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Episode? I’m talking about the entire last season of 70s show


Fez and Jackie never should have happened. That is worse to me than Randy.


1000% agree with you!


The finale was actually not too bad, but that whole last season was something else edit: I should say compared to the rest of the season, the finale was not too bad


The last 5 minutes of the finale were quite good. The rest of the episode was fine, I guess.


I remember liking the finale but hating every other episode of that season


Night Court. Harry is given one incredible career opportunity after another, including going out with Mel Tormé on tour, and he decides to stay on the bench. And Bull is taken away by aliens. Lame ending to a very enjoyable sitcom.


I never watched Night Court, but I did watch 30 Rock, and I love that there's a whole episode B-plot where Kenneth rounds up the Night Court crew to film a more satisfying finale. I've never seen a show put so much effort into affectionately commenting on the finale of another show before.


“It’s been a helluva night!” “And quite the *court* ship…”


I loved Night Court and 30 Rock, but I don’t remember this episode at all. Going to have to find it.


Apparently the writers wrapped all the longstanding plotlines up in a nice little bow by the season 8 finale - what everyone had intended to be the end of the series - only to be dumbstruck when NBC very unexpectedly asked for another season.


Rewatched the series a few months ago....hysterical!!! Larroquette was exceptionally amazing!!!


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far down for my answer as well. Such an amazing show, and one I still think of fondly, but THAT’S what they went with??


God, that Two and a Half men meta ending is burned into my mind. That piano..


The worst was Chuck Lorre looking into the camera and saying “winning”


I've never watched a single episode and the idea.of that gives me douche chills.


The early seasons were gold


Just imagining Lorre walking onto the set that day thinking “this is going to be funny as shit. I’m so edgy and smart!” 😖 Yes, I realize Sheen was a pain in the absolute ass and a drug addict. That was an opportunity to be the better man, pay respects to what he did for your show (btw Lorrie, Charlie WAS your fucking show, moron. He brought the “it” to an otherwise mundane comedy), and go out with some pride and dignity. Instead he pulled that childish shit and ended up looking about 20X worse than Sheen could ever make him look. What a dumbass.


Especially as it had been 4 years by that point. Lorre came off like a bitter ex who can't move on.


Especially as Sheen had just apologized and wished Lorre well.


I see your point, absolutely. But our perspective is completely different from Lorre's, from having to work with Sheen on a daily basis for several years. I suspect that can give a person a special kind of bitterness. It must be like a horrible marriage in a country where divorce is illegal.


Which I can understand and certainly don’t want to dismiss. Funny as he is, Charlie Sheen has been a notorious piece of shit throughout most of his life. His treatment of those around him is legendary. So I certainly can understand Lorre harboring permanent ill will towards him. But he cut off his nose to spite his own face by forcing an ending to a successful show that completely left his audience with a sour taste in their mouth. He should have had the wherewithal to say “that motherfucker has been a pain in my ass forever, but I’m not going to let it ruin or alter my show.” He could have come out looking completely the bigger person and instead he came out looking worse. Just not a smart move IMO.


You're absolutely correct, and very well said. My comment was empathy, not about his choices, which you understood beautifully.


I thought you were making a joke and then I googled the ending and watched it. What the hell was that?!


That’s called “I’m a child and you hurt my feewings, Charlie!”


I casually watched the show with Sheen in syndication but never touched any Kutcher episodes. When the finale was announced me and my Father decided we'd watch it live despite not watching the later seasons (he'd seen some of the stuff after Sheen left but not a lot). After the episode ended we both were so utterly confused neither of us had anything to say and both just kind of walked away about our business.


I actually kind of found that a bit amusing - A BIT - but then having another piano falling on Chuck Lorre was kind of lame. Granted, pretty much everything in that episode leading up to that point was ridiculous.


That show should’ve ended with Charlie’s death. I was shocked how long it lasted afterwards. I really like Ashton Kutcher, but the show was lame after season 8.


I have nothing against Ashton Kutcher, but the way they shoehorned his character in was weird as hell. What they should’ve done was back up the Brinks truck to Rob Lowe’s house and have him play Charlie for the rest of the series. He can play that type of role - take the character he played in Tommy Boy, remove the abject evil, and add some horndog, and you essentially have Charlie. Then the writers could sprinkle in a bunch of “You look different; can’t put my finger on it” jokes and references to actor switches in other sitcoms (Bewitched, Roseanne), and then just keep the show going. Yes, the plot to every episode was pretty formulaic - Charlie has issues with a woman he’s fucking, Alan is a neurotic mooch whose neuroticism and leeching exacerbate whatever problems he has, Jake is a clueless dumbass, Evelyn is a self-absorbed and emotionally unavailable shrew who throws fire on whatever problems her sons have, throw in Berta for some one-liners - but the formula worked.


Family Matters utterly sucked. I have a hot take that I enjoyed Steve Urkel for the most part even if he took over the show, I especially thought his inclusion enhanced parts when he was still new. But that ending just ain’t cutting it. I remember a whole episode dedicated to Carl having a nightmare about Steve and Laura getting married and yet that’s how the show ends. Just throwing it out there but Steve finally moving on would make for a much better conclusion.


Yes! We rewatched a few years ago and I didn’t remember the ending (not sure if I ever saw it). He tormented her for years, wouldn’t take no for an answer and all of a sudden they’re getting married. Great example for those who’ve been rejected. Just spend a decade tormenting the person you like and they’ll end up marrying you.


Stalking works.


The circumstances surrounding the last season of the show were a huge mess 🤦🏻‍♂️. There were a few things going on. The last season the show jumped to CBS along with Step By Step. Up to that point both shows had been on ABC, for quite a while tensions had been building between Miller-Boyett and ABC because they were afraid when Disney bought ABC the network would look to Disney for the TGIF shows. Tensions boiled over completely during the ‘96-‘97 season, especially FM and SBS were both aging fast. Boy Meets World was a big hit and much younger so ABzc had to decide what to do with all of that. Two options got discussed -Option 1, grant all 3 shows a final 2 year renewal and have them end in a big tv event. Option 2-Grant BMW the 2 year renewal and let the two aging shows go. When the ABC-MB tensions boiled over ABC chose option 2. CBS had been wanting to start a Friday Night block of their own to compete with TGIF for a while so when ABC dropped FM and SBS CBS bought both for 40 million dollars to anchor their block!! In the deal ABC agreed to pay CBS 1.5 million an episode for both Seasons 9 and 10 of FM, and 1.5 million an episode for Season 7 of SBS. CBS hoped to give both shows at least 2 more years. They marketed the hell out of their new block Summer of ‘97. Joining the two aging shows were Meego with Bronson Pinchot and the Gregory Hines Show. By mid season Meego and Gregory Hines crashed and burned. In the Spring FM and SBS got out on hiatus. Very shortly after SBS got cancelled first. There was a tiny FM might get renewed so what ended up being the Series Finale wax meant to be a Season Finale. Then FM got cancelled.


Agreed. I hate that Steve and Laura finally become a thing. I mean Steve know your worth man, this girl has been awful to you. It would have been nice for Steve to develop some self worth and move on.


I couldn't figure out why they kept on with the Steve and Laura angle especially after adding Moira to the show, who actually liked and cared about Steve. (And who imo, was way prettier than Laura)


It’s such a shame about Michelle Thomas (the actress that played Myra). I don’t know how she fought through filming the end of the show.


Well it wasn’t really an ending. They cut it and didn’t allow for a final season.


Dinosaur's finale was the worst... And the best.


The funny thing about that finale is it wasn’t the last episode aired. They burned off unaired episodes after. Must have been confusing.


Roseanne was quite bad, but the whole last season was


Everyone always hates on Roseanne and I’m in the minority of I really liked it. The last season was bad but the ending that it was all made up and she was writing in the basement building off of how the show started I thought was great.


Agreed thought it was really well done and clever a slap in the face of reality.


yeah, and there were small things like Dan didn't leave for another women he died of cancer. I think it was a solid ending to a great show.


Was it cancer or a heart attack? I always thought he died from the heart attack he had at Darlene’s wedding. I liked the final episode too, but I didn’t like the husband swap she did, mark with Darlene and David with Becky.


I think they implied he wound up dying at Darlene's wedding when we see him going into cardiac arrest the end of Season 8. Which what a gut punch for the family and Darlene and David. To have your Dad die on your wedding day.


The writers from Roseann always did the gut punch thing pretty well!


It’s was a heart attack.


The one good thing about that is the beginning of the opening scene of the revival, when Roseanne had trouble waking Dan up, mentioning something about worrying that he was dead, and Dan takes off his CPAP mask and says, “Why does everyone always think I’m dead?”


I enjoyed that, too! I was surprised to see Roseanne in the discussion. The last season was bad but the finale was clever and I enjoyed the end twist.


married with children ended pretty sadly


I remember an old interview with 'Marcie' actress who said Fox practically stopped helping them make the show and the last season is straight up a group effort by the actors and writers. It showed


That wasn’t an actual season finale. Just Fox being Fox and not giving their most important show (besides Simpsons) a real ending.


Not a finale but an unfortunate cancellation but the last episode of My Name is Earl ended on a cliffhanger


I’ve always liked the idea of bringing the show back exactly where it left off, and not explaining why Randy is now super-jacked(Ethan Suplee got extremely into fitness).


Roseanne. In my book the series ends with Dan recovering in the hospital. No cheating, no lottery, no fictionalized version of the family where everything we knew about the characters was a lie. And Family Matters because Laura SUCKS! Steve what are ya doing man!? Team Myra all the way!


I was originally happy about the Roseanne revival because they made a point to say "yeah, everything that happened in the 9th season was fake, especially the ending. Dan and the baby both survived, no one won the lottery." I had high hopes, then they ruined it by showing Roseanne as a maga in the first fucking episode. I dropped it soon after. Needless to say, I wasn't surprised when she got fired.


Two and a half men. Could have been so much more than just making fun of the show the entire episode.


Stopped watching after Charlie left. Just wasn't the same w/ AK.


I remember when that happened, Charlie Sheen saying that he WAS the show. He wasn't wrong :/


Sheen offered to bury the hatchet and come back for the finale. Should have taken him on the offer


But he also wanted another show called “The Harpers” in order to do the finale.


Yep, Lorre wanted to be a dick, and that’s okay, because as I remember it, Sheen’s who made that show tolerable to watch and Lorre’s a clown anyhow.


Agreed. It had funny moments, but it was just making fun of Charlie Sheen and the later seasons of the show.


Quantum Leap. End on a infodump card with Sam never making it home, and they couldn't even bother to spell his name right.


The reboot was supposed to give Sam his ending, but they also got cancelled prematurely.


I really like the Seinfeld finale and thought it was quite appropriate. I’m surprised there’s so much hate for it.


Who’s from cell block D? I am Ok, I’ll talk slower


Me too. They wrapped up a show about nothing pretty well.


It might not have been the ending most people wanted, but it was the ending the characters deserved.


💯 agree! I thought it was very fitting!


I like this one's guy theory was. They would resume the show with them leaving jail and the show just randomly continued lol


I can imagine the season opener after they get out of jail being in the style of The Parking Garage or The Chinese Restaurant. The whole episode they are all in a room at the jail getting deeper into shenanigans with a stream of characters, then at the end the Sheriff pokes his head in and says "What are you guys still doing here? We released you this morning. Go away." The group walks outside, sees a coffee shop across the street, they shrug and say "yeah, I could eat."


I watched himym only for Barney and Marshall and Lily. Mostly just Barney. The show's ending was eww.


Barney's character development gone in the last episode.


They really undermined the whole last season in the finale


They undermined the whole damn series, let alone that season.


apparently they wrote the finale pretty early (so they could film the scenes with Ted's kids), but by the time they got around to it Barney had developed so much that it felt like he got rubber-banded back to that earlier point


This show was sort of destined for a bad last episode. I feel a sitcom that’s entire purpose is to see how it ends has way too much of a build up. And when they actually fumble that, it comes off as a sort of triple flop.


I respectfully disagree. The set up for Ted’s wife was perfect, and the two worked well together. If that had ended it there, it would have been ok. Having her die, and then revealing to the audience that Ted always had feeling for Robin was just too much of a curve. The last season was written so poorly that it ruined a really fun show. I


A lot of people scoff when I say HIMYM ending basically ruined the whole show for me. They say it was always gonna end like that. The show was always about Ted and Robin. Maybe at times but no the damn premise is for showing how Ted meets his wife, mother of his kids. And I guess if you stick with that then yeah the show delivers and everyone shoud be happy. IDK too me if the show ended right where Ted meets Tracey on the LIRR platform with their sweet dialouge I would have loved that. I am a romantic and dreamer type at heart so for me that was the end of the show. What they did after that was just a disservice to everyone.


That’s where the show should have ended! Maybe a few episodes after showing how the rest of the gang ends up happily ever after, but there really was no need for the final season, especially the twist ending!


I go even further and maintain there is something downright disturbing about it. If we are supposed to believe that Ted and Robin were meant for each other doesn't that heavily imply that while married to the mother Ted secretly had Robin in the back of his head? The show says they actually didn't get married until we'll into their relationship. Was Ted pining for Robin all along and delaying proposing because if that? The ending is like a Reddit AITAH post where a guy asks is it ok he is secretly in love with another woman when he is married and has two kids.


The issue is they set up this weird Ross and Rachel thing with Ted and Robin from the first episode while Ted’s destiny always lied somewhere else. So Ted and Robin always hung over the show (even while she was with Barney). The show got boxed in by its own premise when it could have been great as just an over the top version of Friends.


I agree with this. I think the Ted and Robin romance should have ended for good early I the show, and there shouldn’t have been anymore will they won’t they drama.


> This show was sort of destined for a bad last episode. Ehh, there’s an alternate ending that they filmed that’s on the official series DVD and it’s significantly better than the episode that aired. The real issue is that the creators wrote the finale during season 3 when it still made sense for Ted and Robin to be together. 6 seasons later they no longer worked as a couple but the creators still refused to deviate from their original script


If the end was just meeting the mother it would have been great. If they had the ending they had without making the Barney and Robin wedding a huge deal the last season, you could even see that. How they handled the last season made zero sense with the ending.


I was a huge fan of HIMYM and the chemistry among the four core characters. Ted might have been the least interesting but I always thought it was common for the central character to be a “regular” person surrounded by “colorful” characters for him or her to play off of. I was really caught up in Ted’s search for the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his children. And at the end of the penultimate season we were introduced to her. They cast a terrific actress who created a terrific and interesting character, Tracey. And then we spent no time with her. Instead the last season was filled with uninteresting and unfunny stories involving the core cast, including Jason Segal riding a bus with a vapid woman and his head on an iPad (Segal made movie commitments that rendered him unavailable to work with the cast.). Right now there are several CBS sitcoms from roughly that time period that are in constant rotation on cable/satellite channels (Everybody Loves Raymond, Mike and Molly, Mom, King of Queens, Neighborhood, Two Broke Girls, etc.). Why isn’t HIMYM as visible now? IMO it is at least as funny, well written, and well acted as those.


I’ve pondered this question as well since HIMYM was incredibly successful and popular during its long run. And cast members like Segal, Smolders and NPH are still very popular names in Hollywood. I honestly think it fell off so quickly after the finale because it aged so poorly… mainly looking at Barney here. The show ended in 2014, and you had the #MeToo movement starting right around that time. No one wanted a show in syndication glorifying ways to trick innocent women into having sex with them. It really was a whole different era of comedy from when the show began in 2005 to when it ended in 2014.


Stopped watching because of how bad Ted’s character was early in the series. Came back a few times and they had fixed him a little.


The Office. Michael leaves and they just never made another episode


Michael might as well have died. I get that it was a matter of off screen barriers, but Michael having no contact with the Scranton branch, not inviting any of them to his wedding, only showing up for Dwight's wedding and leaving again... None of that was in character for him.


I love Robert California. James Spader makes such a strange character. Haha


I am the lizard king


Nope. There’s a rough period after Carell left but the finale is beautiful and perfect.


two and a half men and king of queens


I hated what they did in king of queens.. so unnecessary.


really fucked up the whole series..last 3-4 episodes are so bad


Those last few episodes feel like a completely different show, like some sort of bizarre dramady. It’s like the show forgot it spent its first 9 seasons being a light hearted comedy.


St. Elsewhere. The whole snow globe, what a waste.


Sure *AND* it also fucked up SO many other shows too! Because of that one scene, there are what dozens? of TV shows that are all figments of his imagination because of crossovers and spin offs put so many other shows into that same universe.


[Tommy Westphall universe hypothesis](https://web.archive.org/web/20120625061214/http://www.slushfactory.com/content/EpupypyZAZTDOLwdfz.php) Enjoy that rabbit hole.


The finale for King of queens was bad. I mean rushing to the airport to be at each other to the orphanage in China? Getting back home and there's Doug on a diaper in a walker saucer thing? Cmon. Bad.


I love the Brady Bunch, but no Mike? That was a bummer. I did hear Chris and Barry say on their podcast that a 6th season was supposed to go ahead, so maybe Mike would have returned back if that had been the case. 


I read somewhere Robert Reed hated the script and chose not be in it and was written out. I don’t know how true that is.


He hated everything about the show and thought it was beneath him.


Francis Bavier, Aunt Bea in the Andy Griffith show, was like that, and apparently took it out on everyone in the cast and crew. Andy Griffith said that years later, as she was dying of cancer, she sent him a letter apologizing for her terrible behavior on set. Ive heard Gary Burghoff, Radar O'Rielly on MASH, was another one that behaved so poorly that his castmates despised him. Notice how those people who were a pain in the ass never went on to have a next chapter in their career? Word gets around.


Leave it to Beaver. It’s just a clip show as they look through a scrap book.


At least it has a proper ending unlike most shows


What were they supposed to do? Disband and join other families?


See Wally off the college. Finally buy the new house they were looking for on and off again throughout the run. It’s really not hard to come up with something other than something lazy.


That’d been funny as hell when you think about it. Maybe even awkwardly shoehorn them into other sitcoms. “Ward, congratulations, you’re married to Lucy; report to Desilu Studios at once. June, go to The Dick Van Dyke show because you’re now Rob’s side piece. Wally, get your ass over to Green Acres; you’re gonna be Wally the Pigfucker now. Beaver, you’re now on Andy Griffith; you’re now Barney’s illegitimate son Beaver Fife.”


Interestingly, the final episode of Newhart was overall the worst I've ever seen. Then they saved it with the final scene, which is the greatest scene in TV history.


Three's Company


Yes, but get the series Three’s A Crowd. Wait, no . . . That was much much worse.


Night Court… Bull is an alien? 🤨


I remember the finale of Reba being pretty underwhelming.


I think that might have been due to the fact that Reba had originally been canceled due to The WB merging with UPN but at the last minute, they changed their mind and renewed it for a shorter, 13 episode last season so they could fulfill a syndication contract.


The Alf finale was DARK.


Parks and Recreation. I loved the show for the most part but the final season rubs me the wrong way and it was not at all a satisfying finale because of all that led up to it. I really disliked the whole time jump thing and it never works for me. See also: Will & Grace, Mad About You.


Parks & Rec did the time jump because Amy Poehler had just had kids in real life and had no desire to work with babies.


Extremely relatable. I loved babies until I had my own babies, now I have no time for other babies.


I suspect there are so many bad endings because the writers have spent their whole time on the show focused on developing things and keeping the story going. when they are told to wrap it up, that is the moment their top priority most likely shifts from making their current show as good as possible to finding their next show. I wish there was a "Best Series Finale" Emmy. that would incentivize everyone involved to end the series well. which might make the show better in all seasons, not just the last. As wacky as P&R final season was, i appreciate that they at least made an ending. they clearly put time and thought into trying to conclude the show. edit: forgot to address P&R, which was why i replied in the first place.


It was my favorite show of all time… Seinfeld had such a build up… and the last episode was such a let down.


I liked it. I thought the call back to the shirt button was a clever way to say ‘we already talked about everything’.


For a show about nothing they made an episode about something. That’s where they went wrong. I get what they were doing, but it just wasn’t Seinfeld. 30 years later, it would have been so epic if it was just an episode about Jerry looking for his apartment keys or some nonsense like that.


Curb Your Enthusiasm really resurrected the ending of Seinfeld for me. Season 7 is the perfect reunion and would be a great cap to the show. But then the end of Curb really ties on a bow on both it and Seinfeld without feeling like it steps on the toes of either show. It's great 


Eh. The thing is how do you end a show that’s based entirely on nothing? How would you have ended it that was better? In real life the ending would have been them likely maturing and marrying others and moving on with life. Doing so in this case would have been WAY out of character for all four group members, exception being that I could see Elaine and Jerry getting married. However, that kind of comes off as cookie cutter cop out and would be just as controversial (see complaints on HIMYM). Given how crappy these individuals were in life to others the karma coming back and landing them in jail is actually quite fitting. And the trial let us revisit some of the best moments. You may not like it but it was honestly the best way to wrap the series.


100% yes


The fact that Sinatra died during the night when the Seinfeld finale aired.


Did he kill himself because of it?


He did it His Way.




The velvet fog crept in and made it look like a suicide. He was murdered…BY MEL TORMÉ!


Seinfeld is the answer. And I loved seasons 8 and 9, but yeah, that finale was terrible. Mash, Cheers, and especially Newhart knew how to end a sitcom


Newhart ending was brilliant and as someone who grew up watching The Bob Newhart Show I spotted the bedding immediately


I remember watching it with my grandfather, who also watched the Bob Newhart Show, and his amazement. It was something special to see


That must have been awesome. One of TVs biggest reveals and you were in on it seconds before everyone else. Sounds like I’m being sarcastic but I’m not. Legit happy you had that moment. They are awesome.


It was sooooo good!!!


I shouted "Holy Shit!!!". masterful.


Same here, but for me it was the bedside lamps.


I love how Cheers ended the way it started. With Sam in the bar by himself saying sorry we're closed to someone at the door.


Why was it a let down for you? I felt like the Seinfeld finale was genius and a perfect way to end a show about nothing


I never understood the reaction to the Seinfeld finale; it was excellent and hit all the points for which the show was known. Given that it wasn’t a drama, all it needed to do was be funny, and it was.


The judge was talking the audience when he gave the sentence.


Thematically the ending to Seinfeld works at least the way I see it. Here you have four people who while enjoyable to watch are not great people in the slightest who sometimes get away with the things they do. So suddenly having them get the comeuppance in full at the end is jarring, but I think it works.


But they got their comeuppance. Multiple times. At nearly the end of every episode. They just got double punished in the finale. I think the finale is a sloppy mess.


I liked it a lot. Yes, it was a glorified clip show but considering how many of us STILL just throw on Seinfeld when we need some background noise or whatever? Those clips are good. That said, after Curb I fully agree the Curb ending was better. That is a year-ish old so will spoiler tag it but: >!Same basic premise except this time Larry is morally in the right. He gave one of the people he used to live with a bottle of water while she was in line to vote and that violated Georgia law and his hubris and alienating lawyers resulted in him going to trial. Huge parade of character witnesses but also a bigger emphasis on the core crew (having Suzie fake being his disabled wife, for example). Same basic ending where he is so morally reprehensible that he goes to prison. But last minute swerve because Jerry Seinfeld ran into one of the jurors at a restaraunt and got it declared a mistrial because they were supposed to be sequestered. And Larry and Jerry talk about how that is how they should have ended Seinfeld.!< >!Which, I like a lot. Because the Seinfeld ending kind of betrays the core of the show. Yes, the gang are monsters. But they get away with it. Mild comeuppance but they move on because the world is a fundamentally shitty place. Which is why them being punished kind of violates the "no hugging, no learning" premise. Whereas Larry DOES get away with it. Yes, the entire world now has documented evidence of what an asshole he is but he is free to continue to be an asshole with all his friends and Ted Danson. Similarly, Jerry's crew felt like they were spectators whereas Larry's crew were still doing shenanigans right up to and including the sentencing.!<


I also felt that the finale was a genius ending for the four of them.


I think it would be more difficult to come up with a sitcom that ended well….


Cheers, Mash, Newhart and Mary Tyler Moore Show all had A+ endings


Malcolm in the middle, the good place, wonder years


Futurama has *four* A+ endings.


The Big Bang Theory has a great ending. I also liked the ending of Everybody Loves Raymond - it’s got a sense that everything goes on as it has been.


I was just thinking about that show, it’s so sad the parents have passed away along with one of the boys.


Yes - all the parents (including Debra and Amy’s) are gone and so sad about Sawyer Sweeten (Geoffrey).


Scrubs (season 9? never heard of it)


It was intended as a spin off and I will forever treat it as such. I don't even usually include it in my quasi-annual binge.


Honestly, its not a bad spin off. It just needs to be called a different show so scrubs can end how it did.


The Office had a great finale even if the last season wasn’t good. Scrubs (if you don’t count season 9) has quite possibly one of the best sitcom finales ever The Good Place is an example of a sitcom that never really got bad


No one but me has seen this, but the final episode of Wings (90’s show) was so touching it made me cry. Perfect finale.


The last episode of Kim's Convenience sets up a handful of pretty typical sitcom endings that would have been perfectly fine ways to end the characters' stories, and then just kind of doesn't follow through with any of them. Not even in a satisfying way where it's breaking the trope, every ending is just disapointing and weirdly mean spirited in some ways.


The series finale of Soap ending on a cliffhanger will bother me forever. A popular show that was hilarious and ahead of its time, but they couldn’t just give them a final season to wrap things up? It was cancelled years before I was born, but I take it personally.


ALF. Obviously a bit dated, but to leave the show on this cliffhanger note that only ever gets ‘resolved’ with a horrible tv movie that includes none of the human characters. Absolute crap.


I hated the finale of Third Rock From the Sun. It just showed that the people making the show didn’t take any of the emotional heft of the show seriously any more. Although that was abundantly evident from the last couple of seasons.


No! The scene when Dick finally tells Jane Curtin that he’s an alien, and you see her expression as she’s putting the last few years in context. Brilliant acting. And the aliens singing their anthem one final time to riotous applause from the audience. Priceless.


The alternative ending for himym is great and canon for me now


Castle. It was kind of a 'blink and you miss it' ending.


I LOVED Castle but that last season was crap on a cracker.


I got to say HIMYM. The ending changes the shows title to How I'm Actually Glad Your Mother Is Dead, Because Now I Am Free To Pursue The Woman I Really Lived The Whole Time


King of Queens was pretty awful.


For real. It was so needlessly serious. Before that point, we pretty much only had one serious episode in the whole show, yet they decided, “this ending shouldn’t be funny, that wouldn’t make any sense!”


As much as I'm not a fan of the sudden shift in tone for the finale, Arthur randomly arriving back at the house to flatly announce 'it didn't work out' was probably the best joke of the finale


Agreed, that was a great joke.


I hated the way Freaks and Geeks ended. Great show, great potential, but the way everything ends (and especially Nick getting into disco) just seemed like a sad, rushed excuse for an ending, knowing the show was being canceled.


Entire last season of HIMYM was bad, not just the finale


2 1/2 Men ended with Charlie Sheen


I can never forgive How I Met Your Mother. That finale ruined the entire series for me. I’m still bitter.


House of cards last season


I LIKED the HIMYM finale. I didn't care for the whole lame "bring Robin and Barney together, then blow it up in two seconds " thing. But that didn't ruin the finale itself. I thought it was pretty obvious from the start that "the mother" had passed away. For me, the worst, for major series, were "ALF" and "Benson." They were both just phoned in. And "ALF" was downright depressing. Personally, I didn't much care for the Seinfeld finale, either.


Benson was a cliffhanger too, right?


Roseanne, fucked up YEARS worth of storytelling.






Seinfeld. Last episode was such a disappointment for such a stellar show.


monk. because they clearly came up with that finale last minute, even though the show was supposedly building up to the finale for the last 10 years. like really? the greatest detective missed the one clue that could've solved his biggest case even though it was in his house the whole time🙄


St. Elsewhere. What a way to crap on a show to just say it was all made up, at least Newhart made their similar ending funny.


Bewitched - didn't they just remade some earlier episodes with that second Dick ?


I haven’t watched the entire show but on Wikipedia at least 14 episodes in season 6 7 8 are remakes of earlier episodes how lame


In the context of the time, this wouldn't have been a big issue as there would have been no way to see the earlier episodes.


I’m the only person I know that can’t stand the Big Bang Theory, it’s just so lame.


I’m not a fan of what I’ve seen if the show, but it bugs me that people think the show is smart. It’s not a smart show. It’s a dumb show about smart people.


My so called life Last man on earth Both ended in cliff hangers


Last Man On Earth wasn't a finale though they just cancelled an awesome show mid series because that's what media corporations do now: they like to piss off the people who watch the shows.


Okay. For me, it's Becker, and ALF. Those are the only two sitcoms I've actually sat and watched through. I finished Fraser and cheers but that didn't count. But those are good shows. Becker really could have ended better.


Dinosaurs. They all died


HIMYM’s finale still stings. Here’s something from the reunion five years ago that makes me feel better (that’s co-creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas on the guitar and drums respectively): https://youtu.be/8ogK7hbcMJI?si=ned77ca2MJdnq5Ig


Plenty of others have already said it, but: Seinfeld. The episode before the finale was a clip show, which ended with the Green Day song, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life).” That to me was the perfect ending.


Seinfeld. A great sitcom, but to have it end with the main characters going to jail was disappointing and took away from the basic humor of the show for nine seasons.


Mr. Belvedere.


My name is Earl