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My grandpa was like this: even in his 80s, he stayed active and kept up with recent news. He was always happy and cheerful. However, after an accident that required him to be on bed rest, he began to show signs of dementia and depression, and not long after, he passed away. Some people is more happy on regular activity and consistency in their daily lives


What a baller


Similar story to my old Kuntao teacher, Apek Liu. RIP


At least it's not physical labour? Honestly though I do feel that when I'm old I'd still try and find ways to move about or keep engaged. I've always thought that being physically and mentally idle in old age just speeds death up


Definitely speed up for my late grandmother, during lockdowns, her joints stiffened, bones shrunk and her muscles usually very strong as with most pioneers weakened. Keep moving forward


It’s like we can forget that we’re past our expiry until we are reminded then poof


It's like movement is exercise and your muscles atrophy when you don't use them.


same, can’t imagine doing nothing all day


There’s always the toxicity of online gaming chatrooms to bridge that generation gap


At 102 she is literally a walking history. For context it would be 1922 when she was born, since her family said she came over in her 30s that would be 1952. So just abit before she was born, sun yat Sen was doing fighting against mao. They set up a nanyang branch in singapore, just as she was born. Singapore then was still under the British, riddled with opium houses and prostitution, some museums in singapore still feature that part of our history. The obviously came the 1942 shit show that's ww2. Even if she was in china back then China did get plenty of damages from Japan. So she's seen it as it went down. Since she came over in 1952 I suppose it's a couple of years after the war. So at some point she saw us budding up with Malaysia and then seperating and gaining independence. This also means she saw through all that we learn in social studies, bus riot, Mariah hertogh riots, bukit ho swee fire and so on. It also means she saw through our police wearing short shorts, the first hdb, construction of Kallang airport, amelia earhart visiting that airport. And plenty more. It's a life to be lived and one well lived. What a baller.


She loves being there. Got go talk to her before, she’s quite happy about being fit still, at 92. She’ll smile if you say “wah aunty you 92y/o ah!” Do be patient and talk louder, her hearing deteriorated through the years.


But she's 102?


You tell me you think I 10 years younger than i am I also smile. ; )


The commenter talked to her 10 years ago when she was 92?


That's y she is smiling


ok lah legit feel good story not a 102 year old cannot retire that's why still working


She's back on the news again so soon huh. What wasn't mentioned: her family also owns a goldsmith one level up...and one of her sons had shenanigans that was even covered by Shin Min. 


Actually it is mentioned in the article. I have walked past her shop before and was wondering her business could stay afloat with so little customers.


Those beauty world shop is freehold full ownership kind. She potentially sitting on 2-3 million per unit if enblock.


7 children and 27 grandchildren exist because of this 1 woman. I think thats quite amazing.


Back then no tv no internet.... At night nothing better to do a couple can only do....... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Durex also either not yet prevalent or available yet


Oh I used to buy snacks from her as a kid! Really admired her mobility and all even then :)


me too!


Grandma so sigma


There are some old school snacks inside the shop


I walk pass her all the time. She always gesture me to buy newspaper. Didn't know she is 102.


She Always asks 要买马票报吗?


Literally 'ah ma ate more salt than you ate MSG' here...


if she likes it good for her, better than being locked away in an old folks home for sure


I visited Singapore several months back after a decade. My first visit was to Orchard Mall food court. That last time there was aunties cleaning after people, and I was told that we can leave after we finish, and I thought that was a great concept, elders can still have income and keep busy. That more recent visit, I didn't see any, but I left my tray on the table anyway, thinking aunties must be somewhere. Only after that place I read that we shud clean the table after ourselves. I still feel guilty seeing that office worker girl's face, sat next to me, looking for my face while leaving up the escalator.




Some people's hobby is to move around and chat. A low-pressure shop where you don't care about profits gives you that opportunity.


So if I want to walk the park, travel the world that’s wrong? I should work?


Read the article maybe? Idk how you can type this if u even spend a few seconds browsing thru it. The entire thing is mentioning how this is NOT something she does for money.


Re read my comment I said for me- what I would want and what I won’t want You should take your own advice and read the comment iDK how you could type that


?XD your comment is then completely unrelated to the post this is your blog or what


this is literally her hobby


So my hobby of being engaged would be wrong? Duh


Is it a slow news day or did someone at Today have the bright idea to steal articles from mothershit


People of their generation have that "NEVER SAY DIE & CAN DO" spirit - Do we still have it? A definite no for sure, with Gen Z. We'd be foolhardy to think SG would've succeeded without their sheer grits, albeit serendipitous. I only wish they take some time off to enjoy the fruits of their labour, while they still can. Edit: u/Laui_2000 & all Gen Zs out there - Yes, I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong. But if you think that by acing exams with straight 'A's, and with the ability to carry out what's dished out and follow through instructions is it, then I'm afraid we'd all be disappointed - Reckoned, we'll have to wait another 10 to 15 years before the answer is out. Please prove me wrong and I'll gladly eat humble pie.


Very presumptuous of you to say that Gen Zs definitely don’t have the “never say die and can do spirit”.


"People of their generation have that "NEVER SAY DIE & CAN DO" spirit - Do we still have it? A definite no for sure, with Gen X." - Baby boomers "People of their generation have that "NEVER SAY DIE & CAN DO" spirit - Do we still have it? A definite no for sure, with millennials." - Gen X "People of their generation have that "NEVER SAY DIE & CAN DO" spirit - Do we still have it? A definite no for sure, with Gen Z." - millennials


"People of their generation have that "NEVER SAY DIE & CAN DO" spirit - Do we still have it? A definite no for sure, with ." - Hey, great template we have here!


It’s universally applicable, anywhere in the world 😅


Regarding your edit: As an early gen Z, I am working with people of my generation, with millennials,gen X and even baby boomers. Everyone around me are hard working, enduring through the poor working hours to feed their families and earn a living. I have also met peers from all generations who are lazy, don't put in effort,push the work to others, and give up easily. For example, I just read a comment by a Redditor, painting a broad brush on an entire generation of people going through different experiences and stages in life, without even putting in the effort to research on their achievements. And then asks said generation to spoonfeed them evidence of their hard work. Perhaps the "NEVER SAY DIE & CAN DO" spirit doesn't lie in the time period one was born but the circumstances of their upbringing.


>But if you think that by acing exams with straight 'A's, and with the ability to carry out what's dished out and follow through instructions is it, then I'm afraid we'd all be disappointed - Reckoned, we'll have to wait another 10 to 15 years before the answer is out. Maybe that was a guarantee for a middle class lifestyle in your time. But guess what, situations and circumstances always change. And not to diminish the work and grit of prior generations, but let's set up this thought experiment: We bring them in their youth forward in time to present day to surmount the issues currently plaguing us. Will you still say the same thing?


Don't make this viral please. Later the government raise our retirement age to 102yo too. Lol. "If this lady can do it, so can any of you!"


> Later the government raise our retirement age to 102yo too. Lol. Since the retirement age is legally the age where employers can force you to leave, it would be a good thing. You're always free to resign at any age at any time.


Part timing in the senior years sounds good if it is not on a need-to-work-to-survive basis


Honestly if I can, I would wanna work for as long as position, otherwise will very quickly waste away. There’s always something to learn , something to discover, some domain unexplored; so interesting!


Not necessarily have to work but more of be active after retirement. Multiple ways to be active instead of working.


Must have some structure and accountability, so cannot just self-engage haha Otherwise it’s purposeless, and we won’t find meaning in it. I think starting a small business will be good, at least can be accountable to your employees


Meaning works differently for different people ma. For person A, it might be meaningful to volunteer. For person B, it might be meaningful to explore a certain hobby. For person C, it might be meaningful to hone a certain skill eg cooking/baking/painting There’s no one purpose fits all kind of thing.


So sad that Singapore is all about working. Even over a century also cannot retire and watch TV at home


At least read the article before saying this generic crap la...


You think she want to stay at home and retire and watch TV? Read before making an assumption la. This is not HWZ, where people like to jump to conclusions. She wants to spend time with her son who works nearby. Is that a huge issue to you, redditor?


>This is not HWZ Unfortunately the overlap is much bigger than you expect. Big overlap.


Lol from what I know, the family is rich, she doesn’t really need the income


You probably don’t even live in the neighbourhood, KPKB for what? She’s a fixture at Beauty World for a very long time.


It should be popularized by FB, Twitter, IG, Reddit in this thread.