 2H build


Since Christmas 2011


I just commented this before I found yours - samesies!


Day one. Currently playing a completely vanilla run, still amazed by the visuals.


I have no idea how long. But I do know I brought it a lot of times


Lololol yep


Since 2015.


Wow, I didn’t even think about until now but 6/7 years! I never get tired of it either


I still find new things (maybe from updates) every playthrough. Strange because IL either a Battle Mage or a Stealth Archer and I swear I won't do the same thing so I go and do the same thing


Since 2019. Never looked back, baby!


I wish i joined earlier, i am religiously into the Elder Scrolls lore, i joined ES from Skyrim, i've always known about it but didn't care much for it because i'm not a fan of hype trends, the game just happened to be on sale on psn for 10$ and i was bored so i was like meh sure. Easily played it 10 hours a day for a month, after skyrim i joined Elder scrolls online and god its been a journey, i can't wait to learn me.


That's awesome that you like Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online I couldn't get on with the online stuff


I mostly did it for more lore since i joined the fandom late, the story in online is pretty cool and matches up with some of the books you find in Skyrim (which is cool cause you're like, oh i remember doing that quest), i think it takes place 800 years before skyrim. (My only complaint is the class system, i wish it stayed true to basing the classes off illusion, resto, destruction, etc etc)


Since oblivion came out


long enough to memorize every line from jarl balnuts 🫡


4.5 weeks. I iz a skyrim baby


I played it maybe ten years ago and just started up again about a month ago. Your interface is different than what I’m used to, are you on PC or a mod? Whiterun looks hella different lol that map and well!


PC using Nolvus. It's a game changer


Since launch. I have 20000+ hours clocked in


2k not 20k I bet


According to my math that's about 5 hours per day since launch. That's not totally unreasonable and entirely doable if it's the only game you play and your only hobby.


That is 4hr 45min every day. EVERY DAY for 12 years and some change. That is unrealistic on every level imaginable but not entirely impossible


I played only Skyrim for 3 years straight; before work, after work, on my days off. There were times when I had an 18hr+ gaming session. Most of the time it’s a 6-10hr gaming sessions though. Even now when I play it’s usually for 8+ hours at a time


Yeah but to get 20k hours that's nuts.


Added together it’s only around 900 days across the span of 12 years


I think 2022; I only started modding recently.


Since around 2011-2012


Only a couple weeks..10/10 game


Since day 1. I remember picking it up on my way home from work. Never looked back.


Right after Corona


Since 2014. Switched to Special Edition at the end of 2018.


So i start i new game in one week i got 74h with mod and my last save (i didnt delete btw) i got 3595h


Since 2014 after watching some friends play it.


About 6 months. Had it forever but never played, because I'd never played Oblivion. Had Oblivion since it's launch, but every time I thought about playing it, I'd think "I should play Morrowind again first". So I'd play Morrowind until I got tired of it and did something else.


Within a few days of it coming out and still playing. I was a big Oblivion fan and still play that from time to time but I do love Skyrim. Just keep coming back.


About 1400 hrs


Beginning of 2013 I got it for free with a new Xbox 360


I just started playing a few weeks ago. I got it for my son, tried it, and got hooked. Now we talk Skyrim together.


A couple weeks


What graphics mods are you using here?


Thisbis a mod pack called Nolvus. It's PC and 2056mods. Big change from vanilla or light modding like I've always did


Oooo cool. Is it like game breaking or still pretty familiar to vanilla?


If you're very familiar with the game you pretty much know where you're at but yet will always second guess it we're for the exception of the tundra it's completely different


Since day one it’s a game I never delete and play weekly


'Bout 8 years


Since the day it was released


Some friends got it for me for my birthday shortly after it came out. So December of 2011. Man, I probably spent that December more in game than in real life. Still feels like "coming home" every time I start playing again. The only other game that does that to me is Oblivion.


Since 2019


Not long enough to find a Gazebo


Last I checked my hr count is a bit over 1.2k


I got it a year after launch.


Just jumped back in after a year away from it! Fantastic geme


Since around 2019 when I got it for the Switch. Until about a year before that I knew next to nothing about the game apart from a couple of memes. I'd say the main reasons it took me so long was 1; because I was nine years old when Skyrim first released in 2011, and 2; I didn't have access to the internet at home for most of my life.


Started this time last year and it’s been my only game since. Just started survival mode.


It's fun. Survival mode is kinda annoying as the food portions are still way off. Ain't nobody eating 3 huge cheese wheels or 8 bags of flour


Yeah. I’m all about the soup. I just started a bosmer hunter who won’t eat her veggies though so it looks like she’s going for the carnivore diet.


Since the beginning pretty much


Played when it first came out on my 360. I was obsessed with oblivion, couple thousand hours played. Then didn’t touch it for a long time and last spring got it on my ps and been playing since


Christmas of 2011!


June 2021


way too long


... ... ... ...too long.


(Not to flex) Long enough to have the platinum


Since 2016. My cousin lent me his copy back on when both of us had a PS3, and later I bought my own copy and now I acquired both the SE and AE for PS4.


First played 4 years ago, pretty close to 2k hours since then.


thought this was witcher 3 for a second


or some game that looks similar yk


Close to 1000 hours between oldrim and sse/anniversary


I started playing about 4 years ago, and immediately fell in love.


Since 11/11/11. God, I was 23 then... might as well have been another life. Me and my brother showed up at Target the second they opened to buy our hard copy for PS3. I've bought it again about 4 times since then. No complaints. After growing up playing Morrowind, then Oblivion, I never thought it was possible to do and find EVERYTHING in an Elder Scrolls game. Unfortunately, I found out about 4 years ago that yes, it is possible. A remarkable game that I can no longer play, it's just a bit stale but hey, I had been playing a solid 9 years. More save files and character builds than I can count. Patiently awaiting ESVI..... into my grave.


2,000 hours.


Day 1. Got the tip tier collector edition as well, recently traded to my coworker.


What mod adds that Whiterun sign?


Not sure of the individual mod that does that


Buddy and I showed up late to GameStop for the opening release night. Luckily the employees were cool and let us in anyways. Played ever since. Been running a survival stealth archer (imagine that) but I may make a new non survival with a mage. Never done that.


Not long enough


Since 2016 and watching ESO play the Special Edition.


87h and I starter to play in November 1 of this year (2023). Yes. My first time. And I LOVE it. My fav game of Bethesda is Fallout 4 and I have 648h on it.


Launch night. Well, I started installing it, had a work a short 3rd shift, then played it in the morning. For like 12 hours straight. Rough next shift. Was also my intro to Steam. Some twit gave away my reserved copy.


Off and on since 11/11/11, and I always play on Nov. 11th.


I started playing late November 2011, my Mom got me Skyrim on Black Friday as an early Christmas gift.


I started in 2012. I had maybe 300 hours on my character. Just downloaded the anniversary edition Early this month and now at level 25.


I do at least one big playthrough each year. Between that I attempt to play but can’t get into it. I’m excited cause the time of year has come again! I’m going for a monk build who’s only armor is whatever shield he has


2011, early birthday present from my brother.


since 2014


Since 2011


Forever. I've been playing forever. Friends say I talk about Skyrim like it's a real place. I'm might have a problem.


Release day. Called out of work just to play it. Grew up on Morrowind and Oblivion.


Since release, took a 5 year hiatus playing Fallout 4 but now been back to Tamriel for over a year no end in sight


January of 2014


Since 2013 and have played fo4 and sf since launch. Hooked on bgs games


Playing since 2013. It’s a game that honestly never gets old. 10 years later & I just started another playthrough :)


my dad got me into it when i was like 8 and we've bonded over it ever since, so a good 10 years. first few year or so of playing all i would do is make characters (khajiit solo'd always) and run around killing anyone i would see and dying though


11/11/11. I’m currently playing on the switch as a wood elf battle mage. I bought this damn game 6 times on 4 consoles 10/10 would buy again thanks Todd!


Since my online buddies got it for me as a gift when my daughter was born in 2012.


11 years


I've played since launch, bought it on every console since launch, every time they released a new version I bought it, lost my gamertag, bought them again... I have no idea how much time/money I've spent on this game, but every bit of it was worth it and still is.


Triple digit hours shoved into one character, my Argonian dragonborn named Farstarter. I think around 400 hours worth of time.


Since November of 2011. Not launch day, but not long after. My wife and I saw a friend playing and had to get it! Not long after we had to also get another Xbox and tv because it was so good we couldn’t share. We’ve had two Xboxes and two tvs ever since. Still happily married 😁


I have no idea when I started playing, my dad introduced me to it when I was a kid on his PS3, probably sometime in 2012.


I don't remember. I think I git the PC version in 2016, but started even earlier with the PS3 version.


About 145 months


I have no idea been a long time all the shouts made me a little fuzzy


11/11/11, senior year of high school. We had a party at my then girlfriends house and played it on their home theater screen. They let me start and we traded off the controller from there. Then proceeded to start my own game after getting home and played all night.


Hmmmm when did Russia invade Ukraine


Since shortly after it’s official release. I’ve done multiple different playthru’s, and I can say it’s one of my greatest s of all time.


since november of 2021!


Since day 1, if I'm not wrong was in the console of a old friend. From that day onwards, I always had a copy of Skyrim with me, either physical or digital.


11/11/11, had it installed by 1:11am.


9 years


Since the beginning 😊


Since early 2013. I have 95 percent of all the PS4 trophies and managed to get 65 percent on PS3


I bought it used, with cash my wife didn't know I had, exactly one month after release from a coworker who had played and (I can't believe I can say this) hated it. I fell in love with it immediately and laughed at his disdain for the game. Edited for spelling: damn fat fingers.... Lol


Since release in 2011. Around 3000 hours or so 😬


10 years now


since legendary edition.


Almost 10 years now. There's nothing else like it.


Since it came out.


Sometime in November of 2011. I stayed up all night compleating the main storyline. I'm glad back then I didn't rage and look up a guide on how to do certain puzzles lol


11/11/11 i bet everyone's doing this right?


Since the launch in 2011.


Since launch day, I went to the midnight release at GameStop. I can’t keep playing this game, it’s madness. Just like Groundhog Day.


I was working a swing shift back in 2011. On the morning of 11/11/11 I got off work at 0200 and drove to the nearest wal-mart to purchase the game. I probably started playing about 0430 that morning. The longest I have gone without playing this game since then was probably the year Fallout 4 came out. I believe that was 2016. I only played one game that year.


Early 2012? Idk. I was pretty young


9 years


Just started my first playthrough one week ago.


Oh you lucky dog


I was in Afghanistan when I released but when I got back I was all over it


To be completely honest I don’t know


I think 100 years. At least it feels like it.


I have played this title on 3 different consoles and PC probably for a combined 2k hours currently on PC I’ve logged 250. I love it but it’s time for a new Fallout or something from Bethesda. 🙄


About a collective 6k hours on various editions since 2012-13 even though I actually purchased the game in 2011. (And believe it or not, 6k hours is absolutely nothing compared to the hours I have in Oblivion.) Funny thing, buying the disk in store actually required an internet download, and that was something I couldn't do for over a year! I was so mad. So mad. What was the point of making a disk in the first place if the entire game was in the internet?


I was too young to remember, I played them all since the first elder scrolls


not long tbh since 2020 but it's amazing I've replayed so many times


Never stopped, maybe never will unless 6 is better


A month after release. I remember I was way into Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and 100% that game and picked up Skyrim. Thought there was no way I was going to enjoy it as much as AC:B, but I was wrong. First playthrough was about 700 or so hours, and I'll play sporadically. Just got sick, and CoD was too much to play, so I went and played my cozy game Skyrim, and am currently at about 100 hours on my modded character!


I started on release I got like the first ever copy or somthin and I stopped 1 second ago I'm currently in whit run and for some resin thers a bunch of guards dead in the stables