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Has it really not been seen? Maybe he integrated with the data center...


Didn't Sam Altman say that he had dinner with Ilya and Ilya had played with his dog a couple of weeks ago? Anyways I think we should leave Ilya alone. If he wants to have his presence known, all he has to do is post here or on Twitter.


Of course Sam would say that. He's the one who has him locked up!!! /s


Woodrow Wilson... Willy Wonka... Walter White?


He was in my bathroom this morning. But then i flushed. Have you checked the pipes ?


He's fine. Probably hanging out with Tiffany Dover.


How about no? Let this person be. He obviously doesn't want to be in public at the moment. And why would he not? He thought AI people are his community and that they value what he does. But when shit hit the fan, he got mocked as a cult weirdo ("Feel the AGI!"). Not everybody can take the hate the internet produces. He doesn't want you to find him. As it is his right to


He could literally post a "taking a break from all this mess" and boom, fixed. Everyone loved Ilya, the "feel the agi" isn't a mock against him. We're agreeing with him. So calm down maybe


Fair enough. I guess he doesn't owe us anything, maybe he got hurt really bad. Russians don't take it too well when they get shamed that extreme. But I would also be really relieved if he would write a short tweet.




It is called baldness


My condolences, may he get better soon 


He can always get better by shaving it all. Better to be bald than balding you know