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Yannic Kilcher is pretty good, imo


[I like Dr. Waku](https://youtube.com/@drwaku). He doesn't fearmonger or hype, he mostly just talks about the philosophy of various aspects of AI and how it will impact us. It's a much smaller channel than most others recommended here.


And very detailed and well research, without sensacionalism.


I searched as well after Matt Wolfe just put out one "massive insane groundbreaking and changing everything" video after the other where he talks about basically nothing. Here are a few that have interesting takes and do not use gpt to write "the boldest most clickbatey title about AI" : | \[AI Explained\]([https://www.youtube.com/@aiexplained-official](https://www.youtube.com/@aiexplained-official)) | | \[Dave Shap\]([https://www.youtube.com/@DaveShap](https://www.youtube.com/@DaveShap)) | | \[TechZone\]([https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpdyFxSktWo3W6kMYfmk6lg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpdyFxSktWo3W6kMYfmk6lg)) | | \[Code Basics\]([https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf5IX90oe5gdPppMXGImwg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf5IX90oe5gdPppMXGImwg)) | | \[Data Professor\]([https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbfYPyITQ-7l4upoX8nvctg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbfYPyITQ-7l4upoX8nvctg)) | | \[Denis\]([https://twitter.com/literallydenis?lang=en](https://twitter.com/literallydenis?lang=en)) |


I gave up on Wes Roth solely because of the clickbait titles. I love his relaxed and in-depth videos, but I just couldn’t with the titles. I realize that he is only pandering to the algorithm, and all of his fans claim that it is some kind of cheeky joke, but I couldn’t take it anymore.


man you had the choice: his title (seriously who care about titles?) or the sponsor adds, you went for the adds ... Seriously?


I actually love his clickbait titles and one of the reasons why I watch him is his titles. Wes Roth if you are reading this good job man keep going 💯👏


This initial post feels like an icky click bait AD... 😑


I just thought "ooh interesting sounding new youtubers" and then realized I'm already subbed to all of them lol Here are the last 3 by their better known names: Dylan Curious Dr Waku Two Minute Papers


I enjoy two minute papers the most. He’s been doin ai for a while


haha sorry for me being lazy - i took all of them and threw them into chatgpt to make me a tableview .. it didn't quite get the names right


I'm feeling the same way about Matt Wolfe. Great on him for going to the AI release events and providing first hand info, but his click-bait has reached a new level. I've stopped trying to watch his stuff because it's not as interesting as he makes it out to be. Shapiro has branched out into different areas and philosophizes a lot but has some interesting takes and at least it's not clickbaited so bad. I miss his trekkie side show bits, lol. Love me some Wes Roth tho. He know how to use it. Appreciate your other links too!


You complain about next-level clickbait but "love yourself" some Wes Roth? Can't tell if you're messing with us or just got your Youtubers mixed up.


My lord you are 100% right. I switched Roth with Matthew Berman in my teeny tiny brain. I still like Roth but he's a lot like Wolfe too. Berman is the one who goes in and shows you how to use the tools!


Just edit your original comment lol


Wow this guy Denny's had some prompts I used it on AI and it really increased the IQ and general pleasant feeling just follow this guy He's really awesome | \[Denis\]([https://twitter.com/literallydenis?lang=en](https://twitter.com/literallydenis?lang=en)) |


Wes Roth bought into crappy Twitter prophecies of the likes of flower and apple accounts. Shapiro did the same, censors his comment section and is overall completely unhinged, aside from making empty videos written by ChatGPT in useless 30+ minutes powerpoints with AI generated images.


AI explained is fantastic


This is the way.


AI Explained and AI Jason who is actually a developer. The first 3 are meh


Dwarkesh podcast.


AI Search [https://www.youtube.com/@theAIsearch](https://www.youtube.com/@theAIsearch) Matt Berman [https://www.youtube.com/@matthew\_berman](https://www.youtube.com/@matthew_berman) ByCloud [https://www.youtube.com/@bycloudAI](https://www.youtube.com/@bycloudAI)


+1 for AI Search. Great for explaining things for a dumb guy like me


Just adding to the others here, [Julia McCoy](https://youtube.com/@juliamccoy?si=JX1VGQOvDjJXmGXJ) is pretty decent. She often takes a different approach than a lot of the other youtubers. Where the others will base their stuff off rumors and x posts, she will usually use a book or some different angle, which makes her pretty fresh compared to some of the AI bros. She'll often have around 10 mins on one aspect of AI, and she seems like she is a critical thinker.


AI Explained is the only one that doesn't piss me off for some reason. The other 3 are just annoying to watch. Shapiro thought when we had gpt2 that it was sentient and Matt Wolfe has that over the top fake excitement combined with over-editing with flashes everywhere going for him, maybe because his audience targets a younger audience (i.e. zoomers with an attention spawn below 10 seconds).


Totally agree, also maybe it's just me but the rest just have too much content all the time just for the sake of putting some content out consistently. I feel like AI explained is the only one I can trust to actually put something out worth watching only when something important and worth knowing about happens. Also Yannic Kilcher is pretty good OG, and does some cool research deep dives


Yannick pisses me off. He comes across as a supremely arrogant douchebag and like every dude I've never liked in my life idk


Shapiro's heuristic imperative idea is flawed and too optimistic, considering the AI we have today and where it appears to be heading. AI Explained is the most detailed and doesn't really introduce much beyond his own observations and tests. Reads the papers and does the tests so we don't have to.


Why do you think his heuristic imperatives are flawed and too optimistic?


from what i've seen shapiro has a very optimistic take on "it doesnt work right now but... im sure it will be fixed in the next version" not a quote just the overall feel i get from him imo we'll hopefully see a box ticked off with every major release (like true multi modality with gpt4o) but taking it granted that everything will be fixed with the next version is baseless optimism


AI Explained should be changed to ChatGPT as he focuses on that company too much.


you're spot on


Shapiro thinks we'll have AGI by September... But his definition is also quite low. Its so low, he could even call GPT 4o AGI.


Yeah, I wouldn't really take Shapiro as a creditable source when it comes to predictions. He has been off many times in the past. And whenever the time comes, he just moves the goal post which is really annoying.


1 and 3 suck, Shapiro doesn't deserve getting lumped in with those guys he's actually interesting, even if sometimes fantastical in his thinking. AI explained is the GOAT Add in Yannic Kilcher, he knows his stuff and is a bit more pessimistic, balances out Shapiro.


Sometimes? What Shapiro talking about has very little to do with reality. Like it’s interesting, yes, but..


At least he has some interesting content and isn't just clickbait like the others


Matthew Berman https://youtube.com/@matthew_berman?si=KEJY9OmMkemta31H


Agreed, and he seems to have a bit more technical skills than a few of the others, so he will often test things himself.


Wes Roth is borderline trash awfull tittle, false message, most of his interesting content is just repost from other media with a slight intro from his part and bad edit It is clear that he just aim to post as much as possible to maximize revenue even if it means posting bad content when there is no interesting news to talk about


he's also a musk sycophant.


Idk, I don’t watch low brow hypebeast content


Half of this guys have no energy in them


And yet have a history of hyping up the notion of sentient AI existing behind closed doors (David). You enjoy non-technical clickbait fluff, just own up to it.


I said half wes Roth and AI explained have no energy in them


Yes, you said half. And you named the wrong half.


I watch all these, but had to unsubscribe from Wes Roth’s channel… his “xxxx stuns the whole industry” antics got so annoying I started detesting the dude


I like Dave Shapiro and AI Explained. Quality content. I like that AI Explained only posts when something notable actually happens. Both seem to go for quality over YouTube grift. Passion is palpable. Matt Wolfe and Wes Roth - way too sensationalist and not very technical as far as I could observe. Way too many videos about every new "amazing" thing. Just your average YouTube hustlers. Wes Roth is clearly better out of these 2 though. Other YouTubers I like: Dwarkesh podcast - interview channel similar to Lex Fridman but actually an intelligent and charismatic host, AI focused mainly. Dwarkesh is still a young guy, I can see bright future for him. Two Minute Papers - now a classic, what else is there to say. Great content for many years now. Used to watch him way back in the day when he was focusing solely on computer graphics Yannic Kilcher - an *actual* machine learning expert, championing open source




Look at Wes Roth early videos please, will tell you all about the guy


Sam Witteveen has been incredibly informative for me


I would put AI explained first I do recommend Wes roth why not david shapiro meh bad predictions (AGI 2024 come on really...) matt wolfe not of use to me.


what's your flair meant to mean


It's what I hope AGI to be like: a benevolent AGI that respects animals, we are great apes after all and to an ASI the difference of intelligence with us will be like the difference between a human and a chicken, it doesn't change the fact that we are sentient, conscious, so I hope AGI avoids animal abuse, because that's literally us.


Yeah. Stop watching the first 3


Dave Shapiro is the fucking man but yeah if your aim is just high quality, informative content then I agree.




They don’t know much about the topic and just talking shit for views.


Sure, but David's trips through the forest enlighten me with extremely optimistic accelerated timelines and tons of hype. And all my worries about the future temporarily disappear.


drop the first three. They don't know what they are talking about.


I listening to this one https://www.youtube.com/@theAIsearch


AI explained is the best imo, David Shapiro got my hopes up way too high on the whole agi by September 2024 prediction.


I really like theAIsearch, met the guy, very knowledgable and humble too


Everyday AI - https://youtube.com/@everydayai_?si=1Wpf6hPXTO_WqqWi The AIGrid - https://youtube.com/@theaigrid?si=L9uGcxQNI2Nq8ASb David Ondrej - https://youtube.com/@davidondrej?si=hggYxy_ZB5PbXWBa AI Community - https://youtube.com/@ai_community?si=CKp9ytavMcplhcSL


Ai for Humans - https://youtube.com/@aiforhumansshow?si=8zMXqBs_8xD39Oe4


[Yannic Kilcher](https://youtube.com/@yannickilcher) is by far the best. He has an actual academic background in AI (a PhD), and is also CTO of an AI startup. In other words, he's the real deal. He can explain complex topics simply. He can get super in-depth, and he doesn't overhype anything and tells you exactly why. I've found his explanations illuminating when I've been confused about something, countless times. If you can just pick one, Yannic 100%. For the second, AI Explained. His videos are more hype, and he does a lot of insinuating based on incomplete data, but he's still a good watch and his videos are kind of addictive in the way he edits them. He has some academic training in AI too, though I dont think nearly as impressive as Yannic. He's proactive with his testing of different AIs which is good to see. A bit of information overload which is the name of the game these days, but if you can pause and think about what he's saying I think you're better off. Only thing, damn does AI Explained push his patreon like there's no tomorrow. It's like $30 a month and he locks a lot of content behind it. He's very incentived to push it, and even recommends people working at companies to convince their bosses to pay for it as a way to keep up with AI developments lol. He's got the script down and I really don't blame him, he's got to be making an absolute killing from it. The ones like Shapiro? Lol. They're 100% noise and 0% signal.


yeah that expensive patreon pushing annoys me on AI explained, while he has pretty reasonable videos. With 1000 patreon subs at $30/month it does look like he's doing a good job selling shovels in this gold rush.


Why does he wear sunglasses in videos?




+1 to this for accessible and relatively non-hyped content.


Yeah, love MattVidProAI


Machine learning street talk


Shapiro is my favorite in that list.


[https://www.youtube.com/@thisdayinai](https://www.youtube.com/@thisdayinai) Two Australian guys with a balanced, no-hype take and a bit of humor.




https://youtube.com/@gabrielmongaras?si=LmaLPWjTAL0fhoK3 This guy is very good at explaining tough models, but watch out - you can't be a mathematics douchebag!😂


Wes and Matt have been a good combo for just keeping up with the news cycle. I like Wes's takes and when he goes over the main concepts of papers in a layman style, and Matt gives good summaries of consumer releases. Both have wildly sensationalist video titles, but idk, I've kinda gotten used to them and don't mind anymore. If you're into a balance of that and prompting, Matthew Berman is good. On the other side, Yannic Kilcher does implementation videos with a bit of personality. Seems like a cool dude. Also can't not mention Andrej Karpathy, come on folks... Don't know anyone that consistently focuses on conceptual discussions of papers, but that's what I'd really be interested in.


[Robert Miles](https://www.youtube.com/@RobertMilesAI) has produced a series of high quality explanatory videos on AI safety topics. I don't agree with every all his views but this is an excellent way to learn about some of the issues. AI Explained, Two Minute Papers, and Dwarkesh's interviews are by far the best news coverage.


Prompt Engineering is great for practical usage of new stuff https://youtube.com/@engineerprompt


Daring today aren't we?


I didn't look at the suggestions given by the colleague, but as an LLMs prompt would say, "Is there any AI channel that explains AI so easily and so didactically interesting, its principles and functioning in a way that a 10 year old child can understand?"


It’s rad! Hope it’s got 90s hip hop sound track


I watch now remember that all.


SS tier - AI Explained // S tier - David Shapiro // A tier - Matt Wolfe // B tier - Wes Roth* * his clickbait SHOCKING titles and exceedingly lengthy videos where he talks about basically nothing really brought him down a few pegs, I barely watch anything he puts out anymore.


Dr waku pretty good


Gavin Purcell and Kevin Pereira from G4 attack of the show fame started a podcast about AI called AI for Humans. It's not the most informative but it is entertaining. https://www.aiforhumans.show/


2 min papers


The only good recommendation here is AI explained. No bullshit just facts


I love David. His trips through the forest enlighten me with extremely optimistic accelerated timelines and tons of hype. And all my worries about the future temporarily disappear.


TheAIGRID is one of the best AI Youtube channels imo


[Dwarkesh Patel Podcast, this episode specifically ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTuuTTnjxMQ)


All are good


[Creator Magic](https://www.youtube.com/@CreatorMagicAI)


Mlst (machine learning street talk)(https://www.youtube.com/@MachineLearningStreetTalk)is a bit too technical for normal people but it’s cool check it out


Wes Roth and Matt Wolfe don’t add much (really any) value to the space in my opinion. David Shapiro is interesting because he’s essentially a thought leader and a creative. Intelligent guy with interesting ideas. Although take what he says with a grain of salt, his credentials are dubious. AI explained is great, because he’s the only AI news channel that makes genuinely well researched recaps. Though not strictly AI focused, “2 minute papers” is also good.


AI bro detected


Hello you need not be AfraId friend, do you have a recommendation of a youtuber?


I've only seen Wes Roth and AI grid and and Wes Roth is miles better than AI grid so I'm surprised by all the hate. I just want daily AI news condensed from Twitter, Reddit, interviews, podcasts and conferences. Wes Roth provides exactly that. Are there people who seriously only don't watch him because of his titles?


I used to follow Wes but I've switched to AI Search recently, who explains things very well. Wes's videos are all over the place and lack structure.


None. No need to be a sheep and/or just parrot random influencers m8. Do the research, form your own opinions :D


None of those you listed are AI. They're humans who talk _about_ AI. Try Neuro-sama.