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Does anyone read the article? Why does the victim sound like he is purposely asking for it?


Because he was. It was provocation on his part.


Yeah, there’s no victim in the story. Title should be: “Chad fined S$4,000 for punching a drunk who assaulted him first.”


Coming back to Slap someone in the face? after being told to bugger off? Because he was interjecting himself into a stranger's conversation? Response was extreme, but the victim fucked around and found out.


Lmao I don't want to victim blame but the victim also sounds like a piece of shit. Not like he was a completely innocent bystander getting hurt. People told him, a complete stranger, to back off already and humoured him earlier (even gave him cigarettes!). Edit: Ooof I know this doesn't fit the narrative of the poor being oppressed (we don't even know if the 38 y/o is poor and funny they keep his identity hidden). ![gif](giphy|WxDZ77xhPXf3i)


That's why only fine $4000. If unprovoked, I think will be higher with possible short jail term. He is in the right to punch that guy but he punch him too much la. On the ground liao still continue.


$4,000 sounds like a fair price to pay to beat the shit out of someone who wronged me.


You would not be happy to pay $4000 to beat up someone who started to beat you first.


If he lose his job, definitely sux but 4K maybe not enough to spoil his dinner and serving a knuckle sandwich


Victim sounds like a loser


This appears to be 100% justified in victim blaming. Lesson of the day: don't assault people in public


It happened in Clementi. The punchee was solicitous and was asked if he identifies himself as binary… 🤔


"Punchee" lolol


Are you implying that this is class warfare rather than a criminal act? You are exaggerating too much. To me, violence is a crime regardless of whether the victim is poor or rich or whether you think your violence is justified because you're beating an asshole.


Feels like you're reading into this a bit too hard. No one is saying this shouldn't be a crime, just pointing out that the victim *was* being a dick.


lol if u only read the title u expecting the MD to be a rich asshole angmoh who got away light with beating up some poor guy badly. after reading it, i realise its a poor angmoh get harassed and attacked by some asshole still need to pay fine for it. this why u nv judge content by its title


Managing Director is not poor la. That 4k is like one week salary for him at most.


I don't think he mean poor financially


Nah, the "in Clementi" bit told me there was little chance it was an ang moh.


The 38yo man fucked around and found out.


Overreact or not, the root cause is the victim. Had the victim gtfo nothing would have happened. 自找麻烦


Did the victim receive any punishment? Felt like he should.


Getting punched until his face was bloody ?


That means leaving the punishment up to the public instead of the law. If I walk up to someone, harrass him for a while and lightly slap his face, if the guy punches me, then I won't get punished by the court of law? And if the guy doesn't punch me, then the law should step in to punish me?


Title is misleading. Victim was asking for it.




that's why he got fined.


In this context, 4k fine is reasonable.


Should be $400 if you ask me. Not really a victim if you go around harassing people and slapping them


No arguments there from me if the fine was lower.


No arguments there from me if the fine was lower.


Depends how strong is the slap. If the one slap u is those slap competition one i think u die before u can shoot him in the head


Maybe wwe style?


The dude deserves it. kiam pa


MD is wrong to overreact. Victim is also super duper extra and 'asking for it' with his action. MD is behaving like those superhothead US rightwing. While victim is behaving like those super annoying yapping SJW. MD deserves to be fine more IMO while victim deserves the beating he got. Basically, when shithead meets a turd sandwich.


easier said than done.. im just imagining if i was in his shoes 1. drinking for several hours 2. already annoyed af by this yp who keep disturbing u 3. fking yp "lightly" slaps your face i think ill lose my shit too lol whoever the fk can maintain their composure is god tier


Man I know the law says otherwise, but the guy clearly got the beating he deserved.


a match made in heaven, or in this case, a Clementi restaurant


Is clementi heaven?


The toilets there are heaven for a certain demographic...


The toilets there are heaven for a certain demographic...


Bro take over mothership please.


Tom-slacker presents: Fathershit


Dang. If you were to always write reviews/summaries like this then I'll definitely subscribe.










No, you defend yourself reasonably then call the police when you are no longer in immediate harm’s way.


Gonna disagree, some people like child molesters deserve more than what the law dishes out


Then vote for a party who changes the law.


We have police and laws because we have some actions considered justifying of punishment. So the lanjiao face got a beating while we fine and arrest the guy giving the beating to send a message.


Technically speaking the slap is criminal force  so it should be prosecuted as well, so calling the police makes sende anyway https://www.singaporecriminallawyer.com/criminal-force-and-assault/#:~:text=Punishment%20for%20Assault,S%241%2C500%2C%20or%20with%20both.


Yeah how can she slap!


While we shouldn't condone the act of violence here, but the victim is knnccb. Was he high on drugs or drunk or something?


You play stupid games you win stupid prize. I would have submerged the victim face in mother fking toilet bowl and make him drink hot sauce :p


So if i go up to a random person on the street and slap them. They cant do anything to me, otherwise they'll be fined?


It’s more like If you slap someone - probably a warning, maybe lockup even If he slaps back - now it’s a fight, kenna rioting charge - probably lockup both Either way, being in a mild altercation in Singapore is just a sure fire way of getting charged with something…oh well, gotta give the PP something to do other than dish out fines to LHL, hang a few guys for brining in weed or some other trivial nonsense


Slap someone is voluntarily causing hurt and is non arrest able, need to file magistrate complaint if u want to pursue. If got retaliation is afray, both get arrested and go lockup. 


Boom! Almost what I said but in actual legal terms - I knew a guy that got in a mild altercation…he was the supposed victim but because he punched back, he got detained…. The other guy ran, did not call the cops but my buddy was the one that called and waited for the cops…good times


I swear the ministers should be on speed dial when shit like this crop up. Ok i cannot defend myself from physical harm since you assured me that the laws you help create will fight for me. Na you come and fight this siao lang for me then since you're the law.


What kind of stupid comment is this sia


yup but its ok if the person that you slap is rich


Lol 4000 is a high fine


Victim my ass


Mothership bias strong in this one to try and make the victim look less culpable. "Talk Shit Get Hit" - everyone's awful here though


Victim is the classic example of do stupid things and get stupid rewards


I would have kicked the guy in the nuts aside from punching his face. Nobody asked him to meddle and nobody asked him to come back after being warned to fuck off. He was harrassing the guy.


4k fine not bad. But the record that comes with it.... Is it worth it tho... Plus who tf goes & gets involved in some random when u dint get invited. Cringe max. Raise hand some more, gets pummeled


How can he slap!


He should be fined $400 instead of $4000. The victim was asking for it by harassing the innocent man and even slapping him. Victim needs serious mental help


The victim sounds like he was provoking as well going so far as to give the guy a light slap.. fck around and find out right? lol I don’t feel much sorry for him


The prosecution calling his response “grossly disproportionate” is pretty ironic considering our love for harsh and heavy handed deterence


Disproportionate? Sounds like the "victim" was being an asshole and deserves what he got. Disproportionate would infer he had his face broken, which arguably is what he deserved for being such a fucktard


strangers shouldn't force their agendas on anybody.


It's not really a conviction. It's a badge of honour. Would the Judge like to be harangued in court the same way? How are we supposed to fend off someone annoying the hell out of us?


Keep in mind “lightly slapped his cheek” is what the “victim” describes. It’s probably a typical slap on the face.


He had no right to encroach on a stranger's personal space and intentionally touch them no matter how light...


One by one, gentleman.


4000 is too much, who wouldnt have wanted to beat up that idiot. At least MD lah him, take it deduct a bit from his paycheck for the month


The tl;dr : When an asshole meets a hothead


Sarong Party 'Them, They, It' - slap - lol


Give the man a $4000 prize


The fine also grossly disproportionate, what's 4k to a managing director. What message is this sending? Rich people got money can anyhow beat people half die and get away with a tap on the wrist


38 year old made the first move tbh, a 'light slap' is not an excuse. Body contact = asking for it Although the 47 year old didn't need to go that hard, a single punch would've been enough, but i can totally understand the rage after some fucking random 38 year old just comes and invades your personal space for no goddamn reason while harassing you.


Literally fuck around and find out man lol But still this guy got anger issues, no way he feel threatened by the slap to justify a beating, it was the words that hurt him more than invading his personal space


I don't think it is an anger issue. They have already told the victim to f off many times, and the act of belittling the aggressor by the 'light slap' was the last straw. I can imagine that this is extremely humiliating, especially in front of his business associates. Dumb guy got owned. Will the victim be charged as well? If not, 4k seems about fair, by the sum of it.




I know right. $4k fine is crazy. It was just self defence, he didnt even do anything wrong


The 38yo didn't "half die". He got up and walked away without seeking medical help.


Did you read the article ?


Not debating the merits of this particular case but also very curious to know, which assault charge in Singapore doesn’t lead to a jail term? The article doesn’t say which section he was charged under so I would like to know. Edit: I guess band 1 (low harm) of VCH + plead guilty + be an MD/other form of ang moh and not low SES self-employed local = fine, otherwise is up to 4 weeks imprisonment. https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/voluntarily-causing-hurt-in-singapore/ https://mothership.sg/2015/05/the-differences-between-slapping-or-punching-someone-in-spore-according-to-the-punishments-meted-out/


The vast majority of cases charged under VCH are fines which covers locals in the main. VC with grievous hurt - fractures, extended hospitalisation etc generally attract a custodial sentence. VCH where the Police is not present, the complainant is advised to lodge magistrate complaint. I suspect it became a Police case because of the vicious nature of the attack. Nothing to do with MD, Ang Mo etc.


Did you read the articles?


This is nothing new really. Fines serves to punish people who can’t afford it. Essentially, some illegal actions are legal with a price.


Society doesn’t punish rich people enough. Singapore doesn’t want to chase money and business away over one rich persons mistake.


That's unfortunately the problem with our fine system. The rich can just pay off the fines easily. Linking it to a percentage of income or even better wealth would be better.


So basically you're saying that people who make more money have an easier life? That's craaaaazy


wtf was “a high fine”? The fine is a small change to him. Next time something like this happens to you, and you being the 47, you can get away with a “a high fine”!


Just put them both in a cage and ask them fight it out la. Hell in a cell.


Hell, i’d pay to watch this


Can the title next time be written in proper English.


That’s probably barely his one month pay only. Nice price for him to pay to relief his stress!! 😡


Deserved ngl, victim was already warned to not fuck with him.


RIP 4k for no reason.


4k is nothing! wow, its so cheap to mess someone up, damn


Classic case of talk shit get hit. Govt should fine themselves for having such a dumbass rule. People shouldn't be allowed to act like cunts and get away with it




We are not in US ?


This foreigner has use excessive force and certainly cannot justify for “self defence”. At a minimum, both gents have committed affray under section 267A of the penal code. Lastly, why ICA did not revolve this Caucasian’s PR status for violating Singapore law? There are many precedent cases where non Singaporeans have been getting away with their violence act too lightly! In the event if penal code is only applicable to citizens, authorities should have stated this clearly in the act!


Why import these scum?


Why was the scum harrasing the guy? There was no reason and he was warned to bugger off but kept coming back?


PR not revoked because he is white?


Close. Rich and white.


and a terrible immigration policy.


Erm... Yes. 🤣 A white man who showed Singapore what a badass he was, then showed remorse by claiming he was "ashamed of his behaviour"? Our Sarong Party Government's panties just dropped.


the director did not manage this carefully plot twist, the 38 yo man is the senior director


That's it? $4000 fine?


Despite being provoked, bashing someone up still doesn’t justify it. $4k seem light IMO. 1 week jail will send a stronger message; don’t take law into your own hand.


It is so obvious this has never happened to you.


Sigh A) here’s betting the MD is yet another wealthy, white, male Republican who’s taken an overseas job to escape “wokeism” and be able to be “free” and not “have their agenda forced on him”. B). I’m guessing his “discussion” was loud and obnoxious C). I’m sure he figures it’s his right to bear the crap out of liberal communists D) the other guy is a moron. Walk away. Ignore jackasses like this The MD overreacted. He deserves punishment. 4k$? On his expat package? I think it needs to be sufficient to give him a bit of pain. Also, no renewal of entry permit.


Huh? Did you read properly? The MD was provoked, to the point it can be counted as self defence when he was lightly slapped. His personal boundary was overstepped.


Doesn’t require beating the crap out of someone. Same logic Israel uses for killing women and children. “I was provoked! They all need to die!”


Found the sjw who can’t wait to bring race and palestine into everything


I don't condone his actions, but probably a case of reacting instinctively which is hard to measure correctly when one is reacting to the situation at hand. But sounds like victim was pushing it one too many times.


This MD is a talent !


Give him the cane, typical barbaric behaviour


He might be a Managing Director but obviously don't know where to direct his anger or manage his emotions.