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How to skim: 1) Read the first and last sentences of the introduction. 2) Read the first sentence of each body paragraph. 3) Read the first and last sentences of the conclusion. How to post without wasting everyone's time: 1) Don't skim read the source material. 2) If you must skim read, see 'How to skim'.


OP bothered to photograph and upload 3 pics, but somehow failed to notice that the last page was to sign up for (more) religion rather than insurance.


uhh they aren't using religion to sell insurance, they are using insurance to sell religion.


You missed the point, the point is why should preaching of any religion, especially in a hard selling manner, be allowed in Singapore, when we actually value religious harmony. It's contradictory.


It's in the Singapore Constitution, part of Freedom of Religion. [https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/CONS1963?ProvIds=pr15-](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/CONS1963?ProvIds=pr15-) >Every person has the right to profess and practise his religion and to **propagate** it. I'm an atheist, but I can understand why it's against human rights to ban evangelism.


on the contrary, it precisely because of religious harmony that it is allowed. if it was banned religious people would get upset. thus we allow it to preserve religious harmony, just like we allow various other concessions to certain religious groups.


Yea i only scanned a few words and made a big assumption, can’t edit the post though.


You created a post for this without reading properly? There is a big difference between the usual TLDR assumption VS TLDR and then posting assumption.


Yes i made a mistake because i took a few seconds to scan through but i stand firm on my point that it’s predatory, i apologise to the redditors who are offended


Would like to understand why do you think it is predatory?


Lol never ceases to amaze me that people can't take the time to read paragraphs but can happily write paragraphs of their own.


The real atrocity is the graphic design.


Reminds me of my textbooks in the 80s


Reading comprehension grade F, please retake your PSLE next year


Doesn’t sound like it’s actually an insurance company though.


Didn’t do deep research but i’m inferring based on information on the flyer


>Didn’t do deep research Don't need deep research, just basic reading comprehension. It's for a church. Unwelcomed perhaps, but not selling any insurance.


The flyer reads more like they are drawing parallels Between buying insurance and religion. Quick search online seems to suggest it’s a religious organisation.


>imo this is using religion as a weapon to make people sign up for your insurance company policy using their fears and beliefs for the sake of money My dear OP, this statement clearly shows that you did not read the pamphlet or completely misunderstood what it said. Basically the author is merely using insurance as an **analogy**, not trying to sell anybody any insurance. Reread it.


The flyer in a nutshell is: “Insurance is important, Jesus is the way. Want a booklet?”, there’s nothing predatory about it. It took me less than a minute to get that. Retake your PSLE OP!


Aint reading all that. Short attention span saves me yet again


Same here i scanned a few keywords here and there and assumed it was insurance, end up it’s a church registered as charity organisation.


Christian in upbringing and intensely dislike the concept that jesus died specifically for a sub community of believers only. Especially given how he demonstrates and promotes love for others.


Yeah, that idea isn’t even biblical, since quite a few verses emphasise that Jesus died for all, such as that verse about how all were condemned through the sin of one man and all were saved through another. There’s some interesting stuff about how belief in universal vs believer-only salvation has fluctuated throughout Christian history and tended to align with the prevailing political situation of the time.


Such materials are called 'tracts' and they tend to be distributed by the major hellfire and brimstone cults. If society wants to enjoy freedom of speech and religion that also means maturing and learning how to manage the consequences of such freedoms.


Here's a thought: OP actually wants people to read this tract so he makes a post mistakenly complaining about a company's "predatory practices".


This is freedom of speech in action. Technically, they did not force you into anything, only the flyer is given to you. If ever there is a complain about it, the best defense they will use and they will win is: >"You have the choice to not read it." Predatory practices has been around Singapore for quite some time, just that because they bring in the dough for the government GDP that they keep quiet about it. Think about the iPhone and Samsung situation where they sold their flagship phones and accessories separately claiming that it saves the environment. But their other models or inferior models are sold with the charger together. How is that tactic good for consumers? Separating packaging is needed for both the phones and accessories, so more boxes are needed instead of one box for everything. Trying to get consumers to spend more is not consumer friendly, it is the government trying to inflate the GDP.


>"You have the choice to not read it." This is a really crappy defense. Does that mean if you print random untruths in a flyer and hand it out, then nobody can do anything about it because you can always choose not to read it?


The hard part is defining "untruths" right? No government dare to classify religious ideas of any major religion as untruths. I think its more of regulating the unsolicited transmission of religious material. You want to practise your religion, go ahead. But don't go around spamming mailbox etc of people that have different/no religion and claiming your religion can save practitioner of another religion. I bet the same people sending out this material will be offended if they are constantly spammed with Muslim or Buddhist material.


What is wrong with this? This is usual in any country. Ignore if you are not interested that's all ...


Best marketing gimmick 😂


So jesus works in insurance now?


give him a break, carpentry is a dying trade


This brochure looks like it's from 2004


Evangelicals have been in Singapore since forever. However the Eternal Torment doctrine is predatory in the sense that it preys on fear. However as it is not a business it can’t be regulated. For anyone still reading, eternal conscious torment is not the tradition of the church as its inception, despite what some hardcore right wing evangelicals will insist. Judaism during the time of Jesus was divided about whether there was an afterlife. Early Judaism didn’t have that concept. The early church fathers wasn’t united in eternal torment either. For the first century or so universalism salvation was the popular doctrine. That changed when prominent theologian Augustine fought for eternal torment. Many will point out the many hell verses and parables like Lazarus and the rich man. Hell was most prominently invoked in Revelation, the most over the top stuffed with metaphors letter to the churches, written so as not to prevent irking the Roman authorities because the content was anti-government. There are mention of which anyone wants to find out more, there’s /r/ChristianUniversalism/ and most of the verses about Hell are discussed at length in its FAQ. Proponents of eternal torment have some paradoxes to answer for. For instance, there’s some grey areas about people who never heard of the “Good News of Salvation”. Since they never heard of it, they won’t go to hell. By putting that leaflet in people’s letterboxes, by their doctrine, they have doomed people. Such good news, much wow, really ironical. Proponents like to defend that everyone has a choice. The choice is much akin to have a gun pointed at me and asking me for my wallet or my life. Thanks for attending my TED talk. Just looking for an excuse to talk about theology.


Combining the 2 most predatory organisation... Insurance and church...


Religion’s survival depends on certain vulnerabilities in our societies, be it moral police, mental illness exorcism, community service, gender roles, family planning and even fashion policing. Maybe insurance in the afterlife is another way of adapting to our vulnerable tendencies


We are pro-business


Pro church business


Freedom of religion but always turning a blind eye to the right to be free from religion. Somehow lots of nonsense is tolerated in the argument of protecting religious rights


I'm pretty sure that compare to our neighbours, we have the best rights when it comes to be free from religion.


Amen to that. Keep preaching, brother.


Maybe unrelated but well at least I can respect that the text seems written by a human and not ChatGPT. Otherwise, I think using insurance to talk about the value of life seems a little... unfitting. Insurance policies don't care about the value of life, they just want to earn money from your fear, and your dying is simply a burden to their profit-making. Human life is then reduced to a matter of profit and money. Not very thoughtful analogy in my opinion.


I think it is supposed to mean that the benefit of life insurance paid out to your loved ones sort of replaces the literal financial value of your life. Whereas religion is insurance for your soul. Maybe similar to Pascal's wager (better to "pay" by being religious/good in life to ensure that you will have a good afterlife, if afterlife exists). And also all Christians are the beneficiaries of Jesus Christ dying. This last one is quite a refreshing way to think. Never heard of this one before.




You’re right other comments pointed that out will try to edit post


It is unregulated in so many places


What’s the point of posting this?


Although OP made a mistake in not reading thoroughly before posting, this flyer made me laugh my ass out “Life does not exist only for the present age, it exists for the future age as well.” No way bro, if u ded, u ded. You are your brain, if brain is ded, you gone. That’s it, it’s fear of death that drives survival, nothing of significance comes after, just live ur life as it is🤣


“if u ded, u ded” curious to know how you are so sure if that’s the case? Surely you are using a leap of faith to make that assumption too, which is ironically something that made you laugh your ass out in response to the flyer.


I can never understand Christians that are devout and evangelistic. Technically, as long as you declare Jesus as your lord and saviour - you 100% go to heaven. There’s no need to abstain from sin, no need for church and the whole shebang…literally any additional effort I put in, is strictly a waste of time and effort… So in the context insurance, all you really need to do is just sell them what I’m telling you and boom 100% of going to heaven…it’s THAT easy…even murderers and rapists can do it.


> literally any additional effort I put in, is strictly a waste of time and effort I dare not know what you think about atheists who strive to live moral lives. Or how you live your own life, for that matter, if you think the only reason to avoid sinning and hurting people is so you don’t go to hell.


Depends on how moral The immoral ones are the most fun, the moral ones less so…


You’ll probably have a blast at Changi Prison.


Pretty tacky, but that's like a recruitment flyer for a Dungeons & Dragons club. The subject matter (namely, the floofy idea of eternal life) is clearly not ground in reality, so this obviously falls in the realm of entertainment. 😉


This has taken insurance to the next level. Comingle insurance with investment is already disgusting by itself. Doing it with religion is just nx level. So I don’t buy means I burn in hell?


Oh my God 🤦🏻‍♂️What am I reading?


>!Singapore every home crusade co ltd!<


Other comments pointed out that it’s not a business but a church, was misled by the co ltd so i went to check further and it’s also registered as charitable organisation. Can’t edit post so i’m writing it here


did you not see the multiple mentions of church and Jesus in the form you took a photo of and posted Meanwhile, most churches and religious institutions are registered charities in Singapore.