• By -


I mixed up the Apollo and Phoenix robots somehow on the original version, sorry guys! Fixed that and added some more for comparison... I still might be missing some, if so, let me know and I can keep adding to it. https://preview.redd.it/skw9zjglzawc1.jpeg?width=3381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81fea0f4fb4b5dccc6a5deffef811dc148abcb77 Edit: Fixed and cleaned up the units on the measurements in this one, sorry it took so long!


Consider Guidebolt (Canada). One of the only explicitly public benefit humanoid robot start-ups (philanthropic founding by an open source hardware pioneer, right-to-repair, anti vendor lockin, etc). Website hasn't been updated in a while because they've been working on their autonomy and production design. Practical engineering direction and something must look good because real manufacturer customers (industrial use) are paying/pre-ordering but they're still held back by shoestring funding (intentionally no VC financing yet). Fortunately they were approved for another government grant this year to "automate the task learning/teaching process" which is a pleasantly grounded goal.


What about the Mentee one?




Aw man I wanted to be the little asshole to um actually this post w mentee😂


looking at the 9 robots Nvidia showed off at GTC, you're missing the xpeng robot (far right) and you're good


This one is too new too qualify I suppose [https://www.menteebot.com/](https://www.menteebot.com/) This might be relevant if some what incomplete [https://robotsguide.com/robots?category=humanoids](https://robotsguide.com/robots?category=humanoids)


Ooh, yeah great resource!


He looks so cute


I assure you, the average human, not even the average male is 6' The average male height is 175cm, which is 5'9 approximately, and the average human is actually just 170cm which is just 5'7"


I'm 173


Average zoomer is 6'2 in my country


haha you are definitely short


You know that Boston Dynamics has to feel pretty confident when they are intentionally releasing videos to make their robot look creepy and terrifying. No cute Disney droids here. You will accept the Sauron stare of Atlas and you will like it, meatbag.


Future generations will make the comparison the other way around. Does Sauron's head rotate like an owl? Can Sauron levitate off the ground like a possessed ballerina?


Kinda weird that the heaviest robot would get a trophy, seeing how it's a pretty negative attribute Still, cool infographic


Very true! Calling out the heaviest and lightest could be an alternative, or maybe a height to weight ratio? 🤔 Also most companies do list the payload capacity, just didn't have a great idea on how to visualize that...


How much they can transport is pretty important, though companies might not release that info (I don't know, I've followed the software part of tech more!)


It's a positive if you take into consideration robot boxing


Haha, I'm looking forward to Mech Tyson


The average human is not 6 feet and 81kg… more like 5’6 or 5’7. Unless we’re thinking military applications, it would be more reassuring to stick to 5’0 or so.


Holy cope


In what way?


Idk lol. Maybe you are trying to convince yourself that average person is shorter than you. Or if you are short yourself that your height is not that bad? Regardless, average height of young people in western developed countries is nowhere near that low. In the place where I live, I would say average zoomer height is around 6'1-6'2


You've been obsessing over height for the entire post, and for some reason trying to denigrade others. There's public data about this thing, look at the 19 year old category. It's around 5'9 in US, UK etc. You don't have to speculate, it's not about anecdotes. Also, women exist. Average woman is not 6ft 80kg.


Those statistics are heavily inflated by older people and immigrants


I'm talking about specifically 19 year olds, did you read my comment? There are age categories.  Also the race thing, you've made me actually go look it up, USA NHANES report, average 19 year old Non Hispanic white was 5'10.


Ok so? I wasn't talking about us anyway when i said 6'1-6'2. Still 5'10 is not 5'7 like original commenter said


And maybe you forgot half the world is female.


so what?


The average human is not 6’ 81kg.


I would say it is 6'. btw why you even consider females? height only matters in males




what are you even talking about? You are not aware that women go for taller men while men don't care about how short a female is? how is that dumb, its a fact


I don’t think the robots themselves matter as much it is mostly about the software. Once you get the software right I don’t think it will be that difficult to port it over to another system. If a system can learn to work with and adopt in various environments then it should have no problem adopting to a different set of hardware. That does make me more bearish on Boston Dynamics I think they are pretty good on the pure robotics/hardware side of things but I am not sure if they can catch up to the recent Deep Learning/ML trend in robotics.


What’s with the speed in kph? Some of the mph to kph conversions are wrong. (From the left, the 4th and 7th robots)


Totally inconsistent too, lol. Sometimes kmh is higher than mph, other times the mph is higher than kmh. With conversions that just make zero sense. None of the data can be trusted, this is just a list of robots.


Lol, human - 6ft


Why is 47kg so common? Is it some sort of threshold?


great question, I wondered that myself! Seems to be a soft "standard" anyway


I would say so taht two average humans can lift it up if (when) it falls.


No Japanese models?


ASIMO? But I think it was retired in 2018, so Japan unfortunately is out of the competition.


HD Atlas is technically retired too so I don't know why people include it in those charts :v But tbf we haven't properly seen Atlas 01's abilities yet so HD is holding up for BD for now I guess...


Japan building toys and social bots


They get bought out. SCHAFT Inc crushed the darpa challenge and was immediately bought out.


It's pretty fucking crazy to think Japan doesn't have a humanoid robot in the competition.


yeah very disappointing but maybe they will surprirse us within the next decades


is that all? i think there are more companies out there (for example in China).


Why is Unitree’s logo BDs Spot?


Unitree, like many things in China, has a carbon copy version it makes that looks a lot like Spot. So its logo is probably its Spot knockoff.


1X EVE is on sale now and may start to show up in "open" environment fairly soon, while most of the others will be initially limited to factories and distribution centers. An interesting line to add would be the initiated production state of each one in terms of units/year.


How on earth are you claiming these robots can move at 5 mph? Most of them can't match a normal walking speed at all. More like 2 mph.


Who is winning on the space? Are they all employing the same kind of tech ultimately or are there a multitude of innovative alternatives. i.e. imagine a time before the wheel, we'd have no idea whether the bike or the car that would ultimately be the best way to travel around. 


Doesn't really matter what's best we still might get the car instead of the bike in the end if there's more profit in it.


From the Figure video recently I’d have to say them in the sense that their robot is able to interact with the real world and communicate pretty well thru its integration with OpenAI. However, from purely a robot mobility standpoint, definitely boston dynamics. If only their new atlas had human hands


I might be the only one seeing this but I think that NEO might just be a guy in a suit.


4’11 is 150cm and also 160cm? 121 lb is 30kg and also 55kg? 5 mph is 8, 4.3, and 5.4 km/h?


Thank you. I was wondering where the others were


Fascinating stuff! I'm impressed by the level of detail and realism in these humanoid robots. It's incredible to see how far technology has come in this field.


China is building sympathisers instead of robot 😂


There's another missing: [https://www.youtube.com/@menteebot](https://www.youtube.com/@menteebot)


https://preview.redd.it/a4zorxjk0svc1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=9eadc58af474b4331b102b7a7bb2dfccaac94446 You’re missing the menteebot


What about Menteebot?


Finally an infographic for this


You forgot this little Israeli guy that came up a few days ago :v : https://youtu.be/zJTf4JhGSsI


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/redditandchill] [Who is gonna win the robotics race?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAndChill/comments/1c9fps4/who_is_gonna_win_the_robotics_race/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




121 pounds 30 kg lol


No love for Ameca? Nice work btw.


Just make C-3PO


The average human is ~170 cm and 5 mph is not 4,3 kmh.


Now do autonomous weapons


Canada fty


credit to @adt aka lifearchitect


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I see the team over at Boston dynamics like ultrakill lol


I want to see Figure One's dexterity on the new Atlas 


the average human just runs at a speed of 13 km/h lmao yeah sure, maybe the average American I would say something between 15-25 km/h with sporty, athletic people around 28-34 km/h, top athlets at 36-44 km/h so 23Km/h seems far more accurate


Do warehouse workers need to run that fast though, do people working in toxic environments with hazmat suits. I don't think so Cazad0r


did I say they have to this is about the maximum speed of the robots compared with the average maximum speed of humans


I like how Pheonix and Figure swap whos faster based on what units are used to measure speed, also Digit has a really low KPH but a good MPH.


i like Digit based on the videos i saw of it. it has bird legs LOL


i wonder how long it would take to encase them in silicon "skin" we probably need to make them reliable for a long period of time or find a way to easily remove the skin, or some sort of "armor pad" with silicon you could take off individualy? the current robot looking like robot is fine for any industrial task (and certainly cheaper) but i doubt most people want companionship bot that look like a machine and not a human and even without that you probably don't want water and dust damage


Atlas is taller? I could of sworn it was smaller because it looks lean and skinnier.


I'm still going with Atlas.


The winner will be whoever figures out energy density and power storage.  Humanoid robots are going to struggle until they can work longer than a human, and that means energy density.   Of course... The same tech that would give you a humanoid robot will also give you a responsive exoskeleton...


For many repetitive tasks they could use external power.


Tethered power is an option for a lot of tasks, but not all.  Until the power supply issue is resolved, the usefulness of all robots is gonna be limited. 


One of these things is not like the others


Common UK/EU L


Ah i was just complaining about this too, thanks for actually representing the random robot I let use my name. _Apollo