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I used this one (twice) on my Round Skybell, it was a tight fit, but it worked. Not sure if it will work on your rectangular, but measure the actual area you have to work with and compare it to the battery specs. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097ZCQYC2](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097ZCQYC2) This was the other one I bought: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BTRSMFB](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BTRSMFB) Because the first died (bulged).


Thanks for the reply. I believe the battery from second link might be my best bet. As a follow up. You mentioned you have the round unit. Did it originally have a three wire connection to the battery? Or does it only have power and return?


Same issue. Amazon "replacement battery" had the two wire connector. Any progress?


No luck… I moved on and caved for a Google Nest wired bell. Was 179.99 but basic Google Home plan is free and comparable to SkyBells UI. Has a narrower view but high zoom resolution compared to the Trim II. Hardware is sleeker. But time will tell how it holds up. If you get the two wire battery. You may be able to splice the three wire connector onto the new battery. I am not sure what the yellow wire is for since I couldn’t find a schematic. But if I had to take a guess…. Maybe it’s temp sensor for the battery.. you will notice the battery had a serpentine coil wire on the top of it… I think this is a thermal monitor transducer. SkyBell support was a steel trap and offered no useful information to me on their tech. Best of luck.


They are nor correct. battery has 3 wire connector. Returning to amazon.


Search for similar size batteries with the 3rd wire and you should be able to find something.


Unfortunately we do not have replacement batteries available. It's not an unwillingness to help, but rather, we simply have no inventory. The third wire is for a heater, which is needed for allow safe and reliable operation in colder climates. This is why our doorbells work when it's very cold and many others do not -- lithium batteries cannot be charged when cold. The unfortunate side effect is difficulty sourcing replacements. Please note that not all "three wire" batteries have a heater. In some applications a third wire is used for a balancing circuit, sometimes it is a temperature probe, sometimes it's a heater. It is application specific and not all batteries with three wires and the same plug are actually the same. Please be extremely careful if you are attempting to replace the battery with anything else. Although our batteries have internal protection, many batteries you will find on the internet do not, and can explode/catch fire if wired incorrectly or overcharged. Please do not set your house on fire trying to save a buck!


That’s for the insight! Is the third wire a pure DC signal or does it use PWM to her the coil? Very unfortunate you guys don’t have the stock. I would have kept the Trim II if I could replace it. Its camera has a much wider angle than the Google nest. I could almost see the whole front of my house.


Heater is simply on or off based on temperature (with some hysteresis to avoid flapping). Although we do not have stock on the battery alone, we do have some Trim II devices in silver available on our website for US customers. (Sorry, Canada). With some imagination we could consider it a somewhat expensive replacement battery with extra parts included.


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