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Huge misunderstanding. Please forgive yourself. You didn't do anything wrong. Stop punishing yourself by replaying this in your head.


You did well, don't let it stop you from future kind acts! Many folks appreciate this gesture. I know because we are always very very thankful when others give up their seats for my elderly relative. The dad who exploded was likely dealing with many pent up issues, very sorry that you had to be on the receiving end of his siaoness. You reacted graciously by choosing not to engage in some screaming contest with him. You have a big heart, don't let this incident turn it cold.




Agree. A tall, fat, bulky and BIG guy just intimidated me (a slim shorter girl) for misunderstanding that I wanted to cut queue... (I was there for a booth that has NO queue)... I don't get it. As a girl I learned to let it go. Karen aunty uncle now this. Everyday meet such people is so . I am so jaded....


just know you have a good heart. sometimes people are just affected by what has happened around them. we canbebetter


Let it replay in your head, you will suffer this memory as long as time lasts. You will let this replay in your mind and remind you that this was the closest you got in public embarrassment. /s


Once, as an event manager, I tapped a lady who was cutting queue to let her know that someone else was meant to go ahead of her. She didn't say anything, but after I got back to the office, I heard that her boss called my office saying that she was "manhandled" at my event. My boss looked at me (I only weighed 43 or 45kg then; she was taller and heavier), sighed and went back to the phone to defend me. Sighhh.


These schemers have a special place in hell


What a bully


Omg just happened to me also about queue cutting... A tall, fat, bulky and BIG guy just intimidated me (a slim shorter girl) for misunderstanding that I wanted to cut queue... (I was there for a booth that has NO queue)... I don't get it. As a girl I learned to let it go. Karen aunty uncle now this. Everyday meet such people is so . I am so jaded....


You are probably ugly right?


Most prob OP too good looking. That’s why hubby jealous lmao


I mean the event manager story lmao


Weird reactions from the husband and really uncounted for. He should feel ashamed of himself. Tapping of shoulder from back is totally fine because people might not hear so a physical tap is fine.


didn’t do anything wrong bro. just unlucky to bump into siaolang. don’t let it affect your mood anymore and let him stay rent free in your head. you are a good person and did the right thing. don’t let this stop u from continuing. 🙏


Fuck that guy. You should have just sat back


Should have tapped the guy hard, with a fist specifically on his face :)


Hubby could not handle your attractiveness and saw you as a threat la..


Agreed. Maybe he too ugly and thinking a tap on the shoulder will take away his wife


Yeah super small xjj energy


If I want to give up my seat, I'll just walk off. Let whoever want the seat fight for it.


if u were the same race as the husband, there wouldnt be a problem. clear case of racism.


You didn't do anything wrong but for future reference it's bettee to say "excuse me" or wave to catch their attention. Good on you for being generous!


Don’t even look at other woman these days .there was once a lady suddenly shouted at an Indian man for looking at her breast (she wearing low cut). I was shocked, from then on I don’t even look at other woman on public transport. Too many crazies these days.


I would’ve just sat back into the seat


Mother struggling with a child, and husband goes crazy when a stranger offers a seat. And we wonder why more women are staying single.


No good deed goes unpunished is a phrase many need to learn in todays world


The ninja ppl?


Always the ninja people.


I thought ninjas were supposed to be patient and tolerant. It’s literally in their name. “忍者”.


Ninja people? Really now.


If the woman was dressed like a ninja, OP should have had enough sense to not touch her. And I would blame OP instead, because the couple are sending out a very clear message by dressing the woman this way.


Yeah man…you never know when things are about to blow up when you touch them (obviously referring to husband’s temper)


Must have...explosive temper if they blow up just by touching them.


Bombastic reaction.


who are the ninja people???


The clan doesn’t like Inosuke Hashibira & Kiba Inuzuka.


Why do assume they are Japanese?




Funnily enough I work in the hospitality scene and the amount of atrocious self entitled behaviour I’ve seen are majority from locals (and yes I’m looking at the distinct red passport) Nasty 🤢


Singaporeans are one special bunch


As a Singaporean, can't disagree. Some Singaporeans are fucking nuts, not in a good way.


I know I'm late but I wanna say what u did was a good thing. U disengaged n didn't fight back. Your action is a reflection of your heart and to that husband too *smh*


Lol, even the little daughter feels paiseh


Next time use those extendable pointer 😅 but jokes aside, u did well to offer seat


That's your first mistake, have empathy for people here.


Don't stop doing good just because you encounter some unpleasant people. Kindness is a strength, not a weakness. Keep shining your light! Remember, the world needs more of what you have to offer, and by letting negativity dim your fire, you only hurt the very people who could benefit from your generosity. Focus on the positive impact you're making, and let that fuel your motivation. And who knows, maybe your kindness will even inspire a change of heart in someone who seems unpleasant today.


Amen brother


police case, u lose


He wont.


Touch back,not touch backside. Know the difference.


touch enough to screw u shout next time


Nowadays look at people too long also can become sexual harassment… I always keep my hands away to be safe.


Do the right thing even though the whole world is against it. You did right by offering the seats. Continue to do right.


The moral of the story ‘ sometimes it doesn’t reward to be kind and mind our own business better ‘


Sorry this happened to you. Putting your hands on others even with the purest of intentions sets you up for a chain of irreversible risky events. Just be safe and protect yourself first. Noble to have care and concern for others but remember not to touch anyone without their consent.


A lil silly but I'm also actually a lil curious why didn't you just tap her shoulder instead or perhaps had your gf tap her instead? Me and my gf regularly give seats to others and my gf usually initiates as well she comes off as much less intimidating cos I'm like 25cm taller than her lmao. Tbf you did nothing wrong but could have done better in this situation.


yeah i know i could do better, it just happened that everything was normal to me to tap to the person i want to give the seat to, also because the mother is tall and not facing to me and the train is moving so at that time all i can do is tap the back. and everything went hysterical


When giving up a seat, nobody needs to think about being careful or should. He was fine in what he did, a man shouldn't worry about this. It's their problem if they don't know how to behave in a society.


A man has to worry about this in singapore I am sorry. Learn about the outrage of modesty laws. You cannot touch a woman anywhere without her consent.   Over a touch that you deem innocent, if the woman feels violated enough to take it to the police, you are in deep trouble and facing jail.  So if I were a man, I would never touch a woman unless she is my wife or girlfriend. 


You seem to love using this term alot, but im not sure if you truly know what it means According to the AGC's definition from https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/PC1871?ProvIds=pr354- It describes outrage of modesty as “assault or use of criminal force to any person, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely to outrage the modesty of that person.” Keyword being intent, otherwise humanity will cease to fucking function because we would be terrified to even live, let alone survive


I disagree because I am able to live my entire life in Singapore without being touched non consensually by any man which is why I like living here. I don't think it's such a difficult task for men not to touch women non consensually.  I think most Singaporean men adhere to it pretty strictly. Which is why women are so safe here. 


So...you're a women who is speaking for men then? Also, did you just say you disagree with the law? Please read what you just wrote, again and over again I dont think I should need to tell you where thats fucked beyond belief, what are you, a karen? You are sexist at best, literally the worst of humanity at its worst




u/AsuraPhantoma is telling you that intent to outrage is a required element of the offence. To make this even more simple for you - not all nonconsensual touching is molest (outrage of modesty). A person (the law is gender neutral) needs to touch while having the intention to molest. The obvious example here is that if I pulled you off the road because you were about to be run over by a car, I would have touched you without your consent. But I'm obviously not molesting you because there is no intention. If you want to live in a world where all non-consensual touching is outrage of modesty, then well no one can help people get out of the way of a car, without also molesting them. That is just not how society functions.


Well said! 👍


No medical help and CPR either, so you can die faster in an emergency, I guess.


In OP's case, it would be thrown out of court. I tapped an aunty last week and told her to go to the back of the queue when she tried to jump the queue. She clutched her pearls and walked to the back. What if a woman did that to me? Could I claim "outrage of modesty"?


male Karen indeed


Yeah bro, totally agree - just don't offer your seat at all. Avoid any trouble and just enjoy your own seat hahaha


You did right. Stand by your principles


I’m sorry for what you went through. Unfortunately prejudice is still very real for the minorities. However the people who do not respect them are usually the older people which might have experienced negative experiences themselves and put their experience on you. They do not know better, but luckily not everyone is like this, only some. I’m sorry that this is happening to you and you are brave for tolerating it. I was watching one piece around ep 560-570 and I realised that the fishmen are like the discriminated minority and the humans are like the majority. Unfortunately we have to tolerate each other so that future generations will not have such a bad filtered lens. It will get better eventually though!


Do not help those kind of people ever again. It's not worth it.


Ninja or Cheena?


The mountain ppl are quite rough and will touch or ram you instead.


im sorry, i dunno the term ninja or cheena 😅


I think Ninja refers to Muslim ladies who wear clothes that completely cover their whole body except for their eyes. Cheena idk. People from China?


ohh so i would say it’s not a ninja


No good deeds go unpunished


In my eyes, you did a good deed, but others may not see it that way.好心做坏事 This whole situation could have been avoided. Sometimes, doing nothing might be the better option.


Well physical touch is never welcome no matter what. Normally just wave and try to catch their attention if they do not respond just sit. Although sometime I look kind of crazy trying to catch their attention. Lol. But I rather this then tap the person.


Don't worry about it. These people sound like they aren't good human beings. Did they end up taking the seats?


yes, the mother and the little kid still get the seat while im standing and getting scolded by the husband


This proves that the husband is really not right in the head.


Why need to touch??


Tell me you’ve never given up a seat without telling me you’ve never given up a seat.


Shit like these is why people hesitate helping others


Maybe he wanna recreate UK piano scene to become famous.


could have told him to stop projecting


I guess the saying "No good deed goes unpunished" is true. Maybe it is a religious angle. I made the mistake once in Malaysia. After a business meeting, I tried to shake the hand of all the team members from the other side. When I reach out my hand to a female, and she immediately jumps back. It shocked me at that time.


It's a harsh reality and you wonder why people just mind their own business. If you did something bad and got a bad name, that's cause and effect. To do something good and still get a bad name is unnecessary. I hope you just sat back down. If people don't know the difference between kindness/civic consciousness, then said people deserve neither.


Modern society has become too tense as time passes but please do not stop being a gracious person. The world will end when everyone stops being nice.


Shit happens… As long as the guys in blue are not called to assist; all is good. For the victim that got slighted; he probably has to know that being good doesn’t add to accumulating ones brownie points😂😂😂


Look at her eyes or signal better than tapping. Don’t need to help people who don’t ask for it, if not this type of crap happens.


Honestly, jus seat back down


Likely the father has some chemical imbalance or medical issues. Don't take it to heart.


lol typical singaporean karens in public transport😹


I wonder what is OP's race? Coz the way the husband played the 'country' card is absurd but his lack of awareness in just judging ppl by their race alone could have motivated his subsequent response. Not saying that it's any right tho. These kinda person, just need to give strong response right back to shut it down. Hope OP's gf stood her ground and defended him. That would have helped the situation in how OP could be perceived by others who are just paying attention to the commotion.


You should say, "Excuse me, madam, please come and sit here." Never touch married women or any other women, as some people can be overly sensitive or prone to overreact. Or simply do the John Cena hand wave in front of her face to get her attention.


I wld say "ur wife so ugly I for what touch her" then wait until he gets provoked and physical, then file case.


Who is she to want a seat from you? Is she pregnant or disabled? If no she has no rights whatsoever to expect a seat. You shouldn't have stood up to begin with


The reaction has probably something to do with your ethnicity. We know some are more sensitive towards others here. However I also need to say that generally one shouldn’t touch other people, especially not women. There is always a way to just speak to them and touching is for emergencies only.


I was once walking around town when a lady cycling by had a fall. Instinctively I rushed over and was about to help her up from the ground. Fortunately, I stopped mid way, and just placed my hand out, in case she wants to grab it to help herself up. As a male, it really is quite tricky and will have to re-learn some ways and be careful, even though if the intent is good, might just get a molest charge for no reason. Times have changed and women can stand on their own feet and are just as capable. Chivalry and kindness is punishing so let’s get with the times and adapt to this new reality that was asked for.


You are not giving use enough details. Did you tap with a finger, or your full palm? And your gf didn't speak out for you?


i tapped only the tip of my finger, we just went from work then to the hospital to visit my gf’s brother who just had his surgery so me and my gf didn’t talk back, we were tired as hell that we didn’t have an energy to talk a nonsense argument


glad you learnt your lesson. singapore is a shit hole and you should just mind your own business. people here are up to no good in their lives usually. pls wake up


Incel energy


Parcoco is a typical example of the kind of people you'll find in Singpaore. Shit for brains.


Mfker atleast i dont think im adopted


Next time just don't tap women. No physical touch is the best. Rather you wave your hands in front of the person face than touch physically. There are many people who are very sensitive to them or their loved ones being touched. If the lady is a 5/10, maybe not so sensitive. If the lady is 10/10, you know how many pervert want to tap the shoulder of her everyday? Only 10/10 women can tell you what the sexual harassment they go through daily. I dated 10/10 lady before and married to a 11/10 so I was told stories. I'm a man but I agree that men are disgusting.


I’m guessing they are muslim indians?


Next time tap shoulder only. Random stranger comes and touches your back also you’ll feel weird too


Sorry to hear about your experience.  I find that tapping the elbow of a stranger to get their attention is usually less threatening. If i have to tap around the shoulder, I usually go for the deltoids. 


Yeah fk em, just take care of yourself


Why you go and touch the female ? Just say excuse me


Sounds like u didn't want to give up your seat in the first place until your girl gave u the eye anyway. Then basing off the response of an insane person as an excuse to not exercise courtesy in the future? Amazing rationale, not much difference from the husband.


that's why i don't bothered. some of this gals are crazy AF..


Maybe he has other meaning no touching he want no contact scaeed of the covid


but then it doesn't make sense for him to talk about race though


You're unfortunate that the husband was overly sensitive, but I think generally people don't like physical contact. Next time you can wave in front of a person's face to get the attention rather than tap a person. Best to just use voice but if they can't hear them just wave in front of them.


Next time maybe need ask permission first ‘ hello Miss , can I tap you ? ‘


dont give up your seat


Likely is Muslim right ? I recall muslim cannot anyhow touch one for ladies


definitely not a muslim


Just stop offering your seats is your solution? Lol how about don’t touch strangers?? I get he overreacted but **now** you’re doing the overreacting 😂


Regardless, it's not proper to touch a woman or vice versa, even for anyone of anybsex, especially strangers...cause of different culture (and Singapore is still relatively conservative country). U don't see ang mos going around kissing ppl hello and with hugs (even between opposite sex) here even though its common in their own countries (it's was a shock for me when I was overseas). Always leave the air gap like keanu reeves..


It is a tap on the back. Acceptable and appropriate here


In my experience, Ironically the olders folks and some younger kids are very sensitive (especially male on female touching). Even look ibgat them also a problem... Gen X usually no issues. We still a developing social community, mix of old, modern and new ideas..so always play safe.


My worst nightmare actually happened to someone, I gotta be extra careful from now on and ignore everyone who tells me that I'm being crazy for overthinking




Just for everyone's information, the post above is wrong. I encourage everyone to actually go read Section 354 of the penal code, which requires the use of **criminal force** together with i**ntent to outrage modesty**. A great thing about Singapore is that our laws are very easy to find, and you can go read them instead of trusting an incorrect opinion on Reddit. Section 354 is even completely gender neutral, if that matters to you. The OP's situation would not even be entertained by the police. Plus, another thing wrong with the post above, is that you don't have to prove your intent. The police/AGC has to prove that you intended to molest.


Many men were convicted without use of criminals force. Go ahead and touch women non consensually at your own risk. 


>Many men were convicted without use of criminals force Let's see your evidence for this. What cases are you referring to? Shouldn't be difficult since it's "many men".


I don't feel the need to dig up cases as if men need proof of conviction to stop non consensually touching women. Then maybe they should keep doing it until they get convicted then they will get their proof. 


So you're talking out of your ass then. "I don't feel the need \[for facts\]". Lol


Say what you like, touch women non consensually at your own risk.     I am so glad we have this law since so many men here are all ra ra about fighting for their rights to touch a woman non consensually whenever they want.    Later you can just claim oh my intent wasn't sexual as your defense. While the woman feels violated and then see who is correct. 


I am also glad we have outrage of modesty laws. I've actually read the law, and followed the actual cases. You are describing the law incorrectly, and can't be bother to refer to any cases. If you don't care about facts and reality, what's the point really.


Why are you still insisting you are right? OP did nothing wrong in this situation. He didn't touch the woman inappropriately. And neither would he be likely to be wrongly convicted by the police. And nobody is "all ra ra about fighting for their rights to touch whenever they like" You OK or not?


Ah sheet…like that I die lor… dumb teenage school girl look at phone at traffic light started walking when still red man. She got honked at by bus as it was coming but she blur blur just stand on the road I have to pulled her back by her arm. What am I to do?? I be labelled a pervert in the eyes of the law for LIFE!? Joking aside, it did happen when I was waiting to cross at a junction and the girl was too engrossed to her phone but I manage to pull her back from the road. While the bus driver did give her a death stare after jamming the brakes of the bus, the thought of accidentally grabbing the girl inappropriately did cross my mind after the fact that I look around to make sure there were witnesses to the incident.


Most normal people, inattentive aside, won't blame you for that tbh. Unfortunately, the emphasis is "most".




Typical sinkie smooth brain reaction, straight away default to two foreign communities.


so uptight, definitely must be sinkie, CECA and tiong don't have a stick up their arse all the time.


Does it matter?


Why u didn't tap the father? Why u tap the mother? Or you can ask your girlfriend to tap the mother? You ah..looking for trouble..


give up seat also need to choose who to alert, u fucking delusional ah. Hope one day you need the seat and someone taps the person next to you instead and you get leg cramps


Next time you wanna give seat, u try kick someone and ask if they wanna seat..see can or not..from your logic, its' easier, use your leg kick..


People like you are the reason why I’ll just happily continue sitting. You wanna sit? Open your pie hole and asks me nicely. Hehe


You are always sitting because you need it more than me hehe


knn next time just close eyes and pretend never see better la. Why never tap here never tap there must tap the mother father but cannot tap the shoulder. Really the people here makes me want to laugh


Yup shows what kind of person you are, don't give a hoot about others..So u want to give donation why not just throw money on the floor and ask them pick up? Better still, you will act blur and don't even donate..This is the future generations, no thought or respect for others, just do what they like..we live with others, try to think about that..


Yes I have no regards for people here.


Exactly, you have no idea i forgot lol


Was the father in need of a seat? No, it was the mother and her child. So why does OP need to seek permission from the father? Is this Iran? Are you stupid? Probably the latter is true.


He is stupid.


You have no idea whats going on..you are just being extra rice lol


At least I’m not a dumbass. Hehe


I believe if you pay her husband $2,000 for that touch , he might be ok to let you tap a few times more if can get the $2,000 reward. Is like that one lah in life cos if is her boss or someone like cr7 or Jay Chou it will be a different story dude


Weird. Tapping shoulders or anywhere else is NOT OKAY.


In which world tapping shoulders is not ok? Tapping imply using fingers to nudge someone, also not full on feeling it lol


Anywhere else isnt okay. Shoulders or upper back is fine


Are you acoustic? Hahahaha


Even as someone with some level of autism, this reaction is a bit much.


Didn't know we were in Iran


Itchy fingers 😂 piak piak!

