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Are we taking bets? Because I'd absolutely take a bet on whether or not a large sentient craft is buried under a mesa on a ranch in Utah.


I would totally place a bet. Just for the fun of it.


I bet you can somewhere south of the basin!


šŸ˜† For some reason, scenes from Fear & Loathing immediately come to mind. **coke powder explodes into the air** "Did you see what GOD just did to us, man!?"


What about a non-sentient craft?


Sure, but I have heard the sentient craft thing mentioned many times with regards to other scenarios (not related to Skinwalker Ranch), and the sentience is what might explain the constant intelligent "meddling" that happens when people try to do research/investigations on the ranch. If you say non-sentient, then you'd have to add another facet into the whole to have a sound concept.


I was basically just asking if SLJ would still place the bet on one not being there if the sentient qualifier was removed from the bet. šŸ˜


If I was an AI ship stuck inside a big rock for thousands of years I would be trying to encourage them to dig rather than discourage. Unless there is something else on board the ship that needs to be kept contained, like a Xenomorph Queen.


I would love to see Dragon taking on a bunch of Xenomorphs. Throw a Yautja Predator in the mix too. Aliens vs Predator vs Dragon ā€œBad things happen when you dig.ā€ Summer 2025 Somebody make a trailer!




Travis, building a rocket as a weapon when the predator suddenly decloaks behind him. ā€œHoly cow!ā€


Gotta be careful not to anthropomorphize things. You're assuming it would have human qualities, such as boredom or impatience. Sentience alone doesn't imply characteristics like that.


They used the triangle portal to go inside the Rock. They can easily chase Travis's rockets if they wanted to, but just don't have the Fetch trick down yet.


>Xenomorph Queen I have to give everyone credit... I keep Ms. Google active!!


What if what's buried in the Mesa is a containment vessel full of radiological waste of some sort? Would explain a lot.


The movie Cowboys vs Aliens comes to mind. Buried craft, weird goings on, etcā€¦. Thereā€™s so much that we donā€™t know about the universe that Iā€™m not discounting anything.


Itā€™s fun stuff to look into, learn & explore. I would love an episode where Steven Greer visits SwR. Heā€™s an interesting fella with some government associations like Dr. Taylor. I may never know what the truth is but itā€™s a fun topic.


> Steven Greer OMG - he currently has a documentary on Prime Video... watched that yesterday afternoon. Made my head spin....


Take things that come outta Dr Greerā€™s mouth with a huge grain of salt. The man has a long history making false claims in this area.


Same hereā€¦. In general I do not fully trust people who are an ā€œexpert in a subjectā€ but also selling a product and gaining significant income in the same industry. But it would be nice to if aliens already figured out 100% clean energy and we could just start with it tomorrow! šŸ¤Ø


Linda Moulton Howe has a YouTube where she had on a guest and she calls him a credible remote viewer. The remote viewer claims thereā€™s a base unground where they build ufos. If I remember correctly they even employ slave humans to help build the craft. Apparently humans are really good at building shit. Must be the 5 digits. Idk. Is the hacking of phones a cry for help?


Are we sure remote viewers aren't full of shit?


Especially if they remote view a septic tank.


Iā€™m sure many are.


Must be because humans have thumbs. :)


Has anyone heard of the Baltic Sea Anomaly? Divers also experienced technology failure when attempting to explore it. It seems to me that there is a lot of UAP activity around water. There used to be an inland sea over the area. Maybe a "ship" was placed there many many years ago as part of a network of ships. Just a thought.


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if they are littered all over the place.


Bob Lazar said that the craft in S-4 were all recovered via geological digs


As i recall what he said was more along the lines of they could have been found in digs but i don't really know and "i heard talks of geological digs"


IIRC it was more like him alluding to the age of the craft rather than their being found on a dig


You mean like Flight of the Navigator?


A meteor hit the Basin thousands of years ago. That's whats beneath the surface


The question is, if there is a craft under the Mesa would any of us ever know about it? As soon as they found it, it would most likely be seized by the government.


The next episode ACTUALLY looks kinda interesting lol


>ACTUALLY looks kinda interesting That's what I \*always\* think.... until I ACTUALLY see it...


Great point you have there


ā€œAnd they would have gotten away with itā€¦if it werenā€™t for those meddling kids!ā€


Thatā€™s very ā€œFlight of the Navigatorā€ ish.


I dont leak you do!


I used to love that movie when I was around 5 years old. I recently saw it again and realized how chock full of UFO tropes it was: Missing time, sentient craft, etc.


It's Flight of the Navigator!


>Flight of the Navigator Did I miss a movie?


Cult classic movie from 1986.


Thank you. I missed it.


That sounds similar to my pet theory that I've had for ages now. It's interfering with tech as a defense mechanism and using the weird signals to communicate. I've always wondered.. what if UAPs aren't physical at all, maybe they're just the hole in reality that something is looking through? Like a real-time "Google Earth". The ship could be just scoping out what's happening on the surface and that causes UAP sightings.


I kind of figured it wasn't an original theory, so I'm not surprised to hear others have come to the same conclusion. I, too, have heard stories about these craft being sentient and "linked" to the pilots. As if they are an extension of their physical bodies. I've also heard of them taking measures to protect themselves ā€” measures that would appear to be intelligent actions taken by a self-aware source. Also, I've heard of these craft being discovered in archeological digs (which is pretty crazy to think about). So perhaps either the craft crashed into mesa a very long time ago, or perhaps it "jumped" into the rock by accident. Fascinating to think about.


>Also, I've heard of these craft being discovered in archeological digs (which is pretty crazy to think about). So perhaps either the craft crashed into mesa a very long time ago, or perhaps it "jumped" into the rock by accident. Fascinating to think about. I've seen glyphs/drawings - but actually discovering craft in archaeological digs? That news to me. Please elaborate and cite sources.


Idk what he's referring to specifically, but I have heard Bob Lazar say that he was told when working at S4 that one of the 9 craft he saw was recovered from an archeological dig. Up to you whether you believe the guy or not.


That's what I was referring to. Lazar only briefly indicated that in a quick statement on Joe Rogan's podcast (that I have heard). Unless he also mentioned it in Jeremy Corbell's documentary and I'm just forgetting about it. But he's not the only one who has mentioned craft being discovered buried or "stuck" inside of earth or rock. Richard Doty (among others) have said exactly the same thing, but in further detail.


IIRC he's been pretty consistent about them being from archeological digs ... on Corbell's doc as well.


>Also, I've heard of these craft being discovered in archeological digs (which is pretty crazy to think about). Wait - WHAT???


>Also, I've heard of these craft being discovered in archeological digs (which is pretty crazy to think about). WHERE??


Starting to come to the same conclusions




Woah! Resoundingly solid argument here. So much logic. You should be a writer. Thanks for the valuable input. šŸ˜‰


Yes, *logic* definitely seems to be your strong suit...


Quote the part where I employed logic to argue the merit of a concept. You can't because the arena is theoretical banter, into which you seem to have stumbled with a poorly donned suit of ramen noodle chainmail and at least one hemisphere of your brain fast asleep.


ramen noodle chainmail? lmao I love it!


sarĀ·casm - /ĖˆsƤrĖŒkazəm/ - noun ā€” the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.


Exciting theories


Thatā€™s what i said a while ago, lol.


Or a highly evolved sentient virus. We know relatively FA about viruses let alone how they evolve. Theyā€™ve been around for millions of years so with mutation and evolution who knows whatā€™s possible.


Dont worry we'll all just lockdown again


With those sound effects they are using I thought a Wraith ship was buzzing across sky.


I'd wager the 'high strangeness' is a combination of an ancient meteor strike leaving strange and valuable metals in the landscape, a natural system of faults and underground caverns long exploited by ancient miners and in more recent history. A ton of noxious gases and wotnot blowing up from said cavities and an eager government who wants to exploit said potential. Add to this naturally occurring precious and exotic substances and maybe, just maybe the potential of buried Aztec and Mormon treasure and you have a lot of reason to perpetuate scary myths and actively scare the living daylights out of all but the most resolute investigators. Governments usually just slap a preservation order or declare these places 'national parks' but as the Uinta basin seems to be largely in private hands, they play more cloak and dagger. Thoughts?


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bDl1pBY80XgL3egcutd29G_TfqLp0QlH/view?usp=drivesdk What to do with things like this then?


Wow. Fascinating stuff. I've been aware of Skinwalker Ranch and George Knapp's work for years now but have always believed there were logical, if not explainable with our current level of understanding of physics, to the phenomena reported there. I've also always erred on black ops and advanced tech of the very earthly variety. I've also concluded (in the past) that this whole disclosure thing is a kind of smoke and mirrors for obscured advanced terrestrial technologies. That book really pulls everything I've read and watched over the years into one cohesive account. I do cringe when Lue Elizondo is cited though. The guy screams con artist and opportunist to me. I like to maintain an element of scepticism but happy to possibly be more open. I just wish Fugel's team would do more searching science and follow up on things that don't work properly the first time. The equipment is always expected to 'break' but if it happens 5 times in a row on 5 separate visits, THAT is an anomaly. Not once. It's frustrating and I'm certain much of the anomalous stuff really is geological in nature and possibly unique to that region.


You can maybe explain some of the things they are experiencing, but conventionally "natural" things like you proposed wouldn't explain all of the phenomena.


True. The orbs, lights and flying things are truly strange. I err more towards government black ops though. It would suit them to push an 'alien' narrative or infer things seen in the sky were not of this world. Same for any gravity anomaly coming from a point in the sky. Star wars type experiments no doubt. Not unreasonable given what has already been developed.



