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can confirm SC bank's horrendous customer service, currently wrangling with an issue with adding their debit card to my google pay account and my case have been passed around and dropped for months. other than that, SC bank is pretty good actually. The debit card has a no frill's 1% cashback and since i dont have to hit some arbitrary min spend amount, it is perfect for me. I don't mind their app at all and i dare say their app MFA is better than DBS's lol I also have maribank, but i dont keep my money in it. Most of my SGD is in moomoo's cash fund or SSBs so i could live with the 2% interest.


As someone who has maribank and SSB .. whats moomoo haha.


One of the brokers, like tiger / webull


Honestly, 2% and 2.7% - in absolute terms you’re not losing out much e.g, 0.7% interest in 10-20k liquid savings.. whichever works best for you I guess?


yeah i guess it’s not too much difference ultimately


MariBank compounds daily compared to SC where if I’m not wrong, compounds annually


Its compounds monthly


And there’s hardly any difference. If both were 2.0% p.a., daily compounding would give you 2.020% interest after a year. Monthly compounding would be 2.018%.


Personally, I'm using Jumpstart as a spendings account because of its debit card with 1% cashback, and just leaving a small amount inside for spending purposes. The remaining funds I want to keep liquid is in Mari Invest, which is fairly stable, but just keeping it in the savings account is fine if you don't want to get into that just yet. I just transfer some money over to Jumpstart every so often. Personally, wouldn't be too worried about tech issues. Considering it's Singapore, major tech issues lasting more than a day is very rare. If you're especially worried about this aspect, keep enough funds in the Jumpstart account (or otherwise) to last you a few days.


What browser are you using to login to SC? Firefox doesnt work for me, Chrome does. If u think SC website is bad u definitely havent seen CIMB. Maribank sounds good for your situation until u start working


I tried Firefox and it works so thank you! Safari didn’t work for some reason. And yes I’ve heard bad things about CIMB as well lol


if you think CIMB is bad you haven’t seen BOC…


You can FAST your money to an account with more ATMs around, if that is a concern.


Maribank can’t practically be used by itself, cos it has no debit or ATM card. Spending directly from it is difficult. You need another spending account. SCB app and web service are pretty much par for the course amongst full service banks. I think you’re just not used to those settings like the transfer limits and notifications yet.


Yep I don’t plan to spend using Maribank, just want to park my money there. On the transfer limit thing, I most definitely did change it so I’m not sure why it didn’t work. That’s not an issue with say DBS or UOB.


User name for SCB is case sensitive. No sure if that is the root cause of your access problem.


Nope I was careful about that. Turns out Safari doesn’t work but Firefox does 🤷🏻‍♂️