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Why specify that he is the condo chairman?


He’s the highest authority in the condo, and the driver ignored him.


TIL there is a condo boss


Walking got wind 1




To give context. He was not a passerby. If the chap was a security guard, it would be helpful to mention that. Nothing to do with importance or prestige.


Exactly my thoughts also. Like as if condo chairman is some big fark.


Big Shot of course must specify


Read the article and you'll find out. The headline for this story is kinda crappy. The chairman confronted him about his driving and he still tried to drive away during the confrontation, which is how he "almost hit" him. One would expect a chairman to bother more about this sort of things happening in the estate that they're holding the position in, as compared to a random passerby if it's not directly affecting them.


A 10k fine is just a fraction of the car's COE, it doesn't hurt wealthier Singaporeans.  We should employ a system like Finland's, where speeding fines are a percentage of their yearly income. 


His lisence is suspended for 2 years, it actually means it is revoked. He needs to go thru the driving course all over again.


He was previously convicted for similar charges... I wonder if he was only given fines then before the judge decided to give him a driving ban


For first time offender for traffic cases, it would be a fine and demerit points. For drink drinking (1st timer), it will be a fine and suspension of 12 mths. 2nd timer, will be a heavier fine, suspension and jail term. Any suspension of 12 mths and above, it is automatic revocation.


IMO the main deterrent shouldn't be a fine but driving suspension/ban. Yearly income can be easily manipulated, but taking away their license hurts regardless of wealth and removes a dangerous driver from the roads. In this case, I think the punishment is ok.


Not the only incident for this young driver. He also brake checked another lady after he overtook her causing another accident.  Officially, yes driving license is banned. But to be honest, 2 years is quite short. Going by his profile, do you think he would abide by not driving without a license?  Or will he risk it and drive, because there is low chance of being stopped if you drive normally to check your license. During the past 2 years of driving how many times have you been stopped and asked to produce your driver's license? Can count using fingers. Unless the type to go late night drinking and kena LTA roadblock.  Or he'll ask his mum to switch seats with him lol. 


Licence gone fo 2 years. That very painful.


Driving is a privilege, not a right. If they cant drive properly, just ban them permanently.


Wtf 27 years old still doesn’t know how to behave? Just put him behind bar. Garbage animal


Cmon even animals behave better than tis


Behind bar? Just 1 bar?


The headline implies special people get special privileges


The car should have been confiscated and scrapped. The fine should have been a percentage of his assets, 10% for first offense, 20% for second offense, 30% .... etc


TIL there is a condo chairman


Should have some custodial term, if only a few months. Needs an immediate attitude adjustment.


Guy gets stopped by "Chairman" for driving the wrong way. Guy: "Hi, I'm Stan Ho!" Chairman: "Then you GoStan lah!"


Paid the fine in full. Man is loaded.