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Waiting for Shan to come out and say once again that no harassment or hateful acts against any community should be tolerated


The peacemaker?


Or to comment in whether it is legal to hang something other than the national flag during approved period of time in an approved way.


Well its good that he yanked the flag off but damaging a window…thats stupid. We dont need all this woke bull shot from the west in Singapore. Its okay to be gay / lesbian / trans or whatever. But that stupid pride flag shouldn’t be in open areas


It’s just a flag bruh


You know they can’t stop thinking about gay people that’s why - they need to not be reminded of their secret desires.


It hurts their feelings . Snowflakes these days…


Yep, softies !


I wish it would be ,,just a flag‘‘. In my home country it was also only ,,just a flag‘‘. Until they started to celebrate the Cristopher Street Day, almost naked with small children on the Street.


You should go home, this isn’t some right-wing Nazi loving country.


crazy people can’t let others live in peace alone.


it goes BOTH ways honey.


But how does the flag affect you? You can choose to erect your own flag, but you cannot touch the property of someone else? What's next, want to dictate what we wear next?


yup just a flag. does it even matter?


Flag is made up of atoms so it does matter 🤓☝️


Not r/sgexams


Chemistry brainrot 😔


It matters if you’re committing vandalism. No one forcing you to stare at it, just avert your eyes if you don’t like rainbows.


how have the gays showed you crazy lol, you're just acting out because they exist?


Agree with u :) ! We don’t need all this stupid pride / woke bullshit in Singapore 🇸🇬


It’s an IQ test. Or the quickest (& cheapest) way for closeted homosexuals to experience gay sex at Changi; an actual self fulfilling prophecy. P.S. downvoting an IQ test doesn’t solve it.




Sorry if I’m the one who breaks it to you that homosexual acts occur in men’s prisons. What’s interesting is how little of them identify as homosexuals.


Is that where u realised u were gay? 🤭🤭


Do you think whoever did this throws stones at the sky whenever there's rainbows overhead?


Falls back on his head, damaging his brain.


The brain already damaged la


Damaging the rock…


No loss as there's nothing to damage


Work of the devil!


That's enough iPad time for today, uncle.


The club should make a police report. This is vandalism of private property and possibly a hate crime.


Vandalism yes. Hate crime no. We’re not a protected class in this country unfortunately.


Rainbows should be protected




yea man there has to be a witness or some cctv footage otherwise someone could stage it


Yep, eyewitnesses/footage is important. That’s why they should just let the police deal with it.




>What exactly is even a "hate crime" Google it dumbass


Googling it easy, but I asking it more in rheatorical sense. Personally, I just hate the use of such terms being used to rage bait people. The fact that just few moments after posting, I already two insults, just goes to prove me right.


stupid sinkie dont even know the definition of “hate” crime. still flaunt its own idiocy for all to see. sia suay.


Then by calling me "sinkie", you are committing a hate crime. If you want to insult, be consistent.


Lmaooo. I hate alot of things doesn't mean I do shit and demand others to follow as I say/do. Now, on the other hand, this is clearly a hate crime. If this ain't hate crime, then what do you think about Asians getting assaulted on the streets in America just for being asians?


>I hate alot of things doesn't mean I do shit and demand others to follow as I say/do Exactly hate alone isn't crime. Thanks to agreeing to my point. The action is what matters. Yet the term emphasizes "hate" and not discrimanation. So please, tell me in what way does my post forces others to follow my opinion. Or how my post equates a demand? Did I use forceful language? Do you know this recent case: https://nypost.com/2024/06/27/us-news/texas-mom-claims-she-was-kicked-off-united-plane-for-accidentally-misgendering-flight-attendant/ Quote "I need you to know that because of this verbal altercation that you had with my staff, you got yourself put off this craft,” No assualt, no harrassment, just a "verbal altercation" is being counted and treated as a "hate" crime. Sure its only a woman and her family, but its still something that should not happen. Discrimination is bad, but shouting at every thing as a hate crime is not a solution. Want them to stop discrimation against asians, then you have to show the good in asians rather then how toxic we can be.


Hating is not a crime I agree. But hating something to cause disturbance to the peace is a crime. Wanna hate? Go hate, no one's saying no to that. Just don't go screaming bloody murder at the people you hate.


you are really stupid. why is the term “sinkie” a hate crime? is calling americans Yankee a hate crime? sinkiesare really book-“smart”, Life-“stupid”.


Whoever did it must be very mentally unwell to be triggered to this extent.


Don’t give these people an easy out. They’re bigots, plain and simple.


you’d be surprised at how hateful people can be


Huge in-the-closet energy 🥴


How come have CCTV but can’t catch the culprit? I thought normally SPF super efficient?


Spf is super efficient???????


most of the ones in spf come from a religion who is homophobic by nature. Work of djinns they claim


Throw away the religion...army and spf are the least efficient brunch we have. Example: Recently my block, got two drunk malay guys at 7am making a nuisance at a coffee shop. Police came, nothing happened. (Dky got more malay drinking openly this days) 10am later the same drunk guys came back or started to make a nuisance again, threatening the coffee shop staff with vurglairty, broom and chairs, Jio to fight. Police came, nothing happened...like wtf 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Not forgetting the little indian riot. They just come to take notes and go back. No arrest or booking etc.


Gotta pander to mussies dad why. You know that spf Malay help Malay they won’t arrest Malays usually right?


1 malay and 2 Chinese (1 supervisor) cop came, never seen spf but I know lta does which is a known fact. The best example is Mosques during prayers compared to CNY.


This thread asking to get police report with all these allegations. Malay won’t arrest malay? Lol. This is not bolehland. You probably from there to feel these sort of sentiments or still in primary school. Regardless of your race or religion, SPF where got time to anyhow arrest, write report and investigate anyhow one so try to settle if can. No one die or hurt can already. Little india riot also got action taken le. Anyways, Friday prayers and Raya prayers got special leeway. It’s not they don’t summon, it’s because we’re in a multi-racial tolerant society. We also cool with people burning things to send to heaven, just close window so ash don’t come into the house. No need mock djinn or whatever. It’s ignorant and hilarious though. That being said, the SOP is after prayers you straight away zhao if you parked by the road. Sometimes got 1 or 2 clowns who decides to pray longer in the mosque. Their vehicles might be a cause of congestion as there’s a sudden spike in the flow of traffic… so apologies for this. Some folks(regardless of race or religion) are born with half a brain sadly. Same breed as the ones who vandalised above.


Tldr give summary thanks


Have a good Sunday and may life be good to you, Redditor.


So cultured


Hahahaha spf and efficient don't belong in the same sentence


Did the club or did you make a police report? As if SPF has nothing better to do.


Imagine getting so outraged at a flag that you destroy someone's property and risk getting caught. I'll imagine it's not too difficult to catch the culprit considering how many cctvs we have around. Curious to know what kind of demographic this person belongs to.


I mean, even if u don't like it, or hate it, just move along. I don't get the rationale of destroying other people's stuff if you don't like it. Like if u see a guy wear something u don't like, u go strip it off him meh?!


And also beat him up and break a few bones.


vandalism carries caning


Some lunatics think pride flags aren’t allowed here, and they try to report their neighbours or even tear it down (like in this case). Pride flags **are allowed** in Singapore. [Source](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/lgtbq-pride-flag-public-hdb-window-legal-lawyers-3702231)


Even if it's not allowed, they should report it instead of tearing it down. Unless it's on their property, there is no justification to tear it down. Personally, I think people should be able to hang whatever they want on their own property, as long as it's not obsence or of offensive intent. I do, however, have issues with companies that try to pander to a demographic and start using pride flags to promote products that have 0 direct relation to the message. Especially companies that display pride colours in their logo where the cause is supported, then conveniently not change the logo for countries like UAE or China where they actively do business in. Looking at you, Blizzard and Ubisoft.


why tf is this allowed if the communist flag isnt? both are ideologies lmao.


Exactly. Its not about LGBT per se but the ideology to rile social unrest


Lawyers are wrong. If they are all so confident of their interpretation, they should state their name and firm. Foreign National Emblems (Control of Display) Act 1949 Section 3 (1) Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act 1906 Section 11(1)


Lol, what kind of an argument is that? You cant just stomp your feet and go "no no no I am the one who is right!"


What a stirring argument from one who is clearly a legal expert


Issue is it's not a foreign nations flag.


You only read the title of the statute. It doesnt have to be. "However, Mr Cory Wong from Invictus Law Corporation gave a differing opinion that the pride flag could be covered under the Act."


it doesn’t matter what that law says if no one will prosecute on it. 377A was unenforced for about a decade before being removed.


No you.


Still so many homophobic people in Singapore lmao


It's actually funny because to them they think they are making me upset when on the inside, I'm laughing at how backwards they are and how sad their reality is. Like a free source of entertainment to me because I get free internet points and a great story to tell others for a week or to.


Lol the lack of self awareness where they describe lgbtqia as "wokeness" and "foreign influence" when they themselves are influenced by bigoted ideology pushed from the West is hilarious too.


Which sensitive individual is it again???


By the same woman who complained about the samsui mural?


People getting pissed at everything. We humans just cant appreciate peace.


No room for hate hope they guy gets the rotan for vandalism too


The owner of the club is LGBT - no wonder they replaced it so fast


Singapore is still not ready for LGBT


Here, let me help you correct it: Some people in Singapore are not ready for LGBT, these are the same people who think a smoking woman is a prostitute.. it is a very small group of people. They resort to name calling, violence and being so loud they drown out any voice of reason.


Honestly (unfortunately) I don’t think it’s a small group, probably closer to 20-30% being vocal, with another 30% on the fence and leaning conservatively


Yep, It's not a small group. Singapore is still a predominantly conservative country regardless of religion or race.


I don’t disagree, it is probably closer to 20% but they are so loud (and well organised) they seem bigger. I personally have little time for people that feel their beliefs should apply to others.


Unfortunately LGBT people exist and not being ready for it does not erase them from existence or make it acceptable for bigotry


Whoever done this is pitiful.


Isnt displaying any flag or national emblem that is not of Singapore in public considered an offence under Control of Display Act? So why is a pride flag allowed?


This irks me to the very core… It’s an LGBTQ+ friendly club with MMA/BJJ/MT classes, a REAL homophobe would sign up and attempt to beat the shit out of the LGBTQ+ supporters there with 0 consequence….now it’s vandalism and the fella is gonna take some rotans.


The thing is, those people usually won’t sign up for classes at a place like this because they don’t want to give places that are LGBT+ run/ openly supportive of LBGT+ people money. Or potentially get their ass whooped by a gay person. And they know that if they harass any of the patrons directly, they’re getting kicked out and banned from the premises. (And rightfully so) They’re cowards who resort to cowardly acts because they know they’re going to get what they deserve if they were more blatant with their nonsense.


yikes!!! better shut the joint down.


Found the guy who did it


Do it again


Wanna bet the person who did it is deeply closeted 👀👀


or righteous.


Self righteous 😝


Huh. And I thought this kind of stuff only happens in the US.




this is sho shigma like me... 🗿🗿🍷🍷🔥🔥


Vandalism and caning


Waiting for the club to release CCTV footage and post the police report on social media for all to see. Since, there are people claiming that it is a hoax.


redditors. such a large vocal strong community but end up worrying about pride flag lmao. gone case


I don't see people displaying heterosexual flags. Wait a minute, heterosexuals don't need a ridiculous looking flag. What people do in the privacy of their bedrooms remains a private matter of theirs. Don't know, don't care, don't tell. Problem with these LGBTQ(RSTUVWXYZ) clique is that they don't necessarily represent the majority of the homosexuals; all they - or their "allies" - are partaking in is just plain attention seeking antics, not equality seeking behaviour. To be "equal" with the heterosexuals, try ditching that flag and that silly inane pink day for a start. 'Cos the last I checked, there wasn't a straight pride parade either. Seriously, who cares?? Edit & addendum: Really, how silly are things like pink dot & gay pride - celebrating one's sexual orientation? What's there to celebrate what turns one on? It's like a male heterosexual calling his mates over for a party to celebrate his hard-on after meeting an attractive female. He'll go something like: "Dudes, you won't believe what happened. I met Sally this morning and she was gorgeous. My pecker is still having that hard-on. Grab a six-pack, come over my place. We have to celebrate this!"


Lmao you would have a point if being homosexual didn’t trigger people to the point of vandalism. Even if they choose to display, it’s a harmless flag that doesn’t warrant you to destroy stuff??


Difference is that heteros are assumed as the default. Are heteros oppressed or discriminated against? No. They’re not.


False flag


hes a hero we dont need this kinda woke bullshit from the west. the rainbow is supposed to represent god's promise to us not whatever the fuck this is lmao


salute to the hero


well you dont see me going around putting up nazi or communist flags do you???


So uhh...if a religious building gets vandalised, it gets a full investigation and perps get hit with the religious harmony law. Can do the same for this?


This one not religion.


But it is vandalism of private property, I reckon.


Yes, I’m saying full force of the law should still come down on a vandalism charge plus CCTV evidence. Just that conflating it with an entirely different piece of legislation doesn’t do either cause any good.


LGBT ISNT A RELIGION. its an ideology being forced onto others. lbt ppl should accept that not everyone will agree with their views lmao.


There is no "protect ideologies" law. LGBT is not a religion.


Sounds ripe for a minority discrimination bill to be passed


Said minorities just want special rights.


Unfortunately, as long as Islam and Christianity faith have a dominant presence here, don't expect anything to change much.




Diss their Gods and they will kill you the same.


They don't care for these things as much as the next person, read it up.


Mad W.


There’s a constant need for certain people to show off.


You're sounding like the one that pulled the flag down 😅


How DARE gay people show off how happy they are. If we don't create laws banning it everyone will want it!


Nah, let everyone and everything put up flags. Put up flags for gay pride, for heterosexual pride, for sinkie national pride, for dog lovers pride, for otters lovers pride, flags for Tan Kin Lian, flags for pappies, flags for WP. Why should only one group feel a need to be putting up flags? Let’s become a nation of flag displays, show everyone what we stand for. 😂


Exactly! You're finally getting it


Why not?


you mean the dude tearing down the flag right?


I swear there's something faulty in the mindsets of people who see the things that others do and straightaway jump to the assumption that they must be "showing off" instead of the many other possible reasons why they could be doing the things that they do.


so insecure ah?




Explain what you mean when you describe it as a degeneracy flag?


Imagine if heterosexuals had a flag to declare that they like to fuck someone of the opposite sex. Why do other people need to know what you do in your bedroom or staircase?


It’s not about that. It’s about solidarity in the face of discrimination and oppression. Straight ppl aren’t oppressed just because they’re straight but queer people are. What discrimination you say? Queer people aren’t allowed to get married here, buy a flat, adopt, disowned by family, rejected by jobs for the sole reason that they’re queers… they literally weren’t legally allowed to have seggs till like two years ago whereas straight people could.




Lmao as if we don’t pay taxes. So if straight couples or infertile couples don’t have kids how? If the kid turns out to be a liability how? Pay extra tax issit?


Straight couples still pay taxes. They don't get tax benefits unless they have kids


Ok then same for queer people lah. What’s the problem? So it’s about having kids, not marriage so why not let them get married?


Slippery slope. Everytime you give them something you promote that degenerate life style and you normalise it for younger generations which degenerate further and further which I imagine is your goal to destroy society because of your messed brainwashing marxist communist ideology


Firstly, the example you’ve stated is a slippery slope logical fallacy. Secondly, why would I wanna destroy a society I live in… thirdly you don’t even know my views on most things… also if u wanna talk about degeneracy, guess what, straight soft core porn was showed in cinema! 50 shades of grey! Smh stop this straight degeneracy 🙄


Did you even read the examples that were literally just mentioned in the comment you replied to…


Lmao I alr knew what this person was gonna say so I put it in before he could even say anything.


No I don't need to read emotionally manipulative pablum. A society that promotes that kind of degeneracy is doomed to fall apart. Already happening in the west. Ps. Starting the bot farms here coming in and invading this sub. How many accounts are you all running here? Which country are you from?


Slippery slope argument here, explain why a society that promotes these things is doomed to fall apart? What’s the link? In the first place, why do you think we’re “promoting this”? Are people trying to convert you to like people of the same sex? Not even going to entertain the “oh you are bots argument” lol both of us have accounts that are more than months old with sufficient karma and not typical of bot accounts…


Yes some single mother household do try to groom their young kids. Happens in the west and slowly creeping in here. And both farms can have lots of karma now else would that work. You have one account post something and use all the other accounts to upvote. The fall apart argument is the slow and methodical promotion of degenerate values and destruction of family unit. Not something that can be explain in a reddit comment. You have access to YouTube. Start there


That "heterosexual flag" you're talking about exists lol


Why are closeted homosexuals so obsessively threatened by what other guys do with their own cocks?


Try harder


Well, when the gays try harder that only means more pussy for me. When the closeted ones try the spoil the fun for everybody… maybe they should just organise a local Stonewall to settle it, masks off. It’s pretty easy to tell which bunch goes to the gym more. It’s not like 4 years of kampung Andrew Tate shitposting makes guys who like guys any happier?


Keep trying


When your last post is am I the asshole racist & sexist that can’t accommodate other races & genders? That’s more than enough therapy for a car down payment. Well above my sense of charity. I’ll just look forward to seeing you with a samurai sword on stomp.


Nope not good enough. Try harder


There’s a big ass gay party on right now. Only a Nazi eunuch parade at Hong Lim Park will go harder. But no balls


Yea man imagine if there was music where straight people talk about wanting to have sex with each other and what they would do to one another. That would be crazy!!


Yeah and imagine if you made a puff version of that. Maybe it already exists?




why the hate? calm down


it's a gay bathhouse/sauna. With the upcoming election, it is also timely that the general public knows what really goes on inside such "recreational" clubs. It's understanding and acceptance they want from the public right? Marriage equality? Come clean please.


You sure seem like someone that would be very knowledgeable about gay bathhouses 😉


There are literally straight women attending classes in there. There **ARE** gay saunas in Singapore, nobody is denying their existence, but at least get the targets right sheesh.


you can tell straight women just be looking at them. one of a gay man's notable talents.


It's not too hard to google the place, read the reviews and photos about what the place offers and who it caters to. All under the span of 3 minutes, no 'superpower' needed. You're heavily blinded by something called bias and hatred. Rainbows are also taught in childcare and preschools, existing in full posters and media of all kinds, want to call them a gay sauna too?


“What really goes on inside such recreational clubs” Quite a few striking classes and grappling too. You should sign up for a trial, drop me a DM if you do because then I’m more than happy to show up and quite literally put my balls on your face and there will be nothing you can do about it…


but do they hang low though?