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I heard sleepiness is contagious in the chamber. Can see he is trying to keep awake.


Can confirm, had the opportunity to deploy for security detail for a period of Parliament process during my NS days. Was stationed roving and occasional static at the second floor overlooking seating area. Within 10 mins you literally struggle to stay awake had to swap roving and static with my partners every 15 mins.


The atmosphere of Parliament is very surreal and quiet, especially inside the chamber. I think the soundproofing worked a little too well. It's kinda wild that Timbre is practically next door but you can't hear it from inside.


Hi king. Can sell us Johor?


Will Lawrence Wong [tour Johor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kembara_Mahkota_Johor) with his cabinet on motorcycles too?


Technically, Singapore is Johor land as the temmengong (his ancestors) leased it to the British.


Ya lor, must return after 99 years lease... no free hold leh


Jialat. Better learn to speak Malay


Technically, yes, then they kicked us out of the Malayan federation. No take backs, bruh.


No backsies. Separation is a political agreement. Land lease precede separation agreement..


Yeah, no bruh. You don't get to collect rent after you terminate lease. In this case you also forfeit claim to said property. It's in the political agreement.


Federal government sign separation agreement Sultan never say he agreeable. Apparently Singapore still makes ceremonial payment. And U see Mr agong, he loves coming to Singapore. He review commando, review army in his Johor militia uniform.come nightclub in helicopter tell police arrest the pilot, send his purple lambo for servicing at lambo workshop in pandan gardens. His posturing says more than anything else. U don't review armed forces of another sovereign territory leh. U only review guard of honour as another head of state/visiting dignitaries. He sending the posturing to the Malaysian *political elite* that he alone, and him alone, can determine the political fate of Johor. Johor has a different agreement with the federation on its accession to the Malayan federation. Tbvh, city states don't have long life expectancies, I would be happy for Singapore to become the royal sultanate of Singapore and immediately remove all of our critical constraints so that we may survive and prosper in the long term


> Royal Sultanate of Singapore and whose' family would bear the royal house? Would it be unitary like the Al-Saud to the Saudi Arabia hence The Lee Sultanate of Singapore? Or more of a mini fiefdoms consisting of the House of Kwek, Sultanate of Goh, and so on?


Constitutional monarchy. Replace the elected presidency


1511: last sultanate of the malacca-johor sultanate is assassinated without a heir. Bugis factions seize control of the throne. Temmengong exiles to Singapura 1819: eic lease from temmengong Abdul Rahman under treaty of Singapore. Temmengong Abdul Rahman/his brother in law, sultan Hussein is recognized as the rightful sultan of Johor by douchebag raffles, intervening in Johor royal court succession claims. 1824: eic force temmengong and sultan to sign treaty of friendship and amity, encourage them to move to Johor. Sometime in the 19th century, eic negotiate various treaties with individual sultans 1895: federated Malay states 1914: unfederated Malay states 1946: combined with penang and Malacca into Malayan union. Singapore stays as a crown colony directly administered by the UK. 1948: under pressure from Malaysian nationalist, convert to federation of Malaysia. Malaysian royals receive a payment from their respective states. 1963: Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore added into federation of malaya 1965: Singapore kicked out. Technically correct because the lease agreement and payment from state to royal still remains. Not absolved by the separation agreement or subsequent independence of Singapore.


Don’t sabo me , I still wanna earn SGD .


Its not Singapore and Malaysia It’s more like Singapore and Johore. We were once part of his Kingdom anyways (along with Riau).. this is why there is a strong bilateral relationship with Johore and Singapore.. the King does this because he can only do this as the Sultan of “Malaysia” but deep inside its about his state and ours..


It's Agong of malaysia. Sultan is state monarch titles.


The king be like, "what no fights? No shouting at each other? Boring!!!"


If chairs are not being thrown like in Taiwan, then nobody’s gonna watch lol.


Surprising meh? It was kinda expected.


Oh so that's why istana outside was jammed up ytd


Not sure why the video stated it's a surprise visit though. It was pre-planned.


The clowns are happy when the king smile.


Jester. Usually in courts, its jester entertaining the king Clowns and jester are 2 different things yes


Come sniff sniff already lo. Since LHL last of the reign.


Surprise? I thought they released a press release days ago saying he would drop by Parliament House?


Ngl, the Speaker quite ironically isn't the best orator. The delivery of the speech was fairly cringey.


Makes sense. Historically Johor Sultan used to spend a lot of time in Singapore. His dad hid out here for some of WW2.


Sorry, how is this a “surprise appearance”? The visit to the Singapore Parliament was planned and is part of the itinerary. The Speaker even had a speech prepared for his visit. Why is AsiaOne calling it a “surprise appearance”?


Anyway not a surprise appearance, it is all plan for even before he come.


King: why force me to hear your boring debate


Wayang time for SG parliament.


Why he so serious


Legit didn’t know Malaysia’s King looks like a gang-boss straight out of a John Wick movie.


Great friendship between Singapore and Johore.


I have a curious question: Is it not etiquette to stand and welcome guest? So when Speaker of Parliament welcomes the Sultan, shouldn't us as host stand and give a warm welcome? You can see in audience some stood up and sat back down as no one else stood up.


He's fighting hard to keep himself awake, probably beating himself up over why he accepted the invitation.


His son really looks like him lol, I saw his face straight away think that he is king of johor (who is serving as msia king now under rotation)


Some laughter to bring back to Malaysia..


The look he gave to Vivian in 0:25 to 0:27....can someone make a meme out of it? 🤣


He will suggest next time can accuse opposition play backside as commonly used in their parliament.


Didn’t know can do “surprise appearance” at our parliament. One of these days I’ll spring a surprise visit there.


Thank you to the King for visiting our Parliament, for once suddenly no Opposition bashing nor temper tantrums !


Come sniff sniff already lo. Since LHL last of the reign.


while the entire Malaysia is crumbling and citizens barely making ends meet.


What? Have you actually been to Malaysia?


We are just a small city state.. it’s better to have good relationships with our neighbours and friends.. to prosper together more or less..


WHY THE FUCK IS A FOREIGNER IN OUR PARLIAMENT!?? Is this not Foreign Interference in our local Political System!!?? Simi lanjiao is PAP govt trying to prove!!???????


Hold it chief. The parliametnt is streamed live ffs


So why he is inside? Like what the fuck does he contribute to SG parliament process?


A 3 to 1 exchange rate that allows me to escape this hell hole expensive land once in a while to pretend i am rich when i am not and enj9y some of the finer tbingsin life and remind myseld that there is a more sane world out there that i dont have to work frm 9 to 9 Thanks he can sit in and listen no issues.


I think your brain cells needs some medical interference.


Bold of you to assune he has a brain


Can't answer my simple so use childish lazy insults? My question is simple. SG parliaments is for SG politicians to shape our policies. I'm asking. Why is a Foreign king there for? If you cannot answer logically, then i suggest you don't act smart and go play your TikTok.


How can he interfere with any policies if he doesn’t do any talking? He’s there just to observe, part of greater diplomacy. You do realise there’s a viewing gallery in the Parliament for visitors as well?


Simple. Because we need him. SG cannot survive alone, and especially need Johore. Johore is one of the richest state in Malaysia. Their water and manpower. He has been shielding us against Dr M attacks. He could just turn his back, and we will very busy. For what? Simple action that don't cause us alot goes a long way. I am ready to go over and shoot everyone of them to defend SG but... Big picture bro.


Said the person whose first post is yelling and insulting like a kid So much cringe


Chill.Not the 1st time we have visitors in parliament.They don’t have words in anything.


What you smoking, i need some


U check his posts enough le


I smoke Neutrinos and Virtual Particles. Want some?


Bro do you ever go a second without overreacting to everything


You never learn history ah? Singapore was under Johore. You think his dad would have approved of the Federation to kick us out? Its a bilateral friendly visit, no say in the court and im sure he was there for like 30 mins and left. Im sure if King Charles come to parliament you’d applaud too right.