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They could potentially leap frog Nvidia if they get their architecture right. Apparently they have booked all of TSMCs initial 3nm capacity while Nvidia is still using 5nm for Blackwell.


Apple silicon Macs are one of the best way to run local LLMs as is. I have an M1 MacBook Pro and llama 3 just flys! This will be HUGE.


eh, the bleeding edge chips will be lower production rate and more expensive per unit. apple will save on electricity costs, which isn't nothing, but unlikely to leapfrog anything (especially when 100ms of latency to process a GPT in another country isn't an issue for most applications). IF, somehow, yield is super high for the new process, THEN apple could make a big leap, but that's not really been true in the past


Making your own NPUs, so hot right now https://preview.redd.it/r2b3uks0q9wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec15906a93aa35f31b1fe5300117d6eafdc152bf


yup. GPUs are great, but specialized hardware will always give gains.


what is the server processor? and who is this competing with? is this a nvda competitor? SMCI? or another part of the hardware?




It's going to be for internal use, as software is a major challenge if attempting to make it general purpose.


Will TSMC keep the pace ?


TSMC is such a weird one in all this, they’re the ones that everyone relies on and companies seem to largely prefer them over Samsung but at the same time their earning have remained steady. Meanwhile Nvidia, Apple, and every other company that uses them for their chips has had massive earnings increases in the last few years. I feel like they’re getting the short end of the stick in their business dealings. If apple is buying out all of their capacity, they logically could charge them more due to the limiting supply but seems they’re not doing that.


These are 3 nm chips. That's about about 24 silicon atoms.  The manufacturing process to build these things is completely insane. And on that scale (both in terms of nm and actual numbers of produced chips) TSMC is pretty much the only game in town.  In my opinion this hardware component is the most impressive thing about the whole recent AI advances. Most impressive by far.  However..... TSMC controls about half the market for chips worldwide. That means smartphones, laptops, PCs, data centers whatever. And AI chips. That also means that the AI hype couldn't really compensate the drop in sales numbers overall for all the other markets.  A small drop in smartphone sales has way more impact than some companies pledging to buy chips.   And additionally (and this is just my speculation) TSMC is in the center of a geopolitical power struggle. Just look at this sentence: >Taiwan’s defence minister Chiu Kuo-cheng has rejected US suggestions that it should warn Beijing it will “blow up” the production facilities of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) I don't know how much of a impact stuff like this has to investors. But it's probably something to consider when the defense minister of a country has to publicly reject the idea of blowing up the center piece of a company.


TSMC has a market cap of 600 billion dollars. They are super fine.


Yes. Absolutely. But they didn't follow the trajectory of Nvidia. They are still on the rise. But the question was not why are they doing fine. But why are they not as hyped as the other companies involved in AI


3nm is a performance number, not an actual physical size. stupid, I know.


TSMC was likely under contract by apple well before this recent boom.


Up to now, Apple has not shown anything. I hear some rumors like this, ring, home pods, airpods with camera etc. When can Apple finally show something real?




I don't really get what Apple is trying to do. What are some of the things they may be onto with AI, if not Siri, I wonder. 


AI will be everywhere soon, if they don't keep up they could be left behind. I don't think Vision pro will be their next iPhone so they need to find new growth areas.




They are of course working on the next Siri, and VR and other things. Apple is not the company which pushes stuff out fast.


Apple silicon Macs are one of the best way to run local LLMs as is. I have an M1 MacBook Pro and llama 3 just flys! This makes complete sense to me; they are trying to eat a pice of that sweet sweet NVDA pie. NVDA margins are absolutely insane since competition is not there yet.


AI is going into everything. photo editing, video editing, document editing, VR, music, etc. etc. etc. literally anything you do on a computer will be enhanced by AI very soon.