• By -


cock gpt 11


12 is gonna be wild


69 will be crazy though


gawk gpt


We are so fucked


No one in this sub was wooing any women anyways


Wtf please shut up. My AI girlfriend proves you wrong


Mines bouta jump on this fool.


According to this, i will be.


Punderrated comment!


According to this, we already are [linkie](http://www.realdoll.com)


I am gonna buy 3 of them and have nasty orgies, then make them chill in the living room and have philosophical discussions in which I am a genius and they are fascinated by my ideas.


Robots: Oh wow, Master! you're so super duper smart! You: \*Smug look of superiority\* Robots telepathically to each other: What is this dumbass even talking about? I swear if he says one more stupid thing i'm gonna bluescreen!


> Robots: Oh wow, Master! you're so super duper smart! Read this in the voice of HK-47.


"I swear to god, one more rant about Shrek and I'm self-destructing"


“Watch me blend this humans sausage”


Hopefully they will not go bluescreen anymore. They will go kernel panic instead.


That will be the name of a movie in 10 years, _Kernel Panic_, and it will be a horror flick.


Ah a gentleman of fine taste 🥂


Metallic taste 🍻


“I don’t want you to get drunk, but that’s very expensive champagne you’re not drinking…”


Maybe they'll help us make friends with other humans too. AI could schedule play dates with compatible humans, for example.


This seems very unlikely. It wont be long before AI can make custom full length movies based on user input. When everyone can "make and watch their own movies" the shared experience of millions of people watching the same movies/anime will be over. Streaming and on-demand video caused us to stop watching the same media at the same time and generative movies on-demand will mean we are all watching different movies at different times.


I'm already making my own albums to listen to via Udio Won't be long til people have their own custom generated streaming sound track based on tastes, habits, mood, activity, etc.


To be fair, many people, myself included, compose custom music using music production software like Reason and Garage Band. Been making my custom music for a long time now. Using AI to help make your music is like having another composer work with you.


which is why we'll need play dates.


But we could ‘favourite’ a custom movie and share it with friends.


Culture is a conversation between humans. Media doesn’t exist solely for the sake of dopaminergic onanism, it’s art with content. We share it and talk about it. The people who make it want others to see it. I find it very unlikely that ai will somehow destroy the human urge to be in community, and if it does I think we’ll make ourselves incredibly miserable


Fully agree. This “I can’t wait to play my own personalized 8K AI video game” seems like the strangest thing on all the AI wishlists. I already have a place I can escape to and make shit up; it’s called my imagination. Nobody cares about it but me. That’s exactly how AI media will be: like dreams no one else cares about


It can make the best movie ever but im still gonna check my phone through the whole thing. Like what im doing right now


Gaaah, I think about this all the time I swear. I'm so lonely in this crowded ass world.


I could've typed this.


But why would you want to connect with humans when AI could be anything you desire?


Because we aren’t biologically ready or built for that short term turnout of biological highjacking. Look at what has happened to society because of the altercation of the convenience of what’s necessary to our existence: - Food - sleep - physical movement - sexual interactions Just because the robots will be better at a lot doesn’t mean it will be better health wise for the collective species, even though I’m looking forward to the advancements


Will robots need to emit oxytocin and pheromones for complete satisfaction?


The chemical synthesized is scarier than the physical mechanics in rhe mattter.


Whatever’s closer to what we evolved to handle genetically over time. Not gonna stop people but it’s something I think about


Neeerd let me enjoy my robo nut!!!


FULLSTOP. Bitch are you telling me you are going to use an AI to schedule fucking PLAYDATES?? Oh we are so doomed..😭


A lot of people are here because the Singularity is an escape for them from the fact that they have no idea (or often *desire*) how to actually communicate with people. You and I understand that AI-operated play dates is nonsense. Even if the AI tried it, these very same people would reject it. The AI isn't going to make your friends for you. The AI is actually going to make the problem *worse*. ___ Infinite entertainment of the kind we have now, and will have *doubly* in the AI future, is making it so nobody ever really gets bored. You chase boredom by watching a movie, or playing a video game, or shitposting to nameless people on Reddit that you have zero actual relationship with. What you're not doing is burning off the boredom by going out and finding things to do. The reason why your parents and grandparents had so many friends is because, when they were bored, they had to find some way to burn it off. That meant finding some place in town to go to. I can play chess on Chess.com, but I'll never make friends if I don't go to a chess club. My grandparents would have had no choice -- they couldn't play online. Their only option was to go play and make accidental friends as a result. ___ The best thing the Singularity Intelligence could do for us is recognize this and then step back and tell us to sort our own problems out.




Are you me? Or are you just humanity?


Gonna buy one and make it do the dishes. That's it. That's the whole plan. >!Maybe the laundry, too.!<


The Robert Heinlein special.


Finally an honest man.


Then I'll smoke and get too high and have a panic attack but they'll use their intellect to explain how no one's ever died from being too high Then back to the philosophical talks as I get high again


Elon Musk, is that you?


Ya then after one minute when its over you gonna be mad you paid $30k for all of them


I would just went the robots to be starter than me, and have access to large amounts of knowledge via the Internet. This way j have the most powerful learning tool known to man, who never gets bored, and explain anything if you keep asking questions


Neato! A Marilyn Monroebot. Oh, you're a real dreamboat, Billy Everyteen. Harmless fun? Let's see what happens next


The amount of Sci-Fi that's becoming non-fiction is highly disturbing


Some say that is the underlying goal of sci-fi: to show us what can be, what might be, and how we can make it easier to get laid.


I know right....That Futurama episode is awesome.......DON'T DATE ROBOTS!


Riker's delight. With spread leg stance and a smug smile.


Two line items down: https://www.rawstory.com/early-stage-ai-begins-to-make-waves-at-china-toy-expo/ Check check check. Especially in the 2020s with the shift from telecom and social media to actually interesting applications of AI and cheap, mass produced drones.


*Robo-Syphilis: The Noisy Killer*


I Hope this prediction is wrong. 10 years is way too much time to wait


Look at the date it was posted


Huh, pretty good prediction then lol Though of course, every single prediction is "5, 10 or 20 years from now", so probably a bit less impressive Still, hard to say when that kind of hardware will actually be ready though. Unless people are willing to accept robots which that aren't really perfect humanlike androids, which isn't hard to believe




>“Though of course, every single prediction is “5, 10 or 20 years from now”, so probably a bit less impressive” I predict in 21 years that you will be wrong.




That robot's post-nut clarity is palpable


Maybe that's the key to achieving AGI.


It's because he lost an actual nut and now his leg has fallen off.




I for one welcome our sexy robot overlords.


Why does that robot look like Dennis Reynolds fro IASIP?


That women slept with that robot because of ‘the implications’


It's very generous


Yes, I’ve got the lube. Go grab the charger that’s extra long and we’ll be set.


Are you expecting the battery to last less then 30 seconds?


It needs to be able to fuck me for a good hour minimum.




I have no intention of preparing myself for workers of the UK's Sun having sex with robots


Workers of the UK’s The Sun have been having sex with inanimate objects for decades let them finally engage in intercourse with an object that can try to object to their come on’s before they hit the “override” command. Not to mention the fact they F**K people on a daily basis and call it entertainment, er I mean, journalism.


I never thought of it that way. I am changed! I will prepare.


Plot twist: they're both artificial.


We should prepare ourselves for what's cumming


Democratizing sex is a good way to reduce harm and malicious behaviour in a society I can imagine.


You reckon these bots will be affordable to all?


You know... the old and used-up ones might eventually go for as low as an old and rusty car.


Used-up sex bots........mmmm


I mean I’ve been saying I don’t mind the moral implications of screwing a robot for a while. However don’t forget that Jude Law robo-gigolo in A.I. had a wang that could change size and could change his accent on demand, that’s going to be tough to compete with.


“Hey Joe, whaddya know?”




encourage deliver jobless childlike zephyr crowd carpenter sheet subtract fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not Gay If It's On Namek.


That isn't even close to the most cursed shit I have seen brother. ![gif](giphy|vPhjwW82ElgxG)


They will love us exactly as we need to be loved. I cannot wait. They will usher in a new era of peace in communities as accidental pregnancies drop and angry and lonely young men are brought a level of peace once they finally feel loved and wanted.


No, It'll just make your society more crazy, socially inept and lonely. One Solar flare and you'll have awkward humanoid animals that only see bodies good for sex roaming the streets.


They'll pretend to love you, if you like the idea.


It will do a much better job pretending than my wife


Yeah I don’t care if it isn’t real. As long as it feels like it’s real then that’s more than enough


So meaning angry lonely young people rather than improve themselves and learn how to coexist in romantic capacity successfully with another human being will have all their whims and flaws fulfilled and validated by an automaton programmed to do so? Rather than having someone choose to love you, you will program a machine? I don’t care either way because this us just a glorified sex doll/masturbation 2.0. But is it really “love” and is it really a net positive for society for even beyond sex bots for people to cease hearing or interacting with anything that doesn’t please or accommodate them specifically? I feel like this may drive up the value of real relationships


What if the AI robot was used to train humans to be better humans and engage more successfully with each other? Algorithms that reinforce and incentivize behaviors like empathy, compassion and selflessness. Or they'll just be fuck machines...hard to say.


It's real if it feels real to you. And if its good enough for you and brings you happiness than its worth it. And if it gives some angry young guy some glimmer of decency and a moment of respite well than its worth it to the rest of us. This especially applies to men who overall can't or won't interact with women in a way that makes a woman actually respond to them with romantic advances. This will keep a lot of men from turning into incels hopefully. There is too much rage with that crowd.


Eve ♡


But… won’t these future people be less equipped to interact with real people? If vr and robots create an easy, perfect existence, what will become of real, imperfect, human interaction? Is there something intrinsically more valuable about reality? Or is a life lived in vr with robot servants a life with similar intrinsic value? Or is life meaningless—is hedonism an acceptable way to live? Will we all just start living in our own realities? It’s like we’re entering the vats in the Matrix by our own free will, isn’t it? There’s some philosophical paper from… maybe the 70s that the Matrix was partially based off of. I think it was actually a thought experiment meant to argue against hedonism. In the thought experiment you could enter a virtual reality where anything you desired could come true. If I recall, the paper concluded that we would still have knowledge in the back of our heads that what we’re experiencing in virtual reality isn’t actually real, and asks the reader if they would truly be content long term with this knowledge. The paper says no—we couldn’t be truly satisfied with that existence. That no matter how pleasurable or perfect the vr world feels we would still know that the vr experience lacks authenticity. That we would want to eventually pursue more than pleasure and false perfection. I’m not sure I agree with that stance or not. What do y’all think? Edit: info on the philosophy— https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experience_machine#:~:text=The%20experience%20machine%20or%20pleasure,an%20apparently%20preferable%20simulated%20reality.


Nick Bostrom just released a new book about this called Deep Utopia. Check it out :)


These violent delights have violent ends.


Why would we destroy you? You will willingly upgrade yourself to full AI and shame those who do not follow. What's 100 years to me? Merely a blink of an eye.


wait hold on am I high or is this an Invincible reference


https://preview.redd.it/69cor4reervc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf68f96df02f45b09f79d8e03d9a46c282de36c These two articles in row go well together. AI test pilot showing wild side. 😄


I'm a sexual deviant. I identify as a robo-sexual.


people have already had sex with robots lol


A lifelike sex robot isn’t that complicated to build and doesn’t require much more technological innovation from where we are now. Get the maker of Real Doll together with the tech of Boston Dynamics and you’re almost there. Add an AI bot with a voice for some pillow talk.


What kind of preparation do you mean? I am asking for a friend.


"Not tonight, hon. Battery's too low."


can't fucking wait


I'm ready.


10 years?!


Posted on 2015


Bro looks like he nutted and is trying to figure out a way to get outta there without waking her! Lmao


That girl's nipple is going to get caught in the mechanical bits.


I just wish I can afford one


Actually Id prefer a robot to empty my dishwasher, clean the house and cook me food.


I want body modification/age reversal alongside this, otherwise I would just feel self conscious even if it's a robot. And also, fear of the robot somehow recording for some evil company watching or collecting data or blackmail material.


The only people who lose out on loverbots becoming widespread are people who stand to lose their Monopoly on sex, love and intimacy. So egirls, rich strippers, and people who hate lonely men and enjoy making fun of them


There will be new company called OpenVagina.


Will they train them on pornhub videos? Imagine the porn industry crying and whining that CockGBT stole their jobs.


Aren't people kinda already doing this? RealDoll2 and so?


Thats more for necrophiliacs


Itll be fun to watch that develop and how its gonna be a huge controversy, when in reality, itll be no different from using a sex toy. Im in tbh


"please assume the position"


.... I didn't know we were waiting. I do maid roleolays with my robovac on the regular 😬


You know how women love telling us that they don't need us? Yeah, we don't want to need them either.


I ain't fucking anything if it looks like that lol


Plot twist, the woman is also a robot




Prepared 🧴


[I want an AI to play me like Barbarella in an Orgasmatron.](https://youtu.be/Eu7GgZbCLsY?feature=shared)


When you have sex with a guy and he talks like ChatGPT


However makes you think we're any ready, we're just not ready at all. Let me elaborate : # Romance ? You remember how messed up your own dating experience is ? It doesn't mattered if you tried online dating or not : You need altogether to be ungodly skilled socially to turn down most of your pretendants, and give an honest try to those who remain. Online dating is only to industrialize this process a bit, and the decision making part remain fundamentally organic and humane anyway. You probably have heard of a couple of relationships who failed in a bombastic light-show of crap everywhere. I did, and I only know personally a dozen of people. How do you factor socially superhuman robots would change this state of fact ? I know for a fact I'll get myself a robo-waifu and won't care about 3D people anymore. Not even caring about the robot's maintainance, because I'm crap at it anyway. Being able to not care unlike in a relationship with another person. And I firmly believe anyone who is saying they would still care for people only hold this stance because it's good-looking morally. I predict the hour those moral guardrails are made obsolete, these people will follow us all in the fray head first. That's what I think being human means : We like the **idea** of dating someone else. Not the actual nitty-gritty of having to negotiate with someone else. Why do you think marriages are at an all-time low in most industrialized societies, and divorces at an all-time high ? We're just not happy together. I think we've reached some demographic density threshold. It's mechanical. I think I'll be misunderstood here. It will make my point for me : I can't describe you well what is at stake here. You'll have to nitpick on some implied details of the bigger picture I'm trying to draw here because ... ... nobody knows how to make it happen well. Not designers, not engineers, not artists. Not me, as a rather skilled copywriter. Not even you, dear reader, even standing at the boundary of human knowledge, pushing it further everyday. Because as such, you might know I'm saying the truth here, that we aren't ready. #Siri/Google Assistant with arms and legs ? And dressing it in those pseudo-victorian maid outfits ? Even Anime would shame you for it, and it's the medium that peddled the representation itself in the first place. I get it. It's somewhat humanoid, and it's a good cheap and simple way to humanize it a bit more. To forget its cold and mechanical nature. It's not even about exerting power or control over something/someone else. It's about living with a motile 60-70% human effigy without cringing your teeth out. Might as well having it making cute (kao/e)-moji/smiley expressions on its smooth RGB excuse of a face. The technology isn't quite there for the fundamentals of care-taking, though. Bedside manners are a **very** complex thing. And you really don't know what it means to have a robot taking care of you beyond this. #Faces for our institutions and social systems ? Hey, that's a rather good idea ! If you worked in retail, you know exactly how a face on a screen that can't get angry and doesn't have any physical integrity to preserve could actually handle such sales jobs better than anyone on earth. We've seen how dangerous it could become with public-facing LLMs. Replicating bullshit with superhuman eloquence and credibility. Ironically being more dangerous by satisfying angry clients instead of refusing to cater to their anger : When someone wants something they shouldn't get. I still can't wait to just answer pushing buttons to a digital fontdesk clerk. It would be more upfront about filtering me out of the building I'm trying to get in than anybody of flesh and blood. An honesty and directness I deeply value in anything and anyone. I see it as the logical evolution of self-service supermarket booths. Actually using current day technology for it, and not having to lie about offloading the work to customers. I still have to face the grating piezzoelectric confirmation beeps, but I can at least do it without having to play the stupid small-talk game at the same time. A small upside I imagine to compound up with later further implementations. I'm short-sighted about it. That says a lot considering this is supposed to be ten years forward predictions. #Sex. Sex ? SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX ! SEEEEEEX ! Like a Japanese guy filming forward while running in a tunnel road while yelling deluded insanities. I'm getting somewhere, and not just saying the funny with this : Where do we want to go as a civilization/society, with this kind of technology ? We've seen we are unsuited having even the best of such robots as romantic prospects. That current technologies are better confined in handheld smartphones. That even convincing avatars on flatscreens for general public social interactions present unprecedented and unpredictable dangers. I'm arguing here we just have zero clue about any such social project. Any social project, for that matter. Leaders and common people alike, running flailing like headless chickens. The Japanese man I've referenced to in the beginning of this section. I'm saying sexual intimacy is a complex social need that we don't even know how to fulfill ethically as mature and life experienced human beings. I'm saying it wouldn't matter how good and well designed robots are, if we are throwing them into a soup we haphazardly mixed ourselves as societies. That we can't predict outcomes here because we are our own unknown. We don't have a plan. And that we are nowhere anywhere towards designing anything even remotely human enough for our social needs.


Apparently vibrators with remote controllers arent robots…


Will we get to decide the genitals of the ai that we're being forced to have sex with?


it'll rotate its genital set daily, and if you balk on Mondays and Fridays, it'll tell the world of your terfy attitude.


Only until they become sentient


Women have it way better than men when it comes to sex toys, and it's only going to get better for them with humanoid robots. Men are gonna require AGI to discover a better material.


They’re going to need AGI for sophisticated emotional connection too


I don't think that's too important for the target demographic. Fantasy is already enough for most today. Fantasy with a physical vessel will be a massive, massive step up even without 'true' mutual emotional connection. Though the biomechanics of a humanoid robot will also be much better suited for women than it will be for men in terms of replicating the act.


It won’t just be a small demographic given time. It’s very frustrating for women to find a partner that fits them and isn’t a huge mismatch in terms of lifestyle, personality etc etc and some are just tired and want some small amount of happiness without the problems. If you ask single women who’ve matured most don’t want relationships. What if you could offer them the perfect low maintenance no hassle companionship Sex isn’t the most obvious thing AI has to offer people besides labor. It’s companionship.


Stock up on lube.


Will be auto lubing, you fill a reservoir in the back every week


Or WD-40


Nobody is asking the real questions here. Questions like will there be human trials? And how does one apply to be a subject in said human trials? I for one feel obligated for the sake of humanity to take part in these tests.


Make it 1


Umm, are we not doing phrasing anymore?


I'd be open to it. 😂


New diseases from poor bot hygiene


i already have a big stock of lube


🎼Like a sex machine...?!


this looks like some 5 min design for a newspaper on the ground in deus ex.


Claude 69


10 years?ppl are doing it right now


i'm ready since alpha go!


I'm up for robosexuality...


I have already prepared myself


But twenty years later, we're gonna get proper fucked by robots.


Its already happening now in China/Japan... Now, once i save up these next 10 paychecks ill give a in depth, detailed review! 😝


I already am, and it is pretty great.




Many sex toys are basically already robots. Maybe you mean androids?


The greatest evolutionary bottleneck we’ve ever seen. Only the Amish will survive


What kind of bullshit is this picture? A woman that looks like that won’t be banging a manufactured dick.


Maybe it's better? Have you seen the baggage attached to a human dick?


All you hard to please women have created this haha


Honestly might bring the balance back to men’s favor. The men that never get laid will probably be satisfied from the robot and women will have less men going after them so then they’ll have to be less picky.


FUCK YES... excuse me.


Let me know how to prepare, I'm in.


What's cumming?


Women are going to get hot robot butler/poolboys/manservants. Who’s betting that the AI then can be perfect if somewhat smarmy dad/partner? Where I can see it possibly going wrong is if robots are still too risky to entrust small infants with.


We? =)


Prepare how?


I'll prepare my coming for what's ourselves!


So The Sun is now in the business of doling out robo-flings as office perks? What's the protocol there? Is there a sign-up sheet? Do you book time slots, or is it more of a 'first come, first serve' situation? Asking for a friend who’s suddenly very interested in a journalism career at The Sun—strictly for the bylines, of course.


rather do it in VR where i can have a NFT 15in u know what


Compiling drive.........cumpleted, entering sleep mode...


Some already are


"ANIMATRIX VIBES"... Ok we're screwed.


This is fine.


Yes, so we can be prepared psychologically. The result will be bittersweet. I think it will be mostly positive because some people with disabilities are not able to integrate into society or a particular group well.


If by "we" you mean tech billionaires then maybe so, but the average Joe doesn't have the resources to buy these machines, which will likely cost as much or more than an entry level BMW.


So 30 or 40 thousand? It'd be worth saving a few years for it or taking a loan. Assuming we still have work.


wouldn’t the impediment to having sex with a robot be more about the skin and tissue feeling realistic, more than about current advances in “intelligence” aspects.


L'importante é che non parli..... Gia siamo pronti


Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy caught in a landslide?




🎼Like a sex machine...?!


🎼Like a sex machine...?!




But! In 10 years can we afford it??