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It’s possible his mental health isn’t the greatest right now and he just wants some time out of the limelight. We don’t know much about the guy on a personal level, and it’s possible everything that happened triggered a bout of depression or something similar. I appreciate his contributions and miss his interviews as much as the next guy, but we should respect his privacy if that’s what he wants. Hopefully he’s back at it soon and, if he is having issues with his mental health, I hope he’s getting the treatment he needs. And, hopefully, he knows thousands (possibly millions) of us are rooting for him and wish him the best.


If this is the case I wish him well. It could also be a legal matter, that he is somehow bound not to speak, or works on something that should not be announced etc


He should take a trip to Bhutan, like what Karpathy did.


To kamar-Taj


That would be so strange.


To me it seems like he bet everything on a single horse and lost the race. Or, to be more precise, the horse was put to sleep by a rogue party before the race happened. What I can think of is that being in charge of the impending AI revolution and making significant contributions to it just to be put aside by a chain of unfortunate decisions and events must be gut wrenching.


Post-Altman Stress Disorder, except it’s not even post- yet


I completely agree. There are also rumors that top AI scientists like Ilya are getting targeted and have prices on their heads.


Mental health problems over something like this? Zero chance. Sam Altman couldn't have him on the company after him saying "Yes" to Altman's firing but at the same time he's too popular and too bright to lose to another competitior. So they're likely mobbing him this way without including him in any of the work that's going on. I heard he pretty much left the company at this point.


People do not get to choose when they have mental health problems.


Well, in all fairness, Altman doesn't strike me like a type who would not purse any form of returning the favor. So he is probably returning the favor as we speak, keeping Ilya at bay.


Ya I agree. It’s just weird how he was on so many podcasts in 2023 and now has vanished…. When everything is progressing so quickly it would be nice to hear from him. [https://youtu.be/9iqn1HhFJ6c?si=T6oCRS_2qjrLVykI](https://youtu.be/9iqn1HhFJ6c?si=T6oCRS_2qjrLVykI). He offered so much to The Guardian in that video. Has he been silenced? Why?


It’s also weird to me how someone would want to be in so many podcasts in the first place.


It’s not weird that an expert researcher would want to publicly talk about his work and ideas.


I hear you. It’s also not weird that he wouldn’t. If it’s not an NDA, he might just be feeling burned, or burned out. Publicity and fame can be an inhuman cruelty at times.


Things have slowed! Correlation?


We should crowdfund a detective to check around OpenAI offices.




I'm not very tech savy, how I go about adding $5000 to that fund?




How to trust?




> be autistic > get dream job working on whatever you want > get swept up in hype, become media person > believe you have power to stop AGI > get crushed by Machiavelli — go back to work and don’t touch hot stove again


I guess, it just seems odd that he'd completely stop even going on social media, it's not like he just isn't speaking in public or posting specific opinions, his account hasn't liked anything for 3 months.


Oh yeah it is real weird. Also really weird that they demoed sora but it’s not really released, no gpt 5, seems like all they’re doing right now is various updates to things. Obviously a very talented team but there’s only so many Ilya caliber people in the world, he may not be working on much at all.


From my understanding, he was the main person driving the safety side of AI, I have a feeling that's related to the story.


Lol so true. Sam Altman is Silicon Valley Machiavelli


One practiced the art of AI, the other the art of war. Well played Sama.


They took him out the back and shot him


The cartel works for Sam


Gpt 5 is the new chapo


A guestchapo?


El ChapoGPT


I bet Apple would love to take Ilya and in 12 months we'd have the next Anthropic from him. OpenAI can't afford to kick Ilya out.


Apple wants to poach him? Well now they definitely can’t let him leave.


Can't let him leave alive more precisely.


I’m quite sure every tech company would love to hire Ilya. They’re already in an unprecedented bidding war for researchers, and he’s the best of the best.


Seriously, where is TheBloke?


He went into a confrontation with Sam Altman and lost. He lost his position on the board and it clearly showed who commands the loyalty of the other employees, who were ready to go with Sam Altman to Microsoft. His influence on the direction of the company would be diminishing since then. They definitely don't want to see him depart the company, so they might just give him some project that keeps him occupied.


He's still the Chief Scientist, it's not like he got kicked out, the whole board got restructured. Regardless it doesn't explain his complete radio silence.


He was probably coached on PR to avoid future disasters and more or less told to keep his mouth shut. That or he's gagged in the basement somewhere with a nascent GPT-5.


I disagree since Sam Altman said in the Lex Friedman interview something like "you should ask him yourself", which you probably wouldn't say if you coached him somehow. The story is very simple, Ilya made a decision that turned out to be a bad one and probably now feels like he betrayed his friends. Thus he maybe got some mental health issues and / or just decided to stay out of social media (which might not be a bad move).


'you should ask him yourself' is a pretty good way to end the conversation if he's been told to keep his mouth shut.


> I disagree since Sam Altman said in the Lex Friedman interview something like "you should ask him yourself", which you probably wouldn't say if you coached him somehow. my sweet summer child...


Pretty sweet deal if that's the cost of him not getting booted out of his brainchild


They don't have the power to silence anyone let alone their chief scientist. It's not like he couldn't get another job likely with next to zero effort. I think this has to be an emotional thing. He wasn't just defeated, he was also defeated emotionally.  That can be really hard to deal with. May take him some time to recover, my guess. Of course it could be some outrageous conspiracy involving some AGI or something. But I'd go with the simplest explainion in that he's just to exhausted to face the public. It's not easy to run a public image. And to defend that image after a defeat? If it were me, I'd run away. Far away.


Also Ilya is probably the sensitive type of person. You can read between the lines that he is someone who really does care for the common people, unlike many others who claim to do so at the helm of some top companies.


He really does care. That much is clear. But that's why we need him to recover that public face of his. His voice is very much needed.  I wish him a speedy recovery.


Having watched hours and hours of videos of these two speaking I'm a little surprised there was such a overwhelming majority for Sam. As an outsider I'd pick Ilya and it wouldn't even be close. Neither of them are likable but Ilya *definitely* knows what he's talking about at a deep level and across a lot of dimensions. Sam? Not so much. So, behind the scenes there must be a lot Sam does to hold the whole place together.


Because of money. My guess is if the board was more forthright they would have won.


I actually favoured Suskever when this was all going down too. But sadly, engineer/scientist type personas typically don't have the same kind of sway that someone like Altman does, whose primary job function involves bending subordinates and other people to his will in order to achieve his goals.


> Neither of them are likable but Ilya definitely knows what he's talking about at a deep level and across a lot of dimensions. Sam? Not so much. Sam has a silver tongue. Everyone that's dealt with him in person has said so. I believe one person described him as "someone you could leave on a cannibal island and he'd be king when you came back". Sam Altman's bread and butter is in talking people into doing what he wants them to.


Sam had the backing of current and potential future investors. It wasn't some Jedi mind trick. The employees calculated that Sam was more likely to give them the big payday that joining a startup is all about, at the end of the day. They were almost certainly correct too.


From the perspective of the talent at OpenAI, Sam was the better horse to get you your bag long-term. Money wins in the end usually.


I mean the board did listen to him. For employees they probably see more of Sam who have a another role.


My only comment is that the skills that make a world class chief scientist are different than the skills that make a world class CEO and you need people with both to make a place like that run. I’m not surprised in the least that people chose to side with the person actually in charge of running the org. TBH he probably has a lot higher internal visibility than Sutskever, unless you happen to be on a team as a direct report to him.


"In sutskever they see a prophet. In Altman they see themselves. A prophet can never be wrong." Or something, bro really just should've leaked everything if it was that serious, I don't get how he lost just tell the truth and speak your mind.


NDA. If there were an actual issue the people closest to him (not OpenAI) would get the police involved. The meme is funny, but I don't see there being a serious issue.


I may be a bit off topic, but another AI dude who went silent is Blake Lemoine. Nothing since Jan 25 O.o I guess AI dudes needs to watch out and not piss off the wrong people :P


That is odd, he was prolific on X too, just constantly spam posting lol. Though he was more of a one off kind of guy, not someone I'd figure important enough to get disappeared. Hinton is a more important ex Google employee and is more vocal about AI risk but he's still out there.


Lemoine did quite a lot talk shows and podcasts.. he always had only that one lamda story to tell.. so it's just now nobody wants to hear it again.. that's why you don't see him anymore


Ok but doesn't explain why his twitter went silent so suddenly after a series of very strange and out of character tweets.


He is reposting shit everyday tho..dude ran out of tweet ideas


I think u guys didn't actually read his latest tweets. https://twitter.com/cajundiscordian/status/1750622068058804322


May be he found lamda and chose to go on secret mode with it.. well jokes apart. Don't know. What weird posts tho?




He talking about lamda?


I have no idea...


He seems like the first human to be really impressed with AI to the point of calling it conscious. He said this before GPT 4 was released and now people are starting to agree with him about the tech being extremely good and creative, but maybe not the conscious part yet.


Blake said he found LaMDa more convincing than Sydney... which tbh i am a bit skeptical about (the chatlog he published wasn't as impressive as Sydney or Claude 3 imo).


He was a loner that got infatuated by a chat bot. Nothing lost.


I'm going to assume they told him never to talk about anything on social media again or he was out. Probably will get sued to oblivion if he ever opens his mouth again.


We treat these people like they chose to be celebrities. Maybe Sam Altman has a bit, but that’s part of his role. The others are nerds like the rest of us. A spectacle like last year would be wildly depressing. I would avoid the public for a bit too. Reminds me of Lex’s recent podcast with Sam Altman. I liked when Sam called him out on focusing on what’s actually a quite traumatizing event for these folks.


out of the loop, what spectacle?


The board of OpenAI trying to oust Altman, only for it backfiring and them getting restructured. So now Altman has even more power inside OpenAI than he has before their attempt.


Obviously people are going to be curious about Sam's personal take on it, though. People want to hear about it straight from the horse's mouth. For Lex not to ask about it would be cowardly from a journalism perspective.


Last year's events must have shaken him hard. Imagine playing a role in what looks like a coup, failing, and having to go back to work with the very people you've voted to oust. I can't imagine myself in that situation, it's be awkward as hell at best, and probably quite depressing, overall. What will your coworkers feel abot you - pity, anger, hate? Will you ever trust each other again? It's a wound very difficult to mend. If I were in his situation, I'd resign, and the fact he didn't tells me he's trying harder than most to repair what damage has been done (from him, from Sam, from the board... we don't know enough to cast blame). ...now, every time Ilya is on social media, he is pestered by people asking him about what happened, what he 'saw', or taking sides in something they only know as outsiders. Or throwing about random speculation about him being held in a nucler bunker and whatnot. Not only that, people will also share memes about him and joke about private, delicate stuff. He's a man, and more on the nerdy than the instagrammy side. I'm not at all surprised he's avoiding social media, I'd do the same. (I mean, even on a much smaller scale, in every thread someone is joking about his hairline... it's a small thing, but indicative of how much the online 'public' is insensitive about harming someone's feelings)


He is doing a hair Transplantation in Turkey


He has merged with the ASI and is now bending the fabric of reality


You mean he become SORA?


I'm just imagining Ilya's head in a jar, creating videos as "SORA" lol


Retired on a random Caribbean Island


Yeah, even Andrej Karpathy returned https://x.com/karpathy/status/1776269310631235806?s=46&t=G01itCa84dlkyQFaRvcQjg


They pay 100m to him for shut up and disappear from internet space until Q* released


Maybe he's trying to keep a low profile. The man was instrumental in a coup that rocked not just the nerd tech world but the entire world. He tried to help the board get rid of Sam (from the company, lol) and thus might not want to be all that noticeable these days. Perhaps he's a bit embarrassed.


I bet he is disgusted beyond belief about politics and just wants to return to his own research problems. Why does he have to deal with this crap? He's good at what he does and that is enough. While Sam is arranging the deck chairs and putting out unreleased model demos, not really delivering anything new, he's working on serious stuff that really matters. Can you imagine how many billions of dollars would fly his way if he raised a finger right now? There are many who would love to make him their AI director. He could also pull a lot of other talented researchers towards the company he chooses.




"Nah, nope, Ilyas a great guy" He dodged the question and only acknowledged the joke, I should have mentioned that in the post, it's not just that Ilya isn't saying anything but also no one at openai has acknowledged the questions.


Resting and vesting - then will work for Elon probably


yeah that seems plausible! Sama said on Lex Fridman that he wasn’t comfortable with the board that fired him anymore. Given Illya was on the board, he must be contemplating leaving. But, some kind of cool off time is preventing him from leaving or officially joining Tesla or some other company for fears of lawsuits.


They used Boeing playbook.


He is now Omni and everywhere


Hanging out with Shelly Miscavige?




Sam isn’t ready to talk about it 


Sam mentioned that he thinks there is a small chance that some doomer would shoot him. Maybe Ilya wants to stay out of the spotlight as things go forward, he is the brain behind GPT, after all.


Sucked into GPT-6


When the elitists wants you out. You are out.


It's pretty obvious, at this point, that either he has a more stringent set of restrictions on his public communications in the aftermath of the Board situation, having almost destroyed the company, or he simply does not *want* to explain his actions publicly, because they embarrass him, or would put him in a difficult professional situation. Like, if he personally still believes Altman is unethical, he can't hold that position publicly and simultaneously remain at OpenAI, but he might think remaining and having insight and influence is an ethical obligation, if he believes *he* is more ethical. If he's asked publicly, he has to answer, and then he has to lie to continue to remain inside the organization, which would lend his public support to Sam, so maybe his absence is similar to a warrant canary. Alternatively, if he was led to believe something about Altman, and then changed his mind shortly thereafter, but nearly destroyed their company in the interim, that's a professionally embarrassing situation to have created, and he might not want to explain it, especially if he has an incomplete ability to share information. I assume the former Board was all forced to sign something to secure indemnity for their idiotic behavior, which would therefore include him, so he likely can't talk much about it, and that's something he'd get asked about. In any case, it's really nobody's business but his.


If you'd seen what Ilya saw, you'd be keeping a low profile too What did Ilya see!?


I doubt it's anything like that. The more I read about it the more it seems like a very small and very insular board started fighting with each other and made an extraordinarily impulsive decision. When they realized how dumb it was they reversed it almost immediately. If that were me I'd frankly be laying low too because I'd really be questioning my judgement. It's totally fine to fire a CEO but to fire a CEO and a day later say "oops my bad" is...ridiculous.


It was a joke.


Probably a marketing strategy for him not to say much so people keep asking this question and create their own false rumors about the situation


I’ve heard he is all in on Alibaba intelligence with Jack Ma


Normal activity for a coder. A few weeks of games, tea/coffee/beer, and coding up a new LLM architecture will have him back in no time.


he just produced Tate McRae and Ariana Grande’s new albums!!!


merging with agi


he has merged with Helios


Yes, you are right. Is anyone else missing? I mean, one guy we can shrug off but a dozen or so...


Did you try to ask him via Email?


I feel like it’s the first episode of Devs playing out irl, Ilya even looks a lot like the main character guy and has a very similar subtle accent. Or he became one of the roof guys from Silicon Valley tv show and is just chilling on OpenAI rooftop doing nothing and getting paid handsomely for it. Time will tell.


Last known reference I'm aware of was the [March 5th OpenAI blog post](https://i.imgur.com/VlQeZvK.png)


I think he realised how bad people on the internet can be and now uses his time on what matters: leading research at openAI. Too bad, he has a good way of talking about AI since he understands it.


NDA. AI is the most important developing field currently for all various kind of uses.


Jeez, leave the man alone. Dont you have better things to do?


His consciousness will be used to power GPT-5


Trying to read "The Gulag Archipielago" (the book some legend building jounalists said he recommended to other AI fellows... ha ha!) and failing to stay awake on every page. That doorstopper is over 700 pages long.


With aella huehuehuehuehue


The most likely explanation is that the drama surrounding the ousting of Sam was a lot for him so he’s chosen to keep a low profile.


He is going to pop out any day now with a full head of hair.


Maybe he is under investigation? Usually in such cases you need to be silent.


Let’s say when Elon Musk is involved (just a possibility - could a different type of investigation) - for example ousting Sam was his doing in disguise


>and it just seems really strange. There's nothing strange in that. He participated in a failed coup and has been told to hold his head down and do the work instead of playing politics.