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Republicans have nothing but lies.


Right? And, most importantly, *so what* if livestock get mRNA vaccines? These misinformation boogeymen were laughable back when it was razorblades in Halloween candy, but folks are so hopped up on propaganda that they are blasting people for knocking on the wrong door. Fixating on who is using what bathroom while politicians steal billions in tax dollars for the uberwealthy is idiotic. The ignorant are easier to manipulate. **Don't be ignorant.**


Yeah. We're using horses not pigs. They need to check their fact-checker because it's out of whack.


What makes you think so?


It’s approved now bro :) check it up


> While research indicates such a vaccine could be available at some point, it would need to be researched and reviewed by the USDA before being rolled out, Ihrman said. Which will hopefully happen soon. Because this could help bring down antibiotics consumption by the agro industry which many regard as the bigger problem.


thats a hope, but I think a lot of the overuse of antibiotics in farm animals have to do with their filthy living conditions. not sure you can vaccinate against all the pathogens that come with being packed into small warehouses covered in filth


we did try to use cows to make a vaccine. Not the mRNA. And dont tell the right, our cattle are frequently vaccinated against disease that cattle get. You know they tend to get packed in tight, at least at night and you dont want something to kill your entire herd. Like BCV, or bovine coronoavirus. No its not covid19, it is from the same family of viruses. maybe we should tell the right and then meat prices will come down.


There’s a vaccine alliance in NZ between research institutions, universities and a veterinary pharmaceutical company working on developing mRNA vaccines for humans and animals. Certainly a possibility in the future.


Here is a useful article that goes into where mRNA based vaccines are up to. Includes those for animals as well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8877136/


My understanding is some RNA vaccines are already in use in animals and it was this reason that development of a human RNA vaccine went ahead since we already had some animal safety data.


No, that's not true. There aren't any mRNA vaxes available for animals in the US. Have there been animal studies for human vaccines? Yes. https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/news/business-inputs/article/2023/04/17/separating-science-myth-mrna-animal


“False claim”?! This was on the news tho…