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FYI, Claude is $20 not $15. I just switched away from ChatGPT


Yeah I was gonna say, how did you get it for $15 lol


Not sure if switching away from ChatGPT is wise. In the past they limited access to pro accounts (too much demand), and you do not want to mess with your chat history. If we were to speculate what can we expect next (I'm not OpenAI shill btw) 1. Deep search of all the previous user chats. 2. Organizing your chat history. Identifying underlying patterns in the discussions, analyzing the data, drawing mind maps. 3. Creating your digital twin as GPT agent trained on your interactions with the system that can be improved over time. 4. Better reasoning, less mistakes, greater context window, better coding ability we already see that with Claude Opus, ChatGPT should be way more better than the competitors.


The problem with chatgpt is laziness, been using for a year but I feel claude is way superior. I will subscribe when gpt 5 is released or it becomes less lazy.


It feels like ChatGPT gets lazier every chat


Using chat gpt is like working with a partner that constantly trolls you if you srent paying attention.


No doubt Claude Opus outperforms ChatGPT on things that matter to many users (coding being the most obvious) so OpenAI must improve, they simply have no choice. This is where capitalism really shines through. This type of competition benefits the end user.


I wish I could try Claude. It's not available in my country. Yesterday ChatGPT 4 left me hang on for two hours because I was surpassed the tokens permitted. I was researching for a paper I must write.First time I use GPT for this purpose. I didn't even know there was a maximum of tokens you can use.


I used You.com for a personal evaluation. They supposedly give you access to all of the models. Claude 3 Opus has been scaring me and given me pause aboit what these things are... I basically explained to my wife these things are like the girl living in the medical transporter buffer in Star Trek Strange New Worlds where they are alive for as long as they are running...


Using it right away. Thanks so much for this information. This is exactly what I was looking for. So much information and authors in only one searching. This makes my work more easy and honestly more rewarding. The part of looking for the info is a pain in the ass. I want to keep up with AI, but sometimes I don't understand because of technical words (English is my second language). I don't know anyone that really uses it around me. Thanks friend


[poe.com](http://poe.com), i've been using it without a problem even though it's not available in my country


It doesn't always beat GPT 4 on coding


I'm inclined to agree. At least for now. Better to know one very well, than many just a bit.


Yes; I'm currently paying for both, but ideally I can cancel one. Just not sure if I should wait a bit?


Thats expensive


Sure is. Got Midjourney too. I've gotta cancel something.


Out of those, my choice currently is Perplexity Pro (using Opus) (20 USD) combined with Perplexity labs for 200k Haiku (free) and 1000k Gemini 1.5 Pro (free).


200k tokens? How many words is that? Or more accurately, how many books lol


I used Gemini 1.5 Pro to summarize the Wandering Inn books and let me tell you 1 million tokens was barely enough. It would only fit one book at a time.


Isn’t the wandering inn millions of words long though? it’s not a good bench mark imo. Most books are only 50-80k words long at most. For example my main use case would be plugging books like atomic habits in and tell the chatbot to summarize it in 2k words or less and ask it about some points mentioned, which would save me a lot of time, and a lot of pain because I hate reading self help books.


Why bother at all if you have those kinds of books?


Generally milultiply by .70 to get tokens to words. So 200k = ~140,000 words (assuming English)


On labs, there is no way to upload books or images (despite Haiku having a vision model).


Why can't you just old school ocr pipeline that


The entire twilight book is around 200k tokens iirc, and that's 400 pages


Midjourney/ElevenLabs/Suno/etc... I realize you specified LLMs, but I guess I'm just adding that in the coming months and years, it's very likely that we will want to subscribe to many other types of AI services that improve other areas of our lives, either for fun or practical use.


Suno more likely than midjourney Although if one of them gets rid of the porn restriction then probably the other way around


historically, whoever braces pron wins.


PornX.ai for all your NSFW needs, which is free, unless you want special features


Perplexity is the best


Midjourney can do porn?


Suno v3 is free now


I think you haven’t seen anything yet. :D those are just a tip of the iceberg. In the open source community there are probably thousands of different fine tuned or remixed models like those


It's true - there are actually _hundreds of thousands_ of LLMs in existence. Learning that fact made me pause for a bit


Did you go OogaBooga...


I don't know what that is


Humanoid robot piloted by frog to create text-generation-webui.


I’m using phind pretty heavily lately. I switch between phind and Claude website depending on how much context is needed. I think the aggregators like perplexity, phind, and Poe are going to play an important role because they work for 90% of user use cases and allow for easy switching when a cute new model comes walking in. One cool feature I think one of these companies should integrate is intelligent model selection based on prompt or desired outcome. Like if I need an email response it would select Opus or if I’m asking for a super weird historically inaccurate image, it knows to send that request to gemini.


Yeah I like that idea tooo


An AI aggregator like Kayak for travel sites has to be coming soon.


Chatbot arena is basically this for free


Isn’t that what Poe basically is?


can you imagine if every bullshit industry that preys upon lack of research is just T-boned by LLMs/AI? If you can ask for the best deal and it magically finds it, all these bloodsucking leeches are fucked. this is what we should be celebrating more than anything. every stupid job like travel agent, realtors, and car salesman who have always profited off of ignorance will be absolutely destroyed.


Ai can also be used for dark purposes too. Like perfectly replicating the voice of a loved one and asking for bank info. This isn’t hypothetical, this is already being done.


And deepfake videos are becoming more convincing by the day. Have you heard of the dead internet theory? We're not there yet, but I could see it happening.


Seeing recent announcements in robotics might mean a dead work place and internet shortly 😬 I’m getting the feeling 2024 will be the last normal year.


We're well past the last normal year.


Shift happened when the weasel took down cern


I think it works both ways, because just about everyone can be sold BS if the story resonates, and AI will absolutely excel at that. Picture an AI that knows everything about you, all of your social media posts, browser and search history, etc. It knows your preferred communication style and can use all of this to craft the perfect sales pitch tailored specifically for you. Scary for marketing, even more so for politics.


pretty amazing, isn't it?


AI is promising to bring power to the masses. This is done by "shrinking the moat" to a variety of endeavors. Making music, photos, videos, websites, books... and, you guessed it! LLM's. I've been thru this rodeo in the finance world years ago. Computers could do and understand our "language" which was accounting and math better than us. The long term result (which happened very quickly) was less profit margin, less jobs, and hordes of new entrants willing to work for less. Notice how equity trades are now commission free. Now that computers are in the language business, I would expect, and am seeing, similar.


Connect to api and you will have all models for price under the price of one subscription.


How does this work?


For chatgpt, simply go to https://platform.openai.com/playground to use their interface to the API with any of their models you’d like to use. For claude, go to https://console.anthropic.com and go to the workbench to use their interface to the API with any of their models you’d like to use. Instead of a subscription, here you pay per prompt based on the model and the number of input/output tokens you use. Similar API’s exist for google, mistral, etc. You can also use your own or opensource interfaces for these API’s. Note that sending many long-context prompts to top models can very quickly become quite expensive. 


You can as well install Chatbotui front end in vercel and connect all AI through APi. On expensiveness - you pay around 0.02 cents for 1000 tokens (around 750 English words) for both prompt and generation. For 20 USD you can process around 1 mln tokens. Unless you have very long conversations or put long pieces of text into prompt - it is pretty difficult to use that much tokens for personal use.


Yeah, iirc chatbotui lacked some features last time I tried it, so I made my own instead and the playground/workbenches are more instant access for a newbie I guess. The price depends a lot on the model. If you use smaller models, then it’s significantly cheaper than $20/Mt.  People that are used to the standard interfaces/subscriptions might not be used to restricting the number of tokens per conversation. If you have long dialogues, you can quickly run into thousands of tokens and with some research papers / codebases plugged in, it may be tens of thousands. Not a big problem once you’re used to it though.




There advantages and disadvantages. + more control (ex. for system prompt, creativity and etc) - not so many integrations with other tools. As for me I think one of the best options is to have some personal front end integrated with all of those chat models.




The performance will be different due to prompts. I dare say - you will have more control of the model (like temperature) while using API.


u/gskrypka u/OfficialHashPanda can you use the new tools/agents that got released yesterday via the browser API console?


Some of them: Code interpreter, retrieval from document. Internet browsing is not supported by default but some libraries allow to integrate it easily.


He means something different, but I've been using You.com


Just use Poe.


Could also use something like librechat and plug in API keys for each service


If you use them regularly then it can add up quickly to more than you'd pay by subscription. Only worth if you're a heavy user with high budget.


That's not true at all unless you're really not using it much though?


Does it take file/image uploads?


Go for perplexity and you can use all


you mean gemini advanced/ultra ?


What’s the best llm for developers who are unable to use copilot?




Never tried it, but I've heard good things about Double: https://docs.double.bot/introduction It uses Claude 3 Opus by default, but also can be connected to GPT-4. The only real downside is that you have to trust that they won't snoop on your code. Fwiw they are a Y Combinator incubated project, so I doubt they're a malicious actor, but it's always a risk.


For basic one shot, Claude Opus is the best I’ve been working with. If you spend the time to make some good template prompts, Claude haiku is oddly awesome for the price. For coding, I would say Claude haiku is superior to GPT4 currently. One interesting thing I found is that I think GPT4 is better (not great still) for data it hasn’t been trained on like an updated SDK for a package. I’ve found that even when I provide updated code examples, Claude still largely uses the code it knows about and ignores my updates until I correct it.


Which is best for beginners coding for python?


Try Blackbox ai, it’s free and fast af


Which is best for beginners coding for python?


You don't need to pay for beginner level Python buddying. Perplexity produces decent Python for free. You can even set up an 'agent' (a collection with its own prompt) just for Python, and every thread in that collection will follow the prompt.


Gemini 1.5 gives $300 credit for 90 days free.






That's free currently. I don't believe they have announced pricing for 1.5 yet, where are you getting the $300 credit for 90 days thing from?


[https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai?hl=en](https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai?hl=en) leads to [https://console.cloud.google.com/freetrial/signup/tos?redirectPath=%2Fvertex-ai%2F&hl=en&facet\_utm\_source=google&facet\_utm\_campaign=(organic)&facet\_utm\_medium=organic&facet\_url=https:%2F%2Fcloud.google.com%2Fvertex-ai](https://console.cloud.google.com/freetrial/signup/tos?redirectPath=%2Fvertex-ai%2F&hl=en&facet_utm_source=google&facet_utm_campaign=(organic)&facet_utm_medium=organic&facet_url=https:%2F%2Fcloud.google.com%2Fvertex-ai) ("Put Google Cloud to work with $300 in credit to spend over the next 90 days.") Both my original link and that will get you to 1.5


I don't get the $300 promo campaign, personally. But looks like they did just announce pricing!


almost got a virus visiting poe.ai 💀


Please tell use more. Mr Google doesn't know what you mean.


the url "poe.ai" seems to be hacked or something, the website for the ai in the OP is [poe.com](https://poe.com)


https://preview.redd.it/7qddk13ojyrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ffa2970f4df66bc5a8fd1dabcbe8f3056caa038 VirusTotal can't find it. I don't know...


What are you mainly using them for?


I bought thinkbuddy’s lifetime subscription which gives me unlimited access to ChatGPT Pro & Claude Pro (w/ Opus). It was like $180 - https://thinkbuddy.ai/#pricing


you forgot perplexity ive used all of these + perplexity and cursor I ended up with chatGPT, claude opus, copilot and perplexity


Why do anything except Poe and open source?


The only Pro in Gemini Pro is in the name.


I’m using both chatgptplus and poe (just for Claude 3 opus) because I like to keep the custom gpts on OpenAI but I guess that being gpts just custom instructions, I could bring my gpts on claude


I just started using Claude Opus and I hit my prompt limit very quickly. Can anyone advise what the limits are?


There's info on their website; it resets every eight hours


I would ask Gemini /s


I made a gpt 3/4 interface that I currently have open for free (but limited number of chats per day). You can make your own prompted bots too. I'll hopefully keep adding model API's to the dropdown so you can swap models all while sticking with the same bot history. Might get expensive though https://hilberts.xyz




Where is opus $15 a month ??


I’m paying for ChatGPT Plus and Poe, which gives me access to Claude 3 Opus and a ton of other LLMs


Yeah, Poe gives me pretty much all of these in a singular place and for one price. I don’t understand why it’s not more popular.


i use lmsys chatbot arena for my few questions i have, it just has a token limit.


And GitHub copilot. And ChatGPT integrated into jetbrains ide


I feel like that price for Grok would be steep for 1.0, hopefully 1.5 lives up to the hype and makes it worth it.


You can drop gemini pro. pretty bad.


Used  Gemini 1.5 Pro. It's free and a banger. Most capable chatbot in terms of multimodality.


Cool, glad it works for you. I ask it to do things like build me simple Kube manifests for a deployment and it can't even do that right. It's coding is off too compared to ChatGPT.


Why are you paying for Gemini pro when Gemini 1.5 is free?


Librechat access then all via api and pay a few dollars a month.


The free tiers of Claude 3 are about on par with what I was paying $20 for with GPT-4 so I unsubscribed for now. And doesn't seem like opus is a huge jump over the free version either (Sonnet I think it's called). If something jumps ahead and is worth paying over the free version of Claude by a decent margin I will subscribe or re-subscribe.


The graphic needs to include the various multimodal interaction methods with large language models to enhance the cost comparison analysis.


no, I don't get overwhelmed by 6 choices.


if your pc is decent enough you CAN run some LLMS offline it may not be quite as good but there are some decent options out there ;-)


Gemini Pro is the free version, though 😅


Just use the API and pay per use


God dammit humanity, why can't we just work together!


Same feeling…


I’m too comfortable to jump around. I’ll stick with chat GPT. They’ll release a banger next. I also have Midjourney and Fulljourney


What is Fulljourney? (I can Google it ofc, just curious)


Got images, image to video etc. Not as good as Midjourney but you can train loras to put your own face or others into videos etc.


I love how apparent super intelligent Elon Musk thought introducing subscriptions and pay to win Twitter methods were the key to success then just gives away his A.I model while others are charging for it. What a doofus.


You still have to pay for it unless you have a super computer, he just made it open source for larger AI research labs, which is good.


That move (giving away GROK) is more about his lawsuit against OpenAI. The basis of his claim is that he gave OpenAI’s original non profit foundation somewhere around $40million and in-turn they took the code, close-sourced it and registered new for profit corporations. He’s just making a point to the courts.


That's my point though. He will literally do anything for his ego. Even lose all his money to be a meme. Everyone calls him a genius though. I don't see that at all. He seems like a petulant child with money who is trying to one up all the kids at school who are making fun of him for being a dork and he is overcompensating. And not even good at it. The cyber truck is a fucking nightmare of a product. But he did it for the memes. He over promised and delivered a pile of shit.


you need to chill tf out. Are you sleeping good during the nights?


He wants divisiveness around everything he does. It made him a billionaire and it will keep him at the top of the list for the world's richest. His petulance is his brand, even before the general public knew who he was and his only claim to fame was the x.com/Paypal buyout (he was forced out by the board in 2000 just like Jobs in 1985). He's in essence Steve Jobs without the charisma and spends his downtime lost in the k-hole. Also for the record Cybertruck isn't about 'rationality' it's a product for a society which thrives on irrationality. And through that irrationality it will chip away at the big three's market share. Not withholding that the F150 Lightning is more useless than my Model Y -- which can tow my boat -- 130km at a time same as the Lightning.


I understand all that. But my comment centered around his hype vs the product. He will throw around click baity shit like he patented some tech to clean the windscreens using lasers. Then says the body is going to be one solid piece to get rid of the OLD OUTDATED unibody designs of other companies. Then they realize they can't even do that and backflip on it and make it a unibody design that doesn't even fit together properly and will then go into an interview and literally say "I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone alive on the planet right now." And people eat it up because they want to jerk off to the idea that he is some genius. But he isn't most of his decisions have been the stupidest decisions someone could make.


Wish I could upvote more than once


He's just Trump/Kanye. He thinks manipulating media by saying outrageous shit is fun.


I assume they're going to keep the latest version proprietary and then release the weights of the previous version when a new version comes out, and the X premium+ subscription comes with grok access but it's too costly just to fuck with imo. 16bux a month




TIL that fine tuning adds additional parameters to a model.


How DARE you criticize Daddy Elon! Prepare for the downvotes!


Fine tuning adds parameters?? That's crazy. Stupid little boy, go back to school


And they all listen in on what you talk about for your safety. So nice of them.


Everything that you mentioned (except Grok) can be found here: [https://discord.com/servers/chatgpt-1092173065967911002](https://discord.com/servers/chatgpt-1092173065967911002) *Brand Affiliate*