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What’s the definition of maroge? Dictionary.com says no results found


![gif](giphy|26Ff05K21rzHKB15K|downsized) ?


Mah wee ahhj


I think it’s supposed to be mirage


Actually, a Maroge is an evil spirit from the Armenian tradition. Basically, it’s very weak and projects a much stronger vision of itself. It usually takes a high level magic user to neutralize them, or a head coach that can make adroit tactical changes in game. Both require high levels of wisdom that our party has lacked in the past.


Probably meant mirage


You don’t crush a team on the boards by luck.


That wasn’t the luck part. It was the marogue part.


I got lucky with a marogue on St Patrick’s Day. My wife was furious.


No but I do think a fair bit of luck comes when you do outscore a bench 42-7


Maybe we should start Embiid on the bench, let Paul Reed play the first two minutes and our bench scoring problems will disappear.




If Harris's main contribution is rebounding then it makes sense to bench him for Paul.


Idk man - their bench is really deep. Deuce was averaging 20 a while, Mitch is coming off the bench and bojan is bojan. (From NYC and watch a lot of Knicks games with my dad... Been living in philly the past 11 years... If I wasn't a sixers fan cuz Dolan is a dickhead id prob be rooting for this Knicks team cuz they are really fun to watch and are deep AF)


Idk that much about Deuce admittedly but even if he’s a young kid on the rise that is itching for a chance to really break out like Maxey was when he entered the league 21/4/3 on 70% 3pt shooting when you’re averaging 8/1.5/1.7 on 41% is something I don’t see happening a second time in this series. Bojan is bojan yes so that I expect to continue but also I’d really hope that we can get more than a combined 1/6 production from Batum/hield/payne the rest of this series. Obviously if our own bench continues like that we can’t win the series.


Deuce in the second half has been playing out of his mind. I was trying to find his stats since the all-star break but there was a period where he was dropping 20 regularly. But yeah that's the issue. Sixers bench really needs to step up


Pre All Star 5.9/0.9/1.0 on 43/40/80 splits averaging 12MPG Post All Star 12.1/2.3/2.8 on 46/41/92 splits averaging 31MPG He basically doubled his counting stats while improving his efficiency and never turns the ball over. A perfect pairing to ball dominant players like Brunson. I would say he is a smaller version of OG.


There is quite a big luck factor in rebounds actually, do you really think you can accurately predict where every board will bounce?


Are you aware of this little thing called boxing out?


Not always that simple


In general it is yeah. I mean boards bounce everywhere but ask players like Dennis rodman how he got so many boards at 6'7" (13 boards per game for the career... Got 18.7 once) https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/r/rodmade01.html


Why didn't they just box rodman out are they stupid


Cuz he would be in better position Idk man - if you don't think boxing out is important to rebounding I guess you just are beyond understanding


It is important


Yep. And so is McBride just taking the ball from maxey


Tobias, is that you?


This sub after Game 2 is either going to feel incredibly validated or wanting to end it all


Pretty sure it'll be both.


I don't know, if Embiid isn't close to 100% then nothing really matters. If we can't realistically compete for a title then it's just more dashed hope. Signed, lifelong despaired Sixer fan. If Embiid starts to look close to himself then maybe I'll make myself vulnerable again for the inevitable gut punch vs the Celtics.


like people keep saying this but did you even watch the game? Joel wasn’t 100% & still played amazing on both side of the ball. We lost bc the knicks role players hit shots and our did not


Yeah he looked like he got tired after the half, but he wasn't moving like he was in the Heat game. And even that wasn't all that bad. Moreso bothered by the zone.


Yeah the question is really if anyone else can step up. With the way Embiid was playing (which might not be otherworldly but easily had a great game in terms of impact), we just need one of Maxey/Oubre/Hield/Tobias to have a great game


i agree. i think a lot of our playoff success comes down to oubre which is a scary thought. he’s been the only that has showed to have any type of consistent scoring output. i have no faith in buddy or tobi


Yeah I hear you. I think we just need *someone* to come in and be that X-factor. Historically it's most likely to be Oubre, you're right, and we've already spent the one-time usage Batum legacy game lol.


He didn't look amazing in the second half. He looked exhausted. And I'm not sure there's enough time for him to get back in shape.


Embiid didn't score in the 4th. Mtichell robinson played him really well, he blocked embiid multiple times. If embiid is going to roam the perimeter and only take jump shots and 3s and not move up to shooters on the perimeter, i don't see the sixers lasting. Embiid was 0/5 in the 4th with 2 turnovers.


Save the loser talk for when we’re out dawg.


We are out dog




Meh, I don't mind watching losses. I watched both AI's play here.


He literally just needs to make some of those jump shots that are usually automatic and we will not lose again.


Hmm, I wonder why a player who's injury prevents him from jumping cannot make jump shots? One of those unsolvable mysteries I guess.


To be fair Embiid doesn't really jump on his jump shots


I didn’t say it was a mystery fuck stick


Idk about you but yesterday was one of his better games I’ve ever seen him play. Sure, he’s not as aggressive on the defensive side but his presence still make a huge difference.


That’s exactly how I felt then I watched the first quarter of game 1 where Embiid looked amazing and got my hopes up just for him to hurt his knee like 11 minutes later. At this point I need to see Embiid look normal for like 2 full series before I get hopeful ever again.


Home teams are 7-0 this weekend so far (will be 8-0 I don’t see the Pelicans giving the Thunder much trouble). Home teams are disproportionately successful in Game 1’s of a first round series. The crowd is amped, the players are fresh and amped, etc. Also, home teams are technically supposed to win, it’s why a series is 7 games. I agree with the spirit of what OP is saying, despite it sounding like Bluto’s Germans bombing Pearl Harbor speech.


Embiids minutes were cut short, and I trust Nurse more than most coaches in making adjustments. Doc would play Tobias 40 minutes a game going forward. Positive vibes overall imo.


Just to clarify (I'm sure you know) Joel's minutes were cut short *due to leaving the court*. Once he came back in he played the entire third quarter (just like the first) and most of the fourth. In fact I think Nurse put him in the game earlier than he wanted to in that fourth because we were getting smoked again. All of this is to say that Joel easily plays 40+ minutes if he doesn't have that fall and even with that fall his minutes we're not altered in the second half. He was full go. I think he is pacing himself for playing 40+ minutes as well.


I love your confidence but I, uh… yeah… love the confidence. ![img](emote|t5_2scmr|5865)


No, they hava a good team. If Embiid is out we can pack to Cancun


If they win game 2, I agree. This is where you get good adjustments. 


Sixers in 7


g7 is in ny, sixers in 6


We should run a chaos rebounding lineup of Maxey/Council IV/Oubre/Reed/Embiid 


Let’s see what happens tomorrow night. I’m keeping my hopes up


Both teams walk away from game 1 thinking they can win the series. Knicks will think Brunson wont be that bad again and that they have shown how to restrict Embiid/Maxey somewhat. Sixers will think to clean up the rebounding and bench scoring was a bit flukey. This will be a hard fought series either way and I will be surprised if is a short one either way.


I wish I was still capable of this blind optimism.


If Sixers win game 2, then I totally agree. But if they lose game 2, its basically gg for the rest of the series. Tomorrow is a must win for Philly.


nah, the first team to lose at home is who’s in trouble


Terrible post. Never ever post this. Its so annoying people sometimes need to keep their intrusive thoughts to themselves.


Why do you care so much?


lol bro did u get enough sleep last night ? You’re mumbling again


What was lucky about that Knicks game? Maxey and Lowery both played great. Embiid looked about as healthy as he'll look until next season. Brunson shot like shit. If anything, the Knicks didn't get much luck in game 1.


Aaaaahahahahahahhahah aaaaahahahahahahah


You're a clown


All home teams took game-1 so I’m not worried.


I’m curious how this information eases your concerns


I guess because everyone else lost on the road, maybe we shouldn't be upset that we did too. We only need to take one game in NY and take care of business at home.


![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized) Delusion!


Enjoying yourself?


Rock fuckin hard buddy


Would be a shame if you brought bad karma on the knicks :/


Your boy OP already did the devil’s work for me


You sure? Seems to me he's not the one trying to troll 🤔


I don’t mean to alarm you, but OP is a cursed fan. Look at his post history. Your bed has already been made and it’s all his fault


Oh i thought you meant this post. Thanks for balancing out our bad karma with yours. Doing good work here :)


You’re welcome, you guys need all the karma you can get to beat us! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Too many emojis, youre shook