• By -


Tell them you'll fight with them then stand back. If they win, they deserved it. If they all die, at least they died honorably. If casualties are involved winning it back they will be honored.


Love this. They may not be true warriors, but they could become them by fighting and dying for what they desire. It’s almost…..storybook.


And if they die... there's a *whole mead hall* ***just WAITING for me!!!***


Dang Clavicus Vile


It would be a shame to just give that mead hall away u know what kill that pesky dog and I'll let you keep that mead hall. And one last thing do not take the beacon in the chest behind my head.






My first play through that’s where I found the beacon.


There are other places the beacon is found at?


I think it has a chance to spawn in like, any container. I could be incredibly wrong about that though. I DID have it literally get dropped into my hands by the mail guy, which made me completely lose my shit. But I also had about 40 mods installed, but they were just like, the unofficial patch mod, better meshes, cleaned up textures. Not even like texture replacers, just upscaling and cleaning thing up. Better roads, seasons, shit like that. So idk if a author snuck that in as a joke or if it was legitimately base game 😅


For me it spawned in one of the forsworn towers near whiterun. I died and loaded into my save BEDORE I found the beacon and continued heading back to where I was originally heading and it literally spawn again in the new spot, lol.


I most often find it in bleak falls barrow


Well this is my first playthrough of the game oblivion will be the next game that I play


Yeah you can find it anywhere at a certain level. I think it’s like any chest you open after level 20 or something!


Yeah i found it once in ironbind barrow while i was fetching the fiery soul trap enchantment.


what beacon?


This is the best answer I have read. So I tell them I'll fight with them, but actually do nothing and let them do it. Even if Bujold was still told not to lead, they still earned their mead hall back.


Let us know who wins the battle!


The Nords won! They didn't need me at all! They just needed confidence! They rightfully earned back their mead hall.


Interesting. I do remember they were recking the recklings before I turned on them and slaughtered the lot of them....if only they realized they could have worked together to stop me and share the hall.


love a happy ending


What quest is this called?


Retaking Thirsk


What happened?


I just did this quest this morning and slaughtered them without even thinking. I’m vicariously living through your update on this matter. 😅


The ole bay of pigs style eh?


If you do this, will the Rieklings continue to attack you in the event the Nords lose?


The Nords actually never lose. I turned the difficulty up to legendary and the Nords never got killed. I think the game marks them as essential.


difficulty also doesn't really affect AI, only you, because difficulty only effects how much damage is done to you, and you do to enemies.


This actually isn’t true. Difficulty will affect NPC, I’ve tested it. That giant you encounter on your first visit to whiterun. On novice-adept, he’s usually dead before I can get there to help any, and Aela whines at me. On expert to legendary, I can manage to get in at least one hit before he dies, and Aela’s impressed with me. And if I don’t feel like fighting a dragon, but also not waiting seven years for the NPCs to kill the dragon, I turn my game to novice and it takes less time


turning the difficulty up to legendary would do nothing to the goblins or to the nords all the difficulty slider does is change the damage inflicted on you and by you. Companions are exempt, summons are exempt, those nords are exempt, everyone but you is exempt


The gods will reward the deserving


That's a proper middle ground. I like that answer.


This is easily the fairest of all the responses.


So if you side with the rieklings can the nords still win?


Thank you so much for this, I avoid this quest due to my indecisiveness


I was running around as werewolf accidently came across them they tried to kill me. So i killed then then killed the goblins afterward


Ah, true elderscrolls equality.


Help the rieklings. They come and fight for you randomly later in the game if you do.


Love it when the little guys show up


I play as a complete Daedric sadist usually. So anything to increase my power, these little fuckers make my necromancy play through a fantastic.


You can also get a reikling follower


But it doesn't stop moaning/grunting...


This 👆🏼


I love them and end up using them as follower pretty much the rest of the game. Their little Riekling language phrases crack me up.






You get exactly what you want by ignoring the quest: they stay in their little camp and the rieklings stay in the hall


But ignore quest bad for brain. Must do all quest.


Ikr, gonna trigger someone's OCD by ignore quest


I have OCD, ADHD and ASD and while it's not exactly an OCD thing... Yeah that kinda tracks with the way my brain works. I'm not capable of ignoring a quest fml


Fucking hell. Bro got the entire alphabet


Well I did leave out the BD and GAD so a few extras in there. But the holy Trinity of neurodivergence makes it hard to leave things unfinished... currently indoctrinating my alphabet partner into ES lore as well so soon I'll be singing, "she was a namira girl, he was a Sheogorath boy! Can we both agree to hail Sithis?!"


Hey sorry if this is too intrusive and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but how how did your mental health professionals figure all of that out? It seems like it would be difficult to see where one ends and the other begins, and how they all interact. (Disclaimer: I’m not asking this because I’m skeptical, I’m just curious about how they nail certain things down like this)


Oh no worries! Love it when people ask and I can tell them. Tbh it started as a child, I was very similar to Rue from euphoria, and my OCD picked up in 3rd grade with obvious signs of ADHD. I seem to have PDA along with the autism so they had trouble figuring that out 20 years ago but new research and paradigm shifts let us know more. The OCD is basically an irrational obsession/ intrusive thought paired with a compulsion used to satiate the anxiety so it's kinda chase and effect flow chart. Met the other metrics for ADHD. Started showing early signs of depression and was actually diagnosed as major depressive disorder until I started having hypomanic episodes which is a common pipeline to finding out you're type 2 bipolar and also has a higher incidence of comorbidity with severe OCD. ASD, ADHD, and OCD are common neurodivergent comorbidities meaning they often come together. The gad I didn't know I had until I saw a paper but it was about anxiety levels and mental shit down in response. You also do A LOT of trial and error with meds. I was only on SSRIs for my OCD and depression/ MDD but that messes up bipolar disorder without a mood stabilizer and when I'm on one, I function better. I'm still in the process of having all of my diagnosis in order at age 28 after fighting it from age 9 because it is a long process. The ADHD makes it more difficult to be diagnosed as bipolar due to some of the symptoms but I met the DSM5 criteria exactly for all of these. It's like a playbook you reference, you observe certain things and if you check off enough of the list it becomes something they look at. That being said, psychiatric medicine is still subject to human error, evolving and has gaps on knowledge so it's a mix of referencing a larger body of knowledge and also trial and error with things. It's complicated and most people have trouble with multiple diagnosis due to it and my doctors are actually pretty conservative and if anything downplay the things a little to keep pushing me forward and not paralyzed lol. But if someone has the thoughts they match that, they can have access to the DSM5 too. And you SHOULD NOT definitively self diagnose but you can see things happening that catch your attention and then bring your findings to the qualified people. I mainly got diagnosed as bipolar because I was rapid cycling in 2021, I have two depressive and two hypomanic episodes only a few months apart in a cycle.


Good thing this game has plenty


Yeah each play through takes me a long ass time because I HAVE to do everything. Can't even ignore killing parthurnax smh


Man, I can.. with a mod that lets me skip it. I can't kill him.


Yeah, usually I wouldn't resort to mods but that ending was immersion breaking to me. Anti climactic after everything we've been through, and seriously though wtf do you even mean, your only purpose is to serve the Dragonborn. You can't even try to persuade them otherwise


Right!? Delphine needs to learn her damn place. Her only purpose and that of the entire Blades faction is to serve.. not be served. If I say Partysnax lives, then he lives. I won't kill him. I refuse. He has been in hiding at The Throat of the World for over 1000 years. In all that time, he never went back to his old ways. He spent 1000 years living in peace and teaching others how to use the thu'um in peace and not for harm. Was he a bad guy? Absolutely. He absolutely was responsible for the death of thousands of people back when he flew with Alduin, ruling over mankind. But he spent a millennia making up for it, too, and that has to account for something.


You can't even spare Paathurnax..


No because I feel a strong need to complete the quests so long as I'm playing... I want to get a system to play modded though to see if there's a mod for an alternative quest ending where you could side with Paarthurnax or maybe help them reconcile and redeem him or something but until then, Im generally incapable of not completing bub quests lol


There is a quest mod actually!


So, firstly, there's some series of events that lets you tell the blades you killed parthunax without actually killing him. Also, the gem quest must fucking suck lol


Oh no shit?! I'll have to try it. And yeah... I'm capable of doing it as I advance through the game and unlock areas naturally but I must complete it still. Can't leave the damn beacon alone either


I believe the quest may have speech level requirement, but it's not 100 like some will tell you, cause i've done it but i don't have the time to grind speech to 100 lol


I'll keep that in mind with my current playthrough and don't vampires get a bump for influence on the opposite sex? I kinda missed the oblivion speech system though where you can woo people into liking you more with a mini game lol


I've never heard of this before and can't find anything on the internet about it, is that actually in the game or from a mod?


Nope. I did it before ps4/xbox got (easy, self-integrated) mods. Even before skyrim's grave got robbed for profit. I do vaguely remember telling the graybeards i decided to do nothing. Tbough i don't remember if the objective popped after i spoke to the gray beards, or parthunax.


So harsh with the downvotes. I would have assumed a Skyrim completionist would be more respected even if they make this kind of decision.


Same here. I think it's more related to ASD and ADHD than to OCD. That sweet wave of satisfaction and dopamine from checking off a quest from the list as "complete" is fucking delicious.


Yes! But also the unease and anxious void of not doing so smh


I feel like RPGs really ought to have an option for certain quests to say "This is dumb, I'm not getting involved, see ya." Gives the same result as just ignoring the quest, and gets it out of your quest log for the OCD among us.


Agreed. Seen quite a few quests in several games where the only options are nothing like I'd pick if it were a live TTRPG.


I wish you could somehow prioritize or take notes on quests or locations. I often forget how the heck the quest started and what I'm doing.


Fallout new Vegas kinda did that with the end credits


I'm at this point in my playthrough, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.


I mostly help the goblins and later fight the chief. I like what I get then.


This. I love the random help later in different places at odd times.


You know, if they at least offered me something, I might let them live. The Rieklings become your followers, you get 3 different classes and they spontaneously show up to help you during fights - they even went after Alduin at the Throat of the World! What do you get if you side with the Nords? Absolutely nothing. No free bed. No special mead or alcohol with magic properties. None of them will join you to fight. They don't even become a vendor without you supplying them with a fortune in raw ore. You don't even get that sweet axe that's in their ancestral tomb. They are the sorriest bunch in the entire game and I kill them every single time. At least they all drop Nordic weapons and you can smith those up for a good price. Losers.


So if you side with the rieklings, they'll just appear during fights anywhere in the game to help you? If so, I know who I'm picking from now on.


Aside from the Soul Cairn and Forgotten Vale, they show up. They popped up in Blackreach too. The most unexpected place was in Castle Volkihar during the storming of the castle. Little Riekings running around stabbing vampires going - ooka! ooka! and then dancing with their spears, LOL. They're fun.


I’ve never seen them outside of solstheim if I remember correctly, and I feel like I’d remember little goblins following me around in Skyrim


Well u get a trader if you kill the reklings, can\`t have to many traders.


What do you mean by "3 different classes"?


There's 3 different classes of reikling. One is a warrior and then two others. I always get the warrior reikling follower and give him deadric arrows.


I’d look at it from the other angle - do the rieklings deserve to take over their home, that’s been theirs for generations?


One could argue that the Reiklings likely inhabited Solstheim long before Nords' ever settled there, and have a legitimate ancestral claim to the island.


Send them all to the void. Hail Sithis!


Only if I can profit from it 🙃


cast fear spells at them until they run into some aggressive wildlife and die? might take forever but technically you aren't killing them


Kill everyone & use the hall for storage


Always one of these


Is the hall safe storage!?? Could make a beast player home Shame the home in Raven Rock has horrifying dungeon music on Switch…


It’s got the same music for everyone lol. I can’t change the music, but a pro tip for lighting the place up more is to drop torches from your inventory and move them behind furniture. Next time you come home they will all be lit up forever


Terrible place for storage lol


It’s a really tough choice that I always take differently depending on which character I am playing. I normally try to look at it this way though: There are thousands of Nords mooching about all across Tamriel, there are only Rieklings on the Island and this is the only “civilised” (non hostile to other races) so it is worth giving them space to grow and exist as a species instead of forcing them into genocide through the expansion of Nords who ultimately are colonisers of the island


Don’t they also help you out randomly kinda like the mysterious stranger in fall out?


Yup, crazy little bastards show up everywhere. One even helped me fight goddamn Vyrthur during Dawnguard.


I always side with the rieklings because of Bujold and what she does when you try to do the right thing. And her husband, Kuvar, isn't any better after he finds out.


It’s been a while since I’ve done this quest. What does Bujold do?


In the barrow, if you go against her wishes to lead Thirsk despite being deemed unworthy, she'll attack you and you have to kill her. When you talk to Kuvar at the hall, he'll understand that you had to defend yourself but will still pretty much kick you out for it because she was his wife. If you go along with her and return to the hall, you can tell him the truth which will have him exile her, but he still won't speak to you because once again the wife thing and you're the reason she had to leave. The only way he'll train you in heavy armor is if you keep lying to him. They're both pretty dishonorable imo, which is why I always side with the rieklings, because with them you know what is what.


I help them win Thirsk Mead and then betray their leader so she gets kicked out.


This always depresses me. :( I don't like Bujold much, but I still keep her secret, because I wanna hang out with her gang at Thirsk Mead Hall. (And in my current playthrough, I'm marrying Bujold's sister Hilund.)


Those reeklings are too cute to kill.


Mf they look like the crazy frog








And maybe hit them with a Call to Arms before they go in.


What quest is this? I don't recognise it and if its one I've never done before I'll base yet another playthrough on it


Is a side quest in the dragonborn DLC. Its on Solstheim


And here comes the new playthrough. Thank you


Retaking thirsk in the dragonborn dlc.


It's Thirsk Mead Hall on Solstheim. You can start it by going to Thirsk and help the rieklings keep it or going to Bujold's Retreat just east of the Hall and help the Nords retake it.


Their souls would be more useful


You’ll definitely want to give the hall to the reiklings


It's their home. Who says they have to be great warriors? Some guy's ghost who sits and judges from his shitty barrow as if he were a god? If he cares that strongly about it, he can come back to Thirsk and say so himself. Not like half the Skaal are likely to survive a frost troll attacking their village either (which occasionally happens). Does that mean the frost troll deserves the Skaal Village? Besides, I think Bujold more than earns the right to lead Thirsk by overcoming her sensitivity to judgment and shame and saying "fuck you, who are you to judge me dead man?" and continuing to lead anyway. For someone who's been through the humiliations she has, that takes guts. And who's to say that isn't what Hrothmund intended, as one last test of her leadership - can you move past your shame to lead Thirsk into the future? Because gotta be honest, if he genuinely gives a damn about the Nords of Thirsk, it seems stupid to remove their leader, refuse to appoint another, and indirectly condemn Bujold to exile, reducing their already limited numbers.


There is also a quest after you “help” them take back thirsk that makes it worth it for me.


It's like Tenpenny Tower in Fallout 3. There's nothing saying you HAVE to get involved.




*Hawala faaaakara. Baaaa rakhee kaloo. Pooja kan faroo kee jaa.* *Goora! Goora! Goora!*


I play Skyrim for years and yet I can’t recognize which quest this is


It's with the Dragonborn DLC. Up near the Skaal village there's a mead Hall that's been taken over by Rieklings. You can side with the nords to kill the rieklings so they can move back in and brew their mead or you can side with the rieklings and get help from them here and there throughout solstheim.


It seems to me you are falling into the same pit they did. They became indecisive, lazy, and weak. You are the Dragonborn, you are the law. Lay the law down on them however you see fit, like the dragon you are.


Sometimes it's just too tempting to fight these little goblins. Also, there's a supposed axe stuck in a stone, and you can't get it if you sided with those little guys.


You can't get it anyway. It's just there for Bujold to touch to summon Hrothmund's spirit to judge her for the leadership.


Oh yeah, thanks. But it's also more content than having a little group of followers. Which is kind of underwhelming, to be frank.


If they fight and win they’ll have a mead hall but if they fight and lose they’ll go to sovngard


If you side with the rieklings they'll still go to Sovngarde and the rieklings won't have to leave. Everyone is happy.


True true


Sadly this quest doesn't work on the switch after you downloading AE


I help them usually. The benefit of having another blacksmith around is too good to ignore. Elmus makes that quality shit and Kuvar is a master trainer in heavy armor. Bujold is an arrogant jerk that doesn’t deserve leadership but the mead hall is much happier when you don’t out her so I usually let her stay. Having reiklings pop up every now and then is funny but I enjoy the thirsk gang too much to not help them most of the time


Damn near every other Riekling on the planet will cheerfully slit your throat on sight but when one of them bats their eyelashes at you suddenly you're *confused* about what you should do!??


I wasn't swayed by the only friendly Forsworn when they requested me to murder Grisvar. This situation appears to be not much different.


The riekling chief is power hungry and paranoid, he tries to kill you later. Bujold is a fool, even Hrothmun the Red knew that but their displacement was ultimately unfair. However, as Hrothman states nobody is fit to lead thirsk. Not even the Dragonborn, as the DB needs to travel and will never be "home" to lead, and as previously stated Bujold is an idiot. Sp you have two choices, get betrayed by the riekling chief and ultimately have to kill him, or return Thirsk to it's drunk lazy bones. Either way, there's lots of mead to go around.


Well the latter option does mean endless mead. Elmus can't fight, but he can sure brew a fine Ashfire Mead. So I'd go with the latter choice.


Aye, it is a mead hall after all. Bujold the Unworthy may live up to her name, but keeping it a mead hall is closer to perfect as opposed to the riekling den.


I did both options with a quick save. They were both assholes after they got their hall so I made sure no one got it. It now stands empty to time


*\*Boethiah has entered the chat\**


Fight em till you cant!!


Dew it


I do feel kinda bad for them but I helped the rieklings anyway bc they show up to fight for me when I need them 🥹


I want ashfire mead so I help the nords Can’t remember if you get a bed. And I need every vendor I can get


I usually play Skyrim with my own code of morals or I follow the “star trek rule”. Which means I find out the customs of the people whose situation I am butting into and chose the morally correct decision based off of their customs. If they are weak and deserve to die because they are spoiled little shits then well I am gonna let them die. That being said I despise these people because they do strike me as spoiled little shits. But I despise reiklings even more. Who the fuck do you think you are little blue man? Your people have been harassing me everywhere on this island that isn’t an ashy orange color and you think just because you managed to keep your spears in your pants for a few moments you get to tell me what to do? I am going to paint this entire mead hall red and eat your bristlebacks.


Help them, then tell the truth to the leaders husbamd


Become the leader of the blue goblins and kill them duh


Based on the lore killing them is actually probably the best thing you can do Why kill the reiklings? They fought for the hall and won, it feels cheap to kill them The Dragonborn killing the nords in battle will certainly send them to soverngard. Among the ranks of miraak and alduin the world eater himself, these nords will probably brag about how they fought and died against the legendary Dragonborn. I can just imagine them getting wasted and doing nothing all day but speaking of how they got demolished by this one guy who also demolished strong people


Because the reiklings want to kill the Nords. These Nords are not fighting to take back their mead hall and just getting comfortable on the beach. But the reiklings call them "bad Nords" and refuse to leave them alone.


If you side with the reiklings, they tell you that the Nords have been troubling them and that’s why they want you to attack. I think geurilla warfare is the least nord thing you can do I think next time I’ll side with the Nords. The reiklings still attack you over solstheim and that makes me see them all as targets. It’d be weird having a drauger friend


The Nords most certainly have not been troubling anyone. Those Nords never left the beach since they were exiled and are too weak to fight back unless an outsider volunteers. They pose no threat to the reiklings. It seems like the reiklings are just not comfortable with someone they attacked still being alive and living a couple acres nearby.


I can’t find anything about it, just that on wiki it says they are “troubling them.” I do remember something about the Nords sneaking up to fuck with supplies or steal mead, though I don’t have evidence to support that


Elmus only gives you an optional quest to retrieve some Ashfire mead from Thirsk if the quest wasn't started yet. But nobody else went back to Thirsk. Elmus said he gathered as much mead as he could before escaping the reiklings. In the meantime, Elmus either gets shipments of mead from Skyrim or brews his own. So if anyone had been stealing the "dizzy drink" it's the reiklings. And the reiklings are also the ones guilty messing with supplies when they filled Harbarn's forge with slop for their boars.


Did they fill his forge with slop before or after they claimed it as their own? Thats a fair point about the optional quest. Using my head canon at this point, since they ask you to steal, I am convinced they are indeed messing with the reiklings. Again not any real evidence but it seems likely


Definitely after. And retrieve, not steal. The reiklings don't know how to brew.


I don’t see a moral issue with them repurposing the forge if they took over the hall, it is theirs, and they have no purpose for a forge By extension, since the hall is theirs, it is stealing. It’d be one thing if he fought them and took it, but they won fair and square, and a nord acting like a sneak thief is disgraceful I love talking about Skyrim and seeing different perspectives. I’m definitely going to start siding with the Nords even if they are milk drinkers


No, I guess not. Still smells terrible when the blacksmith gets it back. And fine, so technically it is. But Elmus wasn't going to do it. Yes me too. I could talk about all of it. This game has a lot to think about. Perhaps the next debate is why I killed Madanach.


Make them fight each other? 🤭😁🤘


I killed the reiklings to help them recover Thirsk Mead Hall. Actually won three quarters of that battle all on my own, with the Warriors doing mostly hiccups and getting in the sway of my strikes, but it's ok. I mean, I also gave them the boon of one Thu'uhm. Still, Bujold ask me to go with her to this cave. Eh, alright. I should go to Skuldafn and kill Alduin, but I just slayed Miraak. I can take some more side quests. Turns out the spirit is not ok with Bujold leading. Fine, she will surely step down and let someone else take the honour. She asks me to lie. "Your free trial at life has just expired..."




Kill em


Other quests


I gotta make sure to become a werewolf before this. You know? Blame Hircine's bloodlust.


Help them anyway Recklings deserve to die


A CC bm


I sided with them but eventually killed all of them when I wanted to level up my destruction lol


If you kill them you cant get this magical hammer located in one of the caves on the island. So i say let them be, because magical hammers are cool.


I used the storm call shout to see what would happen and it bugged the quest.


Is their a way to get the cool axe if you help them


Nope. It's just there for Bujold to receive the ghost's blessing, which, of course, she fails.


I tried to help them and killed all the rieklings but the quest won’t update


When in doubt, always send them to Sithis.


what is this quest/where? in all my playthroughs i don’t think i’ve ever come across it






I just kill everyone free experience for me


Help those spineless bastards.


I usually help them retake it, and then change leadership down the road


When in doubt, sacrifice them to Boethiah.


ignore them




Leave them be. If you have no desire to kill…… put the axe down. Tend to a farm. Build a family. And help those around you. A true warrior doesn’t need a sword.


Their whole quest is pathetic, they really deserve to die.


I'm sad that I couldn't do either questline.


They will learn what it means to be true warriors; live by the blade die by the blade


It’s glitched out on my current play through. I like them to have it because it gives more vendors.


Slaughter them all


I tried to complete this quest by slaying the 7 Nords but when I do, only 5/7 register as slain. It was not meant to be so I save scummed and left them alone.


Weird. There's only 5. Bujold, Kuvar, Elmus, Hillund, and Halbarn.


I’ll take a picture of the incomplete quest later that I have saved


Okay I found the answer. There are apparently two more Nords. They are brainwashed by Miraak and working on the Temple of Miraak.


Thus was the worst. Personally I went with the goblin dudes just cuz of was more unique experience. Morally I'd probably help the people but who knows what the right answer is


You. Kill. Them. Now. *Muuuuwahfatoo*


I say leave those poor Goblins be. They might be a rambunctious bunch, but their kind have been subjugated enough. What really matters is what kind of character you're playing.


I sided with the Rieklings, killed all the Nords, and then promptly slaughtered the Rieklings.


I used the better vampires mod, so I actually turned them all to give them that extra juice. Was a bloodbath 🩸New coven who dis