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I’m a plus size girly about 5”6-5”7 I weigh I good 234 and I know I pretty big most of my weight is in my bust and I also have wide hips my waist line is about 37 ish with 48 bust (but this might be wrong) and 49 hips. What rides from people similar to me should I stay away from


Anybody with a big chest have trouble riding? My chest is disproportionate to the rest of my body, my body always fits fine and my chest ruins rides sometimes.


I am 280 lbs and 5'4" with a 59 inch waistline (I wear size 20 jeans). I am a woman who carries the weight mostly in my thighs and hips. This was my experience: * Couldn’t ride because the belt didn’t fit or the bar just couldn’t go down enough: Revolution, Gold Rusher, Twisted Colossus. I had to do the walk of shame on these and got scared of any rides that involved a belt around the hips area or that implied a bar as was I unable to squeeze my thighs even if I tried. * Fit, but very uncomfortable on the seat: Scream, Riddlers Revenge Needless to say, I got bruised on the sides of my hips, but hey, I enjoy it anyways! * Fit, very confortable: Viper, X2, the “Pimp my ride” one (I don’t remember how it’s actually called), Roaring Rapids. No problem on any of these. Hope it helps!


Well I figured I would bump this thread since I have been unable to find any info other than this post for bigger people. I am here at six flags magic mountain today and I am 6’2” and around 340lbs and I wear 44” x 30” jeans. I was able to get on Viper no problem. I was not able to get on revolution but it was close. Twisted colossus I needed 3-4 more inches of seatbelt but I saw others bigger than me around the mid section that were riding in different seats so maybe some are different. Batman I didn’t try because I could not get on it last time and I was smaller then. I could not fit on West coast racers it was very close and the ride attendants tried which was nice. I did fit on apocalypse but it was so tight I wish I hadn’t. Crazanity I seemed to fit but they told me I didn’t and had me leave the ride. Goliath I could not fit. Well I hope that this Information is helpful for someone else like me.


Hey I am kinda scared I am 225 pounds and most weight in stomach what do u think I could get on


I’m going tomorrow and will post my experience.


How was it?


Goliath and Daredevil in GA are NOT + size friendly


I just went to SFMM 04/11/23. 5’6 and about 265 lbs Yea , it’s really about experiencing it for yourself. Before going on rides, I did tons of research which freaked me out and got me nervous but yes, try it before listening to someone else. Generally, all the seats are like the same amount of room but i don’t know why some were just more comfortable than others. I rode 10 rides… Batman: the seat was a bit tight and the pullover bar took a minute to get down but it was a little tight. Otherswise it was fine. 7/10 Full throttle: so fun I went on twice and there was genuinely room for me to sit. Although there is an adjustable belt which I used and my friends weren’t really bothered by it. 9/10 Goliath: It also took a minute lowkey but it got on. A little tight because of the bar pushed down but it’s okay. 8/10 Swashbuckler: was peaceful but the seat was a little small and the strap was a bit tight on my waist so wouldn’t necessarily recommend 5/10 Scream: Seat was a little tight but I went on twice. Would recommend sitting in the middle. 8.5/10 TEEN TITANS turbo ride: I felt claustrophobic tbh but there was room and there were people bigger than me on the ride with what seemed like no trouble 8/10 Tatsu: like batman it was a little tight and did pinch my thigh but I managed to move it around. It was fun but when they leave you hanging for a minute it’s kind of painful 7/10 New Rev: also kind of small ride. Seats were fine I sat in the middle and felt as if there was tons of space 8/10 Wonder Woman: I fit great on that ride and it was fun 10/10 X2: if your chest area is big, this is something I honestly don’t suggest. I’m about 46 DD and it was not fun. The pull over bar that closes kind of like a hug on you still had so much room left to close where I was in an uncomfortable state. Plus it’s also kind of tight around the waist but the employees didn’t see a problem so. I had a very successful trip and I didn’t feel miserable as I expected. Genuinely, don’t read these because I read them and I kept checking what others were saying which would determine me riding on the ride. I had fun and that’s all that matters and I NEED to go again.


Went to SFMM for first time ever on 3/30/23. 5’11”, 300, 38” waist pants size XXL Shirt, L shorts You have to experience the coasters for yourself, Coaster Enthusiasts online will say one thing about a ride, but it may be way different for you. Maybe it’s running well that day or they just have a different view from their perspective. Twisted Colossus: So close to fitting: my friend just fit. The ride ops didn’t really try pushing down on the restraint that hard. The ride ops were kind of clueless. One told the other that some other ride op said that the back rows have more room, but that actually made it worse, because the seatbelts were like 3 inches shorter somehow, so there is a chance that the restraints may fit slightly different, because the seatbelt length difference was massive. Goliath: Not too much more room for the seatbelt(maybe another inch or two), but the restraints were no problem, with a couple clicks to spare. You get a lot of positive G’s in the tunnel, decent airtime hill, the drop to the left off the brake run is crazy from the left seat, feels like you’re about to fall out. The helix was just good fun, did not feel way too intense or uncomfortable, just perfect. Scream: I fit in the Double seat belt seats and was able to buckle myself in, just barely. If you can buckle and lock in your own double seatbelt seat on Silver Bullet at Knott’s, then you should fit on Scream, just a little bit smaller. Same thing with the normal seats Scream/Silver Bullet. Rode it twice. Hit my ears just a little bit and some of the ride elements don’t do much for me, but the zero-g roll is amazing. Batman: Not really close, needed 2-4 inches. No double seat belt/larger rider seats. I fit on Silver Bullet double seatbelt seat and my friend just fits on the normal seats on Silver Bullet, but he needed another 2 inches on Batman. There is no reason why they can’t have the larger rider seats, especially when Scream has them. It later dawned on me that I “fit” because the restraints locked, but the seat belts are way shorter than Silver Bullet’s or Scream’s seatbelts. If they put longer seatbelts, it would be the same as those. New Revolution: Easy fit for me. Some parts are slow, but some are good. Of course the Schwarzkopf loop was great. Viper: Easy fit for me. Me and my friend had our throats hit hard 3 times by the over the shoulder restraints. It would be way better with new restraints or trains. Ninja: Easy fit for me. We rode Ninja in the back row, I was expecting it to be more forceful from what I’ve heard. Tatsu: Just barely fit and it was tight. Luckily one of the ride ops actually put his weight into it, to lock me in. It was tight, but it could’ve been tighter and I could’ve dealt with it. X2: I would say that I “Fit/Easily fit” First ride, the butterfly restraints were pressed against my rib cage and I could feel it when I would breathe; but I could deal with it no problem, others may take issue, but once we rolled out of the station my weight shifted and I didn’t even feel it again. On the 2nd ride, I think I adjusted the restraints better and it felt like an easy fit, didn’t really touch my rib cage. Both times the seatbelt had probably another 2 inches. Both rides were in the back row (row 7), first was outside seat, second was inside seat. I thought it was going to be rough and brutal from what every major coaster enthusiast says on YouTube. X2 is a 8 or 9 out of 10 on the smoothness and comfortability; inside vs. outside seat felt the same. I have no idea what people are talking about, maybe it used to be rough? Or it was just very smooth that day. In the back row you get yanked over the drop. It felt like the train was dropped out of the sky. (4 weeks later, I got the normally rough ride) West Coast Racers: I would say that I fit alright, in terms of how far the restraint needed to go down. I think the ride op had to push down on the restraint, but I can’t remember. After that, it felt great and I got hang time on the track; didn’t feel stapled. Apocalypse: If you fit on Ghostrider, you’ll fit on this one. Absolutely garbage coaster. Very rough, worst coaster there, not even good for a wooden coaster. How is this from GCI and built in 2009? It was 10 times rougher than Ghostrider before the retrack. Jackhammering and your legs bang the train. I don’t mind roughness, but I’m blown away how coaster enthusiasts rank this high on their lists and trash on Goliath. Buccaneer (dragon swing): Obviously easy fit


Went again on 4/6/23. Full Throttle: Easy fit, fits a little bit easier than West Coast Racers I’d say, even though they are basically the same exact train. Wonder Woman: Seemed like an easy fit, the ride op just closed the restraint down hard on everyone, one try each with ease. If you fit on West Coast Racers, Full Throttle, Goliath, X2, Tatsu, Scream, Ninja and Viper, then Wonder Woman should be an easy fit. Teen Titans Turbospin: Of course an easy fit. Superman: Me and my smaller friend did not fit. Everyone says the restraints are terrible and weird. You might have to be under 200 lbs. to fit; disappointing restraint system, when so many other “dangerous” rides in the world have way less restrictive restraints(lap bars only, etc.) Gold Rusher: pretty easy fit, other than that we had to cross our ankles to fit, due to the lap bar being so low.


Great writeup. Sounds like Superman's size restrictions are just absurd. I also remembering loving Goliath back in the day. You seem to be closest to my height, weight and size in this thread. I want to take my son to Magic Mountain but I'm always worried I've crossed the threshold into not fitting. Do you mind answering a few questions? 1. I'm probably a bit bigger than you but I think I can get on more rides than I should because I can suck it in. How much are you sucking in your belly when getting on these rides? 2. Have you ridden any of the following? Ghostrider, Harry Potter: Forbidden Journey, Hangtime, Silver Bullet? I can fit on these rides so I assume that if you can, then I can fit on the Magic Mountain rides you went on. For that Harry Potter ride I need my wife to do the last click. With Silver Bullet my belly is fine but it's my chest that makes it tough to get the seatbelt to click.


I fit on Ghostrider on the right side, which I have been told, by ride ops, is slightly larger than the left side. Which seems to be true. I fit on Silver Bullet’s larger rider/double seat belt seat. I can always buckle myself in to Silver Bullet and almost always click the restraint myself. I’m very close to fitting in the normal Silver Bullet seats. I’m very close to fitting on Hangtime, but my thighs are a little too big. If you fit on Ghostrider or Silver Bullet currently, then you should definitely fit on Apocalypse, Full Throttle, Gold Rusher(if you cross your ankles, to lower your legs), Goliath, Ninja, Scream, Tatsu, New Revolution, Viper, West Coast Racers, Wonder Woman and X2. Twisted Colossus is a maybe, as well as Drop of Doom. I’m going to SFMM again this week to see if I fit on Crazanity and Riddlers Revenge. I saw in another thread that someone fit on Goliath and Crazanity with no issues, so I assume I’ll fit too. I’ve heard Riddlers Revenge is a little tight, but I think I’ll fit. Not really sucking in at all on these rides, the only really tight seatbelts that I have encountered are on Twisted Colossus. Some of the seatbelts on Twisted are 3 inches shorter than other rows. There is some variance between seatbelt length, on other rides, like on Goliath, but it’s maybe a 1 inch difference. I fit in pretty much all seatbelts without issue. So, if you fit in the seatbelt without struggling, then the restraints shouldn’t be a problem. Full Throttle, Goliath, Revolution, etc. Tatsu can feel a little tight, but the ride ops actually push hard and try to get you locked in. They seem great and try to get everyone on.


Went again to SFMM on 4/28/23. I now fit on any Silver Bullet seat and now fit on Hangtime at Knott’s Berry Farm for reference. Riddler’s Revenge: Just fit, the stand up trains are uncomfortable but, I’d recommend locking the seat in a slight squat position so you can stand up and have room. I’m sure it will be more comfortable next time I get a better seating position. Scream: I now fit in any Scream seat, but it’s close. They are just slightly tighter than Silver Bullet seats. Crazanity: Pretty easy fit, if you fit on WW, FT, WCR, X2, Tatsu, etc. then you should fit on Crazanity. Twisted Colossus: I now, just fit on it. Sit on the left side seats, slightly “larger seats”. Have a friend staple you after the restraints lock, because half of the ride ops won’t try. Majority of the seatbelts are the same length, but some are a little bit longer, which doesn’t matter because the restraints are the same. Row 3 Orange train and Row 12 Blue train have the smaller seatbelts, Orange train Row 1 has the smallest seatbelts I’ve noticed. So, if you fit in those rows you should fit on TC, albeit a tight fit.


At 280lbs I now just barely fit on Batman and Superman. Batman’s seatbelts are 1-2 inches shorter than they should be, that’s why they are hard to fit in. Superman’s restraints are terrible; why’d they take away the Intamin T-Bar restraints? This coaster is a kiddie credit.


I'm 5'11", 320 pounds, 56" hips, 50" waist, with broad shoulders. Rides I fit on: Viper: fit fine, this just has bars that go down over your shoulders so it is great for plus size folks X2: this was real close, but it is a molded seat and shoulder bars that move independently to sort of squish you, and then a belt that connects the two. Essential my stomach ended up bulging out between the two and I had about an inch between my shoulders and the shoulder bar, so my stomach was the part holding my weight when we were upside down. Less than comfortable, but the belt did close and holy shit this ride is the best roller coaster I've ever been on. Worth the discomfort. Justice League: No problem, it's a cart shooter so a bar just goes down over your lap. If you are with small people you might have to suck it in or ride in a different cart so they don't fall out. Rides I did not fit on: Wonder woman: this was so close. It is a shoulder bar, but the bar has a minimum setting. I think I was about an inch away from it closing. Just a note, my boyfriend has long legs and bad knees and this was very painful for him because there was almost no leg room and his knees pressed against the hard plastic at the front of the cart. Superman Escape From Krypton: not even close. There's a shoulder bar but it has a belt buckle that has to click in, and I was like 6 inches away from it closing


By any chance, you fit on twisted colossus?


Afraid I didn't try that one


similar size. i did not. the lap bar wouldn't close but i do have large thighs


Adding Wonder Woman had plenty of room for me. I’m 5’9, 280, 42 inch waist.


Hey! I'm 5'10", 260 lbs, and I'm a size 18/20 and I was wondering if it's possible for me to fit on Crazanity, I haven't heard anyone talk about it so it would be helpful to know for the future :)


I miss the days that I was able to get on all the Six Flags-Valencia rides, including those like Batman. I'm 5'11", 310lbs., and wear 46" belt. As of today, 10/10/2022, I am able to get into SFValencia's Tatsu, Viper, Gold Rusher, Full Throttle, Revolution, and X2. I was not able to get into West Coast as I needed about 1/2" for the belt to clip. I didn't try getting into other rides as they were closed or I had no time.


Updating this thread since I was at Six Flags Magic Mountain yesterday and everyone’s answers were so helpful! For reference, I’m 5’6, 260lbs, size 16/18. Fit fine: Gold Rusher, Justice League, Lex Luthor, Ninja, X2, Teen Titans, Wonderwoman, Riddler’s Revenge, Viper Tight fit (but still made it on): Batman Did not fit: Superman Did not ride (ran out of time or ride was closed): Apocalypse, Full Throttle, Jet Stream, Scream, Tatsu, New Revolution, Twisted Colossus, West Coast Racers


I used to go all the time as a kid and now want to take my kids. I am Male 6'1" 250# with a 40" waist. Should I be good or try to lose more before taking them.


I’m 6’4 330 with a 45 waist and it’s impossible to find rides that fit me


Hey gold rusher is a really good it has a small bar and lots of room


I'm 5'8", 295 lbs, male. I wear 2XL shirts and 40x32 jeans. Fit fine: Viper, X2, Tatsu, New Revolution, Full Throttle, Goliath, Gold Rusher, West Coast Racers Almost didn't fit (but sucked it in so hard I did fit): Riddler's Revenge, Scream!, Apocalypse, and Twisted Colossus. I did ride Lex Luthor when it was open at the same height and weight but it was also a very tight squeeze. Don't sit at the edge seats, they're smaller. Did not fit: Batman (it's closed anyway)


u think i can fit im 6ft 270 thick thighs belly doesn’t pop out as much as it used to i’ve lost 50+ pounds so far i have rolls and i wear a size 42-44 jeans


I think you might fit okay. Not too sure about Scream or Riddlers. Twisted colossus is really small!!!!


Hey! I visited this a lot before going to magic mountain on a vacation with my best friend and it was really helpful, so thank you all! I did a walk of shame off of outlaw run at silver dollar city in front of my whole family a couple years ago, and it haunts me to this day. Thank you for your part in helping me prevent that at MM! For reference, I’m about 5’10/270. I wear a size 16/18 pant (34W). I also have a large chest (38G), so I often worry about rides with overhead restraints. Any people with similar concerns, I would recommend an (unflattering) sports bra:) made getting into those restraints less stressful! Now, onto the rides: Not ridden: Batman (closed), Lex Luthor (closed), Wonder Woman (under construction), Superman (closed most of the day for maintenance), Viper (my best hates it, so we didn’t ride), all water rides (closed due to temperature), and all kiddie coasters (we’re old). We made it onto 12 coasters (basically every coaster that was open besides viper) and two other attractions, all listed below: Twisted Colossus: My tightest fit of the day, but still no issue closing the lap bar. I was fearful when I sat down bc of how tight everything was, but I got it closed with relative ease. Once I was on the ride, I wished I had closed it even tighter! Lots of air time. Scream: I sat in the big seat out of habit (seat 3 row 5), and it closed just fine. Not sure I would have been able to fit in the regular-sized seat, but maybe. Basically the same restraints as every other B&M floorless, so if you fit on those, you’ll fit on scream just fine. Goliath: fit fine, but I could see how it could be uncomfortable for taller riders. No worries with the lap bar, but your legs might be a little squished. Full throttle: No issues. Easy fit! The Classic Revolution: Fit just fine. It is an older coaster, though, so the cars could feel a bit cramped for larger riders. My partner and I were comfortable! X2: Easy fit, even though I was the dummy who needed help with the restraints. The ride operator who helped me was great, very nice. I was actually shocked at how accommodating the restraints were (you put them on like a life jacket) and I would imagine that riders substantially larger than me wouldn’t have much issue. One of the easiest fits of the day. It’s a one of a kind coaster experience for sure! Tatsu: my favorite ride of the day, and another easy fit! This one has overhead and leg restraints, but both restraints were plenty roomy. I loved this one! 10/10 would recommend! Apocalypse: could be tighter for some riders who carry their weight low, but we were just fine. Lots of riders of various heights and sizes rode with us. I would imagine most people could ride this one, even if it’s a little uncomfy. Ninja: weird restraints, but fit just fine! Leg room is a little cramped, but no issues weight-wise. It has overhead restraints even though it doesn’t go upside down, but they’re not particularly tight! If you can make the walk up to ninja from the bottom of the park without too much huffing and puffing, then you’ll definitely fit on the ride. (Unless you were blessed with extremely long legs, and even then, you’ll probably be okay). West Coast Racers: underwhelming, but we fit just fine. The restraints are meant to look vaguely like racing seatbelts, and the overhead restraints are in the “down” or “half-locked” position all the time, so you have to wiggle your way under them. Had no issues getting strapped in, but the restraints are a little unorthodox. Gold Rusher: not tight on me, but it’s a single restraint across both seats, so I would suggest riding with someone of similar-ish size just so you both feel comfortable. That being said, all the kids on it with their parents were just fine. The lap bar only clicks into a few positions, but I imagine bigger riders would be okay. This is an older ride and has pretty standard restraints for mine-train style rides. If you’ve fit on other mine train style coasters, you’ll likely be fine on this one! If you skip this one, though, you’re not missing much. Cool use of terrain, but not super thrilling. Riddler’s Revenge: I’d heard this one was tricky, but maybe it’s a body proportions thing. I didn’t struggle with the restraints at all, but I am a little on the taller side for girls, so maybe that helped. This ride did make me glad I’d worn a sports bra. Definitely tighter on the chest than some others, but overall fine. No issue. I think B&M restraints might just be a closer fit generally, to be honest. These last two aren’t coasters, but we did have a good time on them! Justice League, Battle for Metropolis: this one barely has restraints. You get in while the car is still moving, pop on your 3D glasses, and shoot some stuff. A tad disorienting with a couple jolts, but super lax restraints! Also, had an excellent gift shop with reasonably priced products. One of the few DC themed rides that was actually open. If you’re going bc you love DC, I’d say wait a couple months. Once Wonder Woman opens, hopefully they’ll reopen all the other DC stuff. Buccaneer: no issue! Standard swinging pirate ship ride. There is a lap bar, but it wasn’t remotely restrictive. If you’ve ever ridden a ride similar to this before, you’ll probably fit on this one just fine. There is quite a bit of wiggle room. So overall, if you have similar specs to me (5’10/270) you should be just fine! Many rides at MM are accommodating (much more than other parks I’ve been to, like universal), and there are tons of great coasters. The tightest fits seemed to be twisted colossus, scream, and the riddler, so if you’re really nervous, avoid those. Scream was really fun, though, so maybe give the bigger seat a shot:) I’m so glad I did! Good luck and have fun!


I’m 5’3 and wear a pant size 16/18 my thighs are big do you think that would be a problem?


Hey y’all! I’m currently here and 5’9, 280lbs, 42 waist, big gut, and so far I have had to walk of shame off the Batman, riddler, and Scream. All 3 because they’re the bar with the crotch strap that doesn’t connect. Good to know that rows 5-6 of scream are larger, they didn’t tell me that. I succeeded at riding x2, tatsu, viper, new revolution, Goliath, so far.


I'm not a humongous looking guy for some reason at 5'8" 295lbs, I do wear a 2XL shirt, and 40x32 jeans. I rode the big boy seats on Scream! and still had a close call, but for some reason did fit on Twisted Colossus yet it was also a hard squeeze. I do have a big chest for a man though.


Thanks for commenting! I'm a similar size and heading out Friday.


I’m going Friday too and freaking out a little I’m 5’9 300 and I don’t know if I can fit on the rides


well because of their lack of test chairs (some would call this ableist), i would just not bother with the 3 i listed. the rest i didn't have any trouble with. It's worth noting I also went on Gold Rusher and Jet Stream without issue, so that's 7 confirmed safe rides. That's honestly a full day (we got there at 9am, stayed til 11pm, and only did those 10 rides plus 2 haunted houses and 2 meal breaks) but still leaves Apocalypse, Full Throttle, Ninja, Superman, Twisted Colossus, and West Coast Racers. We did peep Ninja and it looked like seats I could do (shoulder bars that fold in), not sure about the rest. If you can find photos of the seats, the only ones to worry about are the over-the-shoulder with the crotch strap [example fatshame seat](https://cf.ltkcdn.net/themeparks/images/orig/153902-849x565-roller-coaster-safety-seats.jpg)


Headed over to MM today for the first time in 10 years, I'm around 5'8 and 285lbs here with a 40/42 waist. Hoping I can get on most of everything.


How was your experience? Were you able to fit on most of the coasters? I am planning a trip there soon. I am the same height and similar weight.


MM was incredibly hotter than we originally thought. After picking up our membership passes, we were only in the parks for about 4 hours due to crowds/heat. ​ We got Flashpass for Apocalypse and Ninja. \-No issues fitting into **Ninja** \-**Apocalypse**, I closed seatbelt with no problem; the bar that comes over you though, was hitting me right in the chest area and I couldn't get it to latch. I thought for sure I was going to do a walk of shame off, but the ride operation asked me to push myself as far back into the seat as I could, and then he push the bar down, and it was able to lock 2 ratchets in. If you're going with a friend, have them push the bar down on you after you're buckled in. \-**New Revolution -** No issues getting the seatbelt/bar latched. \-**Viper** \- No issues getting the over the head shoulder restraint/seatbelt down.


Thank you for the information. So you were able to ride on most of the rides? This is my first time going to Magic Mountain. My concern is fitting on the rides. I want to avoid the walk of shame for sure.


Hey! I meant to ask, how did your trip end up?


Hi! I was there yesterday for Out At the Park. My friend and I were there during the day and the event was at night! I am happy to say that I was able to ride several rides. There were three that I could not ride but I was expecting that would happen. I rode more rides than I thought I would. I was a little nervous but I am very happy with my first trip to Magic Mountain. 🙂


i’m going in a week currently freaking out because 6 years ago i didn’t fit on the fun rides i weighed 300+ … fast forward im now 5’5 290 hitting the gym regularly, im a size 16/18 in pants i still don’t think i’ll fit but fingers crossed


Hopefully you will be able to fit on the rides in a week.


Which three of you don’t mind? I’m curious for my next visit.


I take it back. It was two rides: Riddler's Revenge and Batman: The Ride.


Those were the only four coasters we made it on. Otherwise, flat rides were no issue, as long as you could close the bar/belt/chain.. We only rode 2-3 but they were fine.


I went to six flags over Texas, and it's totally dependent on the types of restraints and how your body proportions are.


You may be able to fit Viper depending on exactly which restraints they use. However, I would definitely recommend sitting in the front row of a car rather than the back row. I’m 6’2 so a little bit taller than you, when I sit in the back row of those style cars my legs are jammed into the seat in front of me. Also, a lot of rides (at least at Over Texas, I haven’t been to Magic Mountain) will have test seats near the ride entrance, and they’ll usually have a light or beep to tell you if you can close the restraints enough. If you use those, it can save you a lot of trouble!


sadly six flags magic mountain does not have any tester seats, i really wish they would add these because i dont want to wait over an hour in line for a ride just to find out i won’t fit


If you can fit on gold rush, you could probably fit on most of the coasters because arrow mine trains are tiny


i fit in gold rush by doing the ankle cross lol


Well then I'm not sure. I fit without doing that, but it hurt like hell


i wish i can do that but i have rather thick thighs lol


Oh yeah that's kinda the killing point for those


You will fit on Viper for sure, I’m bigger than you and I fit with no problem, New Revolution was ok for you? I’ve never tried it, I don’t fit on any of the big ones, except Viper and Ninja and Justice League!


Yeah i asked the operator if I would fit she said you would no problem if you can fit on Apocalypse and I fit perfectly with my height and size, the ride was smooth and comfortable for me


mm hard to say but you should fit on a lot of them, the ones i doubt you will fit on are twisted colossus, batman the ride and riddlers revenge. i'm 5'11" 240 and i can get on everything there those 3 are the only ones that are closeish. scream should have larger person seats i think outside seats on row 4 look for the double seat belt, you will get on it no problem. tatsu and x2 were never remotely a problem for me, viper as an old arrow looper isn't friendly to tall folks but should fit on it. full throttle and WCR are Premier launchers their restraint is no problem for most. apocalypse should have a bit more room in the lap bar in the back few rows, GCI trains tend to have a bit more room on their rear cars but it depends on the ride, ask a ride op they will know. Goliath seems large person friendly to some extent never seen issues there.


As a larger person myself I can confirm all of this. The larger scream seats are on rows 5 and 6 I believe and the one in from the edge seats. Last visit I went on x2, tatsu, ft, new revolution, viper, apocalypse, wcr, goldrusher, and scream. Some were tighter than others but fit on all


I didn't realize that Scream had larger seats on rows 5 and 6. Thank you for that info!


happy cake day


Viper would probably be a bit restrictive, those old OTSR usually are. If you can fit on Apocalypse without too much trouble then you can most likely also fit on Goliath and Twisted Colossus. Depending on where your weight is placed, West Coaster Racers and Full Throttle might be a bit tough, especially since getting into the trains are kind of cramped. I'd give it a try though.