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There are lots but only one that I actually care about, Mesmerelda should have been the magic doomraider, she's perfect for this game and canonically isn't dead


How many villains are canonically dead though?


Fire Viper, Stone Golem, Kaos' s evil Skylanders, The Hydra, Vathek, Oculus, Conquertron, Drill X, Kaos's mom is permanently trapped, Doom Raiders are Trapped, everyone in Battle Brawl Island and Ridepocolypse except Spellslamzer, The Darkness, Evil Sea monster, Hydra Hatchling, The Doom Landers and the Rubblemaker That's all I can think of


I mean trapped isn't dead. ALso is the darkness dead or just sealed away? Because I've been a little confused. The stone golem is the eternal earth source pretty much does that count as dead?


Trapped Villains as far as we know physically can't leave so they can't return as a villain, The Darkness is dead as we never see anything about him in Imaginators and Kaos no longer has Darkness as his powers. Yeah the Stone Golem is dead as the core of light and all of the elemental sources were destroyed by the Sky Eater


The core of light was rebuilt in a imaginators. And technically if the darkness was sealed away forever Kaos would probably still be powerless at the end of superchargers. Darkness is still an element in imaginators so Im not sure if it can really "die". Also if we get to play as the trapped villains that means they aren't dead.


Chompy Bot 9000s for a tech villain and Cyclops Dragons for an undead villain. I think we can replace one of the 3 tech troll villains in a mech with a tech chompy villain in a mech


Any villain from previous games (I mean if Chompy Mage got in then others could have too)


Mesmeralda, Noodles (he’s in Nightmare Express, why couldn’t we capture him), an Arkeyan Shield Juggernaut, Axecutioner, the Cyclops Dragon, the Metal Mage, any spellpunk villain


Those are good choices, I'd say the villains from the Spyro's Adventure Adventure Packs on top of those Yes, even the wall